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His Magick Touch

Page 1

by Samantha Gentry

  Table of Contents

  His Magick Touch



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  About the Author

  Also Available

  Chapter One

  Thank You

  His Magick Touch


  Samantha Gentry

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  His Magick Touch

  COPYRIGHT © 2013 by Samantha Gentry

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Diana Carlile

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, July 2013

  Digital ISBN 978-1-61217-969-8

  Published in the United States of America


  Samantha Gentry



  “If you want a sexy read for a cool summer night, then I’d suggest Forbidden Island. I give this steamy short story 4.5 Cherries.”

  ~Whipped Cream Reviews


  “Samantha Gentry is an awesome writer who spins a tale of so much interest you have to fall in love with the characters and the book itself! Trust me on this! You will enjoy Ms. Gentry’s style. I guarantee it…read this book!”

  ~5 Hearts-Brenda Tally, The Romance Studio


  “I found Masked Encounter a lovely and steamy way to spend a couple of hours. This is another story that will be placed prominently in my short story library.”

  ~Joyfully Reviewed


  “Ms. Gentry has believable characters that are well written. She tells a visual tale with words.”

  ~5 Angels-Dawnie, Fallen Angel Reviews

  Chapter One

  Devon sat at one of the dozen tables on the terrace of the country club, sipping champagne and watching the party guests. The full moon shone in the black sky of the unseasonably warm night, blanketing the terrace and gardens in a silvery glow. Voices and laughter drifted out through the opened French doors, blending with the background sounds of music. Halloween decorations adorned the ballroom and terrace making the reason for the party obvious.

  A ripple of revulsion assaulted his senses. Halloween…indeed! The depiction of witches as ugly creatures with warts, hooked noses, and a cackle that passes for a laugh…totally ignoring the reality that witches come in all shapes and sizes and facial features just like everyone else. Pumpkins carved into supposedly scary images. Spooky tales of evil and the supernatural told as a source of amusement by people who neither understand nor believe the magick.

  Devon couldn’t stop his quick snort of disgust. One man had even made a point of informing anyone within hearing range, in a very authoritative voice, that male witches preferred to be called warlocks. An astounding bit of ignorance. Warlock was a term from Scottish and Old English that meant traitor or oath-breaker, a term used during the burning times of persecution at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition but certainly not by most witches in modern times. He slowly shook his head. Fucking asshole doesn’t have a clue! Neither did those involved in the persecution. No true witch of the bloodline was tortured or murdered. Those empowered with magick needed only a wave of the hand to teleport elsewhere. Only innocent mortals suffered.

  While the mortals celebrated their Halloween with ghosts, carved pumpkins, and skeletons, the covens paid homage to Samhain with traditional celebrations of nature. And this year a large gathering of witches, covens of various sizes from many states, had assembled for a special Samhain celebration. One where he had been selected as a major participant in the ceremony.

  His gaze again traveled from one silly decoration to another. As ludicrous as he found the concept of the mortal’s Halloween party, as soon as his sources confirmed she would be attending, he had made arrangements to be there. He needed to manipulate the situation so their meeting would appear coincidental. He had to make an innocent connection with Raina prior to the Samhain gathering.

  He sensed her arrival before she physically entered the ballroom. Her aura preceded her and announced her presence, a spectrum of brilliant color indicating a multi-faceted woman. It was all there with particular emphasis on pale yellow showing a renewed sense of excitement and hope for the future as well as brilliant red revealing her passion.

  Even though he had never met her, he recognized Raina the moment she had arrived. He knew why he was at the party but still wasn’t sure about Raina’s reasons for attending…a witch at a Halloween party, a gathering that denigrated and ridiculed their very existence. Belittled the essence of what he and Raina represented, believed, and lived.

  The entire room had taken on a special vibration the moment she walked through the door—the exotic good looks, incredible body, mesmerizing emerald green eyes, and long raven tresses hanging halfway down her back. Her outward appearance was that of a mortal in her early thirties. The striking resemblance to her sister eliminated any confusion about her identity. And it was really her sister, Miranda, he wanted to find—her sister who had wronged his family and grossly misused her powers.

  Her sister against whom he wanted his revenge.

  But finding the elusive Miranda had proven far more difficult than he had assumed when he began his quest in earnest twenty years ago. Even though her powers were not at the same level as his, she had used hers with an incredible amount of expertise to remain out of his reach. He had chosen to keep his search a secret, even among the members of his own coven and his closest associates. It was personal…very personal. And went against everything he stood for.

  So…he would use Raina to track the elusive Miranda’s whereabouts by whatever means necessary even if it meant suffering in silence the insults and ignorance of the mortals with their foolish Halloween party.

