Book Read Free

Truly Yours

Page 20

by Kennedy Fox

  “What are you doing?” I ask without looking at him.

  “Oh, nothing. You just keep reading your little book.”

  “I’d hardly call it little,” I muse. “It’s a Pierce Brown novel.”

  “Oh, right. Your loverboy. Well…don’t mind me then.” He pulls my panties to the side and pushes a finger in. My breath hitches, but I don’t move. I’m not reading a damn word on the page, but I’ll gladly play his teasing game.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t. This book is just too damn good anyway.”

  “Is that so?” He adds a second finger, thrusting harder and faster. “How about now?”

  “I’m sorry, are you doing something?” I playfully yawn, flipping the page.

  Mason rubs circles around my clit with his thumb, and my hips arch to greet him.

  “I think you like that.” I hear the smile in his voice, but I’m not giving in yet.

  “Not sure what you’re talking about.” I bite down on my lower lip to stop from moaning. Then the bastard increases his pace, calling my bluff.

  “Your wet pussy knows exactly what I’m talking about. Fuck, it’s squeezing my fingers so goddamn tight.” Mason’s words have my eyes rolling to the back of my head as he takes my body closer to the edge.

  “Fine, you win,” I say, tossing the book to the floor. “Don’t stop doing that.” My back nearly flies off the bed as he sinks deeper.

  Mason yanks his hand away, and when my eyes pop open, I watch as he puts both fingers between his lips and sucks them. “Always so fucking sweet.” The corner of his mouth tilts into a mocking smirk.

  “You enjoy messing with me, don’t you?”

  “Oh, Sophie. Haven’t you learned by now?” He crawls over my body until we’re face to face. “You’ve been the one messing with me for years. You just didn’t know it. Watching you shake your hips, your tits bounce, you sucking on that lower lip. It was torture.”

  “That’s what you get…for friend-zoning me,” I tease, fisting his shirt and pulling him closer. “We have a lot of making up to do.”

  “Fuck yes,” he growls, stealing a kiss. “Let’s start now.”

  It’s a miracle I can even walk by Monday morning. Pretty sure it looks like I’ve done a thousand squats and spent all day at the gym. I was exercising but not with workout equipment. Now that Mason and I have crossed the line from waiting to complete sex fiends, we can’t seem to get enough of each other. If we don’t end up in bed together, we’re making out in the shower, and it ends with one of us on our knees. It’s truly like nothing I’ve ever felt before, but now that I have it, I’m scared as hell it’s going to be taken away from me again.

  The rug has been pulled out from under me more times this year than in my entire life. Mason makes me feel things I’ve only read about in romance novels, and the fact that my reality is better than fiction is terrifying.

  But I trust Mason more than anything and believe in the relationship we’re building together. I can’t stop the smile on my face, nor do I want to. He makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.

  Mason: I miss you already. Skip work and come back home. I’ll make it worth it ;)

  Chuckling at his message, I blush and bite my lip. I hadn’t even made it down the block, but I have no doubt Mason would make a day of playing hooky worth it.

  Sophie: I just left! You haven’t had time to miss me yet.

  Mason: Then why is my dick hard already?

  Sophie: That’s a really good question, considering you snuck in the shower with me this morning!

  Mason: You liked it :)

  I chuckle and roll my eyes then put my phone down when the light turns green. That man is insatiable.

  Feeling more like myself and on cloud nine, rehearsal goes smoother than ever. The fall recital is soon, and I’ve memorized each piece by heart. The director even came up to me during one of our breaks and praised me for doing so well. He tells me how happy he is to see the passion back in my eyes. His words have me nearly skipping to my car afterward. It’s no secret my therapy has progressed very well these past few months, but I certainly didn’t do it alone. Mason has been by my side the entire time even when he was giving me space. When it didn’t feel like I was getting better, I’d read my previous journal entries, and it reminded me of how far I’ve come. For the first time, I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be, and the timing is finally right.

