Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 8

by C. D. Gorri

  “Where the hell are you?” roared his boss through the cell. He watched Roxanne’s face color deliciously and he met her eyes with a rakish grin. She bit her lip and nodded as he mouthed to her, asking her if she was ready while he listened to Daniel’s rant.

  Moments later they were under way to the Head Enforcer’s cabin where Bowie was told to appear for his face to face chewing out. Roxanne insisted on going with him and he just couldn’t say no to her.

  He knew it was unlikely that she would stay with him, but while he had her, he intended to make her happy.

  No, that did not make him a pussy.

  If you disagree, say it to my face, growled his Polar Bear.


  “Hi Bowie,” Lacey Devlin opened the door with little Mia on her hip. The adorable toddler grinned as she leaned towards Bowie to be picked up.

  “Mia look who’s here! Hello, you must be Roxanne,” she smiled warmly and continued to hand him her cub, “Bowie do you mind? Daniel’s in his office, but I need to run to the ladies’ room.”

  She’d handed the baby over and winked at Roxie before he could answer. He just caught the cub while Lacey scooted off to the staircase.

  “Uh, sure, Lacey,” he said and grinned at little Mia. Roxanne was watching his every move with wide green eyes and he wanted to make a good impression.

  “Uncow Boweee!” The cub squealed as he lifted her carefully and propped her up on his shoulder.

  “Hey there, squirt,” he said and tickled her tummy. The tyke pulled his hair and drooled a little on his head, but Roxie was there to wipe the spittle with a tissue. Wasn’t that domestic? He should have cringed, but instead he found himself longing for a cub himself. What the hell?

  “Uncle Bowie? Lacey? Your Clan is very informal,” Roxanne said smiling at the baby on his head.

  “Yeah, uh, I guess, but we’re loyal and-”

  “I wasn’t criticizing them, Bowie. Your Clan is great. The Skulk is very different. Our entire system is based on a strictly adhered to hierarchy based on position and birth rather than natural dominance. But still, we lack the warmth I’ve seen here,” she said.

  He caught the wistfulness in her tone and his chest tightened. She’d called them his Clan, but it wasn’t. Not yet anyway. He couldn’t shake that feeling of impermanence that enveloped him like a shroud.

  Would he ever have a place that was truly his? As soon as the thought popped into his head another followed. A warm, soft image of Roxanne in his mind. She could be his home. His one right place in the world.

  If only I could tell her what she means to me.

  You can, growled his Bear. She is our mate. Claim her.

  The Bear inside of him bellowed at his reluctance. The beast stomping and scratching inside of him. The way the animal saw it, if Bowie was not man enough to claim her, he would. But Bowie was stronger than that. He pushed the bear inside of him down and breathed deeply for a moment allowing her warm scent to wash over him and calm both beast and man.

  “I understand. Oh look, they decorated their tree already,” he replied to her previous statement and changed the subject at once.

  “It’s lovely,” she said gazing at the eight-foot pine, and he wondered if he should get one too. Maybe. It all depended on if she’d like it and if she’d be around to enjoy it.

  “My father doesn’t allow live trees in our house, but I’ve always preferred them,” she touched a branch lovingly and his mind was made up. He was getting a tree.

  What Roxanne was describing about her Skulk was all too familiar to him. The Polar Bear Clan he came from was much the same. Nepotism was alive and well in the Shifter world.

  In certain circles, weaker Shifters were in positions of power they truly did not deserve. It was not how things had always been. The old ways were more about honor and leaders were chosen through challenges that often ended in one person’s death. Not exactly politically correct, but both Bowie and his Bear appreciated that life was a lot less complex when dominance was the deciding factor.

  “Pwetty lady, pwetty lady!” Bowie’s attention diverted to the quick little Mia who clapped her hands excitedly and dove off his head towards Roxanne.

  With her fast Shifter reflexes, Roxanne caught Mia easily. Her green eyes widened, her expression stunned once she realized she had her arms full of the sweet, yet squirmy little cub.

  “Uh, hi little one,” she smiled, and her eyes softened, “You can call me Roxie.”

