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The Trainer (military romantic suspense) (The Dregs Book 5)

Page 31

by Leslie Georgeson

  “Let’s go!” I leapt behind the wheel and raced through the forest toward Eatonton, Nishi sitting in the back monitoring Noah’s condition. Ryan and Luke followed anxiously in Luke’s Camaro.

  A half hour later, Noah was in surgery, barely hanging on. Nishi went in the hospital with him while we parked out in the lot and waited. Nishi kept us all updated on his condition via text messages. Though the town of Eatonton accepted us now, welcomed us even, we still thought it best to stay in hiding. Collins might be dead, but The Company was still out there, and so were the gangs, so it wasn’t safe to show ourselves.

  An hour passed. Then two.

  Another text came in from Nishi.

  Noah is out of surgery now. He flatlined during the surgery several times, but somehow they managed to bring him back each time. The doctors still don’t know if he will make it, but they’ve done all they can for now. They removed bullet fragments from his chest and back, and one in his aorta. He had stab wounds everywhere. They said it was horrible. His condition is critical.

  My heart twisted in agony as I read the text. His condition is critical.

  Collins had mocked us for having the dreg bond, saying it would be our downfall. But he didn’t understand how special the dreg bond was. How rare. The dreg bond gave us strength when we were weak. It helped us heal when we were wounded. It helped up endure when we were tested to our limits. It helped us communicate when we were separated. And it had helped us survive for the past thirteen years. Noah was my best friend. My brother. And I couldn’t fucking lose him.

  I needed Nishi right now. I needed her arms around me. I needed her warmth. Her strength. Her love. Her support. I couldn’t deal with this alone. I couldn’t lose Noah. It would break me.

  Come to me, I texted Nishi. Please. I need you, little one.

  I’ll be right there, came her response.

  A few minutes later, the passenger door of my truck opened and Nishi climbed in. I let out a quiet sob and dragged her across the center console and into my arms. I moved the seat back, giving her more room. She hugged me tightly, clinging to me while I clung back. Together, we cried quietly, sharing our fears, our worries, and trying to offer comfort to each other.

  Ryan and Luke were parked next to me in Luke’s Camaro. They, too, were worried. Ryan had already texted the other dregs and filled them in on what had happened. They had all responded that they were on their way, and would be here as soon as they could. Ryan promised to keep them all updated on Noah’s condition until they arrived.

  Luke started up his car and drove off. Moments later, my phone chimed with his text.

  We’re heading back to get rid of the bodies. Let us know if Noah’s condition changes.

  Nishi leaned away from me, waiting while I responded.

  Will do. Thanks, man.

  She hugged me again, holding on tight. And I hugged her back.

  We stayed that way for a long time. Holding each other, drawing strength from each other. Minutes passed. Then hours.

  It was sometime later that I jerked awake, unaware that I’d fallen asleep in the truck with Nishi on my lap. The sky was lighting with the rising of the sun. Dawn had arrived.

  Someone knocked on my window. I jolted, jerking my gaze to my left.

  Ryan stood next to my truck. I pushed the button to roll down the window.

  “We took care of the bodies. Brought them all back to Augusta to that warehouse where they tortured you. We used their vehicles to keep any evidence away from us. Made it look like they’d been ambushed by a gang. Any news on Noah yet?”

  “Not yet,” I admitted. Nishi stirred in my lap, slowly sitting up.

  Ryan tensed, jerking his head away. “Here comes a nurse.” He slipped away before the woman reached us, disappearing across the parking lot.

  Dread filled my chest as the nurse paused next to my truck. She was youngish, probably mid-twenties. She cleared her throat. “Hello.” She glanced at Nishi. “You really didn’t have to sit out here all night, you know. Both of you could have come inside where it’s warm.”

  Nishi and I exchanged a glance. It wasn’t safe for me. And I’d been in worse situations before. “How is my friend?”

