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by Victoria Michaels - AKA-Angela Knight

  “You’d lose.”

  “No I wouldn’t.” He lifted the sword. Before she could jerk away, he rested the cool edge of the blade against the side of her neck. “Open wide, honey. I want to find out if you can do something with that mouth besides tease.” The hand around her head pulled her closer to his jutting cock.

  She resisted more for form’s sake than anything else. Then, with a hungry moan, she opened her mouth and sucked the big head inside.

  “Mmmm. More.” He arched his back, gently forcing another inch of his shaft between her lips. She sucked him so hungrily, her cheeks hollowed. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Nice and obedient. I always wanted a slave girl.”

  Alex tightened her jaws, not quite biting down on his cock, but making sure he got the threat.

  He chuckled, a dark rumble. “You’re bucking for that spanking, sweetheart. Deeper.”

  She drew back to pull in a breath, then leaned forward and slid his cock so far into her throat, she gagged.

  “Swallow it,” he rasped. “You can take more when you swallow.”

  Obeying, Alex realized he was right. Pulling back to steal another breath, she tried again and worked him further down. He rewarded her by tightening his grip on her hair.

  Then, slowly, carefully, he began fucking her mouth.

  Hawke threw back his head and groaned helplessly at the raw pleasure of Alex’s lips around his cock. He’d had kinky dreams like this, but even back on Earth, he’d never expected to live any of them out. Hell, there’d been a time when a woman like her was a lot more likely to throw him in jail than suck him off.

  Slowly, he stroked back into her mouth, fighting desperately not to come. He wanted to make this last as long as he could. He could feel her hot little tongue swirling around the crown of his shaft as she gave him sweet, rippling suction like a burning gift.

  He looked down, watching hungrily. She’d wrapped one slender arm around his hip as she held his shaft with the other hand. Those luscious lips pouted as they surrendered his cock. Shuddering, he carefully pushed back inside, then pulled out again, trying to moderate his strokes and give her plenty of time to breathe. Self-control wasn’t easy with the ferocious climax building in his balls.

  Particularly since a woman like Alex wouldn’t have given him the time of day back on Earth.

  But he could have her here. She wanted him. He knew that from the way her eyes glittered with arousal even as she bitched about his dominant bastard act. Why else would she blow him with a hot enthusiasm that was almost enough to make him come all by itself?

  He was just enough his old man’s son to take advantage of her hunger.

  Hawke thrust into her mouth again, using the slightest bit more force than he needed, knowing it would make her hotter. Sure enough, she gave his cock a sucking pull so hard, it was all he could do not to spill on the spot.

  Oh, yeah. She liked this game.

  And he was more than happy to play it however she wanted. He’d pretend to be Master Bastard for her, and he’d fuck her any way she’d let him. But he’d make damn sure she never guessed where he came from.

  Panting, he tipped his head back and listened to the delicious sounds of her mouth working his cock. A bee flew around his head, but he barely noticed, all his attention focused on the shimmering pleasure. With a strangled shout, he drove his cock hard into her mouth and let himself pump. “Drink it!” he growled. “Swallow my cum. Now!”

  She made an odd sound, a delicious little moan. And then she did exactly what he’d told her to do. The ripple of her throat sent his orgasm blazing up like pure oxygen on a forest fire. He roared.

  Oh, yeah. He was going to take everything she let him have.

  He just had to make sure she didn’t get too much of him.

  Chapter Four

  Hawke pulled his softening shaft out of Alex’s mouth and sheathed his sword. “That was…nice.” His voice was hoarse. He stopped and cleared his throat. “Come on, I’ll show you the cave.”

  Still on her knees, a storm of heat rioting in her blood, she stared at him. “Nice? It was nice?”

  “What, you want an Academy Award for best Blowjob of 2003?”

  “2004. And no, what I want is for you to return the favor!” Alex gritted her teeth against the need to jump the arrogant bastard, kick his feet out from under him, and ride his cock all the way down.

  He smirked. “We can’t hang on the beach having sex all day. Something’ll eat us.”

