Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 12

by C. D. Gorri

  “Bowie, please, now,” she said pressing her slick skin against his in the steam filled shower.

  “Roxie,” he growled her name and took her mouth again. She was warm and submissive, following his lead and loving every second of it if her moans and pants were anything to go by, but damn him if he was going to take her against the shower wall for the first time.

  But she wasn’t all submissive. Not his alpha fem. The fact she even allowed him to take control so often just spoke of her trust in him. A trust he would do his damned best to deserve.

  He hissed loudly as her small hand circled his length. Fuck, she felt divine. Her strong fingers squeezed and explored his cock. Her green eyes were at half mast, lust filled as she sucked on his tongue and cupped his balls. He liked her show of aggression, the tiny nip of her teeth on his bottom lip turned him on like nothing else ever had.

  “Fuck, Roxie, I’m trying to go slow here,” he growled as her hands reached round to grab his ass while she ground her pelvis into him.

  “I don’t want slow, Bowie. I just want you.”

  Every ounce of will power he’d summoned from the second he’d realized she was his mate evaporated with her words. He might not survive it if she rejected him later, but he knew he wouldn’t survive one more second if he didn’t have her right then.

  Her emerald eyes glittered at him in the steamy shower. Heat and desire sizzled between them a living thing. As were the obstacles that’s separated them, but he wouldn’t think about them right now. No, Bowie had better things to do. Mainly pleasure his mate until she couldn’t see or hear or breathe anything but him.

  Yes, his Bear agreed with his plan. The animal wanted him to mark her as his, but for now he would have to be content with showing her how much he cared for the sexy little Fox.

  Bowie lifted her out of the shower easily. Her weight was nothing to the huge Bear Shifter. She gasped and leaned closer to him, kissing his neck and nipping his earlobe as he headed towards the bed. Fuck, he almost tripped as her tongue found that sensitive spot just beneath his left ear.

  “You taste good,” she whispered against his damp skin, her hot breath tickled and tempted at the same time. He shuddered, cock throbbing with need, but Bowie didn’t stop. He couldn’t. Not until he reached the bed.

  “Th-the bed will get wet,” she stuttered eyes wide.

  “Mine,” he growled laying her down while pushing the tangle of sheets and blankets to the floor. He wanted nothing between them. Just the two of them. Skin to skin, soul to soul. He was going to love her the only way he knew how.

  “Am I?” She asked boldly.

  “Mine,” he said again. One word. And yet it said so much.

  He prayed she understood just how pivotal this moment was. It was going to change everything. He could not predict the future, but he knew his impending possession of the one woman in the world who had a claim on his heart was the most important thing he’d ever do in his entire life.

  The enormity of it reduced Bowie to one word. The same word. Revolving over and over in his mind like some verbal merry-go-round.




  His heart raced furiously. The sound of his blood pumping thundered in his ears. But Bowie remained still, unmoving. His eyes devoured his mate from the top of her wet head to her pink painted toes.

  She was gorgeous. A wonderland full of hills and valleys. A poem come to life. And how his heart ached to touch her. He licked his lips taking a moment to gather the courage to take what lay before him.

  Her silky ivory skin beckoned him. Her intoxicating scent wrapped around him. She was everything he had never known he’d always wanted. Soft and supple on the outside, and strong on the inside. The perfect foil for him. Bowie’s growl reverberated in the room.

  He might as well face the truth. Bowie was head over heels in love with this woman. It was time he showed her. Reaching out with hands that shook, Bowie took hold of her feet. He wrapped his long fingers around her ankles, gently, carefully, and he pulled her to the edge of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” She asked, but her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

  “Whatever you want me to do,” he said and dropped to his knees.

  Her soft gasp reached his ears, stroking his Bear as he dipped forward and stole a kiss. Kissing her was like tasting heaven. Each swipe of his lips against hers drew out soft mewling sighs and moans. When his tongue tangled around hers, she positively trembled against him.

  “I got you, baby,” he said into her mouth.

  She moaned again, the tension leaving her body as she allowed him to place her where he wanted her. Bowie continued to kiss her as he stroked her with his hands.

  He rubbed and caressed her heated skin, learning every inch of her, every centimeter that he could reach while her legs wrapped tight round his waist. He wanted to stay like this forever. Just kissing her the way she deserved to be kissed.

  She tasted of flowers and untried innocence, of lust and sweltering desire, of strength and untold power. He could sense her Fox beneath the surface. The gorgeous creature seemed intent on what he was doing. He only hoped the pretty little beast approved. Winning a Shifter’s love was not an easy thing, and for Bowie, winning his mate meant everything.

  He felt her relax against him and he deepened the kiss before trailing his tongue along her cute little chin to her neck, careful to be quick there lest his Bear get any ideas.

  He would not bite her until she knew the whole truth. That she was his mate. And maybe not even then. It all hinged on her acceptance of him.

  “Lean back,” he said gruffly, halting when the words left his mouth.

  Shit, he should be gentler, but his mate’s eyes flashed with desire as she hastily obeyed. She seemed to like it when he was demanding. Noted.