  Since Mason always works later than I do, I decide to text my sisters and see if they’d be up to hanging out. I know Lennon works until four, and Maddie has dance practice, but perhaps we can squeeze in a couple of hours of sister time afterward.

  Sophie: Can we meet up tonight? Lennon’s house? 5:30?

  Lennon: Sounds serious…everything okay?

  Maddie: I have a life, you know. Two hours notice is not very much for me…

  Sophie: That’s fine. I’ll just tell Lennon all the juicy news. See you at 5:30, Lennon!

  I’m totally messing with her, knowing that’ll get her sassy ass in gear.

  Maddie: No, you will not! You better wait for me and tell me every detail!

  Lennon: Wait? Is this for sex gossip? Not fair, I can’t drink!

  I chuckle at Lennon’s crying emoji.

  Maddie: Me either!

  Sophie: More alcohol for MEEEE!

  I send an emoji with a tongue sticking out, and they both send back angry faces.

  Lennon: I gotta pick up Allie from Mrs. Locke’s, and then I’ll be home!

  Sophie: Great! I’ll bring dinner!

  Maddie: Chinese food for me!

  Sophie: You’re not even coming, Miss Too-Popular.

  Maddie: Shut up. I’ve been waiting three years for this story! Pick me up!

  I send an eye roll emoji, and Maddie, the mature sister, sends an eggplant in response.

  Once I’m home, I head upstairs to quickly freshen up. I look around the bathroom and notice Liam’s dirty clothes in a pile. Ugh. He’s lucky I love his slobby ass so much. He left yesterday morning for work, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back this time. Grabbing his crap in my arms, I walk to his bedroom and throw them in his overflowing hamper. Deciding I’ll be nice this one time, I grab the basket and take it downstairs to the laundry room. He works so much, and if I don’t clean his clothes, he’ll start attracting flies.

  I reach into the pockets of his jeans and empty them out before shoving them into the washer, and in the third pair, I find a receipt and a gambling chip.

  What the hell?

  The receipt is for sixteen thousand dollars, and the chip is worth five hundred dollars. Even stranger, it’s from the Bellagio. Liam never said anything about being in Sin City. He’s always traveling for work and could’ve made a pit stop, but that’s a lot of money to win in Vegas. Wouldn’t he tell us or want to celebrate or something?

  Deciding to ask him about it later, I put all of the crap from his jeans on the kitchen counter after starting the washing machine. Then I text Hunter and ask for his Chinese food order and head out to pick it up.

  Sophie: I’m hanging at Lennon’s house for dinner. Stop over if you aren’t working too late. I’m bringing Chinese and could grab you something for later? :)

  Mason: Hang out while the three of you talk about our sex life? Think I’ll pass on that one ;)

  I chuckle because he knows us Corrigan sisters too damn well. But I’ll never admit that.

  Sophie: They don’t want to hear about that, trust me.

  Mason: You’re a horrible liar, babe. Even through text.

  I send him a smiley face emoji before replying with an I love you!

  Once I grab our food order, I pick up Maddie, then head to Lennon’s. She talks my ear off the entire ride there when I refuse to talk about Mason. She’s too impatient to even wait twenty minutes.

  “C’mon, just tell me one little detail! Anything. Wait. It wasn’t little, was it?” Maddie pinches her fingers together and arches a brow at me when I finally park in front o
f Hunter and Lennon’s apartment.

  “How would you even know what’s considered little?” I tease, grabbing the food, then getting out of the car.

  “Um, excuse me. I’ve watched porn before. Plus, I’ve fooled around with a few guys,” she states matter-of-factly, but I’m not buying it. Maddie is always way too eager to share information.

  I raise my eyebrow at her over my shoulder.

  “Okay, one guy. Like two years ago. But still. Big, yay or nay?”

  “Don’t you dare tell her anything without me!” We hear Lennon shout from the staircase.