  She lowered her gaze. “He’s taken a turn for the worse. He keeps flatlining and the trauma team have been struggling for the past hour to keep him alive. He’s barely hanging on. His condition is very critical. He could pass at any moment. I came to get you in case you wanted to see him before he died, to say goodbye.” She paused, glancing up at me. “Just in case. I’m sorry, but the doctor isn’t very hopeful. He doesn’t think he’s going to make it.”

  My chest squeezed in misery. No. Noah couldn’t die. He couldn’t. He was my best friend. He’d risked himself to save me.

  “We’ll be right in.”

  The nurse turned away and went back inside the hospital.

  Nishi let out a sob, hugging me tightly.

  I needed to go tell my partner goodbye. This might be the last time I got to see him while he was still breathing.

  I texted the other dregs and told them the news. Then Nishi and I left the truck and headed inside the hospital, holding hands. I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt up over my head to help obscure my face, but no one really paid any attention to us as the nurse led us into the intensive care unit.

  Noah was hooked up to all kinds of machines that beeped and chirped as they monitored his condition. He was so pale. So lifeless as he lay there in that bed. So not Noah.

  Emotion clogged my throat. Tears burned my eyes. What if I lost him? What if this was the last time I ever saw him?

  I reached over and covered his hand with mine, letting him know I was here. Did he feel my presence?

  “I’m here for you, bro,” I whispered. “Don’t leave us now, man. You can’t. I won’t let you.” I drew in a ragged breath and stepped back. Noah’s chest slowly rose, then fell. He wasn’t dead yet. But close. So damn close. I could literally feel his life slowly ebbing away. He was dying.


  “Do you feel his pain?” Nishi asked.

  I nodded, sighing deeply, my heart twisting. “He’s so out of it that he doesn’t feel the pain right now, but I do. His mind has gone to another place…” I broke off, swallowing hard. “He’s dying, Nishi. I can feel it.”

  Nishi squeezed my hand. “Be positive. He’ll come back to us. I know he will. He’s a dreg. He’s strong. He’s special. Have faith, Logan.”

  How could I have faith when Noah was fading so fast? When I could feel his life slipping away?

  You have to save him. You have to.

  I did. I had to save him.

  And then it hit me.

  There was only one thing that might save Noah’s life right now.

  Dreg blood.

  While Tony’s blood contained the strongest antibodies of all the dregs and would give Noah the best chance for survival, Tony was three days’ drive away.

  Noah didn’t have three days.

  He needed a transfusion immediately.

  Right now, I was the only one who might be able to save Noah.

  He needed my blood.

  Or he would die.



  “Noah needs a transfusion of dreg blood if he’s going to live.” My words came out shaky and scared, belying my fear. Noah was so close to death that it might be too late to save him. “I feel it strongly in my gut, Nishi. If he doesn’t get the necessary boost to his immune system, the dreg antibodies to promote faster healing, then he won’t survive.”

  She nodded, her eyes wide. “What can I do to help?”

  “Keep watch at the door. I’m not sure how we will explain this to the medical staff if they walk in while we’re in the middle of the transfusion.”

  A determined look crossed her face. “Okay.”

  I glanced around at all the tubes and things connected to Noah. I needed a pump. I needed Nate’s medical kit. It was still out in my truck
. It contained all the necessary items to do a direct blood transfusion. I just had to smuggle it into the critical care unit without being seen. Ryan and Luke could assist with that.

  “Stay with him,” I told Nishi. “I’m going to get Nate’s medical kit out of the truck. I’ll be right back.”

  I left the hospital and went straight to my truck. Snatching up the medical bag, I quickly texted Ryan and Luke and told them I needed their help. While I waited for them to get over here, I dialed Nate and explained the situation to him. I told him I feared Noah would die without dreg blood. Nate agreed that Noah’s best chance at survival would be a transfusion of dreg blood. I’d seen Nate do it many times, and I’d assisted on several occasions. But I’d never donated the blood myself while transfusing into another person all by myself. I would be donor and doctor all in one. Could I do this?

  Nate walked me through it again, explaining the procedure, and reassuring me that I could do this. It was up to me to save Noah’s life.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I slowly exhaled.

