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Life Sorcerer: Life Sorcerer: Book One - Return of Magic: Book Two

Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  Their feet gracefully hit the ground and they bent their knees slightly to absorb the momentum, at almost the exact same time the two men hit the ground on their backs, already dead. There was probably something wrong with him, but he found their fierce graceful deadliness aroused him. Almost every time. Not death, but the way they brought justice on his behalf.

  Of course, they had a problem, both men had gotten off that screamed warning. He sighed as they walked into the yard and joined the twins.

  Cassie said, “Couldn’t be helped.”

  He grunted, “Maybe. They could’ve taken them silently if they used bows. Better letting the lifeforce of the assholes go when stealth is a requirement.”

  Cassie frowned in disagreement, “We’ll talk about it later. They’re as fast as an arrow flies, and chances are the two of them would’ve gotten off a warning cry anyway. The last two men are already with the women in the back of the house, so we’d have had a hostage situation to deal with anyway.”

  He nodded. She was probably right.

  “I’ll take care of it, then Kim and Mara can coax them out.”

  Cassie grimaced, but nodded. She knew as well as he did, that if they breached the house the men inside would have blades at two of the women’s throats. Even in a fairly lopsided contest with all the magic they had on their side, that wouldn’t end well. Almost any death wouldn’t be fast enough to prevent the men from opening their necks.

  His power raced out of him and into the house. He wasn’t sure which was the two men, all he felt was eight life forces. So, his magic dove into all of them. He didn’t have to read all of their memories. He was able to figure out who was who by the flavor of their life to his magic, for a lack of a better term.

  The magic in the women retreated without doing anything. He touched the other two life forces, just to be sure they weren’t already holding blades to the women’s throats. It was simple to read the present, just like he could read the past in their lives. They both had swords out and were more than paranoid, but they weren’t up against any necks, yet.

  That was important, because what he was about to do would make their bodies jerk powerfully.

  He gripped their life force in his magic, and then yanked.

  Life force flooded his body, and endorphins went off like the fourth of July in his brain. The pleasure from it was a sick thrill, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He’d decided long ago that it was even okay, as long as he didn’t start draining the lives of good people to get a fix. It was like a drug, and he didn’t want to be a strung-out druggie looking for his next fix.

  His cock surged in his pants, and he hardened like steel from the sensations of it. What made it even more sickening in his mind, was he was absorbing their memories and past. Which meant he was getting hard from the sensations of draining them while watching them rape, beat, and abuse women, cruelly torture and kill men, and even kill children.

  His power really was a mindfuck at times. But the disgust he felt as the pleasure fled, and thank the gods, as the men’s memories felt far removed from him, was entirely worth it. If they’d breached the house chances were at least two of the six women would’ve died, so it was worth his mental discomfort.

  He said, “They’re dead.”

  He also felt bloated with the power of life, and he slowly trickled it out to his thousand or so zombies. He’d taken a lot more than two life forces in his past. Twenty was the most he could take at once, if he fed the stream of life force directly to his zombies at the same time. By himself, he felt like he’d explode with power after just three.

  Cassie and Lin touched either arm, as Mara and Kim entered the house. He was sure the women were freaking out, since two men had just suddenly screamed out in torturous pain and died right in front of them, without a mark on their bodies or any apparent cause.

  As usual, right after he did that, he was tempted to feel that rush again. There was nothing like it. But his soul was unvarnished by the righteous act, and the thought of draining anyone else also made him sick to his stomach with revulsion. It’d pass, in an hour or so.

  “I’m good,” he said, as he put his arm around both and squeezed their shoulders.

  Cassie said teasingly, “I know,” as Lin said, “Prove it.”

  He chuckled. Humor was a little off in that moment, but it also helped deal with the horrors they had to deal with at times. Sometimes he felt a little guilty flirting with Lin and Kim, like he was teasing them with what they wanted so badly that he refused to give them, but more often than not they started it. He rather thought they’d be more upset if he didn’t play back, even if it did make it harder for them in other ways.

