Page 59
“Maybe they will simply think that Trey took advantage of a young, innocent virgin and now won’t take responsibility for it,” she mused.
“How can you say that, Gina?”
I was instantly defensive of Trey.
“Well, for starters, I don’t see a ring on your finger.”
“Trey wants to be married. He said so over Thanksgiving.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me that part, Tylar? So what’s the problem?”
“Well, it was more along the lines of ‘We love each other; we’re having a baby, I think we should be married’ type of thing.”
Gina was rolling her eyes, and running her hands through her thick, spiky blond mane.
“So you didn’t like the proposal? Is that the only reason?”
“No, I don’t want to be pregnant when I get married. I set that bar a long time ago.”
“Okay,” she said, sighing deeply, “Let me ask you these questions and you need to be totally honest with me.”
I nodded affirmatively.
“Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with Trey?”
"I want to."
“Okay, suppose Trey would have proposed to you prior to his knowing you were pregnant, would you have accepted?”
I didn’t have to think long or hard before answering.
“I would have insisted on at least an engagement of a year or so prior to getting married,” I answered truthfully.
“Then there you have it,” Gina replied, beaming, “You get engaged, then everyone will know you are with each other out of love. It is perfectly respectable to marry after the baby is born. This isn’t 1957 after all.”
“I like it,” I said, “There’s only one problem.”
“Which is?”
“Trey hasn’t officially proposed since I put the kibosh on his suggestion that we should be married a couple of weeks back. I’m not going to suggest it, that’s for sure.”
"You know, Tylar," she said looking at me seriously. "I'm no huge fan of the Hot Nazi but I have to say that he has done his part so far. Maybe you need to do yours. You
can always propose to him; show him how it's done."
She squeezed me in a hug just as there was a tap on the bedroom door. Trey walked in, looking a tad sheepish. I think Gina intimidated him somewhat.
“Gina, Ian’s in the living room. He was worried when you were gone so long.”
“Shit! I forgot all about Ian. We gotta get to the club. Call me,” she ordered, pointing her finger at me, disappearing out into the hallway. “Later, Trey,” she called back.
Trey came over and sat down on the bed next to me, putting his arm around me.
“Your soup is ready,” he said softly. “Come on, let’s go eat.”
I couldn’t eat and I knew it. There was a huge lump in my throat that needed to be resolved. I turned to Trey, taking his hand in mine, looking into his sapphire blue eyes.
“Trey, I love you and only you. When I see my future, I know that I want you in it every day. I know that we aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t perfect for each other.”
I raised his hand to my lips and kissed it.
“Tylar,” be breathed huskily, pulling me to him, burying his face into my neck. “I love you and only you. I wouldn’t want a future without you in it. I want you to be my wife.”
“Then why don’t you ask me, Trey?”
He pulled back, staring at me in sheer confusion.
“I have asked you, Tylar.”
“No, you have said things like ‘I think we should be married’ or ‘I want you to have my last name’ and now, ‘I want you to be my wife.’ Ask the fucking question, counselor.”
“Tylar Jamie Preston, will you please marry me?”
I lunged back into his arms, hugging his neck tightly.
“Yes, I will, Trey.”
Tears flooded down my cheeks as I climbed into his lap. I buried my face in his neck.
“Come on,” Trey said, lifting me up. “Let’s go eat something, okay?”
We sat at the breakfast bar, eating warmed-up Chunky soup and a salad that Trey had fixed while Gina and I were in the bedroom.
“What’s in the bag over there?” Trey asked, nodding toward the living room.
“Oh, Gina brought me some of her clothes. I want to expand my wardrobe a bit.”
Trey frowned, “You know that I can afford to buy you clothes, Tylar. No wonder Gina thinks I’m some kind of Nazi,” he mumbled. “Saturday you and I are going shopping for a ring,” he announced. “While we are at it, we will shop for clothes as well. I want the future Mrs. Sinclair to continue making the fashion statements she made today. By the way, are we going to set a date for our marriage?”
“Certainly,” I replied, smiling warmly at my fiancée, “It is still going to be after the baby is born and I’ve lost my baby weight,” I informed him. “Besides, weddings take awhile to plan.”
“I figured as much,” he conceded. “Just promise me that it will take place prior to our second child’s birth?”
“I give you my promise, Mr. Sinclair.”
Trey offered to clean up the kitchen so that I could get my shower before bed. I dragged the bag of clothes that Gina had brought back to our bedroom, rifling through it. Right near the top there was a gorgeous wool skirt that had a front box pleat. It was hunter green and brown plaid. I had tights that would match the hunter green perfectly. There was a brown cowl neck sweater to go with it. That would be my outfit tomorrow. I would wear my brown heeled boots with it.
I was showered and in bed by the time Trey came in. He put Monday Night Football on in our room. How flippin’ romantic I thought, especially on the night of our engagement. He took a quick shower during a commercial break, coming back to bed in his low hanging cotton sweats. My hormones were planning a preemptive strike.
He propped some pillows behind him sitting up in bed to watch the game. I snuggled up along side of him, resting my head on his flat belly. He draped one arm over my back, gently rubbing it. The game was heating up and so was I.