  “Pwetty Woxie,” said the little cub happily and Bowie couldn’t agree more. Pwetty Woxie indeed.

  “Bowie! Come inside my office,” Daniel bellowed.

  Bowie counted to three before gesturing forward. He opened the door to Daniel’s office for Roxanne and Mia. As he strode in, he noted the predominantly masculine room had been softened with subtle touches from the Bear’s mate.

  A huge, brightly polished desk sat in the center with Daniel in the chair. It was stained wood with a laptop, potted plant, and a few framed pictures. One was of his wife from her modeling days, and another was of the three of them with Daniel holding their daughter.

  The walls were painted a dark green with wood moldings on the ceiling and floor. There was a new loveseat with a few throw pillows against the far wall, Lacey’s influence again no doubt. Two straight backed chairs sat in front of the desk and a closed playpen rested on the floor.

  Bowie had been in Daniel’s office hundreds of times over the past months, but never with his mate. Nerves ate at him. Would she think he was some kind of jerk who was always in trouble with his boss?

  “Hello Ms. Winters, I want to be the first to apologize about all this-”

  “Daniel, I can explain-” Bowie started.

  “Daddy!” Interrupted the cub.

  “Now Mia,” his boss’ expression went from hard to soft in just the moment it took for his cub to snag his attention, “What did I tell you about jumping on people?” Daniel reached for his adorable daughter with a mock stern expression on his face.

  “Pwetty Woxie is holdin’ me, Daddy,” Mia said to her father in her own little imperious tone. She clung to Roxanne with her chubby little arms in a way that made Bowie’s heart squeeze.

  “It’s alright. I don’t mind,” Roxie smiled down at the cub, tickling the sweet girl under her chin.

  She dropped a kiss on Mia’s soft curls and smiled brightly at Daniel for one second before adopting a neutral expression with the older man.

  It was a good thing the smile hadn’t lasted long, even then Bowie’s Bear did not like it one bit. Stupid, possessive beast.

  His animal was positively green that she’d given his boss even the tiniest of smiles. They were his dammit. He growled before he could shut himself up and earned himself three glares including a little one.

  “Sorry. Uh, I skipped breakfast today,” he said lamely and barely caught the peanut butter granola bar Daniel tossed at his head.


  “I don’t mind holding your little cub, Mr. Devlin, that is if you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not, please sit,” Daniel said.

  Bowie could tell his boss was biting his tongue. The Bear was overprotective when it came to his family. Not that Bowie could blame him. Just looking at Roxanne was enough to make him want to pick her up and toss her over his shoulder, take her somewhere only he could bask in the pleasure of her company.

  Shit. He was losing his damn mind and he hadn’t even mated her yet.

  Yet. That was the key word in that sentence. She was his. He just didn’t know if he was good enough for her. Hell, he knew he wasn’t.

  “Lacey in the bathroom then?”

  Daniel’s question broke the twisted turn of Bowie’s thoughts and he was grateful for the redirection. He nodded and watched as Daniel looked at the door, concern marring his face.

  “We haven’t told anyone yet, but she’s having a hell of a time with morning sickness,” said with a mix of pride and worry, but more than that was
the love he had for his mate clear in both his voice and expression.

  “Congrats, boss!” Bowie said and Roxanne echoed his sentiment.

  Wow. Lacey was expecting their second cub. It truly was wonderful news! All four Devlin brothers were either fathers or expectant fathers at this stage and Bowie was truly happy for them, though he couldn’t help feeling slightly envious. As he watched Roxanne rock the little cub in her arms, his own heart swelled. Would she do that with her own young? With his?

  Tiny tendrils of hope mixed with a healthy dose of fear spiraled down his spine. He wasn’t sure he could ever be a father. Hell, he never had one of his own. Never had a mother either. What did he know about being a parent?

  For one thing, my cubs will be wanted and for another, I will always be there, he vowed silently. Bowie had no idea how he’d measure up as a father, but those two things he could promise without batting an eye.

  Yes, the idea of being a parent terrified him, and yet he longed for his own young. As he watched the redheaded Vixen, he realized the truth. Bowie wanted cubs of his own one day. With her.

