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Dragon Born

Page 3

by J N Moon

  "But really Luke, it isn't Emma I want, it never was. It's you, it was always you all along, I just used these lesser immortals to draw you out, a dragon shifter... my, you are the most valuable being alive, there's so few of you, you see!"


  His laugher thundered around us, the ground rumbling under our feet, his mouth curving up in malice, holding his arms out, "Thank you Emma, I am... impressed by your bravery to sacrifice yourself, even if it was a little selfish. You've always erred on the defeatist side, but no, I hand it to you, it took guts. And I'm not sorry about earlier, but that was my trap and you played into it brilliantly. Come Luke."

  Fiercely clinging to Luke, everything went black. Then I was holding him no more, he was gone, with Teran.

  All that was left was Luke's scent, its woody, musky smell wrapped my soul, holding my breath I didn't want to lose it, or him.

  Paralysed by fear, I saw from the corner of my eye large shapes dart from the tree line, hidden in shadows and disappear. My heart in my throat, everything in slow motion I couldn't, wouldn't register what had just happened. Hardly breathing, trying desperately to keep his scent with me, sounds disturbed my traumatized silence as I bit down a scream. Guttural roars, and grinding of teeth as some of the creatures approached.

  A familiar voice, rich and deep, Sabian wading through the field, his clothes stuck to his skin as he pulled on a jacket, the rain never ceasing for a second, relentlessly lashing down. As he stood beside me, he pulled me into him, not saying a word, I could feel him bracing, tight, his face glaring with rage.

  Some of his pack came over, their faces soaking, pulling on coats after shifting back into human form.

  "What now? How the hell do we find him?"

  "There's always a way, we'll find him. Come on, he won't be nearby. I suspect Teran has taken him back to his lair, to Orkney in Scotland," Sabian muttered, pulling me along with his arm wrapped around the back of my shoulders.

  "What would a sea God want with a dragon shifter?" one of them asked. I didn't know Sabian’s pack, they were all strangers to me but they obviously knew about me.

  "The very fact he is a dragon shifter, and the fact that they are rare will be enough for Teran, as for the specifics, that's not as important. What is important is that Teran no doubt thinks he is valuable, so that keeps Luke alive." Sabian looked around, I noticed even in that dark field as we made our way back, our feet squelching on the sodden ground, that his face was flushed, his eyes bright yellow. "Anyway, I have contacts so we can get there quickly enough, a few of us anyhow."

  "How? We'd have to fly, get a plane?"

  "Don't worry Simon, you'll be staying here, I have some other friends who can fly us up there, though it won't be comfortable." Then turning to me, "Now, Emma, get in my truck. Simon, have one of the others drive her car back to site. Emma, you'll be staying with me and Lauren for now, don't worry, we'll find him and kill Teran."

  "How?" my voice croaked. Guilt crashed through me, "If I hadn't..."

  "Enough, Teran is a God, don't underestimate that, or yourself. How old are you, thirty? Well, he's thousands of years old, right now conserve your energy. He would've got Luke sooner or later, I need to get back and make some calls."

  The truck was misty as I got in and Sabian put on the heater full blast trying to clear the windscreen. Numbness crept over me as he drove out of the forest heading back up to the tiny city of Wells where his pack was based. Unlike the Wychwood clan, Sabian did run his more like a traditional pack, he was their Alpha but Lauren, his girlfriend, wasn't the Alpha female, being human she would never be accepted as that.

  I took comfort in the fact that Sabian was silent, because I was numb with fear and couldn’t speak. My Luke, taken by Teran, the shock ripped at me. I would do all that I could to get Luke away from Teran, though I had no idea how, or how we'd get to Scotland fast.

  Lauren was up and waiting, her face going quite pale and I could hear the pounding of her heart as she saw us, bedraggled, soaking, depressed.

  "The fire's going, come in. Let me get you some hot drinks."

  Taking off my sodden coat and boots, the warmth of the cottage spread through me, tears threatened but I forced them back. I would not cry, I would get my man. With my clammy hands wrapped around a hot mug, I sat forward as Sabian explained briefly to his lover what had happened, then pulled out his phone from his jacket.

