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Leo, Kiss Often (Iron Orchids Book 4)

Page 12

by Danielle Norman

  Katy fumbled in her purse and pulled out her phone. “Who needs a notebook when there is an app for that.” She winked and then started tapping away as we tossed out ideas.

  “I’ll see what Carter knows.” Stella offered.

  “You know Mike had a Road King; not his deputy bike but he had a personal Road King.” We all shut up and listened as Vivian talked about her late husband, he’d been killed in the line of duty. It’d only been a year and a half, so she still didn’t talk about him often. “I haven't been able to bring myself to sell his bike, so I have it in the garage. If you need to try anything, use his bike.”

  “Oh my God, Vivian, you wouldn't mind?”

  “Of course not. Plus, I know a great mechanic who can fix it you break anything.”


  Whistling...I was fucking whistling as I walked toward my office. Taylor was already stacking papers on her desk when I arrived. I nodded when she smiled at me because I refused to allow her to ruin my mood. In fact, I wouldn’t allow anyone to ruin my mood, not today.

  When I settled in my chair, the first thing I did was black out between twelve and one for my lunch. I’d only left her a few hours ago, but I needed to see her. Make sure that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.

  Then I pulled up my internet browser, typed in a search for local florists, and called the first one on the list.

  “Flower Power.”

  “Hi, I’d like to order some flowers. How soon can you deliver them?”

  “Depending on what you want and where, I could get them there around lunch.”

  I gave the lady Leo’s address, and she assured me she could make the delivery happen in that timeframe.

  “Great. Now what kind of flowers?”

  “Kind?” Fuck, I had no idea what kind of flowers. I was getting ready to explain what Leo meant to me when I heard a shuffling sound and saw Taylor standing in my open doorway. I held up a finger, the universal sign to give me a minute, and hoped she’d go back to her desk. “A bouquet of roses. She’s important to me.” Roses, yeah, didn’t all women love roses?

  “Perfect. Any particular color of rose or style? Do you want buds or full blooms?”

  “Color?” I glanced up and saw that Taylor was still standing in my doorway, and at my obvious confusion, she stepped over to my desk.

  “Yellow,” she whispered. “Red are overdone. Stand out, be original.”

  I wasn’t sure whether I was more surprised that Taylor was offering help or that Taylor had this uncanny knack of being in places whether wrong or right at the most peculiar times.

  “Do you have yellow roses?” I asked the florist.

  “Sure. You want a dozen yellow roses?”

  Taylor smiled at me and then turned around, leaving me alone to continue my order.

  “Would you like to include a card?”

  “Yes. Just write: Hello, beautiful, this is us.” When I said it, it felt right, it caused a feeling in my stomach to twist even though the words rolled out of my mouth with ease. I wanted Leo to realize that I liked this. That being there for each other, sleeping together and waking up together, was us and I wanted more of it.

  Once the flower delivery was set into motion, I got lost in clearing emails, reviewing blueprints and schematics, and then got pulled into a meeting that didn’t even have anything to do with the engineering department.

  By the time I walked out of the conference room, it was almost noon, so I headed to my office to collect my things.

  I was in the middle of powering down my computer when Captain Lara Bradford tapped on my door.

  “Captain Bradford? It’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”

  “What do you mean, what am I doing here?”

  “Well, I don’t have you on the calendar. Next meeting is our Army RW-CAM reprisal meeting.”

  “I thought so as well. But my office got a call that you demanded this meeting, and I had to reschedule a ton of shit to get over here.” She tapped her fingers on her arm as she eyed me inquisitively.

  “I didn’t change any meetings.”

  “Well, someone from this fucking office called mine and said that I needed to be here at twelve-hundred hours. I’m fucking here.” Lara narrowed her eyes and glared at me in annoyance as she took the seat across from my desk. We may be friends, but the woman had a really bad temper. Pissing her off also meant I was digging my own grave at work.

  “Captain, I’m sorry,” I apologized sincerely.

