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Seducing the Viscount

Page 29

by Alexandra Ivy

  “A tempting offer, but I will not leave you here alone.”

  “I appreciate your concern, Styx.” Cezar sent his master a warning glance. “But my duty now is to the Commission, and they have given me orders I cannot ignore.”

  A cold anger burned in Styx’s dark eyes before he gave a grudging nod of his head.

  “You will contact me if you have need?”

  “Of course.”

  Anna didn’t have to look at Conde Cezar to know that he was aware of her every movement. He might be speaking to the gorgeous man who looked remarkably like an Aztec chief, but her entire body shivered with the sense of his unwavering attention.

  It was time to put her plan into motion.

  Her hastily thrown–together, fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants, stupidest-plan-ever plan.

  Anna swallowed a hysterical laugh.

  So, it wasn’t the best plan. It was more a click-your-heel-twice-and-pray-things-didn’t-go-to-hell sort of deal, but it was all that she had for the moment. And the alternative was allowing Conde Cezar to disappear for another two centuries, leaving her plagued with questions.

  She couldn’t stand it.

  Nearly reaching the alcove that led to a bank of elevators, Anna was halted by an arm suddenly encircling her waist and hauling her back against a steely male body.

  “You haven’t changed a bit, querida. Still as beautiful as the night I first caught sight of you.” His fingers trailed a path of destruction along the bare line of her shoulder. “Although there is a great deal more on display.”

  An explosion of sensations rocked through Anna’s body at his touch. Sensations that she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

  “You obviously haven’t changed either, Conde. You still don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Life is barely worth living when I’m keeping my hands to myself.” The cool skin of his cheek brushed hers as he whispered in her ear. “Trust me, I know.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  The long, slender fingers briefly tightened on her waist before the man was slowly turning her to meet his dark, disturbing gaze.

  “It’s been a long time, Anna Randal.”

  “One hundred and ninety-five years.” Her hand absently lifted to rub the skin that still tingled from his touch. “Not that I’m counting.”

  The full, sensuous lips twitched. “No, of course not.”

  Her chin tilted. Jackass.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Did you miss me?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “Still a little liar,” he taunted. With a deliberate motion, his gaze skimmed over her stiff body, lingering on the silver gauze draped over the swell of her breasts. “Would it make it easier if I confess that I’ve missed you? Even after one hundred and ninety-five years, I remember the precise scent of your skin, the feel of your slender body, the taste of your—”

  “Blood?” she hissed, refusing to acknowledge the heat that stirred low in her stomach.

  No, no, no. Not this time.

  “But of course.” There wasn’t a hint of remorse on his beautiful face. “I remember that most of all. So sweet, so deliciously innocent.”

  “Keep your voice down,” she commanded.

  “Don’t worry.” He stepped even closer. So close that the fabric of his slacks brushed her bare legs. “The mortals can’t hear me, and the fey know better than to interfere with a vampire on the hunt.”

  Anna gasped, her eyes wide. “Vampire. I knew it. I . . .” She pressed her hands to her heaving stomach as she glanced around the crowded room. She couldn’t forget her plan. “I want to talk to you, but not here. I have a room in the hotel.”

  “Why, Miss Randal, are you inviting me to your room?” The dark eyes held mocking amusement. “What sort of demon do you think I am?”

  “I want to talk, nothing else.”

  “Of course.” He smiled. The kind of smile that made a woman’s toes curl in her spike heels.

  “I mean it. I—” She cut off her words and gave a shake of her head. “Never mind. Will you come with me?”

  The dark eyes narrowed. Almost as if he sensed she was attempting to lead him from the crowd.

  “I haven’t decided. You haven’t given me much incentive to leave a room filled with beautiful women who are interested in sharing a lot more than conversation.”

  Her brows lifted. She wasn’t the easy mark he remembered. She was a woman—hear her roar.

  Especially if he had even a random thought of ditching her for someone else.

  “I doubt they’d be so interested if they knew you are hiding a monster beneath all that handsome elegance. Push me far enough, and I’ll tell them.”

  His fingers lightly skimmed up the length of her arms. “Half the guests are monsters themselves, and the other half would never believe you.”

  A shiver shook her entire body. How could a touch so cold send such heat through her blood?

  “There are other vampires here?”

  “One or two. The others are fey.”

  She briefly recalled his mention of fey before. “Fey?”

  “Fairies, imps, a few sprites.”

  “This is insanity,” she breathed, shaking her head as she was forced to accept one more crazy thing in her crazy existence. “And it’s all your fault.”

  “My fault?” He lifted a brow. “I didn’t create the fey, and I certainly didn’t invite them to this party. For all their beauty, they’re treacherous and cunning, with a nasty sense of humor. Of course, their blood does have a certain sparkle to it. Like champagne.”

  She pointed a finger directly at his nose. “It’s your fault that you bit me.”

  “I suppose I can’t deny that.”

  “Which means you’re the one responsible for screwing up my life.”

  “I did nothing more than take a few sips of blood and your—”

  She slapped her hand across his mouth. “Don’t you dare,” she hissed, glaring at an approaching waiter. “Dammit, I’m not going to discuss this here.”