  She rose to her feet and glowered at him as she dusted the sand off her shins. “I thought you said we’d hit our monster quota for the day.”

  Hawke shrugged brawny shoulders. “They could always change the pattern. I don’t call ‘em the Bastards for nothing.”

  “They’re not the only bastards around here,” Alex muttered.

  Starting off toward the trees, he glanced back, a devilish glint in his eyes. “Now, is that any way to talk to your lord and master?”

  “You want to know where you can sheath that sword, Conan?”

  “You’re just begging for a spanking.”

  “You and what army?”

  “I’m a Marine. I’m an army all by myself.”

  “You do have enough ego for a platoon.” She stalked into the trees after his broad back.

  “I’m really going to enjoy turning that pretty little ass pink.” Pushing a low hanging branch aside so she could pass, he grinned wickedly. “‘Course, once I’ve got you bent over, who knows what I’ll do next?”

  Her unruly libido purred. Trying to ignore it, Alex glared at him as she ducked past. “Yeah, and once I find out where you sleep, who knows what I’ll do next?”

  “Fall asleep bound and gagged, with a pink, aching butt. Have I mentioned I like anal sex?”

  She choked and stopped dead to stare. “You’re not serious.”

  His grin was slow and lethal enough to make her heart pound--and not with fear. “I just love forcing my cock into a tight little asshole and listening to the squeals.”

  Alex swallowed as he sauntered past her and reached for another low-hanging frond. Determined to fight her perverse arousal, she managed a sneer. “And here I thought you were straight.”

  He curled a lip and pushed the limb aside for her. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.”

  “Probably best. Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

  Hawke let the frond go to smack her lightly in the face. Over her yelp, he growled, “I’m straight.”

  “Sure you are.” Alex batted the frond aside and grinned. God, she loved irritating him. It was like teasing the Big Bad Wolf. Sooner or later, she was going to get eaten.

  She was hoping for sooner.

  Hawke actually liked her, dammit.

  He had not expected that. Oh, he’d known she’d be bright--attorneys were rarely dumb--but he hadn’t anticipated her wicked sense of humor.

  Then, of course, there was her sassy courage. After witnessing what he’d done to the WTF, most women would probably have hesitated to give him this much hell.

  Don’t ask, don’t tell, my butt. She really did need that spanking. And he was looking forward to giving it to her, too.

  Hawke glanced over his shoulder as they approached his cave. She was watching his backside. “Enjoying the view?”

  Alex jerked her gaze up to meet his. To his delight, she blushed bright red. “Well, the way it’s just kind of hanging out there, bare and flexing, it’s tough to miss. What, didn’t you have a bigger piece of leather?”

  “You saying I’ve got a broad ass?”

  “No, actually it reminds me of a pair of cantaloupes.” She winced. “God, did I just say that?”

  Hawke couldn’t help himself. He roared with laughter.

  “Oh, shut up. Me and my mouth. My mother would be mortified.”

  “Actually, you have a very nice mouth. Given a little training…”

  “A little training?” She stopped at the foot of the cliff to glare. “You rat, s
ee if you ever get another Lewinsky from me.”

  “If it’s any comfort, you obviously have natural talent. Surprising, given your background.” He leaned a shoulder against the cliff and settled back to enjoy her reaction.

  Alex gave him a suspicious, narrow-eyed stare. “Now, what do you mean by that crack?”

  He hadn’t had this much fun in two years. “Blue-blood Southern Belles usually aren’t hummer artists. And with that accent, I’d bet a month’s pay you’re FFV.” “First Families of Virginia” was a very old term for the state’s very old money--people who could trace their ancestry back to the early colonial period.

  She curled a lip, outraged. “Accent? I don’t have an accent.” There was a definite drawl in those A’s.

  “Forgive me, Scarlett. What was ah thinkin’?”

  “Oh, kiss my ass.” She huffed, then reluctantly admitted, “Okay, yeah, I’m one of those Kenyons. My father’s Harold Kenyon.”

  He started, straightening away from the cliff. “Judge Kenyon?”

