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by Frank Carey




















  Engine of Creation Book 2

  By Frank Carey


  Copyright © 2017 by Frank Carey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  League Tale #34


  DCI Gabriel Adon stared at the Stryker standing in front of him. Once a Tralaskan woman, this thing was a mixture of an organic matrix, a billion nanorobots, and enough hatred to fuel a hundred disgruntled, laid-off employees of a bankrupt dot-com firm. Behind him, His second officer and copilot, Siv, administered first-aid to his first officer, Priscilla Kitra, who had the misfortune of meeting this thing one-on-one.

  "I think I'll call you Debbie," Gabe said from inside his tank form, a construction manufactured by the billions of nanorobots coursing through his own bloodstream. "So, Deb, what's it going to be? Surrender or die?" He aimed a shoulder-mounted particle beam weapon at his opponent, activating a targeting laser just for effect.

  Debbie growled, then aimed a mini-rail-gun at him.

  "Not much for words. Oh, one more thing: I am extremely attached to those people behind me, and I don't like it when anyone hurts them. Normally, I would try to avoid a confrontation, but for you, I'll make an exception.

  Debbi chuckled as she raised a second weapon, then activated both. "Die..." she started to say. Then an odd thing happened. She crumpled to the ground in an unmoving heap while a centipede-shaped robot crawled off her back. The centipede crawled up Gabe's leg and disappeared on his back. "Yah gotta love technology."

  "Is it dead?" Pris asked as she forced herself into a sitting position. "Ow!"

  "Hold still!" Siv said as she tightened up the straps of a splint. "You've got a broken arm. It'll be fine, if you don't move it!"

  "Pris, listen to your doctor. As for Deb, she's out for the count. The 'pede injected her with some of my bots, which I programmed to shut down her consciousness and self-termination systems. Dr. Aymar gets her wish. She can now examine a live cyborg other than me."

  He returned to human form then walked over to a raised dais that had been hidden behind Debbie. On it was a small, oddly-shaped, ring-like object. Gabe picked the object up in his hand and watched it absorb into his palm. A glyph appeared on his left shoulder among several similar glyphs. "Pretty soon I'll have enough of these things to redeem for a brace of six-guns and a gun belt."

  "Boss, we need to get Pris back to a real medical facility."

  "Copy that," he replied. A flashing light appeared on the back of his right hand. "Cruiser Artax, this is Stryker-1 requesting a medical pickup. We have one stryker in custody and one Katalan female in need of immediate medevac, over."

  A voice came from the vicinity of the flashing light. "Roger that, Stryker-1. Battle Shuttle Battle Cat and Medical Shuttle Purring Kitty are inbound. ETA five-minutes, mark."

  "Purring Kitty?" Siv asked, astounded.

  "Yes," Pris explained. "An attempt by the Katalan government to make our people seem less fearsome."

  "And why would they do this?" Gabe asked.

  "Tourism is down."

  Gabe stifled a laugh while Siv rolled. Before the Katalan detective sergeant could respond, the two shuttles landed outside. Marines and medics filled the room. Marines took the stryker into custody while the medics carried a protesting Pris off on a gurney.

  Gabe looked at the empty room. "Siv, did this one seem too easy?"

  She looked around. "Yeah, come to think of it. Scanners picking up anything?"

  "Not in here, but I'm getting something... Nope, it's gone now. Probably a sensor ghost from one of the buildings."

  "Let's hope so. I hate ghosts of any kind," Siv replied.

  "This from a woman who can go noncorporeal at the drop of a hat."

  "Is it me or are your jokes getting less funny?"

  "It's you, trust me. Let's get out of here."

  "Copy that."


  Gabe sat on the exam table and watched Dr. Aymar examine the stryker prisoner while it was still sedated. Around her and her patient stood four members of the elite Elf Marine Expeditionary Force, each wearing state-of-the-art power armor, armor which Dr. Aymar helped design. Gabe chuckled; he could take them while in infiltrator mode. "It's good to be me, at least today it is."

  Gabe had died over 200 years ago, sacrificing himself to save New York City from an accidental release of a biowarfare agent. He spent the next two centuries in cryostasis while a bunch of scientists tried to figure out why his brain wouldn't die. Now, due to advanced nanorobots created by this century's version of a mad scientist, he was a living cyborg like the one in the other room, able to change into one of three forms--organic, infiltrator, and tank. Unlike the other stryker, he was a prototype, equipped with the full options package.

  The intervening door opened, allowing Dr. Aymar to walk in. She hurried over to run a scanner over Gabe. "Hello, Dr. Aymar. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

  "Gloria, dammit. I call you Gabe, and you call me Gloria!" she said as her pointed ears swiveled in his direction while her tail danced like a cobra on hot pavement. You see, Gloria was a purebred elf from Ventos Prime.

  "Yes, Gloria," he replied. "How's John doing? I haven't seen him around this trip."

  "John? John who?"

  "Dr. John Taggart, your human husband?"

  She put the scanner down and stared at the table. "Long day, one made longer by you bringing in your friend in the other room. John is fine. He's back on Earth giving a symposium on biocybernetics, specifically, your biocybernetics."

