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Veil of Lies

Page 40

by Nicky Charles

  Being locked up would be worse than living in a city. His bear paced restlessly.

  He agreed. A bear lived up to its responsibilities, accepted the consequences for its actions, but he had done nothing wrong. And Lycan law, technically, did not apply to him. Should he be found guilty, the urge to escape would be hard to resist.

  “…bear community?”

  “Pardon?” He’d been lost in his thoughts and missed what Machado had said.

  “I asked if there was anyone in the bear community who could speak on your behalf if the ruling is unfavourable?”

  He considered the option, then shook his head. “No. Ursas are not as organized as Lycans. There are fewer of us and we operate as loosely associated families or clans.”

  “There is a royal Ursa lineage.”

  “Bears don’t flaunt power or position.”

  “Really? Hmm…” Machado waited a beat then stood up and pushed in his chair. “Very well, it’s time for us to go then.”

  He followed the counsel out the door then stood with an Enforcer on each side of him while Machado went to speak to Daniel. Holding back a sigh of frustration, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other wishing he could do something to alleviate his pent-up energy. The tiny room he’d spent the last two days in had felt like a cage with minimal room to move about, stodgy food and a bed that was too small to sleep on even if he had been able to relax enough to rest. Combine that with the suit Machado had arranged for him to wear and he was feeling decidedly uncomfortable and out of sorts.

  There was the sound of a keypad being used and then Daniel appeared at his side, freed from the cell he’d been in. Armand gave him a nod while taking in his appearance. Daniel looked as if his stay had been equally taxing; lines of strain showed on his face and the uncharacteristic stubble gave a scruffy, hard edge to his appearance. He wondered if Daniel would keep the look if…when…they got out of this place.

  A nudge from the guards had him moving, traversing a maze of passageways that must lead to the chambers where the Lycan hierarchy judged its cases. As they walked, images of Lucy kept teasing his brain and he hoped she was safe, that this debacle would not touch her or their son.

  Beside him, Daniel was looking around, clearly on edge. Hopefully, he wouldn’t do something foolish. He gave Daniel a warning look.

  Lucy, our mate… His bear was muttering, shuffling its feet. She is near, her scent…

  It was wishful thinking on the bear’s part and he shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He needed to remain focused and listen carefully to the proceedings. Staring at the ground, he took a deep, calming breath.

  They stopped walking and Ryne appeared at their side, having successfully argued it was his right as Daniel’s Alpha to be present at the defendants’ table. They exchanged glances but didn’t speak as they watched the guards speak into an intercom.

  The door before them opened and they stepped into the room. Armand froze in the doorway, the sounds and scents of a multitude of Lycans hitting him; but that wasn’t what had him pausing. His head snapped up. Lucy’s scent filled his lungs, so pure and real he knew it couldn’t be due to his bear’s imagination. She was here…but that was impossible. Wasn’t it? He searched the gallery, scanning the rows of spectators until he noticed a group seated at the very rear of the room.




  Ryne and Daniel spoke in unison with him. Melody, Tessa, Jenna, Lucy and even Caleb were at the back of the room! He stepped towards them but the Enforcers who had been accompanying them blocked his way.

  “That’s far enough. Take your seats.”

  About to ignore the Enforcers’ warning, he felt Machado tugging at his sleeve. “Mr. St. John, please do as you are told and sit down.”

  “Did you send for her?” He glared at the counsel. “I told you she was not to be involved.”

  “And I followed your instructions, Mr. St. John. Her appearance here is not my doing despite the fact I believe she could help your case. Now please, take you seat!”

  He did as instructed, though not before giving Lucy one last look. She was pale and Caleb was rubbing his eyes. Wasn’t that a sign the child was tired? They shouldn’t be here. A low growl escaped him and Ryne gave him a kick under the table.

  “Get yourself under control, Armand,” Ryne whispered to him. “The last thing we need is for you to make a scene.”

  He pressed his lips together and nodded.

