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The Hunted Heart

Page 4

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  North sighed. “Magic can’t fix everything. Also, I would wait to tell her about your mating. Knowing Emeline, she’ll run because she doesn’t feel it. I know that’s keeping a secret, and if Lexi heard me saying this, she’d kick my ass, but I think it’s for the best.”

  Noah nodded. “That’s why I haven’t told her. Plus, to be honest, I’m scared to death that I’m setting myself up for a fall and she knows we aren’t mates. How fucked up would that be?”

  “I mated a woman who was already mated to a sick son of a bitch, Noah,” North whispered. “I know how fucked-up fate can be. But we made it work. You can too. Now go court your lady and make her happy. And remember what we said. Hurt her, we hurt you.”

  “Understood.” Noah stood, said goodbye then headed to Willow’s Bakery.

  The Beta’s mate had opened her bakery soon after she’d mated Jasper, and it was one of his favorite places to go. He figured he’d get Emeline something sweet to eat while she was studying. And if he had his way, he’d be right by her side helping. He’d already had a full day at the clinic, and thankfully, since they weren’t at war, he hadn’t been too slammed. Plus the Pack had a Healer, Hannah, who worked with her powers to Heal those in need. Together, he and Hannah had the Pack covered. Hopefully soon, North would be back, and they would become Noah’s dream team.

  One day at a time though.

  “I see you made it out in one piece.”

  Noah rolled his eyes at Cailin’s words then held out his arms. Cailin raised a brow and handed her son, Edward, over. The little guy’s eyes brightened, and he waved his arms. Noah stuck his nose along the boy’s neck, inhaling that sweet baby scent. He’d helped deliver every single one of the Jamenson children who had been born that year, but Edward held a special place in his heart.

  Probably because of who his parents were…and who the little boy was named after. That, though, wasn’t something he wanted to think about. Not when he had this little pudgy kid in his arms who smiled as if there wasn’t anything wrong in the world.

  Oh, to be that innocent.

  “You look good with a baby in your arms,” Cailin said with a smile. Her green eyes glittered, and Noah snorted.

  “One thing at a time, Cai.” He bounced Edward in his arms, loving the high-pitched squeals the little boy made.

  Cailin winced but didn’t say anything. After all, Noah was Edward’s godfather and one of his favorite people. What could she say to him?

  “So, are you here for a certain wolf?”

  Noah rolled his eyes then went to the display case. Willow’s baked goods were seriously amazing, and he could never decide on one thing. Knowing him, he’d get one of each, a cookie or two, three brownies, some cinnamon rolls, and box them up. Actually, that sounded like a plan to him.

  Cailin came up to his side, leaning on his shoulder as she held her hand out to Edward. Noah shifted so the baby could grip his mother’s hand, his attention on the cookies and not what was going on around him.

  When Emeline’s scent reached his nose, he knew he was in trouble. The fear, anger…disappointment radiating off of her threw him for a loop. He turned, Edward in hand, and Cailin at his side.

  Well shit.

  “I was just coming in for something to eat,” Emeline said softly then tilted her head. “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.” Her brows bunched, confusion clear on her face, and then she shot out of the building.

  “Go get your mate, Noah. Her emotions are running all over the place with the mating urge riding her so she’s not thinking clearly.”

  “You know she’s feeling the mating urge?” he asked quickly even as he handed Edward over, ready to bolt after Emeline.

  “Of course. She might not know what it is, but it’s there. Now leave.” She winked. “Then tell me what happens.”

  He nodded, kissed Edward goodbye, and then ran out of the building on Emeline’s trail. She hadn’t gone far, but she’d moved faster than he thought she would. Crap. This was not going according to plans.

  When her scent increased, he picked up the pace and let out a breath when he spotted her sitting on a fallen log on the way to her home.