  "Aw, gawrsh, you're going to turn my little head," Gabe said with a wide, idiot smile.

  "Laugh it up, robot boy. The bots in your veins are revolutionizing the whole biocybernetic field and who do we have to thank for it? Zoe Muntz. Dammit! We had to put her name on the damn paper."

  Zoe, and her brother, Josiah, were the source of great frustration for Gloria and many other people on the Cube, she with her cyborgs and him with his numerous tries at taking over the League. There was no love lost between those two and the rest of the staff at the Cube, especially since he once worked here.

  A knock at the exam room door was followed by a petite woman who exuded confidence and authority. She was followed by General Marta McMurphy, Gabe's sort-of-kind-of handler. Gabe jumped off the table to stand at attention and salute the General. "At ease Gabe, this is a social call," the general said. "I'd like you to meet Ciara Devlin, Director of the Cube. Director, this is Detective Chief Inspector Gabriel Adon, Earth Security."

  The director reached over and took Gabe's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Can I call you Gabe?"

  "Of course, Ma'am. It's my honor to get to finally meet you. Gloria and Marta have told me so much about y

  "The honor is all mine. First, I want to apologize for your storage in the tombs. We honestly did not know you were down there even though we thought we had done a thorough inventory after the Valera Incident with Dr. Gray. We're doing another sweep at this very moment."

  Gabe looked at Gloria. "Another stored human, only this one was trapped in a power suit. He came from around your time, though he worked at Area 51 when he got trapped in one of his projects. He now lives on Alyson with his wife and child where he works for me."

  "Let me know if you find D.B. Cooper... He stopped when he saw the looks on their faces. "You found him in these tombs?"

  "No. We found him in an alternate universe. Long story," Ciara said. "Gabe, Marta tells me you're working with an Alue and a Katalan?"

  "Yes, ma'am. Two of the finest cops I have ever had the pleasure and honor to work with. DS Siv acts as my copilot while DS Kitra is my assistant and ship's pilot..."


  He pointed to his skull. "She rides in here and runs my subsystems. I am a cyborg after all, and Zoe packed in everything she could lay her hands on. I couldn't do half the things I do if I didn't have Siv with me."

  "Sounds like you have a good team. I can't wait to meet them. I should let Gloria get back to work. We'll talk more later."

  Gabe watched them leave. "She seems nice. What's next, Doctor? My bots and I await with bated breath."

  Alarms went off around them. "Computer! Report!" Gloria yelled.

  "I detect two strykers heading toward Sickbay," Gabe reported as he stared at a wall. "Siv, you've got two of Mother's creations heading your way. I'll be there shortly." Gabe jumped off the table, transforming into his infiltrator form before his feet hit the ground. "Doc, we'll need to finish this later."

  "Copy that," Gloria replied. She glanced at a wall monitor. "EMEF Team 11 and three remote-controlled Minotaurs are responding."

  "Wish me luck," Gabe said while running out the door.

  "Good luck and be careful!"

  Gloria's lab was located near the exterior of the Cube, so Gabe took a shortcut through an airlock. The crews of nearby ships marveled at the sight of large, shiny biped, wearing a sword and gun across its back, running on the outside of the station.


  Sickbay went into lock-down as alarms sounded. Security doors came crashing down before force fields activated to reinforce them.

  "Siv! What the hell is going on?" Pris demanded as the doctor put the finishing touches on the bone knitting procedure she was performing on the Katalan's arm.

  Siv stopped and went glassy-eyed for a moment. "That was Gabe. We've got two strykers inbound to this location. He's responding." She looked at the room's monitor. "We've also got an EMEF team with three Minotaurs coming to our rescue."

  "I don't need no stinking saving! Give me a damn weapon!" Pris growled as the doctor finished.

  "You're in Sickbay, young lady. We don't store weapons here," the doctor said as she swiveled her three eyes in Pris' direction.


  The force field overloaded as the door and part of the wall were ripped away. Two strykers stepped inside, both in infiltrator form. "Hello, all, my name is Stryker-18 and this is my good friend, Stryker-19. We're here for Detective Sergeant Priscilla Kitra and Detective Sergeant Siv. They are to be escorted to a facility where they will meet with Mother. Failure to comply will result in the death of the good doctor," it said as it pointed a weapon at the doctor.

  A flash of light announced the arrival of a woman wearing a Leather miniskirt, gold bodice, and holding a sword in one hand and a long dagger in the other. With one fluid motion, she ran the sword through Stryker-18's head while impaling Stryker-19's with her dagger, killing them instantly, even though they both were equipped with nanobots.

  Gabe appeared from an airlock just as the woman withdrew her weapons from the bodies. Moments later, the EMEF team and Minotaurs arrived.

  Keeping his weapons trained on the two bodies, Gabe hurried over to Pris and Siv. "Are you two all right? Did those two abominations hurt you?"

  "My Lord Adonis," the woman said as she ran over and hugged Gabe, armor and all. He gently pushed her away. "DCI Gabriel Adon. Who the hell are you, and how did you do that?"

  She smiled at him, ignoring everyone else. "Lord, you do not remember your love, Aphrodite? I slew them with the sword and dagger created for me by Hephaestus at the behest of my father, Lord Zeus."

