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STRANDED: Box Set: Books 1-6

Page 98

by Theresa Shaver

  The look of relief on Jeff’s face would have been almost comical if the situation wasn’t so serious. When the gate was open, Josh reached out a hand to shake Jeff’s.

  “Just give us a few minutes to move these sleds up and one of us will run back to help you stand watch.”

  When the man nodded in agreement and moved the gate out of the way, the teens and Leslie jumped back on their sleds and drove up into the zoo following the route from earlier in the day to the garage they hoped to park in for the night.

  Thankfully, visibility was much better in the zoo than on the river as the residents of the community had strung out torches along the pathways and roads every fifteen feet or so to guide them to where they needed to go. They pulled the sleds up in front of the overhead door to the garage and shut them down. Leslie immediately moved to the trailers to help the children out but Josh held up a hand to stop her.

  “Sit tight there, Leslie. We need to have this conversation with Matthew, the de-facto leader of this group, first. I’d rather get a yes before he sees just how many people they’re going to be taking on.”

  She scowled at him and opened her mouth to argue but he cut her off before she could get going.

  “Just have a little faith, please. This is going to happen but I need you to stay quiet until I get the deal done. Okay?”

  She nodded begrudgingly but it was easy to see by her expression that she was not happy about it. Thankfully, Matthew called out a greeting at that moment, forestalling any more issues with her.

  As Matthew came closer with a look of apprehension on his face, Cooper leaned towards Josh.

  “I’m going to run down and backup Jeff just in case anybody followed us to the gate. You got this, Josh!”

  Josh sent him a smile of gratitude and watched him jog back the way they had come before turning to greet Matthew, who was also watching Cooper and looking a little confused.

  Josh held out his hand to Matthew in greeting, forcing the older man to shake it. “Matthew! Good to see you again.”

  Matthew nodded his head with a quick scan of the other teens before focusing on Leslie for a moment and then turning back to Josh with a frown.

  “I didn’t expect to see you guys back here. I thought you would head home from the west side of the city once you found what you were looking for. As much as I enjoyed meeting you all the first time, I have to tell you it did cause a bit of upheaval here with some of our members and I’m not looking to have a repeat of it.”

  Josh’s face morphed into a sheepish expression. “I hear you, and we’re real sorry about that. It was never our intention to cause any kind of issue with any of your people. You guys were kind enough to take us in and offer us safety for the night so we felt obligated to repay that kindness when we found what you have been looking for.”

  Matthew’s eyebrows rose up in surprise. “Really? I didn’t realize we were looking for anything, specifically.”

  Josh started nodding his head. “Oh, sure you were! You guys were telling us about the pregnant ladies that live here and that you were really concerned about not having any medical supplies or anyone with medical training here to help out.” He gestured to Leslie with a big smile on his face. “This is Leslie, she was a trauma nurse at the Children’s Hospital before lights out. She and one of the security guards have been living there all this time with the children that didn’t make it home. Unfortunately, they were attacked just after we arrived and her partner didn’t make it. We couldn’t in good conscience leave her and the children there alone to fend for themselves and we knew what a great fit she would be here in your community - so we brought her here to thank you guys for taking us in last night.”

  Josh caught Dara’s exaggerated eye roll and smirk out of the corner of his eye but kept his expression sincere.

  Matthew gave Josh a hard look for a few seconds before it morphed into a look of something like amusement. “All right, I have a feeling what you’re telling me is just the tip of the iceberg. Trouble seems to follow you kids around everywhere you go so why don’t you just lay it out for me.”

  Josh couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face at being called on the spin he was laying out. “Okay, you guys really can use Leslie’s skills in your community, that’s the truth. It’s also true that we couldn’t just leave her and the kids alone up in that big building to fight off the next round of attacks. We also only managed to get a fraction of the medicine we needed for our town so we’re going to have to go to the supply depot and that’s closer to this location than the hospital. Here’s the deal we’re looking for. You guys let Leslie and the kids join your community for your own benefit but also because it’s the right thing to do. In exchange, we’ve brought you a bunch of medical supplies, all the food we brought with us that we were going to use for trade, two seasoned fighters that come with their own assault rifles and ammunition and one snowmobile as well.”

  As Matthew’s eyes grew large at the list of things his community would get in return, Josh plunged ahead. “The medical depot we need to go to is just outside of downtown in a place called Inglewood. We want to spend the night here to stage our run to it first thing in the morning. Once we have found what we need, we’ll make our way back here, pick up our friend and head to the hospital where we left two of our people and the rest of the children that we’re going to take home with us.”

  Matthew shot a sharp glance Leslie’s way. “Just how many kids did you have in that hospital?”

  Her frown deepened and she looked down at her feet. “We had sixteen kids left in our care today. Seven of them are going to be going home with these guys. We have nine with us right now.” When she lifted her head to meet his eyes her expression was a mix of sorrow and helplessness. “You don’t have to worry about the nine we brought with us. All but one is terminal and I don’t expect them to last more than another few weeks.” Her chin went up even more and her eyes became bitter. “They barely eat anything as it is so the food that these guys are leaving with us will more than cover the small amount they consume. After they’re gone, my skills should be enough of a contribution to cover mine and Aiden’s food.”