  Delicate brows lifted. “Why, Hawke--have you had professional dealings with Daddy?”

  As a matter of fact, he had. Not that he had any intentions whatsoever of telling her that. “I was stationed in Norfolk for a couple of years. He made the papers about once a month.” But Hawke had actually met the judge years earlier, at the Old Man’s trial. Hangin’ Harry was an intimidating bastard, particularly to a seventeen-year old kid who was scared he was seeing a sneak preview of his own future. After watching Harry rip a strip off Tom Hawke at the sentencing, Hawke had decided the only way to avoid following in his father’s bloody footsteps was to enlist in the Marines.

  Good God. He’d just shot his wad in Judge Kenyon’s daughter’s mouth. Hangin’ Harry would have a stroke.

  Hawke was still contemplating that appalling thought when, like the Southern girl she was, Alex asked the question he dreaded. “So what’d your folks do?”

  Well, Dad knocked over convenience stores until he killed a clerk, and Mom was a drunk who moonlighted as a stripper. Hawke was the first male in his family in three generations to avoid jail time. “This and that.” He gestured at the rocks overhead. “The cave’s up that way. ‘Fraid you’re going to have to climb.”

  The distraction worked. She looked up the cliff face, an expression of dismay growing on her pretty face. “Up there?” Then she processed what he said. “Cave?”

  “WTFs don’t like to climb either, sweetheart.”

  “Good point.” Alex contemplated the cliff, visibly appalled. “So how do I get from here to there?”

  “Grab a rock and start pulling yourself up. Don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you.” Watching her pick out an outcropping to use as a handhold, Hawke smiled a little grimly. At least he’d distracted her from probing his background.

  Because there was a fine old Southern phrase for his family too, and it sure as hell wasn’t FFV.

  White Trash.

  “Damn, Conan, you sure don’t mind working.” Alex stared around the cave in admiration.

  He snorted. “Well, it’s not like I can lie around all day watching TV and playing video games.”

  “Guess not.” She’d expected cramped, damp and dirty, but the cave was really quite spacious, with a high ceiling, curving rock walls, and a hard-packed sandy floor. Her eyes were drawn to the back of the cavern, where a surprisingly big bed stood. The frame was made of thick bamboo lashed together with white nylon cords Hawke must have brought with him. To make a mattress, he’d sewn together a couple of blankets. The result looked fat and inviting. “What’d you stuff the mattress with?” she asked, moving over to get a closer look.

  He shrugged. “Leaves, grass. Whatever was handy. I strung parachute cord across the bed frame to give it some support.”

  Alex nodded and kept exploring. A couple of clay oil lamps hung from the ceiling, supplying a flickering light. Several spears leaned together in the corner. The walls were lined with clay pots, hide bags, and baskets he’d woven out of vines. There were even a couple of military canteens wrapped in desert camouflage. She nodded at the containers. “What’s in those?”

  “Oil. Fruit. A few vegetables. Smoked meat. I fill the canteens with water twice a day.”

  Alex nodded. She’d seen the fire pit he used to smoke the food just outside, to one side of the cave. He’d also built bamboo drying racks that currently held several hides he was in the process of curing in the sun.

  She squinted, her attention caught by what appeared to be a bamboo platform leaning against the back wall. He’d tied the thick bamboo together with lengths of vine. Two wooden oars lay on the floor in front of it. “Is that a raft?”

  “Yep.” He started taking off his weapons to stow them neatly beside the bed. “Built it not long after I got here. Used it to paddle out to the barrier.”

  Interested, she turned toward him, absently waving aside a cruising bumblebee. “What barrier?”

  “There’s some kind of force field or something surrounding us. It’s what holds in the water and atmosphere, just like a goldfish bowl.” He pulled out a cloth and sat down on the edge of the bed as he drew his sword from its sheath.

  Alex frowned. “What’s beyond it?”

  He shrugged, wiping down the weapon. “I couldn’t tell. You can’t see through it. It glows with a milky light during the day that’s blinding close up. Apparently, it’s the only source of light in here, since we don’t have a sun.”

