Book Read Free

Truly Yours

Page 6

by Kennedy Fox

  “Hello.” Her voice is soft as she shakes his hand. “You can call me Sophie.”

  “Of course.” He looks at me. “Mason, I presume.”

  “Yes.” I shake his hand next.

  Yep. Déjà vu.

  At least I’m not getting cuffed and thrown into the back of a cop car this time.

  I sit next to Liam with Sophie on my other side. We clasp hands, and when the silence takes over, it’s then I can see the blue and red lights still flashing outside. I imagine all our neighbors are out on the sidewalks, trying to figure out what happened. Kilan is going to freak when he finds out. The house he was trying to sell is now a crime scene.

  “So Liam and Hunter have told us most of what happened, but I’d like to get your version.” Officer Fisher directs his words toward me. “Can you start from the beginning?”

  I clench my jaw, thinking back to when Sophie first mentioned Dalton. “Well, I guess I should start with how I got arrested for killing his brother.”

  The officer nods, clearly not fazed. He’s probably heard and seen so much shit in this city that nothing is out of the ordinary.

  Several minutes later, I discuss how we went looking for Sophie, and when we got the text messages. Then I talk about how I recognized the dildo statue from Kilan’s house and Liam’s plan to go in first since he had a gun.

  “What dildo statue?” Sophie asks me quietly, her brows pinched together.

  “The one that Hunter knocked over,” I say. “I’ll explain later,” I tell her with a grin, then I direct my attention back to the officer. “Kilan was a friend of ours, and we partied together a lot, so we recognized it immediately when I saw it in one of the pictures he sent.”

  “Can you tell me what you saw when you entered the house?” he asks. “Walk me through the events as you remember it.”

  “Dalton had his gun pointed at Sophie’s head, spewing all kinds of threats at her. She was duct-taped to a chair and completely helpless. Just by looking at her, I could tell he’d hit and touched her. He’d sent pictures, so I knew she wasn’t able to defend herself. I went in after Liam and Hunter, and once the statue fell, Dalton shifted and directed his gun toward the other room. That’s when Liam shot his shoulder, and the gun fell from his hand. I charged forward, knocking him down, but he continued to struggle against me and reached for his gun. I tried to restrain him, but he continued to put up a fight, so Liam shot his leg. After a minute, Hunter held him down as I went to free Sophie. Liam held him at gunpoint while Hunter called 911, and I got us out of there. Then I brought her here.”

  Recalling everything wasn’t easy, but I’m not going to let my best friends down, knowing my statement is needed to keep them out of any legal trouble. Sure, Dalton is the criminal here, but not calling the authorities as soon as we knew she’d been kidnapped could come back to bite us in the ass unless we have a solid case as to why we couldn’t. I’m not sure threats will be enough even though we all know what he was capable of.

  “Got it, thank you,” he says as he finishes writing his notes. “Now, Sophie. I know this isn’t going to be easy for you, so we’ll take it as slow as you need to. According to Liam, you left the house earlier today with Maddie and Dalton. Can you tell me what happened after that?”

  She swallows and nods, and it’s then I realize one of us needs to fill Maddie in on what happened if Lennon hasn’t already.

  Sophie tells him everything. From how she met him at the meetings, to becoming friends, to how they connected in the grieving circle. She discusses how she hadn’t planned on attending any more meetings, but how he talked her into joining him tonight with a sob story. Sophie explains from when he picked her up, to leaving and getting knocked out in his car. My heart pounds hard with rage, and when my fist clenches, Liam notices. He gives me a pointed look to calm my shit, knowing that getting all fired up isn’t going to help anything.

  “I went to the bathroom shortly before the meeting ended, and when I came back, he was acting really weird as though something had happened. I didn’t know it at the time, but he had seen my text messages from Mason, and that’s when he pushed his plan to happen tonight instead. Dalton deleted the messages, along with the missed calls and voicemails, so I never got the warnings.”

  “And Mason, you’re the one who figured out who he really was. Is that right?” Officer Fisher asks, but by the look on his face, he already knows the answer.