  He visually traced Raina’s curves, allowing his gaze to caress her ass and fondle her boobs. Her walk seemed more like a glide as she moved across the floor. Her slinky gown, low cut in front, plunged to her waist in the back. It had a slit that went up her leg halfway between her hip and knee. His cock responded to the visual stimulation of Raina with much more urgency than the sexy Miranda had ever been able to elicit from him no matter how much effort she put into her attempted seduction…her failed attempt at seducing him. Could her subsequent actions have been in retaliation for his rejection of her efforts? The question had crossed his mind many times over the last one hundred years.

  For Devon, sex was a natural part of life every bit as fundamental as breathing, eating, and sleeping. For Miranda, it was a tool used to control rather than part of any sacred rituals or the embodiment of sex as part of nature’s commitment to life. Her use of sex as a device for manipulative power defied the witch’s credo. She was a witch of the bloodline, same as he was, rather than a practitioner of Wicca by choice.

  Miranda was undeniably beautiful and visually desirable, but with a heart and soul colder than an arctic winter. A little chuckle escaped h
is lips…half amusement and half sarcasm…as he recalled the derogatory saying used by mortals—colder than a witch’s tits in a brass bra. Her passion was power, with sex only one of her tools. But for someone who thrived on power, she had consistently avoided any and all attempts to be elevated to High Priestess. That position would require high visibility, something definitely not to her benefit or part of her agenda.

  Miranda knew she had crossed the line with her transgression against his brother, which became a transgression against the whole of the witch community. She had been doing her best to remain out of Devon’s reach and off his radar. But she could not keep it up indefinitely. He would find her.

  Devon had been a High Priest for a little over one hundred years, having risen to that level shortly after Miranda emotionally destroyed his younger brother, Dylan. But even that exalted position had not aided him in his twenty-year search for her, a search he had to keep secret, which precluded enlisting anyone else’s help.

  Harm to None. He embraced the credo. It represented who he was—with the single exception of Miranda. He had two families, his coven family and his blood family, and both adhered to the credo. Because of that, he had never shared knowledge of his personal quest with anyone. The resulting inner conflict produced many internal battles culminating in a decision that had not come easily.

  Even though it had taken him eighty years to reconcile his beliefs with his goal, it had not dissuaded him from his ultimate decision. He had patiently waited eight decades for Miranda to come forth and admit what she had done. And for all those years, the unspoken desire for revenge grew inside him until he could no longer ignore it, deny it, or contain it. Wicca beliefs said a person’s actions would come back three times over. Just as he had never forgiven Miranda, he would not be forgiven by others if he went through with his plan for revenge…if anyone else found out about it. After eighty years of consideration, it was a risk he was willing to take.

  He rose from his chair and took his empty glass inside for a refill. He headed toward the bar where Raina had paused, his intention to engage her in seemingly casual and innocent conversation. He set the empty champagne glass on the bar and ordered another. He nodded toward her and flashed his sexiest smile. “May I offer you a glass of champagne?”

  Raina returned his smile. “Thank you.” She knew exactly who he was the moment she laid eyes on him, without being introduced. She had heard many conflicting stories about Devon and had long been fascinated by him. Her older sister, Miranda, painted him in an unfavorable light, but everything else she heard praised him and lauded his capabilities and leadership. He could not have become a High Priest if even half the things Miranda said were true. For reasons Miranda had never confessed, she seemed genuinely afraid of Devon, something that was obvious whenever anyone mentioned his name around her.

  Raina had spotted Devon on the terrace as soon as she arrived at the party and she really liked what she saw. And now that she stood next to him, she realized just how powerful he was, both physically and spiritually. His commanding presence said he had control of everything that surrounded him. He stood probably six-foot-one, imposing in physique. Very handsome features, dark hair, and brilliant turquoise blue eyes that seemed to bore into the depths of her very soul. He appeared to be in his late thirties in mortal years.

  Their covens were in different states and seldom had reason for interaction. The upcoming special Samhain gathering presented a perfect backdrop for them to get acquainted. She had to admit her surprise at seeing him in attendance at a Halloween party for mortals, but it was not the type of place she would normally be, either. She had reluctantly accepted the party invitation from one of her clients, intending only to put in an appearance to satisfy the business obligation, then leave. Being a witch didn’t preclude her need to earn a living and maintain a good relationship with her clients.

  She needed to take full advantage of this unexpected meeting with Devon. She wanted to intimately know him, to experience everything about him. And his many accomplishments included a mastery of sex magick. As a High Priest, his position dictated an expertise in many areas and disciplines. She certainly enjoyed sex and had achieved orgasm on many occasions, but not as often or as easily as she wanted. Not the heart-pounding rhapsody she longed for.