  Gabe scanned her for brain injuries. Finding nothing obvious, he routed the data to the Sickbay computers before dealing with the obviously insane woman.

  "Well, thank you... Aphrodite. Now, could you give me a minute to talk to my friends..."

  She was on him in moments, grabbing his armored arm and hugging it to her chest. "Forget them, My Lord. They are fine. Don't you want to rekindle our love?"

  Embarrassed, he gently pushed her away. "Look, Lady, my name isn't Adonis, it's Gabriel, and I'm a cop who has never met you in this life or my last one. Now, be a good girl and let the doctor examine you for a concussion while I deal with more... While I deal with more pressing matters."

  Pouting, she allowed herself to be led away by Doc while Gabe turned his attention back to Pris and Siv. "Are you alright?" he asked while returning to human form.

  "I'm fine, we're both fine," Pris said. "But boss..."

  "Good. I'm glad Aphrodite stopped those two, but I think she's short an oar or two..."

  "You think my daughter is crazy?"

  Gabe turned to see a human looking guy standing in the middle of the room. He was wearing godawful lime green pants and a checkered shirt from hell.

  "Are you Zeus? If not, then she needs serious help."

  "Boss, just shut up. Bob, he's new around here and hasn't been keeping up with his briefings," Siv said. Oddly, she looked scared.

  "What if I told you I was Zeus?"

  "I'd have the Doc look you over as well."

  "You don't believe in the gods of myth?"

  "No, I don't. I was forced to read mythology books by the teachers at the orphanage. I got adopted by people who tended to the logical side of things. Why? Do you believe?"

  A six-fool long lightning bolt appeared in Bob's hand."

  Gabe reacted by going to tank mode and activating every gun he had while stepping between his team and the lightning bolt wielding stranger. "Stand down or I will unload a world of hurt on you."

  "Boys!" Director Devlin said while positioning herself between the two of them. "Enough. Gabe! Human! Now!"

  Gabe obliged.

  "Gabe, I would like you to meet Zeus, Lord of the Olympian Immortals..."

  "Call me Bob," Bob replied as the lightning bolt disappeared."

  "Bob, this is Detective Chief Inspector Gabriel Adon of Earth Sec. I hope you have read his dossier."

  They shook hands. "So, you are really that Zeus, the one I vaguely remember reading about in class."

  "For the purpose of this conversation, yes, I am that Zeus, and that is my daughter, Aphrodite."

  "But, I'm not Adonis."

  "Maybe you should take her to dinner and explain it to her," Bob said. He then gave Siv and Priscilla a sharp look, "alone."

  Pris was going to say something, but Siv stopped her with a hand. "Yes, My Lord. Pris needs her rest and I need a break.”

  "Are you sure?" Gabe asked, suddenly scared by the thought of being alone with the purported goddess of love.

  "Sure, boss. Knock yourself out," Siv replied while Pris just fumed.

  "Excellent. Daughter! Attend me!"

  "Yes, Sire?"

  "Detective Adon would like to ask you something."

  She looked at Gabe with huge eyes. Gabe blanched, but forged ahead. "Aphrodite, I have a great deal to explain. Perhaps you would do me the honor of having dinner with me tonight, say 1900 hours?"

  Her eyes blazed with joy, but her answer was coy. "Perhaps..."

  Bob elbowed her.

  "Yes. Perf

  "Where can I pick you up?"

  "Why don't we meet at your ship's berth. I know a great place not far from there. You don't mind it I choose the establishment, do you?"

  "Not at all. Then 1900 hours at my ship's berth it is."

  She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Until then." She disappeared in a flash of light followed by her father. Gabe stared for a moment before turning to Pris, but the Katalan was storming out of the room with the Alue in hot pursuit. "What the hell did I do now?" he asked the heavens, but there was no answer. He walked out and headed to the nearest bar.


  Marta stood outside Jake's and marveled that an establishment such as this one even existed on the rather proper Cube. If memory served the general--and it always did--Jakes was voted the #1 worst dive bar in the League for the last five years running. She was sure the authorities on Earth had closed the place down, then bombed the location.

  Marta walked in and looked around. "Yep, this is real," she said. Around her were tables that hadn't been cleaned in at least a decade, a floor covered in peanut shells and sawdust, oh, and what about that smell? It reminded her of an abandoned brewery she once had the pleasure of staking out early in her career.

  She jumped when something brushed her shoulder. Turning, she found herself face to face with the biggest, ugliest plant-thing she had ever seen. Eight feet tall with tentacles the size of fire hoses, it held out one tentacle while pointing to a sign with another: "Cover Charge = 1 credit."

  She handed over a coin.

  The thing smiled.

  She handed over another one. "No more smiles."

  It nodded.

  She walked around the room, avoiding things sleeping face down on tables, until she found who she was looking for.

  Sitting at the bar next to a bottle marked "Ethanol - 200 Proof--was Gabe, her great-great-great-grandfather and friend. She watched in awe as he drank down a water glass filled with clear liquid before refilling it from the bottle.

  She walked over and took the bottle from his hand. "Chem Lab?"


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