  He gave a soft chuckle as his fingers stroked over her shoulders. “You’ll do anything to get me to your rooms, won’t you, querida?”

  Her breath lodged in her throat as she took a hasty step back. Damn him and his heart-stopping touches.

  “You really are a total ass.”

  “It runs in the family.”

  Family? Anna turned her head to regard the large, flat-out spectacular man who scowled at them from across the room.

  “Is he a part of your family?”

  An unreadable emotion rippled over the chiseled, faintly golden features. “You could say he’s something of a father figure.”

  “He doesn’t look like a father.” Anna deliberately flashed a smile toward the stranger. “In fact, he’s gorgeous. Maybe you should introduce us.”

  The dark eyes flashed, his fingers grasping her arm in a firm grip.

  “Actually, we were just headed to your room, don’t you remember?” he growled close to her ear.

  A faint smile touched Anna’s mouth. Ha. He didn’t like having her interested in another man. Served him right.

  Her smile faded as the scent of apples filled the air.

  “Anna . . . Oh, Anna,” a saccharin voice cooed.

  “Crap,” she muttered, watching Sybil bear down upon them with the force of a locomotive.

  Cezar wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “A friend of yours?”

  “Hardly. Sybil Taylor has been a pain in the freaking neck for the past five years. I can’t turn around without stumbling over her.”

  Cezar stiffened, studying her with a strange curiosity. “Really? What sort of business do you have with a fairy?”

  “A . . . what? No.” Anna shook her head. “Sybil’s a lawyer. A bottom-feeder, I’ll grant you, but—” Her words were cut off as the Conde hauled her through the alcove and, with a wave of his hand, opened the elevator doors. Anna might ha
ve marveled at having an elevator when she needed one if she hadn’t been struggling to stay on her feet as she was pulled into the cubical (that was as large as her L.A. apartment) and the doors were smoothly sliding shut. “Freaking hell. There’s no need to drag me around like a sack of potatoes, Conde.”

  “I think we’re past formality, querida. You can call me Cezar.”

  “Cezar.” She frowned, pushing the button to her floor. “Don’t you have a first name?”


  “That’s weird.”

  “Not for my people.” The elevator opened, and Cezar pulled her into the circular hallway that had doors to the private rooms on one side and an open view to the lobby twelve stories below on the other. “Your room?”

  “This way.”

  Anna moved down the hall and stopped in front of her door. She already had her cardkey in the slot when she stilled, abruptly struck by the memory of another night she had attempted to best Conde Cezar.

  The night her entire life had changed....

  Raoul Charlebois is nothing if not notorious.

  He’s abandoned his wild life to search out answers

  to his dark past, but that doesn’t stop his reputation

  as a rake from following him wherever he goes.

  In this case, it follows him to the door of a

  gamekeeper’s cottage, where beautiful, optimistic,

  innocent Sarah Jefferson resides. In all his exploits,

  he’s never met a woman like her . . .

  and that makes her all the more tempting . . .

  At first, Sarah will have no part in whatever the

  devastatingly handsome visitor wants at the estate . . .

  until she realizes what he wants is her.

  For as the snow falls down around them,

  she finds that the intoxicating scent of evergreen

  boughs can prove incredibly seductive.

  And maybe there is some glimmer of good in

  Raoul hiding deep within.

  After all, Christmas has a way of

  bringing lost souls together . . .

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of

  Alexandra Ivy’s


  coming in November 2014!

  Chapter I

  It was a typical London day for late November.

  In other another word . . .


  The streets were shrouded in a damp, frigid fog, and had long since been abandoned by the glittering ton who preferred the comfort of their countryseats. Those unfortunate souls who were forced to remain behind huddled near their fireplaces or when pressed to venture outdoors, dashed from one place to another with their heads bent low and their faces covered with heavy mufflers.

  Well, at least most did so.

  Raoul Charlebois, on the other hand, did not huddle or dash. He did not even waddle, despite the icy slush.

  Nature had bestowed upon him a languid, elegant grace that had made him famous upon the stages of London (almost as famous as his stunning cobalt-blue eyes and silver-blond curls that framed his finely crafted countenance perfectly), and with a measured gait he stepped down from his carriage to stroll up the short walk and enter the modest house on Lombard Street.

  It was an elegance thoroughly appreciated by the handful of elderly widows that contributed the lion’s share of tenants in the quiet, growingly shabby neighborhood. Oh, they might later agree that they disdained the arrogant set of his wide shoulders beneath the multi-caped greatcoat, and the sardonic smile that curved his sensuous lips, but peering through the lacy curtains at his magnificent form, there was not a one who could halt their hearts from skipping a beat or a whimsical sigh from slipping between their lips.

  He was . . . spectacular.

  The sort of gentleman who seemed created for the sole purpose of fulfilling a woman’s fantasy.

  No matter what her age.

  Gloriously indifferent to the avid gazes that followed his every step, Raoul used the key the land agent had sent round earlier in the day to unlock the door. Then stepping into the small foyer, he paused to absorb the familiar scent of pipe tobacco and leather-bound books.

