Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  “Bowie?” Her question brought his eyes up and he saw her arousal dimmed by worry. Fuck that. He wasn’t going to let her be worried or afraid of anything. Much less him.

  “Roxie, you are so beautiful. You’ve been keeping this pretty pussy just for me, baby, and I can’t wait to taste,” he growled. He leaned forward holding her gaze with his eyes, forcing her to watch him as he licked her from her opening to her hard, little clit.

  A loud moan escaped his lips as her fragrant flavor burst along his taste buds. She bucked against him, eyes wide, openmouthed as he licked her again and again.

  Ambrosia, he thought as he feasted on her sex to the symphony that was the sounds of her pleasured cries. Yes, he thought, she was a certifiable feast. As delectable as the food of the gods and yet she was his alone. Each drop of her honeyed pleasure was his and he lapped at her like a starving man.

  Look at you, on your knees in the snow just for the chance to taste her. Fuck yeah, he told that angry dark part of himself. He would do anything for her, any fucking thing for the opportunity to bring pleasure to Roxanne.

  His hands held onto her thighs as she leaned back lost in the sensation of his tongue on her sex. Good. He wanted her to let go. To leave all the pressures of her life behind as he explored her body and brought her to heights untold.

  He might not know a lot about mates, but he knew what he wanted. He knew how to please a woman. And she was much more than just a woman. She was his all. His entire reason for being. His world.

  Her responsiveness to his touch set fires in his blood. She was so fucking sexy. So much more than he had ever dared hope for. Hope and need burned in him as he suckled her honey sweet flesh. Seeing her go crazy with rapture as he brought her to orgasm was just about the best damn thing he could imagine. Even better than his own pleasure.

  But she’s a virgin, he told himself even as his dick throbbed with need. He had to be patient and sensitive. He couldn’t fuck her in the bed of his truck her first time. He would have to wait for that, but it was fine as long as he could lick and suck on her swollen nub until she fell apart in his arms.

  It wasn’t difficult to throw himself into his current task, not since his every thought was of pleasing her. His dick could wait. Roxanne was more important. He wanted to worship her with his mouth, his hands, and eventually his cock. And he would. But first things first.


  Holy fucking shit. Roxanne had died and gone to heaven. Or maybe this was hell? Either way she was fine with it.

  As long as Bowie never stopped doing that with his tongue. She mewled and moaned, panted and gasped as he licked and suckled her clit like a fucking champ. And when he ran his long tongue against her wet folds, dipping deep inside with his incredibly talented appendage until she couldn’t take it anymore, she thought she was going to come out of her body.

  “Oh god,” she moaned as a familiar tightening started in her belly.

  The strange, desperate sensation grew inside of her, starting with tingles in her sex and spreading through her entire body to every single nerve ending. She saw stars as she sucked in air, her whole body was intent on one thing. One destination. And she could see it hovering just out of reach.

  Being a virgin didn’t mean she was totally ignorant of her own body. She had toys. Shifters were lusty creatures after all, and she was no different. Her body demanded release, especially during her heat, and she had assisted herself through it in the past with no one else to do it for her.

  But masturbation had nothing on this. Bowie growled as she tugged his hair, bringing him closer to her need. The vibration travelled from his chest to the very tongue he was using like a magician on her pussy. Knowingly he pressed the flat of it against her clit, rumbling harder now until she felt her grip on reality waver. Bright lights began to twinkle beneath her closed eyelids, back arched, mouth open, she panted, gasping for air.

  “I’m gonna,” she moaned loudly, tightening her hold on a lock of his brilliant white hair.

  Her words seemed to make him all the more attentive. She wanted to push him off, to make him stop, surely she would die if he kept on. But he didn’t budge. Thank god.

  He held her tightly with his arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her legs open with his big shoulders as he forced her to meet the pleasure that only he could deliver with such ferocious intent.

  Roxanne whimpered against the onslaught. Her sex clenched on air, wanting, no, needing to be filled in order to tip over the edge. As if he could read her mind, he thrust one blunt tipped finger inside her tight sheath. His tongue still worked her clit, swirling and tapping the sensitive nub.