  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said, not facing him. “I know she’s mated to Logan. I mean, for goddess’s sake, you were holding her child. It wasn’t as if you were with her in any sense other than being her friend. I honestly have no idea why I acted like that, and I don’t like that I did. I think I was…jealous.” She said the word as though she’d eaten something bad, and she grimaced. “I’m not some jealous groupie, Noah. I don’t like acting like that.”

  He cautiously sat next to her then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, letting out a breath.

  “Your wolf went a little territorial, and you didn’t know what to do with it. That’s fine.”

  “But…I’m not yours…not fully…right?”

  He closed his eyes, the pain hitting him hard, like blades against flesh. “Em, we’re dating.” A small word for it, but she would get there. Goddess, he hoped she’d get there. “You’re allowed to want me to be faithful. We’re exclusive. It’s you and me. No one else. So if you walk into a room, and you feel like there needs to be a ten-foot space around me and other women, I’m not going to freak out. We’re wolves. Sometimes we need to stake our claim.” He wished it was a mating claim, but that would be another day. “You trust me, and I trust you. That’s all we need to know.”

  “I feel like an idiot for running like that.”

  He turned her in his arms and brushed her cheek. “You’re not an idiot. You’re just having an off day. We all have them.”

  Have me. Mate me. Find that connection.

  Of course, he didn’t say any of that. He just prayed he wasn’t shooting himself in the foot for wanting to wait for her to find it on her own and not force it.

  Damn it. Waiting was hard.

  When she looked up at him, those violet eyes filled with the same yearning he felt deep down in his soul, he gave in and pressed his lips to hers. She moaned beneath him, flicking her tongue along his lips. He groaned, deepening the kiss, but not pushing it further than that. As much as he wanted to throw them both to the ground and sink his cock into her pussy, grip her hips, and ride her until they were both spent, he knew this wasn’t the time.

  He pulled back, breathless.

  “I was going in there to get you something to snack on while we researched for North,” she whispered after a moment.

  Noah grinned. “I was there for the same reason. What do you say we go and get a box of cookies then head to my place? We can look over texts and try to help North. Together.”

  She smiled then. “That sounds perfect.”

  If only she’d find him perfect for her. One day at a time. It might kill him, but he’d wait for her.


  Chapter Five

  Emeline’s paws hit the ground at a run, the wind brushing through her fur. She inhaled the crisp scent of nature, forest, and Pack, letting it sink deep into her soul. While it wasn’t the full moon and, therefore, not a full moon hunt, Emeline had wanted to run as a wolf. All wolves could shift no matter the phase of the moon, and the stronger the wolf, the more times they could change in a given day.

  She wasn’t the strongest of wolves by far, but she was in no way weak. Since she’d made an idiot of herself in the bakery the day before, she’d been on edge. Other than having sex, she couldn’t think of another way to settle her nerves. Before she’d left the elders, she’d probably have gone to Edgar’s to, as she’d told Noah, scratch that itch; she wouldn’t be doing that again. No, in fact, just the thought of being with anyone other than Noah made her want to shudder.

  Thinking of Noah between her thighs, his thick cock sinking deep inside her, however, led her to a new form of shuddering altogether.

  Her paw caught a root, and she rolled forward. Thankfully, she made it to her feet again without slamming
her head into the ground, but hell, that had been close. She needed to keep her mind off Noah’s cock and on what was going on around her.

  She put Noah and whatever the hell was going on with her brain to the side and finished her run, letting her wolf take over. By the time she’d shifted back, showered, and dressed, she was running late for her date with Noah.

  Well, it was almost a date. More like food while researching at his place. They were close to helping North. Emeline knew it. And having Noah there helped because he looked into the medical aspects of each magical curse and charm. He also hindered her thinking because she couldn’t stop wanting to rub her whole body over him. Goddess, she wanted him.

  Not that she could have him forever. Despite what her body wanted and how happy her wolf was when he was near, she wasn’t his mate.

  After all, she would know if that were the case. Right?