  “Now, do you want to explain how you managed to get our distinguished guest here involved in a bar fight? Hello, are you listening, Bowie?” Daniel asked in a deceptively low voice.

  “Um, sorry. I, uh, was going to, I mean-”

  Shit. He couldn’t even think straight with Roxanne being so near and so perfect. How the heck was he supposed to answer Daniel? Never mind the fact that he totally looked like an idiot stuttering as his boss tore him a new one.

  Grrr. His Polar Bear paced in his mind’s eye. The hulking animal agitated at Bowie’s unease. He closed his eyes and ordered him to stand down, but it was a damn near thing.

  “Mr. Devlin, you have an adorable cub here,” Roxanne smoothly interrupted. Her green eyes flashed momentarily in his direction and his Bear stilled, watching her with intense black eyes.

  “Thank you, Ms. Winters,” Daniel said. Bowie’s animal approved of the formal way the Enforcer addressed his mate.

  “I want to assure you that the indiscretion which occurred yesterday will not happen again. We will assign you a new guide and get you moved into the Den today, and what happened last night-”

  “Was entirely my fault,” Roxanne said. Not only had she interrupted Daniel Devlin, the Barvale Clan Head Enforcer, with a straight face no less, but she did so to protect him.

  Bowie’s mouth dropped open. He was in deep water here. Hell, this was grounds for being kicked out of the Clan seeing as how he was still a probationary member even after a year. Everything he did was under scrutiny. And there she was, saving his ass.

  He didn’t know whether to kiss her or shake her. She couldn’t possibly know what it meant to him. That he’d never had anyone other than his cousins stick their neck out for him. It was only one more reason why he didn’t deserve her.

  If he lost his place here, he didn’t know what he would do. But as she explained her role in the fight last night Bowie realized that even if he had last night to do over again, he wouldn’t change a thing. His mate had been threatened by another male and that was a serious no no whether he intended to claim her or not.

  “Bowie and his cousins came to my rescue after a group of rather rowdy Werewolves mistook my being present in a local bar to hear a band I happen to follow as an invitation to put their paws on me.”

  “They did what?” Daniel growled, immediately cutting off the sound when his cub whimpered at hearing her Daddy’s anger.

  “Sorry, baby. Come here, my sweet Mia,” he cooed, and the toddler bounded off Roxanne’s lap to her father’s waiting arms.

  “I will not be pressing formal harassment charges as I assume your Clan will want to oversee any communications with the neighboring Pack; however, I think commendations for Bowie’s and the Nanouk brothers’ selfless acts are definitely in order,” she nodded imperiously and stood as if ready to leave.

  “Oh, and I refuse another guide with all due respect, Enforcer. I can’t think of another Bear who could provide the quality of care Mr. Atiqtalaaq has for me.”

  “What about the cabin? Would you prefer the Den?”

  “No, thank you. Being a night owl, I’d feel much better knowing I was not disturbing the Alpha family with my routines. Now, if you will excuse us, Enforcer, I also missed breakfast and am not a fan of peanut butter. So, if Mr. Atiqtalaaq and I can be excused so he can escort me to the bakery where I believe we can find refreshments before my next meeting,” she said and extended her hand to Daniel, summarily dismissing him and the bowl of granola bars on his desk.

  Bowie raised his eyebrows and looked at Daniel who was turning red. He didn’t seem angry. No. Bowie would have scented that.

  “Certainly, Ms. Winters. Bowie may I have a second?” Daniel asked and Bowie’s eyes went to Roxanne.

  She nodded slightly and walked out of the office. Bowie just stood there waiting for Daniel to speak. He hardly heard him after everything that had just happened.

  Roxanne Winters had just dismissed the Head Enforcer of the Barvale Clan. Without even breaking a sweat. Pride surged through him. He wanted to go to her, to show her just how amazing he thought she was, but apparently, he had to talk to Daniel first.


  After a few moments with his boss, Bowie headed out to where Roxanne was waiting by the truck. He smiled as he looked her over helpless to do otherwise.

