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Moonbeams and magic

Page 35

by Taylor, Janelle

  Her adoring gaze roamed his frill length. "Not to me, my beloved."


  "No more questions, Tochar! Not by you anyway. It's our turn to ask them, and you will tell us all we need to know."

  "I will not tell you anything, Thaiter! If that is who you are.

  "Oh, I think you will; you won't have any choice. Is the Thorin ready?" Dagan asked the cyborg who nodded. "Put him under now."

  They watched Tochar try to back away from the cyborg's

  approach. He was unable to break its strong grip on his arms which were pinned to his sides. The fiendal thrashed and squirmed and cursed them as he was injected with the truth serum.

  "You will regret this treachery!" Tochar shouted at the smiling couple.

  "The only thing that feels better than defeating you, Tochar, is finding and winning this unique for my m.ate. I should be a little grateful to you since you're the one who brought us together."

  Starla knew how much Dagan was savoring this coming victory. At last, he had justice for his slain family and the threat to their worlds would be over soon, and their bonding ceremony awaited them.

  They listened and watched as Tochar used his remaining span of awareness to curse and threaten them with vows of horrible revenge, to which Dagan chuckled. Then, Tochar's brief questioning began . . .

  Starla stared at Dagan in the transmuted form of their enem.y. She asked, "How do you feel?"

  He lifted his brows and took a deep breath. "Strange. Shapeshifting is a wild experience. You can feel your flesh crawling and itching as it alters. Even your bones and muscles change. It's amazing, stimulating, but a little scary. That isn't my voice I'm hearing or my body I'm seeing." Though he had taken on Iverk's vastly different form for a short time, assuming Tochar's more similar one seemed just as incredible to him.

  "You look and sound exactly like Tochar, my beloved. You'll dupe them. Soon, this mission will be finalized in a glorious victory. You have the password, so hurry before Palesa gets nervous and sounds an alarm."

  "Tochar was probably deceiving us with that desperate

  threat, but I won't take a chance he wasn't telling the truth. I'll see you soon, my love."

  "If not, ril be coming down after you," she warned in a playful tone. "Please watch your back since I won't be there to do it. I love you, Dagan."

  "I'll be careful. I love you, woman. Now, send me down."

  He stepped on the sensor pad and she teleported him to the fiendaVs abode. She returned to the bridge and sat down, a device in her grasp to overhear the events taking place below her position. The drugged Tochar, Auken, and Sach were being guarded by the cyborg in Auken's quarters on the Adika. Cypher was at the helm of her ship, also monitoring Dagan's progress. The mixed Serian and I-GAF force was on alert, ready to take action upon Dagan's suc-cessftil return. Starla contacted her android and said, "Be prepared to rescue my love if anything goes wrong since I may lack time to signal you if that becomes necessary."

  "Affirmative," the android responded.

  Dagan masked his tension as he entered his transmuted form's lofty dwelling and immediately faced his first challenge: duping the Jiendal 's hermaphroditic lover. Although in public Palesa appeared to be and behaved as a woman—a ravishing creature with purple eyes, soft fair skin, and long red hair—she was Binixe, z race of androgynes whose bodies possessed male and female sex organs and were self-reproductive. They were a mysterious and private people who rarely intermingled with outsiders, so he didn't know how or when or why Palesa had coupled with Tochar; that meant he couldn't allow her time to ensnare him with a mistake.

  "What happened, Tochar? Where are the others? What is wrong?"

  He was relieved he had overheard Tochar's endearments for her and made clever use of them. "Only a minor prob-

  lem, my beauty. It will be handled soon. Go to the Skull's Den and wait for me to join you there."

  Palesa looped her arms around his neck and pressed her sensual body to his. "First, we must finish what we started before you were summoned. I will quickly arouse your appetite again. Let me remove your—"

  Tochar grasped her wrists and loosened her hold on him, smiling as he did so. "There is no time at the present to enjoy ourselves. I have guests coming. I will join you soon at Radu's after I speak to them."

