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Page 64


  this baby is walking, don’t you agree?”

  “I am so in love with you,” I murmured, burying my face into his neck.

  I looked at the rest of the contents in the envelope. There was a packet of house plans for country homes. Trey said that I could select anything I wanted. I was overwhelmed with his love and generosity.

  Trey turned on the Bose theatre, adjusting the volume down because of the other guests staying down the hall. He turned on some Christmas choir music and went to run a bubble bath for us. I was glad to get out of my heels. I grabbed clean underwear and some silky pajamas from his massive closet.

  Trey had lit the candles and placed them around the sunken bathtub. We discarded our clothing and stepped down into the warm, inviting suds.

  “Do you want the jets on, Tylar?” he asked, giving me a wicked grin.

  I blushed remembering that he had walked in on me the last time we visited as I was discovering the pleasurable sensations those jets could deliver to my sensitive areas.

  “No, I’m good,” I replied, leaning back against him, my legs on top of his in the water.

  We leisurely washed each other. Trey washed my hair; I washed his. Afterward, we toweled each other off, his manhood once again springing to attention as I was patting him dry.

  I noticed my belly was getting a little bigger and rounder as I dressed. I was a little more than four months pregnant; halfway there I thought. Trey slipped into his drawstring pajama bottoms that hung low on his hips, tying the drawstring loosely.

  I was exhausted as I climbed under the covers, laying my head back on the pillows. Trey finished up in the bathroom, blowing out the candles and switching the lights off as he came into the bedroom. The television was still on,

  casting some light into the room. He generally liked to fall asleep with it on, setting the timer.

  He climbed into bed next to me, pulling me to him.

  “Do you want to watch anything, baby?”

  “No, I’m about thirty seconds away from sleep. Put on anything you like, it won’t disturb me,” I replied, yawning. Trey switched the station to some Christmas movie with Jimmy Stewart, muting the sound completely.

  “How can you watch the movie without the sound?” I asked.

  “I’ve seen it a hundred times,” he answered. “It’s a classic.”

  Trey was on his side next to me, tracing his fingers on my silk top, playing with the buttons. I felt the first one give way, then the next, and then the last one. His hand slid inside, cupping my breasts; kneading them gently. I had a feeling that sleep was definitely not thirty seconds away. I turned to him, watching him watch me.

  He raised himself up, hovering over me, lowering his lips to mine in a long, leisurely kiss. I laced my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer, answering his kiss with a passion of my own. I felt something deep within me stir, making me hungry for him once again.

  His hands expertly slid my silk top off, his hands dropping down to my belly, pulling at the waist band of the bottoms, and sliding them down my legs. His thumb hooked into the tops of my panties, pulling them down and off.

  “I see you have me totally naked now, Mr. Sinclair,” I whispered.

  “Um hmm,” he whispered back, his lips playing on mine tenderly.

  “Aren’t you going to take your pants off as well?”

  “I have a fly on them,” he replied, my lips feeling the smile spread across his lips.

  “It might be nice if one of these times you fucked me with your pants off, Trey,” I commented in a faux stern tone.

  "I will be glad to oblige, Ms. Preston," he remarked,

  pulling the drawstring and tugging his pants down and off. “We are not fucking tonight. We are making love,” he clarified.

  Trey kicked the covers down as our bodies were heating up enough to take any chill out of the air as we pressed against each other. His hands were all over me, gently massaging my flesh, kissing my lips, my neck and then my breasts.

  His tongue swirled ever so gently around my nipples, teasing them with his lips. When he took a nipple into his mouth, he sucked it very gently, his hands moving to my womanhood to explore. His fingers expertly explored the soft folds of my sex, plying gently the hood over my clitoris sending gentle shock waves of pleasure through me.

  His tongue traced a path from my breasts to my belly. Stopping there, he kissed my rounded belly, his left hand gently rubbing the area, his right hand pleasuring me lower. I moaned softly as his fingers probed my very sensitive core, causing my sweet spot to swell with desire. My hips moved against his hand, his palm was now pressed firmly against my clitoris as both of his middle fingers were inside me, probing and playing. I was so wet already.