  She leaned against the cave wall. “Did you try getting through it?”

  Hawke shook his head. “Pounded my fists against it so hard I capsized the raft. Didn’t do a damn bit of good.”

  Alex frowned, considering the implications. “Weren’t you afraid it would burn you, if it’s glowing like that?”

  “It wasn’t radiating heat.” He shot her a look. “Besides, it’s not like I had a hell of a lot to lose.”

  She nibbled a thumbnail. “So if the walls aren’t hot, and there’s no sun, why is it warm in here?”

  “I’m just a poor, dumb Marine, Alex. I don’t know these things.”

  “Dumb, my ass. You seemed to have coped with plunging back into the Stone Age pretty damn well.”

  “I haven’t had a whole lot of choice.” He sheathed the sword and put it on the floor beside the bed, within easy reach. “And I’ve had a great deal of time to figure out how to make what I needed.” Rising from the bed, he gave her a wicked grin. “In between jerking off, that is.” As her head snapped up in astonishment, he sauntered across the cave toward her. “Fortunately, now I’ve got you.”

  “You do know how to sweet talk a girl.”

  “Hearts and flowers have never been my thing.”

  She backed up a cautious pace. “I did pick up on that, now that you mention it.”

  “I knew you were a clever woman. Take off your clothes.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  There were an awful lot of white teeth in his smile. “I suddenly realized I haven’t seen you naked.”

  She folded her arms and glared at him. “So therefore I should strip.”

  “It would help.”

  “Forget it, Conan.”

  “You’ve seen me naked.”

  “Only because you made me give you a blow job.”

  “Would have been tough to do otherwise. Besides, I thought you wanted me to return the favor.” He tilted his head, long blond hair sliding over his brawny shoulders. “Licking those pretty little nipples won’t be nearly as satisfying with them all covered up.”

  Alex’s heart began pounding again. His blunt orders had a way of turning her on even as they rubbed her the wrong way. Besides, he looked so damn luscious. She’d never had a lover that damn big, and she yearned to touch him. Then, too, there was something about teasing Hawke that never failed to get her motor running.

  “Weeeelll… Okay.” She smoothed her palms down the front of her camisole. “If you insist.”

  He grinned wolfishly. “I

  The fabric had dried from the heat of her body, and now the lace was just slightly stiff. Lifting the hem an inch, she watched Hawke’s gaze sizzle.

  Oh, this was going to be fun.

  Chapter Five

  Hawke watched her lift the lace hem of that camisole with his heart pounding and his dick pressing into his loin cloth. Inch by taunting inch, she showed him her taut, tanned little belly, the curve of her waist, the rise of her rib cage--and the sweet, full contours of her lower breasts.

  As he caught his breath, willing her to lift the hem further, she purred, “Like what you see?”

  Little tease. “Almost as much as I’m going to enjoy watching your ass turn pink,” he growled.

  “That’s no way to talk.” She dropped the camisole back over her centerfold body and gave him a smirk that was pure naughty little girl.

  He almost snarled in frustration. “Take off that shirt.”

  “Make me.”

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Judging by that hard-on, I’d say I already am.”

  Hawke gave her his best menacing smirk. “Your asshole is going to feel really good stretching around my cock.”

  She turned her back on him and huffed. “Bully.”

  “I’ve always wanted to ream a blue-blood belle. I hope you’re a virgin.”

  Alex snatched the camisole off in one movement and threw it aside. “There. Satisfied?”

  Hawke drank in the sight of her long, deliciously bare back. Her round little butt cheeks flexed each time she shifted her feet, bisected by the tiny lace thong that was more enticement than anything else. He reached for her. “No, but I’m going to be.”

  She yelped as he grabbed her by one forearm and hauled her toward the bed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I seem to recall promising you a spanking.” Hawke dropped onto the bed and jerked her down across his thighs.

  “What?” Alex tried to rear up, but he planted a hand across her back and kept her there. Her skin felt silken under his palm. Her pretty breasts were so warm and soft pressing against his thighs, it was all he could do not to moan in pleasure. “Stop that!”


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