  You can do this.

  This might be the only way to save Noah.

  Ryan and Luke appeared beside me, awaiting my instructions.

  “I need you guys to distract the nursing staff and keep them away from Noah’s room while I give him a transfusion.”

  “We’re on it.” Luke and Ryan pulled their hoodies up over their heads and went in the building. I followed after them with Nate’s medical bag.

  Ryan and Luke were both at the front desk working their swag and keeping the nurses distracted as I slipped past them and went through the doors into the ICU. Nishi was still in Noah’s room, watching over him. He was so pale and lifeless. I had to hurry.

  “Let’s do this.” I opened the medical bag and removed the blood transfusion kit. Working quickly, I hooked myself up to an IV line, then attached the transfusion tube. Once that was done, I began pumping my blood into the collection bag. Nishi watched attentively, and assisted me whenever I needed help.

  Next, I unhooked one of Noah’s IV lines from the solution the hospital had entering into his bloodstream, and attached the collection bag to the line. Dreg blood was more important than a saline solution. He needed it now, or he might die.

  I gently began squeezing my blood into him.

  I held my breath and waited.

  The door opened and a nurse entered.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Ryan and Luke had missed one. It was possible she’d already been inside the ICU when they’d entered the hospital.

  Nishi jumped up and intercepted her. It was the same woman who had come out into the parking lot and invited us to come inside the hospital. Her eyes widened as she spied the blood collection bag.

  “What…are you doing?” she demanded.

  “Saving his life,” Nishi informed her, inserting her tiny body in between the nurse and me, preventing the woman from coming any closer. “He needs an infusion of dreg blood or he’ll die. Do not interfere.”

  The woman hesitated, her gaze darting back to me and what I was doing. “I’ll assist you.”

  Nishi glanced questioningly at me. I jerked my head in a nod.

  “Yeah, you can watch. I may need your help. But don’t let anyone else in.”

  The nurse moved closer, watching as I continued to squeeze blood into Noah.

  Five minutes passed.


  The nurse studied each of the monitors.

  “His blood pressure and oxygen levels are rising,” she informed. “And look! His color is coming back. That’s amazing! What’s in your blood that’s so special?”

  My heart gave a jolt of hope. Were we doing the right thing? Was the infusion of dreg blood the best way to save Noah?

  “Dreg blood contains special antibodies and properties that promote faster healing and strengthen the immune system.”

  Indeed, Noah’s color was slowly returning to normal, the paleness of near death fading away, being replaced by the healthy pink of life. He was coming back. My blood was giving him the needed boost to survive.

  My chest squeezed. Nishi’s gaze met mine, her eyes filling with tears.

  “You did it, Logan. You’re bringing him back.”

  The nurse continued to watch attentively, constantly checking Noah’s vitals and glancing repeatedly at the monitors. “I’m Lara, by the way,” she introduced. “And I’m very proud to be a part of something so miraculous. You just brought his condition from critical to stable,” she murmured in awe. “I have never in my life seen anything like that.”

  Several more minutes passed while I continued to pump dreg blood into him. Noah’s color was now back to normal. He looked like himself again. “Do you think I should I stop now?”

  Lara nodded. “Yes. I would say so. His vitals are all good now. His blood pressure is normal and his oxygen levels are fine. I can’t believe I just witnessed a true miracle.”

  I breathed out a sigh of relief and unhooked the blood collection bag. Lara came forward and hooked Noah back up to the saline solution. Nishi assisted me while I put the transfusion kit back into Nate’s medical bag.

  We both turned to look at Noah. He was back. Truly back. No longer a pale, lifeless zombie. Just seeing him looking alive instead of dead was a huge relief.

  The breath whooshed out of my lungs as I was overcome with sudden emotion. I’d saved Noah. I’d brought him back from the brink of death. I’d donated my blood. Given him the healing properties of dreg blood.

  If I hadn’t done that, Noah would surely be dead right now.

  Nishi wrapped her arms around my waist and I drew her close, burying my face in her hair.

