Book Read Free

Truly Yours

Page 15

by Kennedy Fox

  The next morning, I wake up in a stupor, not knowing where I am until I realize Sophie is still in my arms. I’m relieved it wasn’t a dream, and she really asked me in here because too many times I’ve woken up disappointed. In my sleepy haze, I somehow find the strength to slip out of her bed without startling her.

  The first thing I do is go upstairs and take a cold shower because goddamn, just thinking about her body against mine is making me hard all over again. As I stand in the shower, my dick nearly breaks off when I grab it and squeeze it tight. Placing my hand against the wall, I roughly stroke myself to thoughts of her. I think about all the dirty fucking things I want to do to her, kissing her from head to toe, then making love to her until her body convulses. Remembering the night in the bar bathroom and the softness of her moans as she comes makes me see white. Grunts escape me as the orgasm takes over. My heart races, and I breathe erratically as I try to calm down, but that’s not going to happen until I can actually have her again. And again and again.

  After my shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and go to my bedroom and slip on some jogging pants. Considering eating together in the mornings is our tradition, I decide to start breakfast for us, but this morning, she’s getting French toast because after drinking a bottle of wine, she’s going to need something heavier in her stomach. I start the coffee, then pull out the ingredients. Just as I place the bread inside the egg wash, I hear footsteps shuffling behind me.

  When I turn and look, I hold back a grin at how adorable but rough she looks. At least she put her clothes back on. I couldn’t hold back twice if she hadn’t.

  “Oh my God, my head.” She takes a seat at the table and puts her head down but faces me. “Just kill me now and put me out of my misery please,” she groans.

  I set a cup of coffee and the bottle of creamer in front of her. “Liam will get you in trouble every single time. Remember that for next time,” I tell her with a grin, then move back to the stove and continue cooking. As the bread sizzles, I grab my coffee and sip it as she puts her hands over her face. She’s a hungover mess, and I can’t stop chuckling, though I shouldn’t.

  “Also, please tell me I didn’t come on to you,” she says, then narrows her eyes when I smirk. “Please tell me that’s not why I woke up almost completely naked.”

  I burst into laughter. “Oh yeah, about that.”

  Dread covers her face, and her cheeks turn pink, which I find cute. Even after everything we’ve been through, she still blushes around me. “Wow. I suck.” She smacks herself on the forehead. “You’re a saint. That’s all I have to say.”

  “I’ve told you once, and I’ll tell you again…” I remind her, repeating my words from the night we met, “I’m no saint.”

  She bites down on her lip again, and it drives me crazy as hell. By the look on her face, she’s also reliving the moment. I place the French toast on a plate and grab the syrup, then set it in front of her.

  Leaning down, I rest one hand on the table and one behind her on the chair as I lower my voice and whisper in her ear, “The next time you beg me to fuck you, I won’t say no. So you better mean it and be sober because my restraint is hanging by a thread.”

  Her breath hitches, and before she can respond, we’re being startled by Maddie waltzing into the kitchen like she owns the damn place.

  “Oh my God.” She freezes in her tracks and looks around. “Did you two finally have sex again?” Maddie looks back and forth between us.

  “No,” we say in unison, and she snickers at our deer in the headlights expressions. I pull myself away and back to my chair since Maddie’s ruined our moment.

  “Are you sure?” She narrows her eyes.

  “Shut up!” Sophie snaps, looking embarrassed. “Why are you here, anyway?”

  Maddie shrugs, ignoring the question, and pours herself a cup of orange juice. Sitting next to her sister, she steals some of Sophie’s food off her plate. “So, how was last night? I got your stupid drunk texts this morning, and I’m actually pissed you didn’t come pick me up when you knew you’d be going out with Liam. Seriously, you’re a cock block.”

  I snort but continue eating.

  “Funny, he calls you the same thing,” Sophie retorts, which causes Maddie to scoff dramatically.

  “Ironic, considering he’s the one who runs away every time I’m around,” she says around a mouthful.

