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Life Sorcerer: Life Sorcerer: Book One - Return of Magic: Book Two

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by D. R. Rosier

  Life Sorcerer

  Life Sorcerer: One - Return of Magic: Book Two

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2021. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three – Interlude

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight – Interlude

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen



  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description


  The still moonless night’s tranquility was cut by a low and wheedling male voice.

  “Lori… come on out, baby. I promise not to hurt you. We need to get home.”

  Lori shuddered at the kindness in his voice. She knew better than to believe a word of it. If Brent found her then he’d slit her throat this time for sure. She bit her lip hard to prevent the whimper from escaping, as her throat closed up. She could still remember how the cold steel of his machete felt against her throat. The sharp edge pushing up into her skin, while he defiled her.

  It had happened enough over the years to be indelibly etched on her soul.

  The dirt and mud were very cold on her skin, as she hid under the bushes by the lake’s edge.

  “Lori!” the voice snapped, “You’re just pissing me off, and making it worse for yourself.”

  She shivered and her hands clawed the dirt.

  She’d just been thirteen when the world as they’d know it ended. She’d lived in Savannah for all of her life, with her parents and little brother. She’d cut school that day. Five years ago now, and had gone out to the country with her friends who wanted to go four wheeling.

  That was the last time she’d seen her parents alive. It was when the world had stopped making sense, and the aliens had irradiated Savannah killing over a hundred and forty thousand people painfully over hours. Including her parents, and her little brother.

  Sometimes she wished she’d have died then too.

  Society had broken down quickly as the aliens systematically killed them from orbit, and she’d been a clueless thirteen-year-old girl with developing breasts and no damned clue.

  Then it got even weirder. Magic appeared in the world overnight. She wasn’t sure what the truth was on that. She’d heard far too many weird theories, but she suspected the reason for it was to stop the aliens. Mostly because it was obvious. Ever since the magic had come technology had stopped working. Even simple chemical processes, like firing a gun, led to either nothing happening or an explosion large enough to destroy the weapon instead of firing the bullet.

  As to how, she had no clue. Who either. She just knew why.

  In the beginning she’d managed to forage with her two older cousins, Marie and William. They’d avoided the rape gangs, the other looters, and they’d wondered if sanity or security would ever return to the world.

  It was only about a month later when Brent and his gang found them. All of them in their early twenties. William had been beaten to death, but the gang happily took her and Marie in, for a price. At first, they had left her alone, since she’d been a little young even for those evil bastards. She was terrified of them, and she did whatever they asked. Cook, clean, anything really, for the first three years.

  After all, Brent had magic.

  She’d kept waiting for the government to be put back together, and for help to arrive, but the world had devolved into kingdoms of petty criminals where evil violent men seemed to rise to the top everywhere. After two years, she’d given up on that hope. After three, she was almost used to the abuse and the way they scared her. It was almost natural.

  She shivered in disgust, and her hands clawed into the mud and dirt again. She could still hear him looking for her, and she prayed he’d just go the hell away.

  That was about when she’d turned sixteen, two years ago, and the men in the gang had decided she was old enough to expand her duties. She hated it, every minute of it, but she did what she had to in order to survive. In order to get meals, and so Brent wouldn’t slit her throat and throw her out with the garbage.

  She suppressed a sigh, and she wished she could kill the bastard.

  Lori was a lovely woman, a fact she hated. She’d become one of the favorites for the men, because of those looks. She was five foot seven, with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She had very generous C cups, or smaller D cups, that were perfectly rounded and at eighteen ridiculously pert and supple. Her waist was tiny, too thin really because they’d half-starved her, and her rounded hips and tight bubbled ass above her lovely and toned legs always drew glances.

  She hated it. The most disgusting thing about it was the women in the commune who had given in, who had fully embraced their new life and decided to enjoy it. They gave her jealous looks when the animals lusted after her. It was beyond gross in her mind, that they actually wanted the attention of those beasts. She knew there was a psychological syndrome for that, but she couldn’t remember the name of it. She didn’t care. She’d never like it, and she’d never fully given into it. A girl had to eat, but she’d never wanted their attentions, much less craved them.

  She shuddered. Even if… it felt good sometimes.

  Brent snapped, “Get out here, you worthless slut!”

  She shut her eyes tight and tried to breathe quietly, he was closer now.

  It was just a week ago when Marie had told her something incredible in a harsh whisper. That two of Brent’s men were almost caught by lawmen. At first Lori didn’t believe her, but she said she overheard them talking. Apparently, there were some pockets of civilization. Small farming towns where women didn’t have to fuck for food, nor were the forced to serve sadistic bastards hand over foot. Sure, they’d have to work, earn their keep, but with the value of their labor, not with their mouths, pussies, and asses.