  She shook her head and put those thoughts away again. No good would come from them. Yes, others had made marriages and babies with other wolves without a mating bond. With the chance of finding one’s mate such a slim thing over time, sometimes wolves just made a relationship work without that extra bond with their partner. While Emeline had started to think she could do that with Noah, she knew she couldn’t see him go through life without the mating bond. She cared for him too much to keep him from everything he deserved.

  That thought, above all else, just about killed her.

  By the time she made it to Noah’s her wolf was on edge again and her heart lay heavy. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand to be with him knowing she’d have to give him up. Decisions would have to be made soon, but not now. No, first they needed to help North. Then she could help herself.

  Noah opened the door before she could knock, that dimple in his cheek deepening as he smiled. “Em, you’re here.” He ran a hand through her wet hair and pulled her close. “And all sparkly clean. Mmmm.” He kissed her hard then let go, leaving her aching.

  “Hello, Noah,” she finally said.

  “I made finger foods and antipasto so it will be easy for us to nibble while we’re working. Want a glass of wine?”

  “Sure, that sounds lovely with the antipasto.” She made her way to his coffee table where their books, notes, and pencils sprawled. Off to the side, he’d placed a mortar and pestle, just in case she needed to work with herbs to try something out. He had everything ready for her, anticipating her every need.

  Well, not every need.

  She sat down on the floor, ready to get her mind off Noah and her needs and onto North’s blindness. Noah came to her side and sat next to her, two glasses of wine in his hands. She took one and nodded her thanks.

  “To discovery,” he whispered, the look in his eyes telling her far more than his words.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips and touched the rim of her glass to his. “To discovery,” she rasped out.

  His gaze never left hers as he took a drink. She did the same, gulping hers so she could quench her parched throat. This wolf, oh this wolf, he was going to be the end of her for sure.

  “To the books?” she asked, her voice shaky.

  He gave her a look that told her he knew exactly what affect he had on her then started to read the text in front of him. Emeline swallowed hard, set down her glass, and then got to work.

  She’d read over her own books hundreds of times it seemed and found nothing to help North. It hurt her to no end knowing she couldn’t help her friend. There had to be a way.

  Caym had used a spell within the Pack’s inner circle that was meant to maim and even kill. North had been in the crossfire, thus losing his sight. However, there hadn’t been any sort of wound. Physically, his eyes were perfect. There hadn’t been a cut or scrape. Nothing had actually touched his eyes, or anything in his brain, that could have caused this.

  No, it was magic.

  And magic could be changed and spells reversed.

  There would be a price, Emeline knew, but that was something she was prepared to deal with. She walked the fine line of magic, light versus dark, without actually being a witch. Because she was an elder, her long life had given her the ability to connect to the moon goddess on a level that not everyone understood. She herself didn’t quite understand it. Sometimes, when the wind brushed along her just right, she could hear the moon goddess’s song. Unlike Lexi and Logan, who had actually heard the moon goddess speak to them, Emeline could hear only whispers, vague ideas of the next step in her process.

  That accounted for most of her daydreaming to some, she thought. She’d stand in the middle of a forest, her ear bent to the wind, listening to the song of the goddess. None of the other elders had that level of connection, and some had been resentful, Meryl especially, but as Emeline had no control over it, she didn’t feel too bad about it.

  No, she used her gift to help others.

  It was all she could do in thanks.

  So now, here she was, head bent over another book, magic unlike a witch’s running through her veins and a small prayer in her heart.

  Noah shifted, his arm pressing into hers slightly. She pressed back, leaning into him, taking that small guilty pleasure.

  He bent and kissed the top of her head, sending warmth through her body.

  It was such a small thing, a slight touch here, a sweet kiss there, but she relished it. Craved it.

  She didn’t want to let it go.

  Not ever.

  “Shit. What about this?”

  Emeline started at Noah’s words then looked at the book in front of him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She inhaled his musky scent then promptly forgot her need for him as she read the words in front of her.