  "I will retire to my chamber and wait there, and we will go together."

  He stroked her cheek as he asked in a mellow tone, "Why do you disobey me this deega, m.y beauty? I have important matters on my mind, things to be settled. A man is arriving soon and he does not wish to be seen by anyone; that includes you, my precious treat. Besides, he is delivering a special surprise for you," he tempted the epicene being.

  "What is it? You must tell me or I shall be overexcited with curiosity."

  He laughed and shook his head, golden hair swaying at his nape. "Do not spoil my pleasure by coaxing me to reveal it. You must leave now."

  "If you insist, I will go, but join me soon or beckon my return. I will reward you in many wonderful ways for my surprise. I will—"

  To silence her, he grasped her shoulders, turned her body toward the door, and said, "Go, quickly; my preparation time is limited. You can also surprise me later with those delicious treats."

  Via the large transascreen, the transmuted Dagan watched the Binixe exit the trans-to, get into a landrover, and drive toward the settlement. He hurriedly located Z2ii2if2i and had Tochar's abused slave teleported to one of the Serian ships for her safety and survival, disclosing to the astonished woman she was being freed and sent home. He didn't have

  to worry about Tochar's two robots, as the automatons remained in an inactive mode until the Jiendal needed them to perform tasks.

  He said to Starla, whom he knew was hstening, "Palesa and Zarafa are gone. I'm going to plant the first device, ril seal the door when I leave so no one can enter before the explosion."

  After the device was in place and the timer was activated, Tochar took a landrover to the first defense structure. He gained entry with ease and speed using the password supplied by Auken and verified by the spaceki leader. He chatted with two men on duty while he surreptitiously planted the second device and started its timer. Afterward, he did the same with the third device at the second defense site. At both locations, he ordered the guards to lock the structures and to check out the area for a possible intruder; he doubted their lives would be spared when the detonations occurred, but that could not be helped. Taking any other action or assuming any other command would have been suspicious, even for their leader.

  He rode to Yana's dwelling and entered it. "Starla, I'm ready to return. Everything is done here. Lock on to me and bring me aboard."

  Starla was prepared to comply and did so. The moment he stepped ft"om the sensor pad, she flung herself into his arms and said, "You're safe now, my beloved. Transmute to yourself so I can cover your face with kisses. We have fifteen preons until the blasts."

  He cupped her face with his hands and ftised their gazes. "I know you're a highly skilled and experienced off'icer, my love, but please remain aboard during the remainder of the action. There are a lot of villites down there who will fight their best to escape, and I don't want you injured."

  It felt strange to be staring into Tochar's black eyes but speaking to Dagan. "Do you have to go? Can't the others battle and capture them?"

  "rm an I-GAF officer, love, and this was my assignment; so it's my duty to assist the others. You've taken more than your share of risks during this joint mission, and most of the accompHshments belong to you, so please stay here where you'll be safe. I'll be distracted with you in harm's path. It took me twenty-eight yings to find you; I don't want to lose you now."

  "What if you need my help as a backup?"

  "I'll be fine, so don't worry about me. Besides, my friend Cypher will be monitoring and protecting me."

  She knew he had faith in her prowess and his concern was bom only from love for her. She smiled
and relented to his request.

  "Thanks, my love," he said in relief and kissed her, "Now, I have to transmute. I don't want to go down there looking like this."

  As soon as Dagan was himself again, they embraced and kissed; this time, their mouths meshed in a long and tender one. Arm in arm, they observed the three massive explosions on the viewer screen.

  "Let's hope the devices worked and those Destructoids are gone."

  "I'm sure they did, love. Well," he said, as he hugged her, "it's time for me to leave." Dagan told the large force of men to prepare to start the action in ten preons, which would allow the dust and debris to settle. He checked his weapons, kissed her again, and teleported to another ship to join a unit of agents who were awaiting his arrival before departure.

  "Stay safe, my beloved, and return to my side," Starla murmured to herself She held a listening device close to her ear to catch every word Dagan spoke, her heart pounding in apprehension as he again faced peril.