  "Marcus, sorry to call you at this hour but we have an emergency. Luke has been taken by Teran this evening- a few hours ago. I need your help, I guess he's taken him to Orkney?"

  Sabian was quiet listening to his friend on the other end of the phone, nodding, "Thank you. I'll see you in a few hours, could Acacius and Aaron help, too?"

  As he ended the call, he looked at his phone, his eyebrows knotting, "A text from Pete, it's about Conor..." I watched his face as his expression changed, mouth falling open. "Emma, did Teran mention Conor?"

  "I don't know, yes... I think so. Why, oh God is he..."

  "What did he say?"

  My eyes darted around the room as I tried to remember, "Something about my seeing him, I can't..."

  "Well, I don't know but Conor is human once more. Pete says he feels different, as in not a shifter but he has returned to human form at least!"

  Lauren spoke quietly, "Maybe he's hoping Emma won't miss Luke now that Conor is back. Conor's family will certainly want her there for sure," she narrowed her eyes. "A ploy to keep her here."

  Blurting out, I couldn't hide it anymore, "When I was working yesterday, Teran came to me. I tried to fight him, my power was useless against him. He said he wanted me to come to him, that's why I left alone, to keep you all safe." I thought it wise to say nothing about my experience with Teran, which was, I saw just a trick, and that guilt still ate at my conscience, though as Sabian said it shouldn't.

  "Why didn't you tell anyone? Did Luke know- no, that's why he bolted out, he got a text message from you." Sabian asked and answered his own question.

  "She didn't tell us to keep us safe, Sabian," Lauren came quickly to my defence.

  "And that worked so well..." I mumbled.

  "So, are the Nephilim coming then?" Lauren asked.

  "Yes, and they're bringing someone who is well versed in the dark arts, but Marcus wouldn't say any more. I suppose I should tell Conor, though I doubt we'll get much help from him," he sighed, then downed his drink.

  "You both need to rest, if you're going up there, you'll need your strength, even you Sabian."

  He stretched, "I know and we need a plan, we can't just rush there, but Conor may have some information, he's spent a lot of time in Scotland."

  "He can wait. Look, it's nearly four in the morning. Emma, I have some clean night clothes, go wash your face and don't worry. As Sabian said, the good news is that Luke is more valuable to Teran alive, that buys us time. Try and sleep, tomorrow you're going to need it." She disappeared in the kitchen and came back with two large glasses of whiskey, "Here, this'll make you both sleep. Bathroom's upstairs, guest room is the first one on the right."

  Nodding, I walked up the stairs on autopilot but all I could think about was Luke and my stupid ass mistake. He was in peril because of me, downing the whiskey I coughed immediately after, stumbled into the room and fell on the bed, my mind scattered, my stomach churning with anger. Then sleep came fast.

  My dreams were vividly real, sea spray splashed my face and the taste of salt water filled my mouth as I stood on the cliff I'd seen earlier with Teran. Now he wrapped himself around me, forcing his cold wet lips against mine, as I struggled, he laughed and gently pushed me off the cliff. My feet slipping on the wet rock, I screamed, grasping for anything as I filled with horror at the waves were cascading and crashing below against rocks, the swells and currents fierce, terrifying as I fell fast then plunged into the murky waters, going deeper and deeper into the raging ocean. Fighting to swim against the currents and get air, my body, limp and freezing, shock waves pounded
through me of ice water, but as I reached the top gasping for breath, something pulled me under. Struggling for my life, suddenly I was calm, I knew I was going to die there, was no point in fighting anymore. One last gasp and I went under, before me was Luke, but not how I knew him. He was some kind of sea beast now, almost like his dragon self, human head and body but his legs like a merman, which he swished around like a giant fish, his arms reaching out, pulling me close and trying to kiss me. I let go as our lips touched, he breathed my breath out. Shocked, I stared into his eyes, the pupils like a serpent. No expression on his face, he let go and fast and furiously I was pulled away by currents, cold, dying... then I was in the woods. Panting, in my dream that I could breathe, looking instinctively at my feet, relief flooded me, but then I was running, running for my life and around me were my wolves as we pelted through the thick forest running to survive, but me in my human form. Great feet padded alongside me, looking there was Black Shuck, but now Shuck was like a ghost, diaphanous but his feet sounding on the ground, bracken, twigs breaking under his spirit self as he joined in the escape. Don't look back, those words drummed in my head, and I knew that if I did, all would be lost...