  “Yes,” she moaned, almost there.

  Bowie worked harder, pumping in and out of her channel with his finger. Then, he closed his talented mouth over her bundle of nerves and sucked. White lights exploded behind Roxie’s closed eyes and she shattered.

  She screamed his name into the night air, riding the wave of bliss into heights she’d never imagined. And through it all Bowie held onto her. He was her anchor in the whited-out night. Her connection to the Earth even as she shot past the stars.

  Dropping soft kisses along her cleft and down to her soft, jiggly thighs, Bowie’s presence filled her with wonder. She panted, sucking in air as Bowie’s ice blue eyes flashed once more in her direction. He held her gaze with his arctic depths, his Polar Bear there in the sultry pools of pale color, then he leaned forward and placed one long, open mouthed kiss on her well used sex.

  Fuck me, she thought eyes wide. Was that hot as hell? Why yes, yes it was.

  Mine, growled her Fox and Roxanne’s eyes went wide. She knew her beastie could get possessive at times, but not once had she ever uttered that word before.

  It was enough to scare away the sexy good feelings she was still basking in. Away they went to never be seen again. Well, not just then anyway.

  Gulp. No way. Hers? Why the heck did her Fox think he was hers?

  He was staring at her with his gorgeous head cocked to the side as if trying to read her thoughts. Shit. Was it her turn now? Was she supposed to finish him off or something?

  Yes, she wanted to have sex. Hell, she’d propositioned him for Pete’s sake, but she wasn’t sure how to go about it all now. Ugh. Nerves and indecision threatened to overwhelm her. Why did she have to go and catch feelings for the big sexy Polar Bear?

  Just look at him. He was sex on two legs. He was so sexy with his chiseled features and a body that was ripped like a god. And she was, well, her. Roxanne Winters of the pasty skin and flabby belly.

  She had responsibilities to her father and brother and to her Skulk. She didn’t have time for more than a fling with this sexy, carefree, no-strings-attached guy. What the hell was her little beastie trying to do to her anyway? Break her miserable lonely heart over him.

  It was impossible. There was just no way he’d reciprocate her feelings. Roxanne couldn’t foresee a future where she got to keep him.

  He probably had a dozen ready and willing girlfriends just lining up to give him string-free sex. They were all probably just waiting for him. Sheila definitely was.

  Grrr, her Fox snarled at the other woman’s name.

  What would happen if she told him she thought he was her mate? Would he laugh? What would she do when he left her for someone like that she-Bear? Oh gods, what if she had sex with him and her Fox refused anyone else after he left. Then where would she be?

  The Bear is ours. Bite him. Mark Him. Kill all who touch. MINE!

  Great. Now she had a slightly homicidal overly jealous Vixen to deal with.

  “You alright?” Bowie asked, standing up and helping her to do the same.

  “Uh, yeah, that was, um, that was amazing. Should I? I mean do you want me to-”

  Before she could finish, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her head and her cheek. His warm breath tickled her ear as he nuzzled her.

  “No need, sweet, I loved what we just did.”

  “But t
hat was all for me,” she frowned.

  “Was it?” He gave her a sexy smirk and dropped another steamy kiss on her lips. The taste of her own musk should have been strange, but it was hot and sexy as she accepted his lips and tongue. Need rushed through her veins and she moaned into his mouth.

  “I thought what we just did was all for me, baby,” he said and kissed her one more time.

  He took her hand and led her to the stand of trees, “Come on. Let’s let our beasts free and run awhile.”

  Her Fox liked that idea. Especially since her human side had yet to make sense of everything that had happened. Roxanne nodded at him. Bowie smiled, clearly pleased with her decision and gestured for her to go first.

  She closed her eyes and pictured her Vixen in her mind’s eye. Stepping into the plane of reality where her human half would wait while her animal pushed through, Roxanne embraced her fur.

  She opened her eyes and felt the wonder of her mate as he knelt down on the snow and extended his large, rough hands. Her Vixen did not hesitate.