  He smiled, slipping off his coat and hat. With only a little effort he could envision Dunnington waiting for him at the top of the steps, or Ian and Fredrick racing down the long hallway to the kitchen, whooping at the top of their lungs.

  Raoul had been ten years old when his father had sent him to this small town house. At the time he only knew that Mr. Dunnington was starting a select school for boys of excellent, if not legitimate birth. Bastards. And that he was the first student to arrive.

  Not surprisingly, he had been terrified when his father, the Earl of Merriot, had quite literally dumped him on the front stoop.

  It wasn’t that he’d been happy at his father’s grand estate in Cheshire. Lord and Lady Merriot made little effort to disguise the fact he was the one blight on their otherwise perfect life. After all, what leaders of the fashionable world desired to have a bastard underfoot when they were entertaining their influential guests with one lavish party after another?

  Still, he had not known what to expect from the thin, bespectacled tutor who had opened the door to this nondescript house and led him up the narrow steps to the schoolroom.

  Thankfully, it had taken only a handful of days in Dunnington’s presence, not to mention the arrival of Ian and Fredrick (two of his fellow students), to realize that coming to London was nothing less than a miracle.

  Suddenly his days were more than an attempt to melt into the shadows and disappear.

  He had a kind, intelligent man in his life who offered him an unwavering affection and respect he had never before experienced. He had two friends who he bullied and loved and raised as if they were his own brothers. And he had the opportunity to create a career that had not only made him famous, but wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

  Actually, the only kind thing his father had ever done for him was dumping him on the doorstep of this house, he acknowledged wryly, moving down the shadowed hall to enter the library.

  An hour later, he had the Holland covers tugged off the solid English furnishings and a cheerful fire blazing. Seated in Dunnington’s favorite leather chair, he propped his feet on the walnut desk and sipped deeply from the bottle of brandy he had the foresight to bring along.

  He closed his eyes, the chill slowly easing from his body.

  Yes. This was what he had needed.

  Nothing could bring back Dunnington. Or heal the sense of loss that had plagued Raoul for the past year. But there was a measure of comfort in breathing life back into this house that had been shrouded in darkness for too long.

  And perhaps, someday, he would . . .

  His vague future plans for the house were forgotten as Raoul stiffened in surprise. Was that the front door?

  He frowned as the click of the door was followed by the slow, steady tread of boots on the floorboards. Damn, it was.

  Who the devil would bother him?

  The weather was nasty enough to keep the old tabbies from barging in to sate their rampant curiosity. And he hadn’t shared his intended destination with anyone beyond his groom.

  Besides, whoever was approaching was making an obvious effort at stealth. As if hoping to catch Raoul unaware.

  On the point of rising to his feet, Raoul’s annoyance suddenly eased as the intruder stumbled, knocking a figurine off a hall table, and muttered a low curse.

  He recognized this particularly clumsy gentleman.

  “Mon Dieu, Fredrick, halt your tiptoeing around and come in before you break your fool neck,” he called, the French nurse who had cared for him as a tiny lad leaving her mark on his faint accent even after all these years.

  Turning his head, he watched the slender man step into the library. Fredrick Colstone, heir apparent to Lord Graystone, tossed his greatcoat and hat onto a nearby chair before moving toward the des

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “You always did have the grace of a drunken sailor.”

  Fredrick’s singularly sweet smile curved his lips, adding to the impression of angelic beauty. As a youngster, Fredrick had detested his fragile features and honey curls that had made him the target of ruthless bullying. Thankfully, maturity had added an edge of masculinity, although he would never acquire that annoying arrogance that came as easily as breathing to most aristocrats.

  Raoul hid a smile as he noted the dust marring the rumpled cravat and ink staining the cuffs of the charcoal-gray coat. It wasn’t even teatime and already his friend was a mess.

  “No doubt my lack of grace explains why I became an inventor rather than a burglar,” Fredrick readily agreed.

  “That and the fact you cannot distinguish a Gainsborough from a nursery school scribble,” Raoul pointed out.

  “True enough.”

  Waiting for his companion to settle in a chair on the other side of the desk, Raoul held up the bottle still clutched in his hand.


  Fredrick reached beneath his jacket to pull out a silver flask. “I have come prepared.”

  “So you have.” Raoul arched a pale, golden brow. “Which begs the question of why you have come at all.”

  “I was passing by and noticed Nico standing guard by the carriage out front.” Fredrick waved a hand toward the bay window that overlooked the street. “If you wish to travel incognito, then you should hire a groom that does not quite so closely resemble a cutthroat.”

  “You were passing by?” Raoul demanded, ignoring the insult to his groom. Nico did look like a cutthroat. Possibly because that was precisely what he had been before Raoul took him on as a servant. “Since when does your route take you through Lombard Street?”

  “I pass by quite often when I am in London,” Fredrick confessed with a grimace. “Ian would claim I am plagued by maudlin sentimentality, but . . .”

  “There is no need to explain, mon ami,” Raoul interrupted, his heart twisting with that ruthless sense of emptiness. “Not to me.”

  “This morning, however, I came with a purpose.”

  “Ah, then it was not fickle fate that crossed our paths?”


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