  “Cut the Captain bullshit, Ian, it’s me.” She must have realized that she was in full-on authority mode because she visibly relaxed. She still looked mad, but her expression had lost a lot of its bite. “Do we have some fucking games going on that I need to be worried about?”

  I stood, closed my office door, and then took my seat again before speaking.

  “I was on my way out. I was meeting someone for lunch.” I didn’t want Taylor to overhear my conversation.

  “Someone?” Lara raised one brow. She could get away with it since Lara and I had become friends, but had anyone else been in the office with us, that look never would have happened.

  “Okay, my girlfriend.”

  “The girl in pink out front?” Lara pointed back out the door. “I must say, I never imagined you bucking company policy and dating the boss’ daughter.”

  “God. No. She isn’t my girlfriend. Bite your fucking tongue.” I tried to hide the disgust on my face. Just thinking about having the words girlfriend and Taylor in the same sentence made me want to vomit.

  “Have you told her that?” Lara folded her arms across her chest.

  “Yes, many times, but I think she failed comprehension.”

  “None of this explains how I got pulled into this.”

  “You’re right and I don’t know that I have an answer for that, except to say, we’ve been having some random things happen and I’m trying to put all the pieces together. I’m sorry that you were pulled in.”

  “Random things? You are one of the smartest men I know. Fuck, you are a systems engineer and you’re barely older than me. You and I both know that being acknowledged as someone who can work all areas of a missile and have your word taken as command isn’t the norm for someone your age. So try again, and this time, don’t pretend that you don’t have more information than what you just gave me.

  “Other than her thinking she’s your girlfriend? What kind of problems?”

  “Taylor has decided that she and I are supposed to be together, but not only is that fraternization but also my girlfriend wouldn’t approve. The whole thing is getting ridiculous. She showed up at my brother’s wedding, I think that she changed my dinner reservation time, has started screening my phone calls, and is apparently changing my meeting times.”

  “Have you talked to HR?”

  “And say what? That the boss’s daughter has been borderline stalking me?”

  “Does that frighten you?”

  “It annoys me.”

  “It should scare the shit out of you, Ian. The scariest enemies are those that you underestimate.”

  I nodded, knowing that Taylor was very much the type of woman who would act irrationally and that should scare me. “You’re right, but until I can figure out a way to address the situation without losing my job, I have to tread carefully. I’m sorry you came all the way over here, but I didn’t call this meeting, and I only have some of the diagnostics back from our last test yet.”

  “Don’t worry about it. So, tell me about this girlfriend of yours.”

  “Her name is Leo, and she’s a motorcycle mechanic and a long-time friend of my family.”

  Lara shook her head. “Just please tell me that she doesn’t wear pink camo.”

  I stopped to think for a second. “No. At least I don’t think so. I mean, I can’t see Leo wearing pink.”

  “Good. I can’t be friends with anyone who would wear pink camo. I mean, seriously, where the fuck do people think they are going to hide with
pink camo? Fucking Candy Land?” Lara’s eyes illuminated with laughter. “Let me get going so you can make lunch.”

  I looked at my watch, at this point I’d have less than fifteen minutes. “I’ll surprise her tomorrow. It’s okay, she didn’t know I was coming anyway.”

  “Well then while I am here, can you fill me in on the results from the tests that you do have? How is it looking for that new Alt-5 program?”

  “It’s looking good. We’re set to have three targets ready for you by the end of the year. Maddox is the PM for that project, but he has asked if I’d look over some of the schematics before they go to the Network guys so I won’t totally be out of your hair.”

  “You having issues with Networks?”

  “We’re having issues with I-just-got-my-degree-so-that-means-I-know-more-than-you mentality. They’re in for a rude awakening when they realize that most of this job is hands-on.”

  “God, I hear you. Which is why you don’t see my ass at a boot camp base.”