  “Oh goddess, this could work!”

  Noah kissed her temple and squeezed her tight. “It’s a spell to counteract the dark. The only caveat is that it takes direct contact with the optical nerve.” Noah cursed. “I’m not proficient enough for what this eye surgery would entail. I’ve assisted North with it once, but I’ve never done anything like that on my own. I’m still learning. But with Hannah’s help, I think we could do it.” He and North might run only a clinic, but they’d learned as much of modern medicine as they could. They needed to heal all types of injures humans could not be allowed to see, so it made sense that Noah would know about this type of procedure.

  “You can. You’d have to take your time and learn how to do it before we even go to North. Plus, according to this, it will take me at least six months to brew the right spell.”

  “But we can do this. It’ll work.” Excitement filled Noah’s voice, and it was all Emeline could do not to throw her arms around him and kiss him senseless.

  “It will work. We can’t get North’s hopes up, though. So we keep it to ourselves while we’re learning and then let them all know so they’re prepared.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Holy shit, Em, we did it.”

  “Well, we’re going to.”

  He smiled then kissed her softly, pulling back with a groan. “Let’s get you some food, put these books away, and take the night off.” He ran a fingertip under her eyes. “We both need the rest.”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  They picked up their mess and sank into the cushions of the couch, gorging on antipasto and the small sandwiches Noah had made. Emeline leaned into him, enjoying the small comfort.

  “Can you tell me about Jeffery?”

  Emeline sat up, her sandwich forgotten. “What?”

  Noah cursed then sat up as well, taking her plate from her hand and setting it on the coffee table. “I meant to be smoother about that. Shit, I’m sorry, Em.”

  “Why? Why do you want to know?”

  A strange look passed over his face, and then he sighed. “I want to know more about you. Jeffery was your mate and a heavy part of your past. I…I just want to know you.”

  Emeline licked her lips, her mind going in a hundred different directions. She didn’t want to talk
about Jeffery. She wanted him firmly in the past. She couldn’t think about what she’d lost when she sat next to the man she wanted now.

  It wasn’t a stain on Jeffery’s memory for her to want another man. It had been a years since he’d passed, but it was difficult for her to speak about him in any sense.

  That’s why she had to do it.

  “He wasn’t my full mate,” she began. “We never completed the mating process.”

  Noah nodded, urging her to continue. He took her hand, and her wolf steadied, ready for her to speak.

  “My father never liked him. You see Jeffery was a submissive wolf. A strong submissive wolf, but not high ranking. My father was a purist. He wanted only the best for me and refused to believe fate would give me something as useless as a weak mate.”

  Noah growled, and she held up her free hand.

  “My father was an idiot. I know that. I knew that then. I was ready to run away with Jeffery, but he wanted to prove himself worthy.” She let out a sigh. “Only I didn’t know that at the time. You see, when my father found out I was going to mate Jeffery anyway, he locked me away and told Jeffery I wanted nothing to do with him. I’d been chained in the basement and broke my fingers trying to release myself, but I couldn’t. Jeffery left the den thinking I had rejected him and went to fight another war for another Pack. Instead of fighting and coming home a hero, he died at the hands of another wolf. He was a submissive. He was never supposed to fight in that war, but my father made him.”

  “Oh, Em, I’m sorry, baby.” He cupped her face, and she turned her head, kissing his palm.

  She didn’t shed a tear. Not this time. She’d moved on from Jeffery in the years past, but it still wasn’t an easy conversation to have.

  “What happened to your father?”

  Emeline sighed. “A former Alpha, Kade’s grandfather, had him executed in a Pack circle. He was a traitor.”

  “Shit, Em. Damn. I don’t know what to say.”

  She shrugged. “It’s been over for centuries, Noah. Now you know my past, but you also need to know that it won’t direct my future. I’m not the same person I once was.”


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