  “Correct. I had a friend run his plates, and that’s when I connected his last name to Weston’s. It’s how I found out his entire story was a lie, and that he had been a suspect in his wife’s death this past year. I texted Sophie, hoping she’d see it before her meeting was over and not get into his car. Had I just gone to the church and picked her up myself, he would’ve never taken her.” I lower my eyes at the realization that my messages are what put her in danger.

  “You didn’t know,” Sophie says softly, squeezing my hand. “I should’ve taken my phone with me. I normally do, but I just left my clutch on my chair because I wasn’t going to be gone for more than a couple of minutes.”

  “Well, if Mr. Westbrook intended to eventually take you, then it might’ve been even harder to find you,” the officer concludes. “He would’ve had more time to execute it properly, and that would’ve made things much worse for everyone. I understand you couldn’t call for help given his threats, but all four of you could’ve been killed tonight.” Officer Fisher gives us all a pointed look, especially me.

  Fuck, I know.

  “Well, because of me, one person is dead,” Sophie tells him.

  “What do you mean?” Officer Fisher asks, his expression soft when he looks at her.

  Sophie looks down at our hands in her lap, and I rub the pad of my thumb over knuckles, giving her the encouragement and strength to continue.

  “My friend Dacia. We met in group together, and when I hosted a dinner party last weekend, she didn’t show up. Dalton told me she couldn’t make it, but I never heard from her. I brushed it off because I knew she was going through some emotional stuff after her twin brother died. She often talked a lot about how she gets through the dark days, so I thought she needed some space. I know people aren’t always as strong as they try to seem. But tonight, Dalton told me she was getting in the way of his ultimate plan, and he had to get rid of her.” Sophie chokes up, and I squeeze her hand, letting her know I’m still here.

  “What else did he say?” the officer asks. “Did he admit to killing her?”

  “Yes,” Sophie answers, tears falling down her cheeks. “He took her and then stuffed her into his trunk. Are you guys able to check? She deserves a proper burial.”

  She wipes her cheeks, and the officer nods. “Of course. I’ll get my guys on it right away.”

  He talks into his radio and gives the order.

  “Is there anything else you two can share or think of that would help the case?” he later asks, but we both shake our heads. “If you think of something, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll give you my card. I’m sure you’ll know where to find me.” He directs that last part at me.

  Great. He knows exactly who I am and who my father is. Not that I should even be surprised.

  “Let me guess. The DA’s already been called?” I sigh.

  He slumps his shoulders. “Afraid so. As soon as your name was brought up.”


  “Thank you for your time and for being so thorough,” he says as Liam and I stand to walk them out the door. “If she remembers anything else, she can call anytime.”

  “Will do,” Liam says. “Oh, his car was down the block behind the house. I shot into his tires just in case he got away.”

  “Got it, thanks. We’ll search it,” he reassures us. “We’ll let you know what we find.”

  “Thanks, officers.”

  Liam shuts the door behind them, and we stand in ear-piercing silence.

  “This is fucked up,” he finally says. “Now I wish I’d shot him in the god
damn face.”

  I snort, agreeing. “Yeah, but then you’d be going through the same shit I did to prove self-defense. At least this way, he can go to prison, and we can let the other inmates take care of him.”

  Liam’s grin widens. “Fuckin’ right. In fact, maybe I’ll make a few phone calls.” He winks, which makes me chuckle. Liam knows too many people. He’s on a first-name basis with guards at the jail, and I’m pretty sure he sweet-talks the receptionists to get their numbers. Liam goes there when he has to check in an inmate, and I wouldn’t put it past him to know people at the prison either. He’s nothing if not resourceful.

  “In case I forgot to say it, thanks for having my back, man.” I slap him on the shoulder, and he pulls me in for a hug. “You’re a good friend to have in my corner,” I say in a mocking tone. I know he doesn’t like mushy shit.

  “I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” he says before walking back into the living room. I follow him, and he sits next to Sophie, pulling her into his arms. I know he was as worried about her as I was.