  When she flips her hair, I look at her butterfly tattoo on her wrist. It’s actually sweet looking, a contradiction to her strong and fierce personality. Knowing their parents’ strict religious values, I’m actually surprised she has one, but then again, she’s known to rebel against rules. It’s a wonder why Liam hasn’t taken up her million offers, but I have a feeling it has more to do with his own fears about relationships than the fact she’s in our inner circle.

  “Maybe after a bottle or two of wine, he would’ve been more than ready to take my virginity, if I don’t sell it to a guy for a hundred thousand. Do you have any idea what I could buy with that money? I mean, it’s only one time, and he’d probably finish in less than five minutes. I—”

  “Maddie,” Sophie groans, drawing out her name. “Shut your French toast trap. My head is killing me, and you’re talking way too much.”

  “What are you doing here?” I interrupt and ask her.

  “Well, after I got your messages, I was worried, so I scheduled an Uber.” She looks between us again. “You both look guilty.”

  Sophie focuses on her food, and Maddie turns to me. “You might not’ve had sex, but you almost did.” She wrinkles her nose and leans into me. “I can sense it.”

  “Oh my God, you’re a weirdo,” Sophie mocks.

  “What are you, a psychic or something?” I retort, finishing the last of my food, then placing my plate in the sink.

  Maddie giggles because she knows she’s right. “No, but the sexual tension is—”

  Liam walks in the kitchen and immediately stops when he sees her. “What are you doing here?”

  Instantly, Maddie stops talking.

  “So what were you saying about sexual tension?” Sophie asks her and looks at Liam who’s walking around in his boxers, again.

  Maddie’s eyes go wide as she looks him up and down, focusing heavily on his ass, and you’d think he’s naked by how she’s gawking. “I think I just died and went to virgin heaven,” she whispers to Sophie, but we all hear it.

  “So what’s she doing here?” Liam turns to me and asks, grabbing himself a cup of coffee. He’s loud enough for Maddie to overhear, but he doesn’t give two shits.

  I shrug, and so does Sophie.

  “Why do I feel very unwelcome here?” Maddie asks after she’s asked for the third time why she’s here so damn early.

  I walk out of the kitchen, and Sophie follows me, leaving Maddie in the kitchen with Liam. She begins talking a million miles per hour again about how he should’ve picked her up regardless of the fact she’s underage because she’s great company. I hear Liam groan, and only feel a little bad for leaving him with her. When Sophie lies on the sofa, I quickly run upstairs and grab some Tylenol from the medicine cabinet and then grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

  Maddie is playing seductress in her tight booty shorts and crop top, and even though Liam is trying to ignore her, he’s failing miserably. I walk out of the kitchen and hand Sophie the meds and water. She sits up and gives me a sweet smile in return.

  “You’re always saving me,” she whispers before swallowing them down.

  “And I always will.” I wink. At that moment, every sound disappears, and it’s just her and me like old times. The only thing that brings me back to reality is Liam.

  “I’m not babysitting today!” he shouts from the kitchen. Maddie’s still talking, not taking the blatant hint from Liam, and all we can do is laugh. At least she’s determined.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Since Maddie’s recital is tonight, and I was at rehearsal all day, I drive
home and immediately jump in the shower. As I stand under the hot water, the first person who comes to mind is Mason and how things have been between us. It’s been two weeks since the drunken episode when I embarrassed myself and begged him to sleep with me. Though I drank way too much, and I’m a lightweight, I can’t forget the way he looked at me and then held me all night long. A part of me blames Liam for forcing me to go out for a drink, but I fully understood why he did it. That day, I was drowning in my own personal failure, and Liam brought me to shore. Though I didn’t want to chat about anything serious, he brought up Mason and wasn’t going to allow me to avoid talking about it. Liam, being the big brother I never had, wanted me to understand how Mason feels. But of course that one drink turned into three within an hour, and the only person I can blame for that is myself.