  We both laughed. And for the first time, I looked at Lara, truly looked at her. She was attractive, but she did nothing for me. She was tall with long hair, and outspoken. I knew that half the guys around here drooled every time she walked in, but all I wanted to see was a short pixie hair, green-eyed girl.

  When Lara left, I walked out with her, having no plans to finish the rest of my workday.

  I wanted to talk to Leo about Taylor’s manipulations. God, how I wish I could tell that woman to go to hell and fuck herself.

  Once I was in my car, I dialed Leo, but it went straight to voice mail. Fine, if she wasn’t going to pick up, I would just go to her apartment. Only, when I knocked, she didn’t answer the door.

  Worried, I dialed Sophie’s number, figuring that maybe she or Carter knew where she was.

  “Hey, Ian, what’s up?” Sophie answered.

  “Hey, have you heard from Leo? I’ve been trying to reach her and can’t and now I can’t find her.”

  “She went to lunch with Stella and Katy, but as far as I know, everything was great. She should be home by now.”

  “Well, she isn’t there!” I snapped. “I’m sorry, Soph. I’m just worried.”

  “I get it.” Sophie paused and took a few deep breaths. “Try the airport. She likes to watch the planes, she says it relaxes her.”

  I hadn’t known that about Leo, but I kind of felt like I should have.

  “Okay, do you know where?”

  “One of the cell lots, I think it’s called South Park. When you pull in, go to the back corner, and you’ll see this little pond. She always sits back there and watches the planes.”

  “Thanks. I owe you one,” I said gratefully then hung up.

  Once I arrived at the airport, I searched, I had no clue whether it was in terminal A, B, or C, so I took a few laps around until I saw the sign that read Cell Lot, South Park Place. Taking the exit, I followed it to the far corner. Getting out, I headed down a path to the water and my heart did this funky thing when I saw her. I was happy knowing she was safe, but at the same time, I was hurt when I saw the anguish on her face. More than anything I wanted to take her worries away.

  “Hey, I’ve been looking for you, you okay?” I sat next to her and she glanced at me before turning her attention back to the sky.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  “What are you doing here all by yourself?”

  “Just thinking...”

  “About...” I encouraged her to speak, wanting to know why there was so much sadness etching every layer of her voice. It broke my heart seeing her try to pull herself together. I wasn’t sure what had happened since I left her this morning, but whatever it was—we were in this together.

  “I’m just overwhelmed. All the changes my life has made, what I’m gonna do next, where I’m going to go.” Leo let out a long and heavy sigh.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I can’t stay in my apartment much longer. I can’t pay the bills. I’m not going to be able to pay the insurance on my motorcycle. I can’t keep up with the COBRA payments on my health insurance. I have no clue what I’m gonna do. I’m freaking out. And it doesn’t seem like they’re any closer to figuring out who is doing this. Everything seems to still be pointing to me, and I haven’t done anything.” Leo’s breathing was ragged. Her voice cracked, and I turned to see the tears forming in her eyes. She was losing hope.

  “I believe you. My family believes you. We know you, Leo, we know that you are innocent. We’re going to figure this out. I told you from the very beginning I’m going to stand by you, and I am, I promise.” I pulled her closer and let her head rest on my shoulder as I patted her arm, hoping that it would soothe her worries. I was hooked.

  I waited for her breathing to slow. “So, why the airport?”

  “I started coming here when I first learned how to drive. To me, planes were full of possibilities.”

  I looked up and tried to see what Leo saw and listened as she spoke.

  “See that plane?” She pointed to one heading north. “On it, there is a girl who is heading to Nashville. She has a little bit of money, a few outfits, and her guitar. She’s trying to make it in the music business. She has a beautiful voice.”

  “Is she going to succeed?” I asked, letting Leo paint the fictional life path of the mysterious girl on the plane.

  “Yeah, she’s going to make it. Everything is on her side. She’s gonna be one of the few that actually makes it.” Leo smiled brightly.