  “I can’t say I wasn’t scared, Soph, but I held onto hope that you were staying strong,” Liam tells her. “I hope you know how much I love you. I would’ve killed him if I knew the backlash wouldn’t come back to bite me.”

  Sophie nods, and tears fall down her cheeks. Liam is a different guy with her, and I appreciate how good of a friend he’s been to her all these years.

  “Death would’ve been the easy way out,” she says, her words sounding stronger. “He can rot in prison for the rest of his life.”

  “Damn straight,” Liam cheers with a proud smile.

  “Lucky that you were home for once,” Sophie says when I come to sit on the other side of her.

  “Well, I’m starting to think I can’t leave you two alone.”

  I roll my eyes at his comeback. “How long have you had that gun anyway?” I ask.

  “Long enough.” He winks. “I’m licensed and trained. Don’t worry.”

  “I wasn’t,” I tell him honestly. I trust Liam with my life, literally.

  Sophie pulls him in for another hug. “Thank you again, Hulk. I owe ya one.”

  Liam chuckles at her nonchalant way of thanking him. I know joking or acting strong is how Sophie deals with emotional situations, but after what she already went through with Weston, I can only hope this incident hasn’t broken her for good.

  Chapter Six


  The last time I stayed in bed like this was when I was sixteen and had a nasty flu virus. Everything ached, my stomach hurt, and my head pounded nonstop. It was the most miserable I’d felt in my entire life.

  Until now.

  Minus the throwing up, this is worse than the flu. My mind won’t turn off, and I can’t stop feeling like his hands are still on me. The way he intimately touched me haunts my thoughts as I think about his fingers on my chest and between my legs. The fucking sicko had the audacity to do whatever he pleased to my body, and no amount of washing feels clean enough.

  Worst of all, my heart hurts.

  The Monday after the incident, Mason was forced to go to work even though he wanted to stay home with me. I was still too beaten and bruised to go to rehearsals, so once again, I called Mr. Moody, my director, and explained the situation as vaguely as I could without breaking down on the phone. He told me to take as long as I needed and not to worry about anything. Truthfully, I’m so lucky he doesn’t kick my ass out, but I’ve been with the symphony for over three years, and I’m dependable. He’s also well aware of what happened with Weston and the abuse I endured.

  The next evening, Officer Fisher called to confirm they found Dacia’s body in Dalton’s trunk, just as he’d said. I was happy Mason was with me when I learned the horrific news because I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. The realization of what happened to her made me physically ill, but instead of vomiting, I cried uncontrollably. I suspected she was dead, but I held on to a tiny bit of hope that Dalton was lying. That he only said it to scare me and prove how powerful he was. Even though deep down, I knew he was probably telling the truth, I tried to be optimistic and hoped she was safe at home.

  The thought that it could’ve been me haunts me every damn second as I mourn the loss of my friend. I’ve been harboring so much guilt about the fact she died because of me. She didn’t have to, and that bastard could’ve spared her life, but when you’re a heartless asshole, you don’t care about anyone or anything.

  Dalton is empty. I could see it in his soulless eyes. He wanted to cause me extreme pain and to take everyone down with him. I don’t know what his plan was originally, but I can’t help but wonder if he thought he was going to die too. Or if he wanted to.

  Weston died because he tried to kill Mason, Hunter, and Liam. I know without a doubt he would’ve killed me too if he’d had the chance. Dalton wanted revenge in the worst way.

  They were both monsters, and I’m not sorry for what ultimately happened to either of them.

  I’m only sorry that Dacia paid the price for trying to protect me.

  Unable to keep my thoughts from unraveling, I haven’t been able to sleep in days. My body passes out after hours of crying, but I’m not really sleeping. I don’t wake up rested. In fact, I wake up tortured.

  “Soph?” I hear Mason’s soft voice in my ear. It’s been a week since the incident, and I still can’t get Dacia out of my head. Her family had a funeral for her yesterday, but it was a private ceremony only. They didn’t know me, and I wasn’t sure I could handle going anyway.