  His mouth moved to my womanhood, gently kissing the soft folds, his tongue washing over my clitoris in circular motions, licking and circling over it again and again. His tongue darted inside of me, his fingers pressing upward, his thumb gently brushing against my clitoris.

  “You taste so sweet, Tylar,” he whispered, continuing to pleasure me with his lips and tongue.

  My hips were flexing harder against him now, wanting him inside of me. Trey could read my body’s every movement. He knew what it needed without my having

  to ask.

  “I know, baby,” he said, softly, “I know what you want. I want it too.”

  He rose up, spreading my legs out a bit wider, and positioned himself between them. He put his hand on his penis and leaned forward, straightening his legs out. He guided his shaft inside of me, slowly and gently filling my

  womanhood with him. I moaned with pleasure, reveling in the feel of him inside of me. My arms wrapped around him drawing him in closer. His thrusts were slow and gentle. Trey was taking his time, pleasuring me with his love and his passion.

  His lips were on mine once again, warming, soft and gentle. He rocked his hips back and forth, my womanhood totally possessing his manhood. I arched my back up, flexing my hips in circular motions, meeting his thrusts with total abandonment. I moaned against his lips, my orgasm building.

  “God I love being inside of you Tylar,” he breathed against my lips. “I love making love to every part of you. I love knowing that you are mine.”

  My hands moved lower to feel his buttocks as he started lifting up and rotating his hips in a circular motion. I loved feeling his muscles flex with each thrust. Our rhythm was perfect, but then it always had been. He continued his in-out circular thrusting; I could feel my muscles clenching him. Trey moaned with every thrust and I knew he was getting to the edge.

  “Does that feel good, baby? Are you going to come for me like a good girl?”

  “Oh, Trey” I mewled, my orgasm ready to unfold. “This feels so good. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “That’s it baby,” he crooned softly, “That’s my girl.” He rocked back and forth into me; again and again. His kisses were now becoming more urgent and hungry; his tongue swirled with mine as he moaned huskily against my mouth. The headboard was banging softly against the wall

  in rhythm with our thrusting. My mind was devoid of everything apart from Trey and the love we were making right this instant. He whispered his love for me again and again as I met each and every thrust.

  Somewhere in another world I could hear the sound of raised voices, arguing, slamming doors. I couldn't think about that now. All that mattered was the unraveling of my orgasm; Trey’s perfect thrusts, my pulsating G-spot begging for release. His rhythm picked up just a bit as we prepared for our final descent into mutual ecstasy. I was moaning with anticipation; Trey was groaning in pleasure. He was the master pilot of my body; an expert on my instrumentation.

  A door opened, a light switched on causing my eyes to squeeze shut, a female voice screeched loudly.

  “Oh my God, is that all you two ever do? Fuck like rabbits? How in the hell is anyone else supposed to sleep with that racket going on next door. Find a cheap motel!”

  (What the fuck?)

bsp; Trey was up and off the bed in an instant, standing there in all of his erected glory. He was panting with exertion; adrenaline was coursing through him. Quick as lightning I grabbed for the covers, anything to shield my naked body from the intruder, pulling the duvet up under my chin. I watched in horror as Caroline stared at Trey, her eyes widening as they lowered to the expanse of his fully erect penis that was glistening with my wetness. She didn’t attempt to look away from it.

  Trey was furious; raising his arm up, his hand pointing towards the door that she had just barged through.

  “God damn it get the fuck out of here, Caroline!” he yelled.

  She tried to gain some composure; it was obvious that she was drunk.

  “Nigel! Come get your fucking wife!”

  (Holy Shit! Trey is going to bring the whole house down around us.)

  I couldn’t stand it anymore, not knowing who was going to pop by next. I buried myself under the covers, sobbing uncontrollably. I had never felt so humiliated and disrespected as I did at this moment.