  “You saved him,” she whispered, her words filled with pride. “You’re so amazing. You saved him.”

  I had. I’d saved Noah.

  I squeezed Nishi tightly and let out a quiet sob.

  I’d brought my dreg partner back.



  Logan texted the other dregs and let them know the blood transfusion had worked. His phone buzzed with numerous responses from them. Ryan and Luke texted back that they were leaving now, heading back to the maze. Logan thanked them for their help and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. The nurse Lara had kept a close watch on Noah after the blood transfusion—just in case—but Noah’s condition gradually improved over the next several hours.

  Then the hospital staff moved him into a regular room, and announced that they expected him to make a full recovery, stating it was a true miracle that he’d survived. Lara promised to keep what we’d done a secret.

  Logan was uncomfortable being out during daylight hours. But when he expressed his concern about being seen, Lara promised to keep his identity a secret. “You can stay here with him,” she invited. “We will keep everyone else away. No one will know you are here.” She was even kind enough to wheel in an extra bed for us so we wouldn’t have to sleep out in the truck. After only a slight hesitation, Logan agreed.

  Now he and I cuddled together on the bed a few feet away from Noah’s bed. Logan kept turning his head to glance at Noah, his expression filled with awe, as he checked Noah’s condition.

  “I can’t believe we saved him,” he whispered. “I was so afraid he was going to die. I’d felt him slipping away…” He swallowed hard and shook his head. “But the transfusion brought him back. It worked. My blood saved him.” His voice wavered with emotion. Logan was such a kind and caring man. And I loved him so much. I was so fortunate to have met him.

  I squeezed his hand. “You did great, my sexy dreg. You’re a miracle worker.”

  He chuckled and pulled me close. “Thank you for everything, Nishi. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help and support. Are you okay with waiting a bit longer before we head out on our trip?”

  “Of course,” I assured him. “As long as I’m with you, then I’m happy. Wherever you are is where I want to be.”

  We both drifted off to sleep
shortly thereafter, content with the knowledge that Noah would survive. Logan had saved him.

  When we woke a few hours later, Noah was sitting up in his bed. The sounds of the young nurse, Lara, clucking and fussing over him was what had jerked me awake. I glanced at Logan, who was smiling as he watched Lara checking Noah’s vitals.

  “I think she has a bit of a crush on him,” I whispered in Logan’s ear.

  He let out a soft laugh, his gaze darting to mine. “Women are always drawn to him, but he’s a bit shy around girls sometimes, and I don’t think he knows how to take their attention or their endless flirting.”

  I could see that. Noah was sweet, like Logan, but he had a goofy, shy side that probably made him a bit awkward around females. And his obsession with technical stuff made him a bit of a mystery. How would a girl go about getting Noah’s attention? Noah had a sharp, highly intelligent mind. I imagined it would be difficult to impress him. He would need a woman who was equally smart, maybe even a tech genius like him.

  Noah glanced over at us, his prosthetic eye not following the natural eye and making his gaze a bit creepy as the one eye stay focused straight ahead while the other moved. Some people might be a bit put off by his prosthetic eye, but anyone who got to know Noah wouldn’t be bothered by it in the least. Noah was an awesome guy. And someday he would make some lucky lady a great partner. I was looking forward to seeing him find his happiness like Logan had. Noah deserved that. He was a special guy.

  Lara finally left. Logan and I slid out of the spare bed and came to stand by Noah’s side.

  “How you feeling, partner?” Logan asked.

  Noah shrugged. “I’ve been better. What happened? The last thing I remember was fighting with Senator Collins for the gun.” He paled. “Oh shit, I killed him, didn’t I?”

  “He shot you in the chest,” Logan explained. “Then he pointed the gun at me, but you grabbed his hand and turned the gun toward him, forcing him to shoot himself in the head. You saved my life, man.” Logan’s voice wavered with emotion.

  Noah held Logan’s gaze. “You helped me hold the gun steady. You helped me kill him. I remember that. And then you rushed me to the hospital? Did you use my fake ID?”


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