For Rowdy Christians Everywhere
Page 58
Forty Days Fasting
Forty days fasting, forty nights in prayer;
Christ was tempted, but also protected
by angels--but more so by what he knew:
that God is faithful, His promises true.
Christ held firm, emerged from that soul’s dark night
unscathed, with no sin, no cause for regret.
Perhaps, however, he felt some regret
when Lazarus died. Though a single prayer
would raise him, Christ wept for his friend’s brief night.
He truly loved those whom he protected.
Then in the name of the Faithful and True,
He called Lazarus forth, and then all knew...
They learned what the prophets already knew,
who spoke of an end to all our regret.
Christ came, and proved all the prophecies true,
shepherding his own with sermons and prayer--
the same way Israel’s God had protected
them, clothed in a pillar of fire by night.
Jesus walked on water in the night;
Told people of things they thought no one knew;
Escaped stones as one whom God protected;
Healed the sick, and bore our sin and regret
to the cross, where after one final prayer
He gave his life, and proved God’s love is true.
Stories of His resurrection are true.
Disciples found Him risen in the night,
and sensed an answer to their hope and prayer.
Then Jesus appeared to them and they knew
He was the Son of God, and felt regret
for doubting their Lord would be protected.
Christ sent them forth apostles, protected
through trials and death, as they preached the true
Gospel, without compromise or regret.
They preached in the day and died in the night
and spent themselves willingly, since they knew
God would uphold their work, and hear their prayer.
Their prayer was that the church be protected,
That more might hear and trade blind night for true
God, and regret for the joy each witness knew.