  When Liam and I got home, and I realized how worried Mason was, I felt bad for not giving him a heads-up sooner. Considering everything, I should have let him know before we left. He looked at me like he was memorizing every single inch of my body, and that old, familiar flame deep inside me started to burn again. I needed him right then like I needed air, and he denied me. I can’t shake it because, at that moment, I wanted him. I’m thankful he said no because I know he’d never take advantage, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being a tad disappointed too. When it comes to Mason, I don’t want to regret anything we do, and because the alcohol was numbing all my inhibitions, I might’ve. Once that door opens between us, it will be hard to close it again, and I don’t want to deny him any more than I already am.

  I told my therapist all about it, and she asked me a slew of questions, including how I felt then and the day after. The relief I felt to be able to fully talk about my feelings and have someone listen without judgment helped me work through my embarrassment and shame. I’ve continued my weekly appointments, and while I’m still working through everything, I’m getting stronger every day.

  As I finish rinsing my hair, I decide my thoughts have wandered on long enough and turn off the shower. After I step out, I wrap a towel around my body and start working on my hair. I’m nearly exhausted by the time I finish blow-drying and curling it, and then hurry down to my room to slip on a nice dress and some heels. After I apply makeup, I’m ready to go, so I walk into the living room where Mason waits on the couch. As soon as he sees me, he instantly stands and smiles.

  Scanning his eyes down my outfit, he walks toward me. “You’re breathtaking,” he whispers, and his words cause heat to rush through my body. It’s hard to keep him at a distance when he looks at me with so much love and admiration.

  “Thank you,” I say, knowing I’m blushing but don’t try to hide it this time. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” And he doesn’t. He looks good enough to eat.

  Before he can respond, Liam nearly stumbles down the stairs. We look at him, and I arch a brow at his getup. There’s no denying he went the extra mile to look nice for the recital, and Mason beats me to a smartass comment.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to impress Maddie,” he quips, causing me to giggle.

  Liam rolls his eyes. “Don’t you know basic etiquette when you go to a performance of any sorts?”

  I nod and grin. “Okay, he has you there.”

  “Mama didn’t raise no slob. I know how these things work. Could be all the classical music I listen to or the theatrical performances I saw in college,” Liam says matter-of-factly.

  Mason snorts. “Spare me. There’s no need to pull the elite card out of your ass.”

  “Good, because it’s made of diamonds and hurts to flash.” Liam smirks, then winks, thinking he’s so damn funny.

  “You’re disgusting,” I tell him, then notice the way he looks me up and down.

  “So who’re you trying to impress? Oh wait…” He waggles his brows. “It’s for me, isn’t it?”

  “Shut up,” I say, nudging him in his ribs. He pretends to fall over, but the truth is he’s built solid. My elbow didn’t do shit to him.

  Mason looks at his phone and rounds us up. “We should probably get going if we want good parking.”

  “Lennon and Hunter might beat us there. We have front row tickets because I want to see the sweat beads roll off the dancer’s foreheads.” I snicker, knowing Maddie won’t sweat a drop. She’s in such good shape, a two-hour performance is nothing for her. Nothing at all. The girl could dance in her sleep and wake up refreshed.

  Mason leads the way to his truck, and I turn and look at Liam as he walks to the back. “You even wore a tie. You know she’s going to want you to tie her up with it,” I tease with a chuckle. He groans and flips me the bird. “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”

  Giving him shit is going to be the highlight of my night, and it’s only just begun. When Maddie sees him wearing a black button-up shirt with a red tie and slacks that squeeze his ass, she might straddle him right then and there.

  Mason drives us to the university theater where it’s being held. When we walk inside the auditorium, Mason places his hand on the small of my back, and it causes every hair on my body to stand.

  Of course Lennon and Hunter are already here. Liam sits on the other side of Hunter, and I sit between Lennon and Mason. As soon as Lennon sees Liam, she says something about his outfit.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t sit in front. If Maddie looks out and sees you dressed like that, she’s going to drop dead.” Lennon giggles, and Liam responds with an annoyed groan. “Even a tie…” She pretends to tug on it, and Hunter’s already smirking and shaking his head.