  She pushed up against him, allowing him to touch her wherever he could get his hands. They felt so good as he petted her behind her pointed ears down her muzzle. She turned her face and nuzzled him, licking his palm. The gesture got her a sexy grin from the magnificently naked Bowie and she took a moment to simply observe his sublime physique.

  The whole time her eyes ate him up, he didn’t stop touching her Vixen. His deft fingers caressed her fur, testing its softness as he ran his digits along her back to her belly, down her legs, to her paws and finally, down her lovely, lush tail.

  She was awfully proud of her tail. Twice as thick and fluffy as any other Vixen in her Skulk even if she was chubby in her skin. She had good fur and hair dammit, and he seemed to acknowledge that. His touch spoke of pride and possession, two things her animal wholeheartedly approved of.

  “You are so lovely, Roxie, just beautiful,” he murmured, rubbing her neck and whispering adorations at her.

  Our mate appreciates my beauty, thought her Vixen. Eeep! Our mate! The beastie was practically giddy with happiness.

  Yes! A mate! Score me. No more long nights alone. No more thoughts of being useless. No more feeling unwanted. Roxanne had a mate.

  Her Vixen growled. She was anxious to claim the big bad Polar Bear. Bowie was everything she ever dreamed she could have in a mate. He was handsome and sexy as sin, strong and able to protect her and any young, smart and sensitive, and did she mention hot as hell?

  Mine. Bite. Claim. All good ideas to her beastie. Oh, the things she wanted to do to him and with him. Swallow. A mate. Her mate. She just had to work up the nerve to tell him.

  Roxanne turned around once he stopped petting her and stepped back. The Vixen wanted to snarl at him, but she recognized the air as it shimmered around him with that age-old magic that accompanied the Change.

  She barely blinked when Bowie’s huge body thudded down on four massive claws next to her. Oh my! His Polar Bear was incredible. Snow white fur covered his enormous body. He smelled like ice and forest. Clean, pure, and true.

  The scent was all Bowie. Only, in her fur she could pick up more of the subtle nuances that were unique to him. For example, the forest-y scent that clung to him was like Christmas trees and freshly fallen snow. Beneath that was a hint of peppermint and virgin ice.

  She wanted to lick him from head to toe. An idea that interested her Vixen very much. As if he knew what she was thinking, her Polar Bear turned his black eyes on her. A hint of glacial blue circled the rims of his irises, man and beast watched her. Both sides of his being taking her in, existing in perfect harmony before her very eyes.

  He chuffed in her direction. His hot, moist breath creating white puffs in the air. The snow kept on falling and Roxie felt like a princess in a fairy tale. She barked at the Bear and skipped away when he tossed snow at her playfully with one big paw.

  A moment later, the two of them were bounding off together through the woods. Roxanne ran circles around him, even going so far as to jump on his big broad back while they walked. Bowie tossed her gently into a pile of snow and rolled on his back.

  Together they ran and played until they were both just content to sit. She curled her body into the crook of his foreleg and sighed contentedly. Her Bear grumbled in his chest and brought his big body around hers protecting her from the wind and cold.

  It was wonderful and new. Exciting in a way she’d never felt before. Roxanne never wanted it to end.


  Bowie thought he’d died and gone to heaven when he’d tasted his mate’s sweet nectar on his tongue. She was perfection in a way that a poor orphaned Polar Bear had nothing to compare it to. Hell, he didn’t even want to try.

  How they’d wound up in his bedroom after their romp through the forest he wasn’t sure. They’d Changed and driven home in comfortable silence.

  He’d wanted her. Hell, he imagined he would always want her, but she was tired and wilting, so he’d carried her to bed and tucked her in, bringing her close to him as he held her through the night.

  And now he was stuck. His cock throbbed with an eagerness he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager as she pressed her naked bottom into him.

  Fuck. If she kept up that delicious friction he was going to come. So not the impression he wanted to make on his mate. His mate.