  It seemed sometimes easier with her vibrator than with the different partners she had over the years. Had she not found the right partner or was the fault her own? Her goal was to put herself in the hands of a master teacher, to learn how to let go of her own long held inhibitions and fears, to master the sensual nuances leading to the ultimate pleasure.

  She improvised a more intimate interaction with Devon by accidently bumping his arm and feigning a startled gasp as half a glass of cold champagne splashed across her chest and down her cleavage. She grabbed a napkin from the bar and dabbed at her neck and upper chest, leaving most of the champagne to trickle between her breasts.

  He set the half-empty glass on the bar, surprise covering his features. “I’m so sorry.” A sincere concern surrounded his words. “Are you okay?”

  Just the sound of his smooth masculine voice sent a ripple of desire coursing through her body, headed directly for her pussy. She gave him her most seductive smile as she continued to dab the champagne from her skin. “I’m fine, no problem.”

  He ran his fingertip along the edge of her plunging neckline. “Can I be of assistance?” A quick glance down the front of her dress noticeably quickened his breathing. “I can lick up the excess champagne…if it will help.” His voice and words teased and a sexy grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, but the glow in the depth of his eyes radiated pure passion and sexual magnetism. The kind that could melt the most determined woman’s defenses.

  Her nipples puckered, partly from the cold champagne and partly from his obvious perusal of her body combined with the sexual energy that practically sparked from him. Her heartbeat increased. Being this close to him had her juices flowing and her desires running at full speed. She definitely wanted to experience Devon’s sexual prowess and learn the techniques of sex magick from a master, to discover and embrace the untapped potential of her sexuality.

  She smiled seductively. “That’s a very gracious offer. Perhaps we could discuss it over a fresh glass of champagne?”

  “We certainly could…how about in my hotel suite?”

  She raised a questioning eyebrow. “Don’t you think we should at least introduce ourselves first?”

  “You’re absolutely right. Please excuse my lack of manners.” He stuck out his hand in an offered handshake. “My name is Devon Bainbridge.”

  She accepted his handshake. “I’m Raina St. Clair.”

  He continued to hold her hand, drawing it close to his chest. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Raina. Now that the formalities are out of the way, shall we go?”

  “I should pay my respects to our host for the evening. He’s a business associate of mine and the reason I’m here.” She shot him a knowing look. “But I can’t imagine why a High Priest would attend a Halloween party for mortals.” Her words were intended to catch him off guard, show him how perceptive she was…to see how quickly he handled unexpected situations.

  He kissed her wrist and palm. “I’m here because of a heated desire to meet you before the Samhain gathering.”

  He hadn’t batted an eyelash, blinked, hesitated, or even swallowed. It was as if he had anticipated her comment and readied his response. Very smooth…very confident. And very sexy. Raina spoke briefly to the party host, then she left with Devon.

  Once outside, he stepped away from the light and pulled her into his arms. “I assume you teleported here. We’ll teleport together—”

  “No…I drove my car.” She noted his quick flash of surprise, followed by a questioning look. “I never learned…” She felt foolish saying it, but no one had ever taught her. There were so many things she should know, things she believed Miranda would teach her. But her sister had not acted as her ment

  “With your permission, I’ll send your car to your home, then we’ll teleport to my hotel suite.” After she identified her car for him, he closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, and made a gesture with his hand.

  Devon pulled her into his arms again. A quick moment of eye contact, then his lips were on hers. The very air surrounding them sizzled with his power. The violet hued aura signifying universal flow enveloped them, then a flash and they were instantly teleported to his hotel suite.

  With the exception of Devon’s hidden agenda concerning Miranda, they each knew exactly why they were there. The sexual energy flowed between them, a natural part of life fully embraced and demanding to be satisfied.

  Her breath tickled across his ear. “I want to learn from you, explore the wonders of sex magick, experience the ultimate achievement.”

  “And it will be my pleasure to assist you in total fulfillment and the pinnacle of ecstasy.”

  He carefully removed the goblet from his suitcase, filled it with wine, then set it on the table along with a plate of small ceremonial cakes. After placing the appropriate candles around the room, he turned toward her. “You have your athamé?”

  “Yes, of course.” She retrieved the implement from her purse, a knife with a double-edged blade and handle intricately carved with various symbols, the one personal tool used by all witches. It was a ritual tool and not used for cutting. The handle was black to absorb the energies of the user. Holding it between her palms, she lowered it into the wine as she recited the words. “As the athamé is the male, so the cup is the female, and conjoined they bring happiness.” The words and the ritual brought together the god and goddess, united a man and a woman in a sexual rite of nature and all things natural.

  They each drank from the goblet.

  Devon touched his fingertip to her lips, then withdrew his hand. “Do you enter into this sexual union of your own free will, without coercion or intimidation?”


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