  “You two are relentless!” I laugh, greeting Lennon with a hug. “I doubt Hunter wants to hear that about his friend anyway.”

  Maddie follows and gives Lennon a side hug then pushes her way into the apartment and immediately grabs Allie from her highchair.

  “Don’t worry,” I hear Hunter call from the kitchen. “You and Maddie are the reason I bought sound-proof headphones.” He smirks, popping his head into the doorway.

  “Har, har. I think you mean Maddie only.” I set the bag of food on the table where Lennon already has plates and silverware set out.

  “I’m pretty sure you two were here years before me, so I can’t be the one to blame,” Maddie states, setting Allie back in her chair.

  Hunter comes in with a plate for Allie and sets it in front of her with a little baby fork and spoon. We all take our seats and start eating.

  “So what’s Liam think about you two finally hooking up? He’s probably not used to that,” Hunter says, laughing.

  “He’s hardly home but is convinced we’re doing it all over the house and keeps asking if we’ve done it in the living room or kitchen. I’m afraid it’s because he has done it all over the place.”

  “Good thing you’ve cleaned that house from top to bottom,” Lennon says, snorting. “Especially since you two are in that honeymoon phase.”

  Maddie groans, and we all turn to her rolling her eyes. “The nonstop doing it phase, am I right?”

  We all snicker.

  “I’m totally selling my virginity.”

  “Maddie!” Lennon points at Allie, who is oblivious to any adult conversation happening as she stuffs little pieces of chicken into her mouth. She’s getting so big, and I can’t believe she’ll be one in only a couple of months.

  “She doesn’t even know what that word means!” Maddie argues.

  “But I’d still like that not to be in her vocabulary!” Lennon scolds.

  They do this fight and dance at least once a month, which cracks me up.

  “Fine! I’m selling my…flower pot. Happy?” Maddie flashes a snarky smile. “To the biggest…water hose.”

  Hunter nearly chokes on his food as he coughs, then tries swallowing it down with his drink. Lennon laughs as she slaps his back. “Water hose trip you up?” she teases.

  “You’ve been saying you’re going to ‘sell it off’ for months,” I say, rolling my eyes at her. “Either do it or quit whining about it.”

  Maddie responds with a glare. “I’ll be twenty-one soon, and then I’m going to get…”

  Lennon clears her throat and motions to Allie with her eyes as a reminder to watch her words.

  “Going to drink some happy juice.” Maddie grins, wide and taunting. “And get very, very happy. Then I’m going to pick my water hose and be a full-blown bloomed flower.”

  I snort, shaking my head at her. “Just wait until you find the right one. It makes it extra special,” I say with a dreamy sigh. “Trust me.”

  “Except you didn’t wait, so why should I trust you?” she fires.

  “Because I wish I would have!” I point my fork at her, daring her to keep challenging my older sister knowledge.

  “Isn’t it so much better when it’s with someone amazing?” Lennon says, looking at Hunter like he hung the moon.

  “It really is,” I agree.

  “All you two are missing are the floating hearts above your heads and cartoon stars in your eyes.” Maddie groans, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

  “Take it from me, Mads,” Hunter intervenes, grabbing a container of food and dumping it on his plate. “I had a lot of meaningless one-night stands, and they made me feel empty and gross. Then Lennon happened, and it was nothing like I’d ever experienced before. It was beyond special, and it meant everything. I knew I loved her for years before, but getting to experience that shared love is indescribable.”

  “Aww, baby…” Lennon coos.

  Maddie mimics a gagging noise, and I snicker.

  “You two are relationship goals,” I tell Hunter and Lennon. The moment they finally got together, I knew I wanted what they had. Lennon had a second chance at love after Brandon died, and I’m so happy she took the risk. Hunter’s perfect for her and Allie.

  Once we finish eating and clean up, Hunter offers to give Allie her bath and get her ready for bed so Lennon can socialize with us. I watch as Lennon gives him a deep, passionate kiss and sigh, loudly.