  On the other side of table, Machado was giving Daniel similar instructions.

  “What are they doing here?” He whispered the words to Ryne.

  “Hell if I know.” Ryne shot a look over his shoulder. “I left specific instructions—”

  “All rise.” Somewhere in the room, a clerk spoke and everyone stood, ending the murmur of conversation that had filled the room.

  The members of High Council filed in. They were mostly Elders, their white hair and lined faces evidence of their years of experience. Once they were seated, everyone else sat and the clerk began to read the charges.

  “In the case of Lycan Link versus Armand St. John, an Ursa, and Daniel Scott Phillips-Rhodes, a Lycan and a member of the Stump River pack; Lycan Link brings these men before High Council under the charges of espionage, theft of classified information, treason, disobeying the direct orders of a Lycan Link operative, endangerment of the security of all Lycans and being members of a subversive group known as the Federation for Shifter Equality or the FSE.”

  There was a soft murmur through the room and then one of the members of High Council, the one who sat in the centre seat, tapped his gavel. When the room was quiet, he looked towards the defendants’ table.

  “Counsel Machado, how do your clients plead?”

  Machado stood. “They plead not guilty on all charges, Mr. Speaker.”

  “Very well.” The Speaker turned towards the table on the right. “Counsel McGuire, please present your evidence against the accused.”

  A woman in a neat suit stood. Her expression was calm, her voice confident. Not a strand of her strawberry blond hair was out of place as she moved across the front of the room, presenting documents to the Speaker and stating her facts. Never once did she glance at him or Daniel. She was discussing them as if they weren’t even in the room!

  Armand scowled as he listened to the supposed evidence, that he’d had two copies of the codes on USB, that Soldoti had to ask more than once for him to hand over the second one, that Daniel had been caught several times trying to hack into Lycan Link’s system. The list continued and with each point, he clenched his jaw even tighter.

  He knew there were reasonable explanations for each point, but would it be enough? Finally, it was Machado’s turn.

  “Mr. Speaker, honoured members of High Council, Lycan Link has presented an extensive and I admit rather convincing argument against these men. However, each and every claim can be refuted when the whole story is told rather than select pieces that suit one’s purpose.”

  Counsel McGuire scowled at the last comment.

  The Speaker nodded. “Proceed.”

  “To begin with, I’d like to point out that Lycan Link does not have anyone named Soldoti in its employ. A simple request sent to Lycan Link’s payroll department easily verified the fact.” He cast a meaningful look at Counsel McGuire before handing over a thick file to the clerk who passed it to the Speaker.

  The Elders that comprised High Council looked at each other and Armand sat up straighter. This was news to him.

  Machado continued. “That being the case, I fail to see how Mr. St. John can be charged with disobeying the order of a Lycan Link operative when the man named isn’t even in Lycan Link’s employ. From what I can determine, Soldoti was mentioned in a cursory way in Agent Tinley’s report but beyond that, the man doesn’t seem to exist.”

  A titter ran through the room and the Speaker tapped his gavel again before looking at the other members of
High Council. They all nodded.

  “We are in agreement. That charge will be stricken from the record.”

  Armand began to relax, his faith in the Lycan High Council growing.

  Machado nodded. “As for the charge that Daniel Scott Phillips-Rhodes has repeatedly attempted to hack Lycan Link’s security system, I’d like to present a copy of his bank records and also this log of the discretionary funds for Lycan Link’s IT department. You’ll notice the highlighted dates and monetary amounts. They are a perfect match. Bradley Owens, the head of the department, often hires the accused for short-term contract work. Mr. Phillips-Rhodes’ task is to test the system by attempting to break in.”

  “We would like to see those records, please.” The Speaker extended his hand and the documents were passed over. There was a pause in the proceedings as the members of High Council checked the records and conferred in hushed tones. Eventually the Speaker tapped his gavel yet again. “We agree Mr. Phillips-Rhodes was employed to test the system.”