  Waking up, I bolted upright, my head pained like needles were stuck in my brain. Wiping my brow with the back of my hand, cold sweat shivered over me. Quietly I got up, my legs wobbling, clutching at the bed frame, opened the door and crept to the bathroom.

  Turning the tap on as slowly as possible, I washed my hands and splashed some water on my face. I felt the colour drain and I sat on the side of the bath, the reality of the situation dawning on me. But exhaustion was stronger, so I crept back into the guest room, found the nightshirt Lauren had put in the top drawer and changed into that. Sitting on the bed to take off my trousers, my legs too weak to stand, I let them fall on the ground and went back to sleep, hoping it would be peaceful this time. Luke was the only thing on my mind.

  Fire and Earth.


  I woke up to the sounds of agitated voices downstairs, my head splitting in pain like needles piercing my brain. Groggy, I got up, at least the last bit of sleep was dreamless and I crept again to the bathroom feeling like death warmed up. A burning stewed in my stomach, I hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before and I had no toiletries here. I needed to sort myself out and quickly if I wanted to save Luke.

  As soon as his face entered my memory, a pang of horror swept through me, how were we going to do this? Splashing warm water on my face, which didn't make a lot of difference, I went back, pulled on my damp clothing and went to see what was going on.

  Lauren looked panicked, Sabian's face was red, and Conor... standing there confident as ever. A man and a woman stood defiantly inside the front door, the woman with almost blood red hair, lipstick to match, dressed in black and the man, dark wavy short hair also in black, his arms crossed looking from Conor to Sabian but ignoring Lauren. As they saw me the woman sneered, "Ah, here she is, the one messing around with my betrothed! The wolf shifter, defying our ancient laws to suit her libido!"

  "Ava!" the man beside her grinned.

  "Well, you said it Elijah, not me. I am just repeating it and now, Emma look what's happened! Now we have to go rescue Luke, had you left well enough alone none, of this would have happened!"

  "I think you'll find Luke has something to say about that" I snapped back.

  She sniffed, "Huh, not with you flaunting it about for sure, using your..."

  "Enough!” Sabian shouted. "Look Ava, I don't give a shit what you think, I've known Luke longer than anyone but within the past five minutes of talking to you, I can guarantee that he wouldn't consider you at all! He is in love with Emma, not because she's different, not because she seduced him- shit, she was fighting a demon but because she's a decent person. Now, can we return to actually saving him, or do you just want to beat her down all day, and ignoring Lauren- yes, I noticed. That'll be why you're single!"

  Sneering again she said "Alright, then we need a plan,” and moved past her brother and sat in Sabian's chair.

  "Ugh, who are these people and why do we care that they've arrived, we don't need them!" I snapped.

  "They're dragon shifters Em, they kind of do need to be involved, unfortunately," Conor added.

  "We do, I'm not sure she does though," Elijah muttered.

  I decided at that point to ignore them, I knew Luke had never met them, he'd told me he'd never met another dragon shifter, so their presence now was suspicious. Unless Ava really did fancy breeding, I guessed Elijah must be her brother then.

  But just to add more fire to the mix, Pete and Steve arrived all serious. Conor acted quickly, "What are you doing here, I said I got this?"

  "The community is holding a meeting, we need you and her there,” Steve pointed at me.

  I sniggered, "Sabian, we need to get a plan," I spoke softly ignoring the ingrates.

  Sabian nodded gently, then raising his voice, "Right. Pete, Steve we haven't got time for your petty quarrels right now. One of own is in danger, Conor is helping us, at least for now. Emma doesn't want anything to do with you, and yes, Luke told me about how you and your heavies came to her house threatening her. Nice touch guys."

  Instinctively Conor growled at them, they took a step back, he was like Sabian, an imposing figure towering way over the average man, and toned. He may not be their official leader, but if they had one, it would've been him.

  "So, off you go to your town council,” and Sabian glanced at me, "I know you can defend yourself Emma, shit you could... anyway, I wanted them to know that we know. They won't listen to you, maybe because you're a woman, who knows, but it isn't acceptable."