  Marie had been so mad, because the men had known about it for a long time. But continued to lord over them. Marie’s and several other women’s lives, simply because they enjoyed it and got to do what they wanted. They were in a compound, in the hills in the middle of nowhere, and so far they hadn’t been discovered.

  They’d complained that it was getting harder and harder to raid for the food they ate. She wasn’t sure how widespread civilization was, or even if the old government was still active anywhere, but she knew she wanted to get to it. So, she’d agreed to Marie’s plan to escape as they made plans deep into the night.

  The very next day, all the women were all locked up in the punishment room. At first, Lori hadn’t a clue why or what was going on, until she realized Meredith wasn’t in there with them, and Marie had a panicked look on her face.

  She felt ashamed, because she hadn’t even tried to stop them when Meredith led the men in with a smirk on her face, and the men then beat Marie to death in front of them all. It was clear to her then, that Marie had tried to recruit all the women into running away. Marie
had tried to save them all, and that traitorous bitch Meredith had run and told on them.

  Brent growled bringing her mind back to the present, “Last chance, bitch. If I have to go gather the men to find you, then you’ll only live a long time in pain before you die begging me to kill you.”

  She shut her eyes tightly, and she covered her mouth to prevent the terrified squeak from escaping. She knew she had to be quiet, but she was in the grip of such panicked dread that her body didn’t seem to be getting the message. Her heart pounded so loudly in her ears that she wondered how Brett could miss it.

  Her hand clawed at the mud. She couldn’t help herself, but that movement seem to satisfy the terrified dread in her heart in some way, and the whimpering scream stuck in the back of her throat receded.

  Regardless, she’d felt shame for letting her cousin die while just standing there. She wasn’t sure what she could’ve done, but she hadn’t even tried. She’d been frozen in fear. At first, she’d thought she was next, but it was apparent Marie hadn’t told Meredith all the details yet, as in who else was planning to run with them.

  So… an hour ago she’d stabbed that evil bitch Meredith in the back, and then took delight in twisting the knife and shredding the traitor’s heart up before she ran. She was done being raped simply so she could eat. Not now that there was hope for something better. When it was please the men or sure death, she’d done what she’d had to, but now that there was a chance for a better life she’d risk it all. She’d taken revenge for her cousin’s death, and then she’d fled quickly.

  She just wished she could kill all the bastards for what they’d made her do the last two years, just to survive in pain and mental misery.

  She’d run through the woods as quickly as she could, and she hoped and prayed she’d find civilization. For all she knew she’d run into a worse gang of assholes instead of a town, but how likely was that?

  She was shaking, starving, and terrified. She let out a shocked breath, as she heard him walk off.

  The most confusing part was that Brent had magic. He always knew where they were, and he could do other unnatural shit. Why hadn’t his magic found her? He’d been just twenty feet away when he’d passed by at his closest to her. His reach was ten times that, she knew, at least.

  She wondered if it was the draw she felt, another magic maybe, disguising her presence from him somehow? She’d felt the pull in this direction after the second mile, and that’s when she’d heard the pursuit and found a place to hide. It was only the pitch black of the moonless night that had prevented her from being seen, but what had stopped her from being found by his magic?

  She got up and continued in that direction. To her surprise, she’d only gone another hundred feet when she saw an old stone building. It looked beyond ancient, and she felt a shiver go down her spine as she felt a renewed need to take her revenge on all the men that had used her body in so many ways over the last two years.

  She should be running, but the draw was inescapable, she had to see what was inside. To her surprise, the stone door slid open easily without even a whisper of sound, and she wondered if maybe she hadn’t lost her mind when she stepped into the pitch darkness. She couldn’t even make out shadows in the place.

  “Welcome child,” a soundless female voice rang in her very thoughts. It sounded seductive, cold, and eager.

  She jumped. “Who… what are you?”

  The voice said, “I am Myzasis, child. The lesser goddess of shadows, and you are the first to hear my call since the gods and magic returned to this world. You are inside my temple. I can feel your hatred and anger, and your desire for revenge. Serve me, and I will see that you have it.”

  She gulped, “I don’t have magic. How am I hearing you?”

  The voice laughed in her mind, “No. You have no intrinsic magic, like the sorcerer who pursued you here. Magic is varied my dear. Some few humans have the power to wield the power of nature, or an aspect of it. All dragons can manipulate the elements, and all elves can manipulate the nature of the forests and animals, but in the end all of that is nature magic, the province of the greater goddess Gaia.

  “There are also other kinds of magic in the world. The many fae and monsters who create balance. Humans rarely have magic, and among those that do, sorcery of some kind or another are the most common, but there are other varied possibilities we will discuss further at another time.