  She was simply the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He was not great with words, but he appreciated the vision she made standing there in her new parka and boots with her hair whipping wildly around her. The wind was blowing cold and the sky had turned almost a blinding white. Snow was coming.

  His brief conversation with Daniel was eye opening. The older man seemed to know a thing or two about how Bowie felt. It had been disarming to hear his feelings laid out by another person. Especially one who was technically his boss.

  “So, when are you going to tell her?” Daniel asked.

  “Tell her what?”

  “That she is your mate.”

  “Boss, I- wait how did you know?”

  “I can see it in your eyes. That and your Polar Bear wanted to tear my face off when she smiled at me,” he laughed.

  “Shit. I don’t know that I am going to tell her, boss. She’s like a princess and me, I’m nothing. She deserves better.”

  “I am only going to say this once, Bowie. Get your head out of your ass. A mate is not a gift we toss back in the face of the universe. You’re one of the lucky ones, son. Now, it’s time to man up or go the fuck home.”

  Shit. Those last few words still echoed in his ears. Only when he opened the car door for Roxanne and she slid past him, placing one gloved hand on his arm as she did so, was he able to breathe again.

  “So, is that the real you?” He asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “That, you know, kicking Daniel’s ass in there,” he stared in wonder at her flushed face and glittering green eyes.

  She looked beautiful and powerful and he’d never been so attracted to someone in his entire life. Bowie was always a stuttering idiot under the glare of the Head Enforcer, but not her. She’d been marvelous.

  The sexy little Fox had managed to both dismiss the man’s grumblings and make her own demands heard without giving an inch either way. And she did both without offending the dominant Black Bear. It was a fucking sight to behold. She was something else.

  And she is mine. If I have the guts to take her.

  “That? No, that’s not me, that’s the Ice Queen,” she frowned and turned her head down as if she was embarrassed by her display of power.

  Didn’t she know it was sexy as fuck? He frowned as he scented sadness and maybe a touch of disappointment emanating from her. His Polar Bear growled and stomped, his animal going nuts at the thought that he’d made her upset.

  “Hey,” he said trying to rein in the beast and soothe her nerves, “I don’t know what it is that’s
going on inside that gorgeous little head of yours, but that was totally bad ass.”

  “You think I look gorgeous?” Her green eyes were like sparkling gems in the whited-out background of the snowy woods behind them.

  Bowie’s heart pounded as he looked at her all snuggly in his front seat. Gorgeous? Hell, she was far more than that. Beautiful, tempting, luscious, delectable, seductive, incomparable. These were all fitting adjectives for Roxanne, but words failed him when it came to describing her completely.

  No one word was enough. Her fiery red mane of hair spilled over the heather gray coat she wore. Her teeth worried her full pink lips as her skin glowed ivory in the winter sunlight that streamed in through the tinted windows.

  Yeah, he thought, she is fucking gorgeous.

  “Yes,” he said fighting his instinct to grab her and drag her over to his side of the car.

  He wanted to plunder her mouth, suck on her tongue, tear her clothes off and claim her right there. Shit. He looked away and shivered, trying not to react to the unbearable hardness in his pants.

  “Um, temperature’s dropping,” she murmured.

  Smooth real smooth. You’re letting her freeze to death while you sit there drooling, dumbass. He started the car and turned on the heater.

  “Uh, not many Shifters can put Daniel in his place like that. He’s a very powerful Bear.”

  “Yeah? It’s just something I can do around strong Shifters,” she shrugged.

  “He’d be next in line for Alpha if it wasn’t Marcus. He’s very strong, Roxie.”

  “But, you don’t seem intimidated by him, more upset that he was disappointed,” she said. Her insight nearly took his breath away.

  “Part of the reason my old Clan wasn’t too fond of me was that I was stronger than the ruling family. They didn’t want another Alpha male in the area. Especially not one who could beat the heir to the throne.”

  “What do you mean?

  “You know how it is Roxie, most groups can’t handle multiple dominant Shifters, they either kick them out or beat them down,” he said surprising himself by turning to face her and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.


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