  Counsel McGuire stood. “We concede the accused has been employed by our organization for brief periods, however this does not exclude the possibility that there were also times he accessed the system of his own volition in order to copy sensitive information; information he then passed on to members of the FSE.” She took her seat, a hint of smugness about her before it faded into her usual impassive countenance.

  Machado countered her claim. “If he’s working with the FSE, then why would he help Mr. St. John access the data on the flash drive, share it with his Alpha, Ryne Taylor and then help submit a report to Lycan Link warning of the leak?”

  “He was covering his own tracks.” McGuire rose to her feet. “He never expected to be asked to help access the information he himself placed on the flash drive. To refuse would have been suspicious.”

  The confidence Armand had been feeling moments early began to fail. A glance at Ryne and Daniel’s grim expressions showed they felt the same. They’d been chosen as scapegoats and McGuire was determined to hammer the nails into their coffins. His gut twisted. This was not going to go well.

  Chapter 40

  Lucy listened to the proceedings, her stomach in knots. The case seemed to swing back and forth in favour of Lycan Link and then back to Armand and Daniel. Beside her, Reno was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his chin on his clasped hands. His eyes were narrowed and, from the look on his face, she had a feeling he was seeing ghosts from the past.

  When the Speaker called for a short recess, Reno gave his head a shake. Sitting up straight, he looked at her and her companions. “Your men are holding up well.”

  “The case they are presenting against Daniel is strong.” Tessa spoke in her quiet, faintly accented tones, her face a study of worry. “Back home, I’ve overheard him mention hacking into Lycan Link but I’m sure it was never for illegal purposes. That woman is twisting things around to make him seem guilty.”

  “That’s her job…the bitch.” Melody reached out to take Caleb.

  Lucy pressed a kiss to Caleb’s head before relinquishing him. Thankfully, he’d fallen asleep after nursing. “Armand and Daniel did nothing wrong, surely the court—I mean, High Council—will realize that.”

  “Machado has scored some points and I’m sure he has more tricks up his sleeve.” Reno stood and stretched. “I’m going to step out into the lobby and grab a coffee. Do any of you want anything?”

  They declined and Reno left. Several people cast looks their way, whether it was because they’d been sitting with Reno or because she and Jenna ‘smelled’ human, she wasn’t sure. Armand was also casting looks her way. He didn’t appear pleased to see her, but she didn’t care. She’d stand by him no matter what.

  “How are you holding up?” Jenna came to stand beside her.

  “Fine.” She gave a brief smile, still not sure how she felt about the woman.

  Jenna glanced towards Armand and then back at her. “We haven’t had much time to talk but I wanted you to know that nothing happened. Between me and Armand, I mean. I kissed him once—part of my cover—and he didn’t respond. He’s totally devoted to you.”

  “Oh. Thanks for telling me.” Her smile was more genuine this time. “I…um…did wonder. When we broke up, I told him to find someone else—”

  “All the while hoping he wouldn’t, of course.” Jenna folded her arms and gave her a knowing look.

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Well, rest assured you’re the one he wants and I really hope the two of you can make it work. He’s a nice man and he deserves to be happy.”

  “I hope we can make it work, too.” She paused then gathered her courage. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Is it hard? Being the only human in a group of shifters, I mean?”

  She shrugged. “Shifters are people just like everyone else but, yes, there are some difficulties. I told you about my mother, how she distanced herself from friends and family?”

  “I remember.”

  “And then there’s the shifting part. Lycans enjoy going for pack runs; my mother could never join in. Of course, bears are a different species.”

  “Armand used to disappear into the woods a lot. He’d say he was going hiking or camping.”

  Jenna nodded. “Well, that’s something you can probably do together.”

  She had more questions to ask but the recess was over and everyone was returning to their seats. Sitting down, she put thoughts of the future out of her mind and concentrated on the current proceedings.

  Machado addressed the Speaker, “If it pleases High Council, I’d like to call forward a witness, Jeffrey Tinley.”