  “Hmm?” I answer with my eyes closed and my cheek pressed against his chest. The swelling in my face has gone down, and my ribs don’t hurt as badly, but I still ache, though I think it’s more of a mental pain at this point.

  “Are you hungry? You need to eat, babe.” He brushes a loose strand of hair off my face. “I can make tacos.”

  “I don’t have an appetite,” I tell him honestly.

  “I know, sweetheart. Could you try, though? I’m worried you’re going to get dehydrated or starve. You’ve barely left your room.” The concern is evident in his tone, so I try to get my shit together.

  “Actually…” I wipe my face and sit up, knowing I look like a hot fucking mess. Mason showered with me two days ago, and I haven’t had the energy to change clothes or brush my hair since then. “I talked with my parents yesterday, and I think going to Utah for a bit would help me,” I tell him. “I think I need a change of scenery.”

  Mason searches my face, and I know this is probably a shock to him. As weird as it sounds, this past week has felt like it’s pulled us apart while at the same time bringing us together. “Do you want me to go with you? I can get off work for a few days, I’m sure.”

  “I think I need to do this alone. My dad has a friend who’s a professional counselor that I can speak with, and I think being back home will help me get out of my own head a bit,” I explain, hating the pained way he’s looking at me. “I should’ve talked with someone after shit went down with Weston, but since I didn’t, I’m carrying the weight of both on my shoulders. Admittingly, I need help to get through this, and staying here, crying in my bed, isn’t what I need.”

  Mason swallows, and I’m sure he’s trying to think of ways to keep me here, but when his expression softens, he knows I’m right. I need professional therapy to deal with the demons that threaten to take over.

  “Okay, baby,” he finally responds. I know he’s tried to help—he’s been amazing, actually—but I need more than what he can give me right now. “If that’s what you think will help you, then I’ll support your decision. Do you need me to do anything? Find flights for you or anything?”

  “My dad already booked one for me. It leaves tomorrow at eight a.m.”

  “Oh. Okay. Can I drive you to the airport at least?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.” I smile at him, knowing this hasn’t been easy for him either. He’s getting shit from his father again, but at least he didn’t have mandat
ory leave from work this time. I’m thankful for that because I’m not sure I could feel guilty about one more thing right now.

  Later that night while I’m packing, Lennon and Maddie come over. They’ve been quiet, neither knowing what to say or how to comfort me. Not that I can blame them. Nothing they can say or do will change the way I feel or what’s happened. Being with them like this is enough for me.

  “You sure you want to go home without us?” Lennon asks, half-teasing. “I forgot how small our beds were until I went back and realized we basically slept in shoe boxes.”

  That has me laughing a little, mostly because it’s true. Even my bed at my old apartment was bigger than the one I had at my parents’ home. Of course, Mason insisted on getting me a queen bed, which is perfect, considering he hasn’t left my side all week. He’s laid with me every night, holding me as I cry myself to sleep. Mason’s been so patient and caring, and I feel bad for leaving, but I can’t just be a shell of a person anymore. I need to figure out how to work through these feelings I have, and I hope being in Utah will be a good start in that direction.

  “Yeah, I think it’ll be good to get some fresh mountain air,” I say, half-teasing. “There are a lot of memories here weighing me down.” Considering it all happened across the street, it’s impossible to fully get away.

  “I can’t tell you how scared I was when Hunter finally told me everything,” Lennon admits softly. Knowing the guys risked their lives for me again is almost too much to handle. Though they tell me it was nothing, that they’d do it for any one of us, I can’t help but think if something would’ve happened, and those thoughts weigh heavy on my chest. Dalton could’ve shot any of them, and it would’ve ended my whole world. I know Lennon hasn’t said it, but I can’t imagine she’s happy that I’ve put Hunter in danger twice now. He’s such a good guy that he’d never let his friends fight alone, but if anything had happened to them, I wouldn’t be able to live with that. Lennon’s already lost so much.

  “Liam told me, and I was shaking the whole time,” Maddie adds.


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