  Somewhere I heard our bedroom door slam and lock. I could hear Nigel trying to quiet Caroline down in the hallway. She was having none of it apparently.

  "Maybe if you were hung like your baby brother Nigel

  I’d been pregnant by now,” she hissed. I heard the sound of a slap.

  “You son of a bitch,” she shrieked.

  I wasn’t sure who slapped who.

  (Oh my God. I am going to be sick.)

  Trey was at the side of the bed, trying to coax me out from under the covers. I was still sobbing. I felt the bile rise up in my throat. I threw the covers back and ran naked into the bathroom. I slammed the lid back against the toilet tank and sank to my knees. I leaned over and vomited violently into the toilet. Trey was there, holding my hair back as I continued to heave and retch.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he said, wiping my face with a washcloth. “This is entirely my fault. I should have locked that goddamn door. I am so, so sorry.”

  By the time I was finally done with the retching; my head was throbbing. I wasn’t sure that I could even take anything for the headache.

  Trey dressed me in my panties and pajamas. I remained in a silent stupor. He led me back to the bedroom, lifting me up into the bed, pulling the covers up around me. He grabbed his drawstring pants from the floor, pulling them up over his nakedness. He brought me a glass of water, instructing me to drink it. He returned the empty glass to the bathroom, bringing a cold damp cloth out and placing it on my forehead.

  Trey climbed up in the bed on top of the covers. He lay on his side, keeping the cold compress on my forehead, gently pushing my hair back behind my ears.

  “Tylar are you going to talk to me?” he asked gently, his eyes filled with remorse and concern.

  My voice quivered with shame and embarrassment. I didn’t understand why I should be feeling those things.

  “Trey, we can’t stay with her here in this house,” I moaned, tears spilling again. “I can’t face any of your family after what happened tonight. Please Trey,” I sobbed, “Please take me away from here.”

  "Baby," he said, leaning over me, "It's after midnight on Christmas morning. There is no place to take you right

  Everything will be alright. I promise you that. That bitch will not speak another word to you harsh or otherwise. I will talk to Nigel right now if you want.”

  “No,” I said, sharply. “Don’t leave me Trey. Besides, I think Nigel has his hands full at the moment.”

  “Try and sleep sweetie. I’m right here and I’m not going to sleep until I know that you can, okay?”

  I nodded, closing my swollen eyes.

  He leaned down, kissing me softly on my lips, rubbing his thumb across my cheeks to capture my tears.

  “I love you, Tylar. Please forgive me for her.”

  “I love you Trey. I don’t blame you for this,” I sniffled, placing his hand against my cheek.

  I finally fell asleep, holding on to Trey’s hand.


  I was rustled awake Christmas morning by Trey curled around me. The body heat he generated was making me almost uncomfortable. My stomach was empty and growling audibly.

  I tried to carefully scoot out from under Trey’s arms and legs, without disturbing him. He looked so damned handsome and innocent when he slept. I wasn’t sure where the innocence came from, certainly not from his sexual boldness. Then the replay of the previous night came crashing down around me.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, placing my hand on my forehead and squeezing my eyes shut tightly, trying to force the images from my mind.

  Trey stirred immediately, opening his eyes and immediately turning to me.

  “Are you alright, Tylar?”

  His voice and eyes showed concern.

  “I just remembered last night. I was hoping it was a nightmare.”

  He brushed a lock of my hair away from my face, studying me.

  “You know Tylar,” he said, gently, “You and I have no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed about last night. Caroline was completely out of line and off the charts with her behavior. She will be the one who feels sheepish about showing her face around the family today. We have no reason to feel uncomfortable.”

  “Trey, if you think for one flippin’ minute I would step foot out of this room today to face your family after that horrific scene last night, you don’t have a clue as to how I roll.”

  “Be reasonable, Tylar,” he started, raising himself up to a sitting position, “I doubt very much if anyone is even aware of what happened other than Nigel.”

