Book Read Free

Truly Yours

Page 8

by Kennedy Fox

  “You’re welcome.” His final words are said before he opens the door and slams it behind him.

  Just as I’m about to climb the stairs to check on Sophie, Serena and Liam come into the living room.

  “So?” Liam arches a brow. I know exactly what he’s asking without exchanging words. He wants to know if my dad was involved and confirmation that it wasn’t a case of happenstance.

  Inhaling a defeated breath, I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m sorry he’s dead. After what that bastard did, he deserved it.” Liam shrugs, then takes his beer and bag of chips to the couch with him.

  “So why’d you wait two days to tell me?” I ask Serena.

  She lowers her eyes and sucks in air through her nose. “He asked me to wait until the incident report was filed and done.”

  “And you didn’t find that…weird?” I cross my arms.

  “Mason.” She deadpans because we both know my father.

  “I can’t believe you’re on board with this. Look, I hate the guy for what he did and prefer him dead so I never have to worry about him coming after Sophie again, but my father once again got involved when he didn’t need to. He’s so fucking shady and dirty. I can’t get on board with that.”

  “Mason, I know…it makes for a hard situation, and I get that. But look at it as a blessing in disguise. You and Sophie can move on for good, without any concern of him. It’s over now.”

  “Doesn’t make what he did right,” I say before spinning on my heels and taking the stairs two at a time until I’m in front of the bathroom door, knocking.

  “Soph, baby? You okay? Can I come in?” I ask, wanting to be close to her.

  “Sure,” she says.

  When I walk in, I shut the door behind me, then realize she’s in the bathtub. The curtain is closed so I can’t see her. “You alright?”

  “Yeah, just tired and wanted to clean the travel day off me,” she responds, but her sniffling indicates otherwise.

  I don’t know how to be what she needs when I feel this wall between us. I want to hold her, touch her, give her whatever it is she needs right now. Stripping out of my clothes, I pull the curtain back just enough to climb inside behind her. Sophie stays silent as she moves forward a bit to give me room. The moment my legs are on either side of her, I grab her shoulders and pull her back to my chest.

  Taking the loofah, I lather soap onto it and start rubbing it over her arms. Then her neck, shoulders, and chest. Her head falls back against me as I slowly wash her body. Sophie moans softly as I cover every inch of her exposed skin.

  “What are you thinking?” I whisper in her ear. She’s been so quiet since I picked her up, and I’m worried something’s changed between us.

  She doesn’t answer right away. I can tell her mind is spinning with the information about Dalton. I pull her wet hair off her back and put it to one side, exposing her bare neck. Pressing a single kiss to the soft spot below her ear, I smile when I feel her shiver against me.

  “Does it make me a bad person that I’m happy he’s dead?” she asks so quietly I almost don’t hear her.

  “No,” I respond immediately. “He was a disturbed man who made bad choices that hurt people. Anyone who was affected by him would be glad he’s not here anymore.” I swallow, deciding to continue. “He put you in danger, threatened both of our lives, and killed two women—and maybe even more we don’t even know about. He deserved what happened to him,” I tell her, trying to convince myself that my father did the right thing.

  “Their mother already lost one son, and now she’s lost the other. I feel bad for her. Is that weird?” she asks, glancing at me over her shoulder.

  I give her a small smile, rubbing a hand over her cheek. “No, that’s just who you are. Sweet, caring, empathetic. I can’t even imagine a mother’s loss, but what happened to them isn’t anyone’s fault but their own. Their actions had consequences that ended their lives, and unfortunately, their mother is paying the ultimate price.”

  “It’s weird to feel this way…” Sophie says, bowing her head. “Relieved, guilty, sad. All at once.”

  “I know, baby.” I wrap my arms around her. “It’ll get better, I promise.”

  Sophie’s truths make me feel torn about everything. The last thing I want is for her to have any remorse for what happened to either of them. They both tried to kill us, but I know that doesn’t dissipate her guilt about Dacia.