  Jeff the chef? Lucy hadn’t noticed him sitting near the front. So, he was a shifter too? She hadn’t considered that point but now recalled how Kathy had called him a coyote and he’d referred to her as a fox. She wondered if Kathy was there and studied those gathered. No, but was that Gin sitting two seats over from Jeff? Good heavens, she’d been surrounded by shifters all that time and never even realized it!

  The Speaker nodded and Jeff took the stand.

  Machado began to question him. “Mr. Tinley, you were working undercover at the King’s Plate in Chicago, correct?”

  “Yes, sir. My job was to befriend Kathy Crevan.”

  “Ms. Crevan is a fox-shifter, correct? And,” the counsel referred to his notes, “she’s currently in a high security facility awaiting trial.”

  “Yes, she’s quite outspoken in her contempt for Lycan Link and is suspected of being a member of a subversive group. It was hoped I could gain access to the core leadership of the group and then reveal their plans and location to Lycan Link.”

  The Speaker interrupted. “For the sake of clarity, the subversive group you refer to is the one formed by the exiguous shifters?”

  “Yes, sir.” Jeff nodded. “The FSE.”

  “Very well. You may continue, Counsel Machado.” The Speaker folded his hands.

  “Mr. Tinley, in your time undercover, did you ever encounter these men, Armand St. John or Daniel Scott Phillips-Rhodes?” Machado pointed to them.

  Jeff craned his neck to see before answering. “Only the dark-haired man but never the other one.”

  “And when did you see the dark-haired man, Armand St. John, to be specific.”

  “The last week before the case ended.”

  “You’re sure? He was never a customer at the King’s Plate? Never attended any of the FSE meetings?”

  “No, sir. He would definitely have been noticed if he’d been there.”

  Machado turned to the Speaker. “I present to High Council the fact that bears have never been considered exiguous shifters and Mr. St. John is not a member of the subversive group but rather a victim of circumstance who inadvertently stumbled into this case.”

  Counsel McGuire stood up. “Mr. Speaker, this is all conjecture. Mr. St. John could still have been part of the FSE. There are members of the more prominen
t shifter groups who have some sympathy for the exiguous ones. The fact that Agent Tinley didn’t see the defendant could simply mean Tinley had not infiltrated the FSE as deeply as he believed or that Mr. St. John was highly skilled at staying under the radar.”

  The Speaker nodded. “Point taken.”

  Lucy clasped her hands tightly together. “This is complete and utter nonsense,” she muttered. “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t called Ryne when I was mugged, Armand wouldn’t have come looking for me and gotten involved.”

  A few nearby observers turned to look at them.

  Reno shook his head at her, a finger pressed to his lips.

  “I don’t care. Armand and Daniel are probably going to be charged with some non-existent crime.”

  More heads turned their way.

  “Be quiet or you’ll be thrown out of the room.” Reno hissed the warning.

  “But I—”

  The Speaker banged the gavel and she looked up to find him glaring directly at her with a sour expression. “Ma’am, if you’re so eager to talk perhaps you’d like to come up here and address High Council?”

  She ignored the sarcasm in his tone and stood up. “Yes, I would!”

  Gasps filled the room and there were flashes as reporters took her picture. Tessa tried to pull her back into her seat, but she shook off the grasp. A quick glance showed Caleb sleeping in Melody’s arms, so she stepped around Reno and marched down the aisle to the front of the room.

  “Lucy, I don’t want you here.” Armand stood and growled the words at her.

  “Too bad. I’m going to have my say.” She folded her arms and jutted her chin.

  Armand hesitated only sinking back into his seat when Ryne stood up and whispered urgently to him. He continued to glare at her, however she ignored him and faced High Council. “I’m Lucy Chalmers. Um, I mean Chandler… Well, the name thing is complicated but what’s important is that I want to tell you the real story of what happened.”

  “She’s a human,” Counsel McGuire surged to her feet, protesting. “Humans aren’t involved in these matters! They aren’t even part of our world and have no right to be here. How did she even get past security?”


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