  I knew what he nearly said, I couldn't look at Steve, Sabian would have said I could probably kill them, which I could, like I did do to Steve's possessed wife.

  "Go!" Conor barked at them. They didn't argue, sneering they left, slamming the door behind them.

  "Good, Elijah, know how a kettle works? You're on drinks duty. Ava, you'd better sort your differences or put them behind you, piss Emma off enough and she'll kill you, unlike me and Conor, she possesses another power, a power of fire. So you're not the only fire breathing creature here, and Marcus will be here shortly, hopefully so we can sort out our plan.”

  The atmosphere relaxed a little, Pete and Steve's outburst had helped in a weird way, making the dragon shifters focus on what was important rather than picking arguments, but then I guessed they were fairly solitary and weren't used to dealing with others much. Luke was similar, though not argumentative.

  Elijah had stomped off to the kitchen, aided by Conor whilst me, Lauren and Ava sat in the little living room. Ava's manner changing drastically.

  "So, Emma, you, too, can wield fire? How's that possible?"

  Shrugging my shoulders, "I have no idea, something to do with pure bred lineage? I'm not good at controlling it, Luke was teaching me. I'm afraid it can be lethal, even when I don't want it to be. And you and your brother? Do you know of any other dragon shifters here in the UK?"

  Distracted by a noise outside, her gaze followed the sound, breathing deeply, sitting back, "Yes, we've met a few. Secretive, defensive and they trust nobody, not even us."

  Lauren smiled, "Perhaps they do that, afraid that if there are a few of you, you'll be noticed. It's awful that you have to live in hiding, but as we see, there's a reason for it."

  "What I don't get is why the hell would a sea God want a dragon shifter? So he can ride him into battle, with whom?"

  Jumping, we all looked startled as a loud hammering thundered on the wooden door.

  Sabian was there in an instant, "Marcus, thank you. It's good to see you, thank you for helping."

  "No problem friend," Marcus, bigger than the shifters, patted Sabian brusquely on the shoulders, semi-hug, then his deep voice resonating, "I've brought backup, but not all of you have met, Aaron, Acacius and our dark arts expert, Lucius."

  I'd seen all of them at Ethan's funeral but not th
e dark arts guy. Shorter than any of these men, he looked like he'd stepped out of a bikers or goth club. Tattoos covered his arms, hands and body. He was wearing a vest and two small tattoos on his face, the black clothing contrasting with his pale skin. Long black hair fell to the middle of his back, he was striking and blindingly attractive in a dangerous way.

  Marcus caught my gaze, "Ladies, yes, be aware that Lucius here is a incubus and given the chance, he'd seduce us all," grinning he added, "Probably at the same time. He is very good at what he does, don't let those innocent young eyes fool you."

  "Ha! Perhaps Marcus speaks from experience. Brother, I wish to know all about that some time," Aaron bellowed. Aaron in contrast to Lucius, bright red dyed hair, shades with a long matching crimson coat, tall and slender.

  Lucius stared at Aaron, "You know I haven't been into men, or males for centuries Aaron but you're always doing this to me, that's twice this decade already.” Grinning, he winked mischievously at Aaron, “Maybe later, right now I have work to do."

  It was intriguing that these fallen angels had enlisted a demon to work with them, for us and Aaron came over, tackling Lucius before sitting on the seat edge next to me.

  Without needing an introduction, Aaron stammered, "God, you're... dragon shifters? Ha! Like buses, none for ages then two more turn up."

  His faced flushed as everyone stared at him, "This is excellent. Sabian, you're wanting us to fly you to Orkney? It won't be easy or comfortable for you, we'll have to take breaks, otherwise you'll suffer badly, it's cold up there past the cloud line."

  Huffing dramatically, Lucius caught everyone's attention, "I thought I was working a spell for that, you know to send you up there? But if you'd rather fly- I won't be." His voice was dead pan as he waited for the response.

  "Seriously?" Sabian asked, "Is it safe?"

  His lips curving up like a mask, Lucius rubbed his boyish face, "No! Magic is never safe but still, I'm using it. How do think the higher demons get about? Not Uber Sabian."


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