  We lie in the tub for a few more minutes before she says she wants out. I help her so she doesn’t slip, and she quickly covers up with a towel. There’s a shift in the air, and I hate it. “I think I’m going to get ready for bed. I’m exhausted.”

  “Do you want me to make you something to eat first?” I ask, wrapping a towel around my waist.

  “I’m not hungry,” she replies as she brushes her hair. “Thank you, though.” I see her flash a small smile in the reflection of the mirror.


  I wait until she’s finished, then open the door. Grabbing her hand, I pull her closer and kiss her forehead. “I’m here, Soph,” I remind her. “Let me be here for you.”

  Her chest deflates as she nods. “I know.”

  Cupping her face, I press my lips to hers, but she stills. My heart sinks, knowing my sweet Sophie is pulling away.

  “I’m sorry,” she says softly.

  “For what?” I ask warily. I don’t like the look on her face. In fact, it scares the shit out of me to see her like this.

  “I feel like I’m toxic to you. To all of you actually. I’ve caused so much pain, and the last thing I want to do is cause more for you…” She bows her head.

  “Soph, what are you talking about? You’re not toxic to anyone,” I reassure her, tilting her chin up. “I love you.”

  She looks up at me and blinks. “I know you do, and that’s why I can’t just jump back into our life the way it was before. Things aren’t the same. We can’t just continue where it left off.”

  I inhale a sharp breath and swallow down my heart that’s lodged in my throat. “We’re stronger together, Sophie.” I grab her hand and cup my palms around it. “We can take things slow, but you don’t have to go through this alone. If anything, my past and history make me toxic to you, but you’re the reason I’ve seen life in a whole new light for the first time in years. I want to do better, be better for you.”

  The way she looks at me, I know she’s holding back her tears. “And you’re an amazing man, Mason. It’s why I love you so much. But I just need you to understand where I’m coming from. I can’t just live life pretending nothing ever happened, and that he didn’t touch and hurt me, because what happened has forever changed me. I need to figure out a way to get through it so I can move forward. I want to move forward with you.” Her bottom lip trembles. This isn’t easy for her to say, but it definitely isn’t easy to hear either.

  I choke back, not wanting this to be any harder for her. “Tell me what I can do, Soph. Please.” I’m close to pleading on my knees, not wanting to lose her. She’s the only reason I look forward to waking up in the mornings. I rest my head against hers, our breaths mingling together. “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.”

  “I just need some time. Figure out my own emotions and clear my head so I can be what you deserve,” she states, her words like cement. “I want us to be together, but I feel so broken right now.”

  “I’ll do whatever you need, but I’m not going anywhere, okay? I’ll always be here, and I want to help you through this. So please let me do that at least?”

  She nods in agreement. “I’ve got an appointment with my new therapist, Mary, so I can work through everything conflicting in my head. Between Weston and Dalton, I need to process it correctly. I know I didn’t after the first incident, and I’m afraid I’ll spiral downward if I just push it aside again.”

  I know she’s right. Deep down, she does need to work through it all. I just wished she wasn’t pushing me away in the process.

/>   “You do what you have to do, sweetheart. I’m here to support you in any way I can, and I’m not going anywhere. You’re all I need.” I cup her face and press a soft kiss on her cheek, committing to memory the way she feels against me.

  I’m prepared for the fight of my life to keep her, no matter the cost.

  Chapter Eight


  I miss Mason’s touch more than anything. His scent, his kisses, the way he holds me close. His T-shirt is something I can’t let go of either. When the tears threaten to come, I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath. Then I bury my face in his shirt and let them fall.

  None of this was supposed to happen. Mason and I were finally on the same page, getting ready to start our relationship, and then it imploded around us. The strength I hid behind and emotions I pushed down after Weston’s death blew up in my face the moment Dalton captured me.

  I’d never been so scared in my entire life. Knowing the guys would come for me, I prayed for a miracle that somehow no one would get shot. My worst fear was that someone would die trying to save me, and I’m thankful every day that didn’t happen.