  “That’s what I said,” I agree with Lennon.

  “Great, I have to listen to both of you riding my ass?” he snaps.

  “Oh Hulk, it’s all in good fun. Just don’t laugh, you might pop a button and rip your shirt right open.”

  He crosses his arms, and I can’t stop chuckling.

  “Don’t make him cry, Soph,” Mason taunts.

  Liam flips him off, then proceeds to flip every single one of us the bird.

  “What was that you said earlier about etiquette?” I remind him with a wink.

  “I hate you all.”

  “Mmhmm.” Lennon continues to poke the beast.

  Before we can add anything else, the lights flicker, giving the five-minute warning. I look around the room and see it’s packed full. A smile touches my lips, and I’m so damn happy I’m able to be here, supporting Maddie and watching her in something she’s so passionate about. I think about my past and how all of this would’ve been ripped away and stolen from me if things had ended differently.

  “You okay?” Mason whispers in my ear as I try to keep my emotions in check.

  “Just grateful,” I admit with a smile, and then the lights lower, the curtains open, and the music begins to play.

  The melody starts off slowly and builds to a giant crescendo when the ballet dancers rush forward. Maddie glides across the stage so effortlessly. Though I’ve been watching her perform since baby ballet, there’s something so incredibly mesmerizing about her when she’s doing pointe. The stage is hers, she’s the queen, a true performer, and all eyes in the room are on her, especially Liam’s.

  The songs flow together, creating a full show, and though no words are spoken, it’s obvious it’s a performance about two lost lovers, determined to find the other, and Maddie’s the star, the leading lady, fighting all the outside sources to find the one.

  It’s easy to pretend she doesn’t have a smart mouth or isn’t full of sass when she moves across the stage like it’s glass, looking like a porcelain doll with perfect skin. She so effortlessly supports her entire body on one leg as the other extends directly behind her, using the music to draw a reaction from the crowd. Then in a blink, she’s soaring through the air, spinning like an ice skater, willing her legs and arms to complete impossible movements. She extends and bends and so eloquently moves and leans her body in unimaginable ways, and I’m in total awe watching her. Talented doesn’t even begin to
describe Maddie. She’s more than that; she’s absolutely incredible.

  When she finally gets to be with her lover, a dancer dressed in black rips him away. The music spirals into dark, ominous tones, and the finale begins with a dramatic emotional dance where it’s obvious the man she loves has died. After all the fighting to be together, death ultimately tore him from her. Tears fill my eyes, and Mason interlocks his fingers with mine, rubbing his thumb across the softness of my skin. It’s a simple gesture, and one I appreciate more than he knows. The stage lights turn bright white, and Maddie purposely and dramatically dances to the ground where death takes her too. Finally, the two are able to be together eternally, forever. The emotion behind it all is almost too much for me to handle, but based on the sniffles in the room, I know I’m not the only one.

  I lean toward Mason, wanting to be as close to him as I possibly can. Tears stream down my face as the lover’s dance ends. The stage fades to black, and the curtains close. Before the house lights brighten, I wipe my cheeks. I’m actually speechless. It was the most beautiful dance I’ve ever seen in my life. One of my favorites she’s ever done, and while it was tragic, it was so damn deep and beautiful.

  I let out a breath when the curtains open, and the dancers take their bows. Maddie is the last to come out. The crowd goes wild over her, and we all know why. She stole the show, no doubt about that, and should be proud as hell for the emotions she was able to draw from hundreds of people.

  “That’s my sister!” I shout, hoping she hears me over the applause as the room gives her a standing ovation. Not one person remains sitting as she takes her bow. When her eyes, full of tears and happiness, meet mine, she blows me a kiss and winks at Liam. Laughter escapes me, and I’m so damn honored to call her my sister that I can barely contain myself. She’s a shining star, burning so brightly, and deserves the world. When the curtains close again, we leave the auditorium, and I hope Maddie hurries and changes so she can meet us in the foyer.


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