For Rowdy Christians Everywhere
Page 49
I CHOOSE TO travel with God once again;
Recover myself a seeker of truth;
Return to a culture of dreams and rainbows;
Walk into strange realms of new love;
Feel all about me excitement and light;
See in the mirror Christ-beautiful eyes.
I RESOLVE TO meet each day with new eyes;
Learn to see the good in all things again;
Have courage in darkness and strive for light;
Defend till death the sacredness of truth;
Sing with the sparrows and smile at rainbows;
And dutifully keep my heart filled with love.
MY UTMOST GOAL IS TO grow in God’s love;
Have diamonds shining out of dark eyes;
Lend my limbs the fluidness of rainbows;
Bounce through life with that smile alive again;
Share with strangers the freedom found in truth;
Live together in harmony and light.
I PLEDGE MY LIFE TO the good of no light
cause, but to the saving power of love;
Guardianship of revealed and reasoned truth;
Protection of the hope in children’s eyes;
The quest to make myself a saint again;
Remembrance of mercy-shining rainbows.
I BELIEVE IN children and in rainbows;
Dog-bark loyalty and warm summer light;
The power to become our better selves again;
The Divine source of even human love;
The holiness that hides itself in eyes;
The ‘never will you break me’ voice of truth.
I EXPECT my vision to become truth:
I will see more shooting stars and rainbows;
Having finally opened my hungry eyes,
They will be filled with invisible light
From a world made of promises and love;
And I shall follow God Himself again.
With fearless faith and rainbows in my eyes,
I choose again to be a child of light.
The only truth I need, I find in love.