  “How about that plane?” I pointed at a 747 coming in for landing. “Who’s on that plane?”

  “It’s a family, but the grandparents live here. The son moved away for college. He met a girl and stayed there because that was where her family was from. They now have babies and are bringing them to see their grandparents for the very first time.”

  “How old are the kids?” I asked in an attempt to keep her talking.

  “Three and five.”

  “And all this time, those people have not gone out to see the grandkids?”

  “Nope. Not everyone travels or can travel or considers kids a priority.”

  I chuckled. “Obviously they aren’t Greek.”

  “Nope. Obviously not.” Leo looked over to me and laughed.

  I shifted so that my legs were on either side of hers and pulled her back so she was resting against my chest. My knees bent, her arms resting on them like the arms of a chair. We sat peacefully, listening to the roaring engines and grinding gears as planes came in for landings or took off to destinations unknown.

  “I got your flowers. Thanks.” She didn’t sound very happy about it, which wasn’t at all what I was going for when I sent them.

  “I’m glad. Did you like them?”

  “Sure. Yellow roses are pretty.”

  Something was missing in her voice, it didn’t have that hint of wonder that it normally carried which I think was one of my favorite things about her. She always seemed so amazed by simple gestures. Didn’t women usually fawn over flowers?

  “What’s your favorite flower so I’ll know for next time?” I intertwined my fingers with hers. I couldn’t help but notice that we were really made for each other as her small hand filled the gaps between mine perfectly.

  “No, yellow roses are fine.”

  “Am I missing something here?” It was sweltering outside but there was a frigid air stirring around and it was coming from Leo.

  “I don’t know. You sent me yellow roses.” She shrugged.

  “Okay. I sent you yellow roses. I wanted to apologize for what happened at the restaurant last night. Did I do something wrong?”

  “It was just the combination of yellow roses and the note, that’s all.”

  “Leo, don’t take this wrong, but what the fuck are you talking about? All I meant by the roses was for you to know that I was thinking about you. I don’t think you know how much, hell...I don’t think I realized until this moment how much you are starting to mean to me. I think I’ve b
een falling for you for the past twenty-three years.” I bent forward and lightly grazed the tip of her ear with my tongue. I was pleased when she shuddered. “I admire so many things about you, but most of all, even through all of this bullshit, and yes, it is bullshit, you are still Leo. You’re kind of like an M&M, tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. And you also melt in my mouth.” I squeezed her tight and lightly shook her. I wanted to bring out her playful side. Everything had been so heavy lately.

  “You didn't mean that you want to just be friends?” Leo turned her head around so she could see me.

  “What? After last night, how could you think that?” God, I’d never understand the way women’s minds worked.

  “Your card said, ‘I value our friendship,’ and then with the yellow roses? Well, I guess I just thought...yellow roses are what you give to someone when you don’t want to give them the wrong idea,” she explained in a very dull tone, and I swore I almost bit my tongue after hearing it.

  “What the fuck? I had no clue that yellow roses meant anything, and that isn’t what my card said.”

  Leo leaned away and reached into her back pocket, she pulled out a small notecard.

  It read: I value our friendship, Ian.

  I crumpled the small card in my fist and cursed under my breath. “Fucking Taylor.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Taylor is manipulating shit.”

  “Can I just deck her? I’m watching how much money I spend, and it costs nothing to throat punch her. Please. I need something good.”

  “How about I tell you what the card said instead?”

  “Are you open for negotiations? Like can I ask for that and to throat punch her?”

  “No. But you can ask for me to tell you what the card said and an orgasm.”

  “Mmm, decisions, decisions.”

  “Ha, ha.” This was the side of Leo that I liked. “The card I sent you was supposed to say, ‘Hello, beautiful, this is us.’ I just wanted you to know that I like the us we are becoming.”

  “Me too. I think that’s why it hurt.”

  “There’s no reason to be hurt. Since we’re talking, I have something else I have I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. Well, ever since the wedding.”


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