  Matthew seemed like he was at a loss for words so Josh stepped in again. “Lisa and Cooper have decided they want to stay here with Leslie and the kids. Lisa’s open to reconnecting with her father so I hope that won’t be an issue for you guys. They come with their own weapons which I believe outclass anything you have in your armory and we’re also leaving them one of the sleds and a trailer so that if they decide to join us back at home in the spring they’ll be able to get there easily. Until then I’m sure they won’t have a problem with the community making use of it.”

  Matthew blew out an overwhelmed breath and shook his head. “I don’t feel comfortable making such a big decision on my own. I might speak for the community for the most part but we usually vote as a whole on any major issues.” Movement from the trailers had him swinging his head in that direction. Josh turned that way as well and saw that some of the kids had pushed back the blankets and sat up. Their eyes were sunken and pain filled but it didn’t stop them from looking around in curiosity. When Josh turned back to Matthew, he knew that the deal would be done by the compassion that softened the older man’s expression. Josh waved at the overhead garage door.

  “Why don’t you let us pull inside the building like we did last night and then you can gather your community and explain the situation so that everyone can vote. If for some reason you all decide to turn Leslie and the children away, we’ll load back up and take our chances at the hospital.”

  Matthew opened his mouth to say something, closed it, opened his mouth again and then finally just settled on a nod. Josh held back his satisfied expression knowing the outcome of what was about to happen. There was no way any decent human being would turn away a selfless nurse and dying children in this world. The overhead garage door was not locked so Josh helped Matthew roll it up and waved the girls in with the sleds
after they got the children to lay back down. Matthew looked down the pathway and then turned back to Josh.

  “Where did your friend take off to?”

  Josh rubbed his chin before answering. “Cooper went down to reinforce Jeff at the gate just in case anybody came nosing around. We didn’t see anybody on the river but it was pretty dark so hopefully, if anyone was paying attention, they won’t be able to pinpoint where we got off. We just wanted to help out in case we were followed.”

  Matthew closed his eyes in frustration briefly before opening them and pinning Josh with a look. “I’d really like to help you guys out and I plan on arguing for the nurse and kids to be let in as well as your two friends - but I have to tell you, kid… you’re a real pain in the ass!”

  Josh nodded slowly as a small grin tugged his lips upward. “You know Matthew, I got to tell you - it’s not the first time I’ve heard that!”

  Chapter Three

  While Matthew went to discuss the proposal with his people, they settled into the garage and barricaded the doors like they had the last time they had stayed in it. Luckily the majority of the community was in the main dining area already so hopefully it wouldn’t take too long for them to vote and make a decision on admitting Leslie and the kids.

  They helped some of the more mobile kids out of the trailers and settled them on blankets and pillows while leaving the ones who were in the later stages of their diseases resting in the trailers. Leslie paced back and forth the length of the building to try and burn off her nervous tension while waiting for Matthew to come back with a decision on their fate.

  Emily and Dara set up a small cooking area and got the two small camp stoves they had brought with them going. They were all tired and hungry from the exhausting day and she wanted to be sure that the children were fed.

  They planned to turn over all the food supplies they had brought to the community if the vote went in their favor but Emily wanted to make sure that these kids received some of the good food first. With ten dozen eggs at her disposal and fifteen people to feed in the garage, she started cracking and scrambled up a couple of dozen to feed everyone. The girls had packed a small stock of paper plates to use for their meals but there wasn’t enough to give everyone their own plate, so she cooked and dished them up in shifts, making sure the children ate first. It wasn’t the most filling meal but it was protein and it helped to push back some of their hunger for now.

  Emily was cleaning up and wiping out the last of the cooking pans, keeping an eye on Lisa, who was drowsing on a blanket in the corner after Leslie had given her another pain pill. She was worried about her friend even though Leslie said the sled ride here hadn’t reopened the wound. She could see how much pain Lisa was in from her drawn, pale face. Her head swung in the other direction when a knock sounded on the door at the side of the building. When Josh called out to whoever was on the other side to identify themselves, she was relieved to hear Matthew call out. There’s no way she wanted a repeat of what had happened the last time they were here. Her stress level was through the roof and she found herself constantly clenching her hands in anger. Emily didn’t regret coming on this trip but she was tired and frustrated by all the roadblocks that seemed to keep being put in front of them when all they wanted to do was just save people.

  Leslie rushed over to Josh to help him move the boxes and crates they had stacked in front of the door. When the door finally opened and he walked through, she studied the two people he brought with him. Emily recognized Matthew’s wife as the woman who had served them dinner in the main dining hall the night before, and trailing hot on her heels was Lisa’s father, Kirkland. He scanned the room with frantic eyes until they landed on his sleeping daughter in the corner and then he rushed towards her. Emily launched to her feet and got between him and her friend. She held up a hand to stop him.