  “Didn’t know we were getting dinner and a show,” Maddie blurts.

  “Hey, you be quiet!” Lennon scowls before releasing Hunter, and he walks down the hallway. She looks so cute with her belly, and I’m so excited for them to be adding a baby boy to the family.

  “Baby kicking?” I ask as she takes a seat on the couch next to me. I rub her bump and beg for movement. “Ooh, was that it?”

  “Let me feel!” Maddie pushes me aside.

  “Relax,” Lennon says, laughing. “Pretty sure that was just gas. I have a food baby in there too.”

  Lennon kicks her feet up on the coffee table, and I start chatting about Mason and me. I want to be respectful of the intimate details of our relationship and knew I wanted to take things slow after the incident with Dalton.

  “It was…amazing,” I tell them with a dreamy sigh. “Friday was completely unplanned. Serena was there being overly touchy with Mason, and I flipped out. Once she and Liam left, he cooked dinner, but we weren’t really talking about what had just happened. He was acting a little too giddy for the way I told off his friend, and then he called me out for saying he was my boyfriend. Something just changed for me that night. I didn’t want to wait any longer because being with him felt right. I love him so much, and I wanted us to share something special. We ended the night, he kissed me, and we went to our separate rooms.”

  “And then what? He snuck into your bedroom and jumped you, right?” Maddie waggles her brows.

  “Actually, it was the other way around.” I blush. “I snuck into his room and told him I was ready.”

  “Then you spent the entire weekend naked and didn’t come up for air until this morning. Amiright?” Lennon smirks.

  “Pretty much!” I laugh. “I couldn’t get enough, and neither could he. We ate and refueled between.”

  “And now I want to barf,” Maddie says dramatically. Lennon narrows her eyes at her, which causes me to smile. “I mean, I’m really happy for the two of you. I just hate being the only sister who can’t contribute to these stories.”

  I pat her leg. “You will. One day, you will. Then it’ll be ‘Maddie’s Sex Stories’ nonstop.”

  “Ooh, I like the sound of that. Should totally be a book.” Maddie beams with excitement.

  We laugh and chat for another hour before Lennon suggests we FaceTime our parents since the three of us are together.

  “That feels wrong after the conversations we just had…” I bite my bottom lip, then shrug. “As long as Maddie doesn’t blurt out anything inappropriate, we should be okay.”

  “Considering I’m the one who knows both of your secrets, you should know I’m a pro at acting completely normal with Mom and Dad. It’s you two sex addicts who will blow our covers.”

  “They know by now not to say anything to me,” Lennon gloats.

  We end up talking to our parents for twenty minutes before Lennon uses Allie as an excuse to hang up. They could chat for hours if we didn’t find a way to end the call. We
all love them so much, but they will pry into every detail of our lives if given the chance.

  “Thanks for bringing dinner.” Lennon gives us hugs before we head out.

  “You’re welcome!” I smile. “Oh, don’t forget my fall concert is next week. You’re all coming, right?”

  “Of course! We wouldn’t miss it. Mads, I’ll pick you up,” Lennon directs at our little sister. “Don’t be late.”

  “You’re the one with the baby, and I’m going to be late?” She scoffs, and it’s funny the way we both give her shit, but it’s our job as the older sisters. She’s growing into a young woman, and it’s hard to believe she’ll be legal to drink in just a few months.

  Once I drop Maddie off, I come home to Mason on the couch. Lying down with one arm behind his head and the other over his chest, he’s fast asleep. He’s been working so hard since he was promoted, and I know he wants to prove himself, but I still worry about him burning out.

  “Baby…” I whisper, brushing my hand over his cheek. “Go to bed. You won’t be comfortable out here.”

  “Mmm…” He stirs. “I was waiting for you. What time is it?”

  “Just after nine,” I tell him. “You fell asleep early.”

  “Pretty sure I fell asleep the moment I walked into the house,” he says with a half smile, his eyes still closed.

  “Did you eat something?” I ask.


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