“Trey,” I said, "I’m hungry.”
“It’s going to be halftime in just a few minutes, baby, can you wait until then? I can make some popcorn or something, how’s that?”
“No, I want you to feed me,” I replied.
I looked up at him, grinning mischievously. I slipped my hand under the waistband of his sweats, finding his penis and gently massaging it.
“Tylar,” he started to say something then thought better of it.
“Trey go ahead and watch the game,” I said, bringing his manhood to full erection. "I’ll just help myself to what I want. You know that semen is full of protein, right? It’s a very healthy snack. You don’t have to take your eyes of the screen, really.”
I moved my head down to his crotch, hooking my fingers into the waistband of his pants, and pulling them down releasing his penis. My head was resting just above it, my fingers continuing to massage and stroke his lovely manhood. I lowered my mouth onto it, taking the head into my mouth, licking all over it in swirls. Trey moaned and shifted.
“Rise up,” he said, “I want to watch you.”
“Really? Wouldn’t you rather watch the game?”
He gave me a ‘don’t-be-stupid look, brushing my hair back so that he could watch me as I knelt submissively at his side, taking his full length into my mouth and flexing up and down on it. I moved his legs up so they were bent at the knees. I wanted easier access to his “P” spot. His orgasms were much more intense when I ‘multi-tasked’ like that. My fingers lightly traced the area, the applied gentle pressure in circle motions.
My lips and tongue continued their erotic moves on his penis, sucking and licking, gently nipping at the ridge. I applied more pressure with the two fingers that were massaging his perineum, pushing in then letting up, repeating this again and again.
“Aah,” he moaned, his hips flexing. His balls tightened which sig
naled me that he was getting close. I increased the rhythm of my fingers in sync with that of my mouth that moved up and down his engorged shaft, licking and sucking the head.
“Jesus, Tylar,” he groaned. “Are you ready for me, baby?”
“Um hmm,” I answered, my mouth working him into a frenzied release.
He cried out my name as his orgasm exploded; his thrusting penis stilled as it ejaculated warm semen into my mouth in sequential spurts. I kept swallowing as he kept coming. I felt his final shudder as he emptied himself into my mouth. I swallowed the last bit, licking my lips.
Trey’s eyes were smoldering in the afterglow of his climax. He pulled me up to him, kissing my lips. Our tongues played and probed each other’s mouths; he tasted the salty remnants of his orgasm.
“Are you full?” he asked.
“For now,” I answered, “You taste mighty fine, Mr. Sinclair. Perhaps we need to do lunch some time.”
Trey swatted at me playfully. “You need to be a good girl at work.”
That reminded me of something. I had to fill those forms out for HR. I had glanced at them earlier and needed to mention them to Trey.
“Trey, I have the customary forms to fill out for HR. I’m supposed to bring them in tomorrow and give them to Janet. It’s the usual stuff however; I will need to put my address down as well as my emergency contact information. That means that Janice will know about our situation.”
“Don’t worry about it. I will speak to her in the morning and bring her into our confidence. She is bound to confidentiality, Tylar. She won’t say anything to anyone you can be sure. Besides, once you get your rock, the secret will be out anyway. I’ve no intention of not letting everyone there know that you are mine,” he replied, kissing me again and again.
“Trey,” I said, tracing my finger on his muscular naked chest. “There is still one elephant in the room that we didn’t discuss this evening.”
He gazed down at me frowning slightly.
“Your phone message from Tess?’
“I had completely forgotten about that with my obsession over you.”
“So are you going to call her back?”
“I’m inclined not to,” he replied, shrugging. “Why, do you want me to?”
“I’m curious as to why she would phone you in the first place, I guess.”
“I don’t know; perhaps to congratulate me on my impending fatherhood.”
I didn’t think that was the case but I didn’t share that with Trey. The child she lost may not have been Trey’s but in her rationalization she somehow blamed him or his purchase of Derringer for her accident. It was not rational, but then she obviously needed someone to blame.
“I would prefer that you not call her back,” I said.
“Then I won’t. Get some sleep now, baby.”
I curled up next to Trey and fell asleep listening to football. I decided that I enjoyed Football Monday.
The next few weeks went by quickly. As promised, Trey went ring shopping and I went clothes shopping. It was important to me that Trey selected my ring and I told him that. I would love anything he picked out for me. My clothes on the other hand were a matter of my own personal taste. If Trey had his way, I would wear long baggy skirts and old lady shoes. I convinced Trey that I would choose clothes befitting my condition and the office environment.
Gina and I went shopping together; Trey had insisted on my taking his credit card, even though I had my own money. Gina said that it was a ‘guy’ thing and not to look a gift horse in the fucking mouth. She said Ian generally tried to hide their credit cards from her.
Trey wanted to present my engagement ring to me on Christmas Eve when we would be with his family in Bristol. He said he wanted to share the joy with his parents. I was not entirely comfortable with that given that his brothers and sister-in-law would be there this time. I didn’t want it to appear our engagement was upstaging their visit in any way. Trey told me not to be ridiculous.