  “Point is, some few of those are born with the natural ability to speak to the gods and be our instruments. To wield our magic. They have no magic of their own… but they can wield the magic of the gods with our approval and through prayer. That daughter, is your gift.”

  Lori frowned, not sure about this, “Serve you?”

  Myzasis replied, “All magic has a price, child. A sorcerer of nature must use their enhanced life force to wield and control magic. If they abuse it, use it too much, they grow old and wither before their time. For the priestess of a god or goddess, the price is in service. You will serve my ends and spread word of my existence to the ignorant. Build a following, and recruit acolytes. How you do so is up to you, what you use the power for is up to you, except you must do it in service to expand my influence as well as seeing to your own needs. There is free will involved which I cannot breach, but at the same time I don’t need to give you my magic or answer your call. You must serve me if you wish to wield power and gain your revenge.”

  “What power?”

  Myzasis laughed, “The power of shadows is my mantel as a goddess. The power to protect yourself, to ensnare the mind of your enemies, and bolster your allies. I am not a soft god, there are powers to harm and do battle as well. I will also be able to advise you, but only if you ask.”

  Her heart stuttered at the cold seductive tone in the goddess’s mind voice. She fought with herself. She should walk away. She should leave this place and run for civilization. She knew the goddess was darkness. She could feel it in her soul.

  Another voice in her head told her to seize her chance. That if she did accept the goddess’s offer then she’d be the one that other’s feared. That she could take her revenge on the men that had made her life a living hell for the last five years, even worse the last two.

  Why should she have to run to a civilization that failed to save her? No doubt toil in the dirt day and night, and then beg for scraps until she could afford a place of her own. She grimaced, she’d probably wind up on her back again with her legs spread open. All men were the same, and with civilization’s collapse and laws being meaningless the weaker sex had been forced to submit once again.

  No, as Myzasis’s priestess she would be the one with power. Magic would make the difference, and for once she would take what she wanted.

  She shivered, “My name is Lori. I accept your offer, goddess of shadows.”

  She stiffened, as power flooded through her body, and knowledge of the spells she could pray for was gifted to her. She also learned more about her goddess, and the balance in that moment. She also knew her goddess would grant her more powerful spells when she was ready for them. The magic of a god or goddess took a toll on the human body, one she would become accustomed to over time.

  Her heart pounded, and she felt powerful.

  She grinned in anticipation, when she heard Brent’s whining voice calling for her again. Suddenly, she wasn’t afraid at all. She closed her eyes and prayed to her goddess, and shadows rose up around her body and congealed into armor that would protect her from harm, and from Brent’s magic. A blade of pure shadow congealed in her right hand.

  She paused for a second as she reached the door, as she finally realized that in the dark temple she could suddenly see in crystal clarity, even in the pitch black. The dark night was now her ally, and it was when her goddess was strongest. It was also when her spells would be most effective.

  Revenge and hot rage hardened her heart, and she boldly pushed open the door and stepped outside…

  Katie sighed as she felt it settle over
her like an itch she couldn’t scratch, and she couldn’t help a little smile of excitement even if that probably made her a bit crazy. It’d been five long years since the balance on their world had been threatened, and with John’s, the elves’, and the dragons’ help she’d ended the alien threat for good.

  The balance was once more threatened, and strangely she felt a pull in two separate directions. She was Merlin’s successor, servant of the great goddess Gaia, bearer of the mantle of balance. She was also a sorceress. It was her duty to ensure that the balance between good and evil, between the races, between nature and man, didn’t go too far out of balance. The duty was both self-imposed, and because she was chosen by Gaia to bear the mantel.

  It wasn’t a violation of her free will, because she’d have chosen to do it if she’d been asked. The staff wouldn’t have chosen her otherwise.

  The last five years hadn’t exactly been exciting for her, but she’d needed them. The last time the balance was threatened was when magic returned. She’d had no clue what was going on at first, and it was only with Nim’s help that she’d been able to bumble her way through it at all.

  She was far more capable now as a sorceress. She’d studied Merlin’s library and suspected she was ready for just about anything. If not, she could always build a new spell on the fly. She’d also studied other magic, what they were capable of, and the gods. She knew much lore now about fae, monsters, elves, and the dragons. Lastly, her friend Bria had trained her and John daily on her staff and his sword. She was more than capable now in not just magic, but also martial pursuits.

  She frowned, as she looked to the northwest where the pull was coming from. Her home was in Colorado in the mountains, a hidden place that contained all of Merlin’s wisdom, and also the wisdom of his predecessors. She guessed from the pull and feel of it, that she’d have to travel clear up to Seattle to meet the threat. She turned the other way, to the southeast, mostly east, and frowned at how far it felt. Possibly all the way to the east coast, but she didn’t think it was as far as overseas.


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