  "I don't give a rat's ass Trey. It's not that she just walked in on us like that and made those crude statements at the top of her voice, but she stood there ogling your dick and

  then made a hateful statement to your brother. Apart from that, she was getting her digs in at me all afternoon yesterday. The only people who actually tried to diffuse the situation were your mother and Tristan. I didn’t hear squat out of you.”

  I pulled the covers off and got out of bed, going to Trey’s massive closet to get my clothes. Trey was right behind me, naked from the waist up, his drawstring pants hanging loosely around his hips. I had riled him up but I didn’t care. I was bothered by the fact that perhaps if he had put the bitch in her place earlier, she might have thought twice about crashing into our bedroom and making a scene at the most inopportune time possible.

  “Wait one second, Tylar,” he said, “I took the high road yesterday even though I was just as pissed as you were at her nasty comments. I did that for the family; for Mom and Dad. We’ve been exposed to Caroline’s outbursts for years. It is just something that has to be tolerated. She is not going to change. She is after all, my brother’s wife. I’m sorry if you felt that I didn’t defend your honor by exchanging barbs with her.”

  I whirled around from where I had been sorting through the various clothing I had brought to face him, now angrier than ever.

  “I see,” I said very quietly, keeping my rage in check. “You did that for the family. Who the fuck am I to you then Trey? Some brood mare put on earth for the sole purpose of whelping your offspring? My feelings, they don’t matter?”

  I grabbed my clothes and underwear, heading for the bathroom. Trey grabbed my arm but I somehow found the strength to shake it free.

  “Tylar,” his voice was taking on a trace of condensation now, “I didn’t mean it like that. You misunderstood what I was trying to say.”

  "There was no misunderstanding Trey. For the

  record, I don't think for a minute that you were taking the

  high road. I think you were taking the path of least resistance, and in this case it caused me to be insulted and

  hurt. I guess now I see how you roll. Merry fucking Christmas!”

  I slammed the bathroom door behind me, turning the lock. I heard him curse under his breath, and smack the door with his hand, cursing again.

  I showered quickly and brushed
my teeth. I pulled my hair back into a french braid, applied some makeup, and dressed in a pair of jeans and a bulky red sweater. I pulled my brown leather boots up, zipping them on the side.

  When I returned to the bedroom, Trey was sulking, giving me the silent treatment. That was fine with me. He had his clothes in his arms, and entered the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him.

  (Really Trey?)

  I fished my Blackberry out of my purse and called Gina. She picked up after the first ring.

  “Merry Christmas, girlfriend,” she squealed.

  “Oh, Gina,” I said, dissolving into tears.

  When she finally got me calmed down, I shared with her what had happened.

  “That is fucked up on so many levels,” she replied, “Listen Ty; do you want me to call my Aunt Becky? I’m sure she would love some company on Christmas? It’s just her and my grouchy uncle.”

  “I don’t know, Gina. Part of me doesn’t want Caroline to think she ran me off, but the other part of me just doesn’t feel like being fucked with today.”

  “Go with the second option, Ty. You have a baby to think about. All that puking and stress last night certainly can’t be good.”

  She was right; I suddenly realized that I hadn’t felt the baby move since all that shit went down. This brought a fresh flow of tears. I was glad my mascara was water-proof.

  “What now, Ty, what’s wrong?” Gina was tripping.

  “I haven’t felt the baby move since all of this happened,” I squeaked in a high-pitched voice.

  “Listen to me. Tylar, listen to me. I am hanging up the phone and I am calling my aunt, okay? You stay put and I will call you back in three minutes, I promise.”

  It was less than three minutes and my phone vibrated that I had an incoming call. It was Gina. She said Becky was on her way and should be pulling into the driveway at the manor in less than five minutes. Gina ordered me to take a day of rest with her aunt and get some perspective. I knew that Trey would be pissed, but for right now, he was not my first priority. My little baby was my first priority.


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