  “You need to leave her be right now. She was injured earlier and she’s just taken some painkillers. She needs to rest so just back off for now.”

  Her tone wasn’t harsh but it was firm. She knew what kind of man and father this guy had been to Lisa in the past and even though he seemed to be trying to be better, she still felt like she needed to protect her friend from him. Her stance softened somewhat when she saw the look of frantic worry in his eyes

  “It’s okay. She’s okay. Leslie is a trauma nurse and she took good care of her. Really, she just needs rest right now and time to heal.”

  With an uncertain nod, he took a step back, letting Emily focus on the other two arrivals. Agnes, Matthew’s wife, was holding a covered platter in her hands as she stood scanning the room before focusing on the children’s faces. Her mouth made an unbelieving O shape before she snapped it closed and walked deeper into the room. She handed the tray to Dara and whisked the tea towel that was covering it off to reveal slices of buttered bread. When the woman’s eyes met hers across the room Emily gave a nod of thanks. The bread would go well to finish off their small meal, especially when she opened one of her mother’s jars of homemade strawberry jam to spread on them.

  Matthew cleared his throat, bringing her attention to him. He chewed on his lip nervously for a moment before breathing out a deep sigh.

  “I’d first like to say and that the majority of the community seems to be open to allowing you in. As I’m sure you remember from last night, there is a small hard-core group that is more difficult to deal with. They’ve delayed the vote until we can provide everyone with the exact amount of trade goods that you’re willing to hand over. On behalf of myself and my wife and the majority of the community, I’d like to offer my apologies for the insult they’re demanding.”

  Emily glanced Josh’s way to see his reaction. Her good-natured friend had fury written all over his face. Leslie choked off a sob and Emily turned in time to see Agnes reach out and lay comforting hands on her even as her own face was filled with disgust at her husband’s words.

  Through gritted teeth, Josh asked, “You explain to them about the children and their… condition?”

  Matthew nodded. “I did, and as I said, the majority of the people seem open to letting them join our community. It’s just a small core group of troublemakers that we’re dealing with.”

  Emily shook her head in frustration and fired off a list in a biting tone. “Almost fifty pounds of meat - beef and pork. Eight dozen fresh eggs plus ten… make that nine large jars of preserves, mainly fruit. As for weapons, two assault rifles with a minimum of one hundred rounds. A fully functioning snowmobile with a trailer but as far as gas goes, you’ll have to scavenge your own. Do you think that’s enough for the price of admission for eight dying children?”

  Matthew had the decency to look away in shame but Josh held up his hand in a wait a minute gesture. He turned to Leslie and then glanced at Emily and Dara before waving them away from the main group. Once they were at the other end of the building, they put their heads together. Leslie immediately tried to rant but Josh grabbed her arm to silence her so he could speak first.

  “Listen, this deal’s going to go through but I need a little bit of leverage to close it. You said that you had been trading with other communities, right?” When she nodded her head slowly he asked, “Do you know where they were located?”

  She squinted her eyes in concentration trying to remember the information that Josh asked for and then shook her head. “I know one of them was on the other side of the hospital, to the West but who knows if they’re still around. The last time we saw them was months ago. The other community that sent people is not an option.” At Josh’s questioning look, she blew out of frustrated breath. “They’re right down in the core in the middle of the gang wars. They took over a shopping center right in the center of downtown and barricaded all the entrances. They said they had four floors of shops with the top floor having what used to be Devonian Gardens. It’s a full hectare of park space on the top floor of the building. It would be total suicide to even attempt to get near them with the war zone that the downtown has bec
ome. They only sneak out when the weather is at the worst so the gang members are tucked away.”

  Josh nodded. “I know that. Like I said, this is just leverage. You heard Matthew, most of the people here would welcome you. It’s just a few jerks that are holding up the vote and I know exactly which guys it is.”

  Dara leaned in, unconvinced. “And you’re going to work your spin master magic on them?”

  Josh sent her a cheeky grin. “Nope, I’m going to shame them and everybody else here to make sure they don’t cause any more trouble after we leave. It’s time these people dealt with their internal problems. I’m just going to light the fuse to set it off.”

  Darla let out a laugh. “There’s my man - making friends and enemies everywhere he goes!”

  Josh gave an exaggerated nod. “All right, you guys hold the fort here and I’ll head up to the dining hall with Matthew to work my magic.” He turned to Leslie with a serious face. “You have my word that no matter what happens here we will take care of you and the kids. You should get everyone settled down for the night. No matter what, we’re not leaving here until the morning anyway.” He leaned across the group and planted a quick kiss on Dara’s lips before nodding and turning to go join Matthew.

  “Matthew, you don’t mind if I join you to present your community with the list of goods we have to trade, do you?”

  Matthew gave him an uncertain look but his wife came up to them nodding her head.

  “I think that would be a fantastic idea, Josh. You seem to have a way with words and I think it’s exactly what our group needs right now.” She said with a gleam in her eye and a quick wink his way.

  Josh sent her a small smile and nod of agreement before turning back to Matthew.


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