  Shit. He had to tell her. Soon. To give her the choice. Fear crept up his spine at the thought of her rejection. What could a perfect, beautiful, Alpha-fem want with the likes of him?

  That question had him sliding out of bed and into a cold shower before she woke. He knew she was curious about why he hadn’t pressed the issue of sex seeing as how she had propositioned him since the first day they’d met. Was that just two days ago? Shit. Her time there was almost up.

  Besides, that was definitely a loaded question. He growled as he shampooed his hair. The thought of her asking any other man to take her virginity made him want to kill something. His Bear was totally on board. No one else was allowed to touch her.

  But at the same time, he didn’t want her to be stuck with someone like him. He was a complete fucking train wreck. He was still a probationary member of the Barvale Clan. He had no permanent home and a fucked up past that followed him around like a bad smell.

  Who was Bowie anyway? He was a fighter. A brawler more like. How many bar fights had he been involved in since he’d moved to New Jersey? How many times had Daniel and Marcus reprimanded his ass for not toeing the line.

  True, the Devlin brothers weren’t as bad as some of the other hard asses he’d known back in Alaska. They’d given him a good job with decent pay and hooked him up with a cabin on Clan lands. But he wasn’t rich, and his reputation left a lot to be desired.

  Shit. She deserved better.

  Like who? The Bear asked with a snarl.

  Fucking shit. He just had to take it slow. To resist claiming her long enough for her to make an informed decision. Okay. That sounded like a plan. He was just rinsing his body off when a sound brought his head to the curtain.

  Fuck me. Bowie just about swallowed his tongue at the sight that met his eyes. Roxanne stood in nothing but her skin, her halo of red hair flowed around her shoulders like a cloud of flames. She looked good enough to eat.

  “Got room in there for me?”

  “Uh, yeah,” he said and swallowed hard.

  “Can you wash my back?” She turned to present him with her curvy body from behind.

  Her perfect hourglass shape was highlighted by the morning light streaming in through the wall of glass bricks that looked over the forest from his master bedroom.

  His eyes followed the dip of her waist to the flare of her hips and the gorgeous apple shaped ass that was begging for his touch. Bowie could have fucking cried at how gorgeous she was, but still he didn’t touch.

  How emasculating, his Polar Bear moaned.

  “Bowie?” Her soft voice questioning as she turned her head with worry in her eye

  Fuck that. His mate should never worry. Especially when she was naked. He reached out and brought her back under the warm spray, loving the sound of her soft moans as he first wet her skin, then ran his soapy hands over her.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he growled and felt her smile burn through him. Damn. She was more precious to him than the sun. If only he could tell her.

  He felt his Bear push at him as he ran his rough hands gently over her sensitive breasts, teasing the hard nubs, and down to her belly. He soaped her up and rinsed her off, catching her when she leaned back against him.

  His dick rested along the crease of her ass as he bent to wash her sex with deft, gentle hands. Fuck, she felt good. Soft and warm, slippery and wet as he slid his fingers between the folds of her pussy. He might not be good with words, but he could show her how much he cared.

  “Bowie,” she moaned his name and he moved faster, lips coming down on her neck, kissing and sucking. She liked that, he could tell as she wiggled closer and tipped her head to the side to give him more room.

  His chest rumbled as he scratched his teeth along the smooth slope and nipped her ear, holding the soft flesh between his teeth as his fingers found her clit and circled the sensitive nub.

  Roxanne moaned and he increased his pace. Holding her in front of him when she would have turned to face him. His Bear liked her like this, ass cradling his cock while one arm held her around her chest, hand teasing the generous mounds of her breasts, while his other one worked her sex. She was hot and tight. Sexy as fuck, and when she came apart in his arms, he held her to him.

  Mine, he wanted to scream and roar it to the whole fucking world. But he didn’t. he stopped himself from voicing the words by turning her around and capturing her mouth with his.

  This kiss wasn’t like any other they’d shared. It was rough and violent. All the thoughts and words he held inside of him he told her with his lips and tongue. Owning her body, stamping himself on her with his kiss.


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