  They obviously thought he’d get over that block at some point, and they were very patient about it. They were also intimately connected to his life force, and mind, so there was no point trying to hide how much he enjoyed the banter between them either.

  They chatted sparingly and lightly while they waited for almost twenty minutes, before the eight women came back out, six of them looking like they were in shock and barely functional. Their clothing was frayed and threadbare, and they were all young, between eighteen and twenty-two he’d guess. Outside of the haunted eyes, they appeared to be fine, but that was an illusion. He was sure Mara had healed them before leading them out.

  They all had to be fairly close together for the teleport, but he stood behind Kim and Cassie in an attempt not to spook them. He knew he did good things, but he always hated to see that haunted look in their eyes, nor did he mind the fact they never thanked him. At least, not in the beginning. Some few had thanked him over the last five years, but only after they’d started to recover and gained new hope in building a new life.

  He knew he’d never really be able to understand what they’d gone through, but in the end that didn’t matter. What mattered was getting them free of it, and in making sure they were safe after that.

  Cassie activated the amulet, and they appeared on the outskirts of Aurora. A few of the women startled despite being warned of the abrupt sensation of appearing somewhere else. It wasn’t so much the magic, but human instincts when their senses were flooded with entirely new data. Radical and instant change in sight, scent, and sound. Even touch, if the fact it was instantly twenty degrees hotter with higher humidity was considered. It felt wrong and unnatural, and a little startling.

  As usual, the sight of the redheaded and lithely willowy woman from his past caused a wistful twinge in his chest. He ignored it, and he gave the powerful sorceress and ruler of Aurora a tentative smile of greeting. He didn’t speak though. He tended to fade into the background the best he could during these times. Diane knew that, and just gave him a subtle nod of greeting in return, with a little wistfulness of her own. A lack of love hadn’t been the reason she’d left, it’d been the lifestyle of a triad that Diane couldn’t deal with in the long term. She’d left before jealousy could sour it completely, and resentment and hatred built up.

  She looked rather fierce, but she spoke in soft tones as she took charge of the women and led them off.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Cassie activated the medallion around her neck.

  He held Cassie cradled in his arm as she snuggled against him, a sheen of sweat on both their bodies. As usual, his lover had been more than eager to take the edge off of his libido after a battle and him draining life force. He loved the way she felt against him, so warm and supple, soft and generously curvy, and the scent of their recent sex filled the room. His pounding heart slowed, and he felt a contentment in the moment.

  Cassie said, “You know I could’ve frozen their bodies with a one-word spell. Then Lin and Kim could’ve taken care of it.”

  He nodded, “Yes, but even one word takes a second after breaching the room. A second is a long time with a metal blade against someone’s throat. It’s a shame your magic doesn’t work through walls.”

  She frowned, “It does, for some things, but for that
kind of spell I need to see the person. I just hate to see you struggle with it.”

  He chuckled, “I’ll survive. Especially with you to take care of me.”

  She bit her lip, “My magic feels good too. The rush of power, that’s normal I think. Probably similar to how you feel when you’re talking to your zombies or healing yourself. I don’t think I’ll ever understand what draining someone feels like for you though.”

  He nodded, “We have a visitor, outside the door. She’s been there a few seconds.”

  It was as if Mara wasn’t sure if she wanted to knock or not. Of course, both he and Cassie could feel her. Cassie could feel her magic, and him her life force, so it was a little amusing. They’d decided to try again tomorrow night, since their mission had thrown a wrench in Cassie’s seduction plans.

  She smirked, “I’ll see what she wants.”

  A spell unfurled from her without a word, cleaning up the wet spot and their bodies. Sorcerers didn’t actually have to speak the words out loud, but Cassie usually did so for all but the simplest spells she used most often. The word or words of the spell could be spoken in the vaults of her mind. He wasn’t sure how that worked exactly, but that’s how Cassie had explained it.