  Starla decided she would teleport to her ship to observe the action with Cypher. She had the cyborg and prisoners sent to a Serian vessel for detainment there. She set the Adika 's automatic pilot so it would circle Noy until its fiiel was spent and its orbit decayed, if it wasn't confiscated for use by one of the other forces. If not, it would bum up upon entry into the planet's atmosphere. She gathered her things and left the craft—one in which she had spent many deegas as an alleged spaceki —for the last time.

  "How is the mission progressing?" she asked Cypher as she took a seat near him on the Liska 's bridge and locked her gaze to the monitor.

  "Dagan and the combined forces just shuttled or tele-ported to the planet's surface; the final battle has been initiated. The colony's inhabitants are fleeing in many directions. Some are going into hiding. Some are taking shuttles to their ships. Many are fighting or preparing to do so."

  "Sheer chaos is taking place, I believe. Those blasts must have terrified most of them, but I'm certain everyone realizes what happened. It must be clear to them the defense sites are destroyed; so is Tochar's dwelling. Perhaps they will assume he has been slain and they are helpless. With the advanced weapons we have and the skills of our combined force, the villites are sure to lose, but still they fight and attempt to escape."

  "Even surrender will not ensure life for some of the vil-

  lites. Many have committed crimes which warrant termination."

  "And confinement to one of those barbaric penal colonies isn't an enticement to evoke their surrenders," she added. "We're lucky we were bom into good families and situations. I wouldn't want to be a real member of Tochar's band this deega."

  If it were possible, Cypher would have chuckled in amusement at her second sentence. Even so, he grasped her meaning and slip. It somehow pleased him to realize she thought of him as a person.

  "Look," she said, "they're rounding up groups of people in several locations and scanning their records device to see who to apprehend. Those with criminal files are being taken aboard one of the vessels. Others are being sent into the Skull's Den and other structures to await evacuation. Dagan said he would make certain Radu was given a chance to leave, unless the Ceyxan has charges against him which are unknown to us. I wonder what they will do with Palesa," she murmured, recalling how the Binixe had tried to seduce her beloved, though Palesa had thought it was her lover.

  "The I-GAF agents will decide the androgyne's fate."

  "Look there. Cypher," Starla said again, pointing to another screen. "Some of Tochar's Enforcers are taking refuge in the caves. Since I don't see any of our men in that area, ril inform Dagan of their hiding places."

  Starla contacted him with that information, but did the task in a hurry to prevent distracting him longer than was necessary. Any time a villite tried to sneak up on or lay a trap for Dagan, Cypher warned the Kalfan and exposed the nefariant's location, giving Dagan an advantage and a safeguard. Their advanced sensors and communication abilities also allowed Cypher to send Dagan warnings for others who were fighting near him.

  She saw a few of their men go down from lethal blasts, though her side was using stun-only settings for captures

  and interrogations. Their bodies were collected by fellow officers and teleported to their ships. Injured men also were retrieved and treated aboard their vessels. She watched as some of the villites surrendered after their weapon's power was depleted. She saw visitors or noncriminal inhabitants turn themselves over to the assault team so they wouldn't be slain by mistake or accident.

  She grasped why those who knew Dagan Latu as one of Tochar's men were not seeking help from him and were attacking him: he had changed into I-GAF attire and made his hand insignia visible! "Pralu, Cypher, look at Dagan! I just realized he's using his uniform and badge. I was so worried and distracted by his jeopardy, I didn't notice until now." Her gaze roamed his striking image; he was so handsome, authoritative, confident in that dark-blue garment and while displaying his imposing emblem.

  "It was a logical measure for self-defense."

  Starla smiled and added, "And for intimidation. Even brave villites fear the awesome power and elite prowess of parsec jumpers. Isn't he magnificent, Cypher? My family and friends will love and respect him as much as I do. I can hardly wait for them to meet him. Mother, Amaya, and Rayna will be delighted to learn I'll have a mate soon. Such glorious deegas and exciting adventures await us, my friend. We three will become the most requested team for certain assignments. We'll travel the galaxies together until we're ready to settle in one place and have children."