  I’m the fool who let Dalton into my life.

  Why didn’t I know better? Why was my gut reaction to befriend a strange man and allow him into my life with hopes to help him instead of fearing him? I can’t get the thoughts out of my mind. I should’ve listened to Mason and not fallen for Dalton’s sob story and charm.

  The internal battle keeps me awake at night until I cry myself to sleep. Then the next day comes, and the guilt returns, eating me whole as I try to push the demons away throughout the day.

  “Soph? You awake?” I hear Mason knock.

  “Yeah, come in,” I say without turning toward the door. His feet softly pad against the floor as he enters.

  “I brought you some coffee,” he tells me, and I hear the sound of a mug being placed on my nightstand. “I made breakfast, too, if you’re hungry. Thought maybe we could talk while we eat. You can catch me up on everything from this past week.” His voice sounds hopeful, and I hate that I’m the reason for it.

  Though we texted during my trip, I left out a lot of details. Speaking with that counselor helped me see a lot of things, but it didn’t answer all of my questions. I’ll continue speaking with a professional, but my biggest worry is that I’ll never be at peace again. Not after an innocent woman died.

  Wiping under my eyes, I turn around and sit up, letting my legs hang off the bed. “Thanks, I’m starving.”

  I grab my cup and follow him out of my room. He has a whole spread of fruit, eggs, and bacon set up on the kitchen table.

  “Wow, you made enough for an army.” I take a seat on one side. “Smells really good.”

  “Well…I couldn’t sleep. Got up and decided to make breakfast and kinda lost track of time and ended up making more than usual. I’ll save whatever we don’t eat for Liam, though. He’s a machine.”

  Mason’s teasing voice has me chuckling, and I nod in agreement. Liam is never not hungry.

  He takes the seat across from me, and we both dig in, filling our plates full of food. I feel like I haven’t eaten in days and have missed his cooking and company.

  “This is nice,” I admit, blocking out the darkness that threatens to take over. “Sitting with you over breakfast like before. Feels normal.”

  He smiles and nods. “It’s been a lonely week without you. Liam was moping around like a lost kitty.”

  “You mean you were, asshole…” Liam chimes in at the perfect time, stalking into the kitchen in only his boxers. Yep, nothing’s changed around here.

  “You didn’t miss me, Hulk?” I taunt, wondering if he’ll deny it or call me out for using that nickname he hates.

  “Of course I did,” he finally responds after grabbing a plate. He flashes me a wink, then starts piling food on his plate. “I just didn’t act like a middle schooler nursing their first heartbreak.”

  “Hey, Sheila LeBlanc told me I could sit by her at lunch and then changed her mind in fifth period. I was devastated,” Mason retorts, throwing a piece of bacon at Liam who picks it up and eats it. “She was my first girlfriend,” Mason explains.

  I grin. “Sounded serious.”

  “Best three days of my life,” he says, smirking.

  “Three days? You were basically pussy-whipped by then,” Liam mocks, grabbing the milk from the fridge, then chugging it right from the jug.

  “That’s gross, Liam!” I scold. “I think I know why you’re single…”

  “Oh, the types of girls he’s had parading around here in our college days wouldn’t blink twice at that. They weren’t exactly after his…manners.”

  Then Liam puts it away, faces us, and pats his six-pack abs. “They were definitely after something else.”

  “Your one-of-a-kind personality?” I smirk before shoving a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

  Mason snorts when Liam glares. “Women are all the same. Just see me as a piece of meat. Relationships are so overrated.”

  “Ironic when you’re putting a pound of bacon on your plate…” I snicker. “And maybe if you gave it an actual chance, you could find a woman who’s after something more.”