  She rolled out of bed, and she gave him a pointed look, or more specifically gave his cock a pointed look.

  He pulled up the sheet with a teasing grin to cover his lower body while she slipped on a pink silk robe, and then walked over to the door.

  He let out a sigh as she opened the door and slipped outside, just catching a quick glance of the gorgeous priestess in a white silk robe. He had a lot to be thankful for, and he was proud of what he used his power for. Things had come a long way. There was a time when that night’s events would happen almost daily as he pacified the west coast.

  The door opened up a few minutes later, and Cassie walked in with a joyfully naughty look on her face as Mara followed her inside.

  Cassie said, “She didn’t want to be alone tonight, and she got tired of waiting for us to ask her to join our bed. Apparently, Kim has been telling stories out of class, and she’s already been given the whole polyamory speech.”

  Mara blushed furiously, but the priestess didn’t deny Cassie’s assertions. She bit her lip a little nervously, as she untied the robe and it slipped open. She shrugged her shoulders as her exotic almond eyes looked into his, causing the robe to slip off her body and pool around her feet. She was even more beautiful than he’d imagined, and he’d imagined her naked a whole lot of times the last three weeks and had a very good imagination.

  Her body was supple and toned, lithely athletic at five foot two. Her stomach flat and her waist tiny. Her pert and proud rounded B cups were slightly more generous than he’d expected. Her legs were thin and toned, and her flared waist lovely. She turned to pick up the robes, giving him an excellent view of her succulent and petite bubbled ass cheeks, she was perfect. Her almond eyes were heated and shy when she put the robe over a chair and turned back to him, and her long dark brown wavy hair was up in a ponytail revealing the gentle curves of her neck.

  “You’re beautiful, Mara, in all ways. We just didn’t want to rush you or make you feel pressured.”

  Cassie smirked, “I already told her that, outside,” as she slipped her own robe off.

  He got a little hard, as Mara took in his light-blonde and blue-eyed curvy sex goddess with a face that was quickly shadowed by lust and desire. He got fully hard when the two of them came together and started to kiss teasingly with soft passion. He kicked the sheet down, no longer at all worried about being seen.

  As the kiss broke and Mara turned, and took him in, her eyes widened in alarm as she took in his size, which was good for his ego. He was a little above average that way, both in thickness and length, but he wasn’t horror porn worthy either.

  Mara bit her lip, and she approached the bed. She blushed as he held out his hand, and then pulled her against him snugly as she got into the bed and Cassie slid in the other side. Their first kiss was tentative at first. The beauty’s lips felt like silk against his, and her body was silken soft and supple against his side. The kiss grew a little more heated as they found their rhythm, and he started to stroke her body teasingly with his fingertips, avoiding her more fun places for the moment he focused on her back, sides, and thighs. Mara also explored his body, but so far just his neck, chest, and stomach.

  His cock ached to feel her soft fingers wrapped around it, but he was patient. He also sensed she was entirely new at this, which seemed crazy because she was twenty-one and smoking hot. Her body was just… almost too responsive to his touch, and she was letting out breathy little gasps into his mouth just from him teasing her lower back near the top of her ass. As if she was completely unfamiliar with those sensations.

  When the kiss broke, she bit her lip sexily in desire, as she found his eyes.

  She said softly as she caressed his chest, “You should know. I’ve never been with a man before,” her eyes shifted to look into Cassie’s, “Or a woman. I’ve been waiting for the two of you all my life.”

  His cock twitched hard at that, but he ignored the need to take her like an animal and caressed her face softly instead.

  “We’ll take it slowly and gently this first time. Are you… intact?”

  She blushed, “No. I… have a toy or two. My hymen broke quite a while back.”

  Oh, fuck that was hot.

  She added, “Also, not too gentle, I hope.”