We were driving to Bristol on the 23rd of December; his brothers were to arrive the following day. Susan had planned a grand Christmas Eve dinner. I had phoned Denise to let her and Ray know that Trey and I would be there for a week. I really wanted to get together with them this time back. Denise was excited with the news. She knew that I was expecting; Susan was telling everyone she ran into. I thought it might bother Trey but he was fine with it.
“You must think I’m as crotchety as my father,” he said, laughing. “Tylar, you and I are expecting a child; I’m happy about it.”
It was the night before we were set to leave for Bristol; Trey was finishing up some work in his study. I had finally met Mrs. Harris who was an absolute treasure.
She came in three days a week and it was always when I was at work. Trey and I had arrived home early today because the firm closed at noon. Mrs. Harris was just finishing up in the kitchen when we got there. Trey introduced us and left to finish up some work in his study.
“So you and Mr. Sinclair are going away for the holidays?” she asked, politely.
“Yes, Mrs. Harris,” I replied, “We will be in Bristol until after the first. You won’t need to come in during that time.”
“Well, now that’s nice. You call me Jean now, you hear?’
“Yes, Jean, as long as you call me Tylar.”
“Tylar it is,” she said, her eyes twinkling.
“I’ve got to give you this, Tylar; ever since you came here my work has been cut in half. Now that says something don’t it when I’m cleaning for two people instead of one and my workload is cut in half?”
I laughed, “Well then it’s worth all of the nagging I have to do to get Trey to pick up after himself. You work may increase some in the future, though.”
I blushed, “Trey and I are expecting a baby in early May.”
“Well congratulations, honey. That is great news. You two are simply a beautiful couple. I won’t mind cleaning up after a baby one little bit.”
She was putting her scarf on ready to leave. I grabbed her pay envelope off of the counter. Trey had put a Christmas bonus in side so that the income she would miss next week wouldn’t affect her finances.
“Merry Christmas, Jean.” I said, handing her the envelope.
“Merry Christmas to you and Trey, honey. Have a good trip. I will see you after the new year.”
I closed the door after her. She was a sweet lady.
I was excited about our trip. I loved Christmas and getting to spend all the quality time with Trey was the best present I could get. Trey and I decided that we would do the rest of our shopping in Bristol. He liked last minute shopping he claimed. I knew my ring was somewhere in the apartment. I had snooped around as much as I could but he always seemed to be right there.
I skipped down the hallway to Trey’s study. He was on his Blackberry again. I could tell he was talking to one of the partners. I guessed it was Pierce. He and Trey were working on a major class action suit that looked like it was going to trial in January. It was a product liability case. I had learned that much at the office.
I paused in the doorway of Trey’s study trying to see how much longer he was going to be. He gave me a shrug which said it might be awhile. I went on down to our bedroom. I was packed up for our trip. The apartment was spotless. I decided it might be a good time for some unobstructed snooping. I went into Trey’s closet. He hadn’t packed his stuff for the trip yet which made my task a bit more difficult.
I checked the insides of his shoes and boots, nothing there. I checked his built in drawers rummaging through his neatly folded boxers and socks. I was having no luck. He had likely hid it somewhere other than in the bedroom. I went over and climbed onto the bed. Then I remembered that I had hidden things under my mattress near the foot of the bed. It had to be far enough back that it wouldn’t be discovered by Mrs. Harris changing the sheets.
I positioned myself at the end of the bed, raising the heavy king-s
ized mattress up and sweeping my arm across each section as I moved across the width of the bed. Nothing there either. Perhaps at the head of the bed? That was a bit more difficult because it was against the wall and had a massive headboard. I went around to Trey’s side of the bed, and lifted the corner of the mattress as high as I could,
sweeping my arm underneath. My fingers barely touched
I peered down trying to see what it was that was just out of my reach. I knelt down, leaning in further and swept my hand closer to it. My fingers touched it moving it closer in to where I could finally grasp it. It was a plastic DVD case that I pulled out. It was a generic DVD; there was no writing on the case or on the disk.
I grabbed the remote from the nightstand, powering the Bose theatre on. I placed the DVD into the tray, pushing play. There was some initial fuzziness and then the video came onto the screen. It wasn’t particularly crisp at this point, but the audio was unmistakable. My voice was the first one audible.
“Trey, you need to get out from under Derringer, damn it!”
‘Trey, I’m going to run and call Mark to come down to help me get you up, okay?”
Oh my God. This was the video that Charlie took of Trey and me that night. Did I want to see the rest? Hell yes I did. I skipped ahead to where I slapped Trey across his cheek. He didn’t flinch. I watched as I raised my hand back to deliver yet another slap and he caught my wrist without taking his eyes off of me.
(Now that was kind of hot!)
Then it was at the part where Trey pulled me out into the stable area, closer to where Charlie must have been hiding; the recording was crisper now. Charlie must have
somehow adjusted his smart phone for optimum recording
quality I thought.
Oh God, there I was completely naked standing in front of Trey. Charlie used his zoom feature at this point.
Trey’s mouth and fingers were expertly locating my G-spot; bringing me to the edge of orgasm. I plainly heard myself moaning as my hips gyrated against his mouth and fingers. Then I told Trey that I wanted him, my voice sounded desperate.