  “Look, I love you like a sister, but you’re kinda enough work for me as it is. Always having to get you out of trouble is my new full-time job. There’s no time for relationships with you as a roommate.” He flashes me a wink, but it causes me to frown. I know he’s joking, but underneath, there’s some truth to it. “Soph. Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  I bow my head, unable to look at either of them. I’ve officially become a damsel in distress. Always need saving.

  “Asshole,” Mason mutters and stands. He shoulder punches Liam, then comes to my side.

  “You know I’m an idiot, Sophie. Ignore me,” Liam says.

  When I look up, he’s sticking out his lower lip in a ridiculously cute pout.

  “It’s fine. Seriously. I’m just…a mess,” I tell him truthfully, sucking in a breath. “And I’d just like to say…” I point a finger at him. “You were like this way before I needed you to save me.”

  Liam throws his head back and laughs. “I know, I know. I’m a mess too. Just in a different way.” He grins, then leans in and hugs me.

  Once he leaves with half the food, Mason comes and places a sweet kiss on my forehead. “I’ll junk punch him later for you.”

  That causes me to chuckle, knowing he’d really do it for me. “That’s not necessary. I’m sure there’s a line of chicks he never called back who’d love to do it.”

  “Why do you think he hardly ever brings women here anymore? They all knew where to find him, so he started hooking up at their place or in his truck. Finally got smart,” Mason says, laughing.

  “Okay, so I’m never riding in his truck again.” I cringe.

  Mason and I fall into light conversation as we eat, and things start to feel easy for a bit. He meant what he said last night, and I know he’s not going to let me pull away as I drown in an ocean of guilt and pain. It means a lot that he’s willing to ride this out with me, but I wish I could give him more, give him what he deserves.

  The tables have turned, and I want to be the very best version of me for his sake.

  We spend the day lounging in the living room, watching Netflix and talking about everything and nothing at all. Neither of us brings up the elephant in the room, though there’s nothing more to say now that he knows I need some relationship distance. Mason was my friend beforehand, so it’s easy to be with him without it feeling awkward. That’s something I appreciate and don’t dare take for granted. He gives me space and doesn’t smother me, refusing to let it affect our friendship.

  Liam comes and goes. He’s on his phone a lot, and sometimes he looks tense while other times he’s easygoing. It’s a little strange, but I’ve come to expect that from him. Being a bounty hunter means he could get a call at anytime, day or night, and have to leave town at a moment’
s notice.

  After dinner is delivered, we eat while watching the final season of Lucifer until Lennon and Maddie come over. I’ve texted back and forth with them all week, but now that I’m back, they want to see me, which I understand. Mason gives us some privacy, but before he does, he bends down and kisses my cheek.

  As soon as he’s upstairs and out of view, Lennon locks her gaze with mine. “What was that?”

  “What?” I furrow my brows.

  “Did you friend-zone him or something?” She arches a brow.

  “Because that looked like some brotherly shit,” Maddie adds.

  I roll my eyes and ignore their glares. “I told him I needed a little space from the relationship thing right now, and he’s respecting that.”

  “Oh, Soph. Why?” Lennon asks sadly. “He literally saved your life.”

  “I know,” I say softly. “We’re still together,” I confirm. “I just can’t jump back into a full-on relationship until I work out all the chaos going on in my head.”

  “Look, I can’t say I know exactly what you’re going through, but I can tell you leaning on Hunter during those hard months really helped me,” Lennon says.

  “And I did lean on him after Weston, but this…” I shrug, feeling defeated. “I need to work through it. I want to be the girlfriend he deserves. All in. Not half a person. And right now, that’s how I feel.”

  Lennon frowns but nods as if she finally understands. “Okay, I get it. Just don’t let him get too far away. Don’t allow him to lose hope that you’ll ever come back to him. He’s so good for you. You’re good for him. You two are perfect for each other.”

  “That’s the last thing I want, trust me,” I reassure her.

  “Do you have a therapy appointment this week?” Maddie asks.

  “Yeah, on Wednesday. The counselor in Utah set it up for me, and then I’ll make weekly appointments going forward,” I explain.


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