  He almost groaned at that. There was eager heat and lust in her eyes. She was a little nervousness probably from his size, but there didn’t seem to be any doubt at all. He was more than sure she wanted to be there, in their bed.

  Her whole body jumped, and she let out a sharp gasp, when he merely teasingly grazed one of her nipples, and squeezed her breast. He noted she was extremely sensitive there, and he wouldn’t be abusive with them like Cassie liked.

  He encouraged, “Touch it, if you’d like.”

  Her hand moved straight to his cock, which told him it’d been on her mind as well, since he hadn’t specified what it was. She wrapped her fingers around him gently, and she stroked so lightly and tentatively he grinned.

  “You won’t break it, but that’s about how soft you have to be with the balls.”

  She blushed, but nodded as her hand tightened a little more, and he let out a moan as she stroked him.

  Cassie turned his head and claimed a deep kiss. Her own hand stroking his side, then over his side and onto Mara’s.

  He heard Mara’s sharp and excited gasp, and knew his mate had her hand between Mara’s legs.

  Cassie broke the kiss, and she pushed his head around and toward Mara. Mara being quick on the uptake eagerly stretched her neck and reclaimed his lips. This time, it was a little more passionate, and they were all far breathier.

  He licked across her delicious bottom lip, and his ethereally and exotically beautiful priestess parted her lips with a soft sigh and welcomed his tongue into her mouth.

  Cassie said with a soft sultry tone, “She’s so wet for you. So needy for your cock. Just give me a moment to get her ready for you. She’s so tight, and hot, for you.”

  Mara moaned into his mouth, and her hand squeezed him a bit harder, as if agreeing with Cassie’s wicked claims. She’d also obviously never given a hand job before, but she was a quick learner as she was obviously paying attention to what made him moan, gasp, grunt, and make sounds of pleasured approval.

  At the same time, he and Cassie had her breathy, drawing gasps, sighs, and other sounds of pleasure from her full lips. All from his hand teasing her breasts gently, while his Cassie stretched her open for his cock with her fingertips. She may not have a hymen anymore, but she was still impossibly tight he imagined, and would get sore and hurt if they weren’t careful.

  He was more than patient, and he was enjoying the foreplay that would end up with him balls deep in this beauty. She was so sensitive to their touch. Her body beautiful res
ponsive. Even after she’d been touched a few times, she obviously wasn’t repressing any of her reactions at all. She was completely open to them, eager to experience and share pleasure with them, and most surprising of all, eager to give her body to them without holding back anything at all.

  His wanton virgin was giving herself to them with passion, and without restraint or holding anything back. It was shocking, and kind of blew his mind, but he wasn’t about to argue. He’d keep her safe, and they’d make sure she enjoyed her first time.

  Mara said breathily, “It’s almost too much. Too intense, but I don’t want you to stop.”

  He nipped her lip, and then kissed down to her delicious neck and petite earlobes as he teased her breasts a little more firmly. Not hard, but gently firm and with more authority, as he learned just how she liked it.

  “You’re getting way too good at that,” he said with a moan.

  If he hadn’t just filled his Cassie, he’d have probably gone off in her hand. It’d been over a year since he’d had a threesome, over two since they’d had a new woman in their bed, and none before Mara had entered it with so much surrender and absolute trust in their hearts. He also hadn’t had a virgin in about twenty years, and he’d been wanting to claim Mara for the last two weeks. He was in control, but barely as he teased her soft and supple body.

  Her breathy cry of pleasure, along with the way she gripped him harder, and the way her body trembled against his and on Cassie’s fingertips almost made him cum right there. She’d come to their bed of her own volition, and was giving herself to them freely and wantonly, in trust, desire, lust, and affection.

  She surrendered herself, and everything she was to them, it was clear to him. He wasn’t sure if that meant she was a submissive or not, maybe not, but she clearly had no doubts or reservations about taking this step. It was driving him crazy.


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