  Cypher analyzed her remarks and emotions and deduced no response was required or expected. Yet, oddly and illogi-cally, he found her words to have a pleasing effect upon him. Perhaps, he reasoned, his emotions chip had begun to function better or he had gathered more data to assist his comprehension of certain human feelings and situations. He was amazed and confused that he liked and was stimulated by plans she had expressed.

  Starla sat on the edge of her seat. With the use of laser

  instruments that were powered by moonbeams, no structure was impenetrable to her side. She observed and waited in suspense as the confrontation continued until darkness and clouds partially obstructed her view. Night also compelled the combined forces to cease their assault until morning. She listened as secure areas were set up for the Serians and I-GAF agents so they could take shifts guarding, resting, eating, and sleeping. She was amused when Dagan turned off his transmitter so she wouldn't overhear the men talking and joking, since he remained below with them.

  "I shall eat, enter the cleansing unit, and sleep for a while. Cypher," she told her trusted android. "Summon me if I'm needed or peril strikes at my beloved." She doubted she would slumber well, but she wanted to be rested for what lay ahead of her

  Upon arising early the next morning, Starla dressed and hurried to the bridge. "Anything happening?" she inquired. "Is Dagan all right?"

  "The one you love is safe from injury and death; he sleeps at this time. Villites are still being located and apprehended by our forces. Many have been taken aboard the other vessels. Some ships have been permitted to depart; many who are not wanted for crimes were allowed to go with those leaving. Others are to be transported to new locations by the Serians."

  She sat down and listened as the evacuation order was issued and the news was announced that the colony would be razed. Anyone in hiding was warned the event would take place in two deegas, allowing them time to surrender or depart. It was revealed that all other colonies on Noy would face the same fate, so it was foolish to take refuge in one of them.

  "I wonder what the Skalds will eat after everyone is

  gone?" she mused aloud, the strange thought flashing across her mind like a comet.

  "They will find nourishment on plants and animals or they will die," Cypher answered.

  "We certainly don't want to rescue and relocate flesh-eating mutants. It's best and safest for others if they're left here to
their natural fates."

  "That is logical. They live, but they have the minds and traits of wild beasts. They must not be placed around other humans and endanger them."

  "Good morning, my love," a mellow voice came over the transmitter.

  "Good morning to you, Dagan," she responded, his sound warming her from head to feet. "When will you be joining us?"

  "We have a few more pockets of villites to clean out, then I'll be coming aboard. I have to show our team where Tochar's caves are located so the stolen goods can be recovered. As soon as our reports are filed, we'll leave for Ulux. The rest of the team can finish up here and at the other settlements; they're smaller and less inhabited, so it won't take long. At least Noy won't be used as a stronghold or haven for more villites again. I-GAFers are taking charge of Tochar, Auken, Sach, his Enforcers, and a few others. The Serian patrols will take command of the other debris; they'll turn them over to whatever galaxy they're wanted in the most."

  "That's wonderful news. What about Radu and Palesa?"

  "A Ceyxan trader gave them a ride to Mu where he's from. He was grateful to be spared, but I don't know what either one plans to do later. They were warned to keep away from villites in the future or risk trouble."

  "I hope Radu heeds those words; I liked him. He didn't seem to be the kind of person to live and work among such nefarious beings."

  "He stopped by a few yings ago with a friend and won

  the Skull's Den in a rest game; that's why he stayed, or what he told us. Sorry, but I have to suspend transmission; I'm needed for those tasks I mentioned earlier. I know," he said with a chuckle, "I'll be careful and I'll see you soon. What could possibly happen to me with you and Cypher on guard? By the way, good morning to you, Cypher. Take good care of Starla for me. Dagan out." "Affirmative. Cypher out."

  Starla grinned and said, "See, I told you he likes you." "When my emotions chip is functioning at full capacity, I will like him, too," the android told an amused Starla.


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