  Taking great care, he pressed her thighs apart, baring her for his thorough perusal. Her trust humbled him as nothing else could. It was not easy for a dominant creature like his mate to give up control to another.

  He wondered if she realized that. Did she instinctually know he would never cause her pain or injury? Did she know he would do anything for her?

  Starting with this. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. Tipping her head back, his teeth skimmed along the hollow of her throat dipping his tongue in the sweet space between shoulder and neck where his beast so desperately wanted to leave his mark.

  Not yet, he told his animal, trailing openmouthed kisses that allowed him to taste the sweetness that was all her.

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” Bowie growled and sucked on her stiff pink nipples. One at a time he took them in his mouth, loving the way her soft, milky white skin looked against his own darker, rougher self. So different and yet one seemed to compliment the other.

  Mine. His Polar Bear demanded he bite her sweet flesh to mark her as his. It took all his strength to push the beast back, to focus on her pleasure alone.

  Fuck. His cock throbbed and he felt precum leak from his slit as he slid down her body. He was so fucking ready to sink into her, to take her virginity and make her his, but first things first.

  Breathing in deep, Bowie closed his eyes tight. The scent of her musky arousal reached his nostrils, making his mouth water in desperate anticipation.

  “Need to taste, baby. You want that?”

  “Mm hmm,” he felt more than saw her nod as he brought his face down to her dripping wet folds.

  “Say it,” he commanded.

  “Yes,” she responded.

  “Tell me you want my mouth on your pussy,” he commanded again.

  “Yes, please. Bowie, I want your mouth on my pussy, now, please,” she whimpered and bucked against his hands, but he held her down gently.

  Inhaling deeply from her sex, Bowie groaned as he finally snaked his tongue out of his mouth and licked along her pretty pink pussy. Sipping from her honey was the sweetest damn thing, as close to heaven as a man like him could ever hope for.

  Her sex was dripping wet and hot, so fucking hot. She was more than ready for him. But he wasn’t ready to take her yet. No way. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he felt her channel pulse and clench, and her pussy ripple with satisfaction.

  “Bowie, please I need you. Faster,” she mewled, hips thrusting against his face. His Bear was going fucking nuts at the thought of her getting off on him.

  “That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, loving the way she was so eager to come on his face.

  “So good, honey, that’s it. Fuck my mouth. I want you to come for me. Sweet, come on my tongue,” he growled.

  “I need you,” she whimpered.

  “Come first, then I’ll give you more,” he growled loving how she responded to his dirty talk.

  Bowie had heard of mating fever, had scoffed at the whispered stories the old men of the White Bear Clan had talked about in the dark corners of the few places he had been allowed to lay his head as a cub. But he never thought he’d feel it and with such intensity.

  His Bear was riding him hard, egging him on, demanding he stop fucking around and sink his fangs into her flesh. The animal wanted him to flip her over and impale her on his rigid cock. To fuck her from behind and place his mark right on her shoulder where anyone could see it.

  Fuck. It sounded good, but the human side of Bowie knew better than to rut her like an animal. She was too precious for that to be her first experience of sex.

  Maybe after? He told his Bear to shut the fuck up. He wanted to enjoy this intimacy with her without arguing with the furry animal.

  Every lick and sip he took of her brought his Bear further to the surface. When he started this, he thought he could resist making his claim, now he wasn’t sure. As he lapped at her honeyed slit Roxanne’s hands tightened in his hair. Her fingers weaved through his strands, finding greater purchase as she tugged him closer.

  Grrr. His Bear couldn’t get enough of her taste, her heat, her slick sex felt amazing against his tongue. It would feel even better on his cock, he thought and fought the urge to stand and take her hard and fast.

  His virginal mate was passion embodied, her writhing hips and pleading whimpers were irresistible. Bowie might not have gone to college, but he learned fast. He paid attention to her reactions to every kiss and touch, every scrape of his fang over her bundle of nerves, noting what she liked and what made her damn near crazy with need.

  All good things. He practically purred as she screamed his name, back arching and fingers damn near scalping him. Her pussy clenched around his tongue and his sexy mate finally came apart under his lips.

  So hot, so sexy. Fuck, she was perfection. Everything about her was created specifically for him by the universe and he silently thanked it for the gift of her.

  Mine! The thought practically roared through his head. His Bear chuffed and growled, pounding against his skin. He felt his gums ache with his fangs. They wanted out, his beast wanted out, but Bowie forced him back. He would not mark her without her consent. Tonight was not for revelations. It was for her. All for her.

  Not that he wouldn’t be taking pleasure as well, but he was more determined to give it to her. He’d give anything and everything to her.

  Roxanne. Roxanne. Love you, Roxanne.

  Her name was like a litany running through his mind and heart. He loved her. Yes. He really did. Fuck, when had that happened? He didn’t know the exact moment, but that didn’t make it any less true. Bowie loved this woman. And he was going to show her.

  As his mate fell back to Earth, he ran his hands along her calves and thighs working his way slowly up her body with soft touches and kisses. The feel of her skin against his was electrifying.

  Like touching a live wire. He breathed heavily as he explored the smoothness of her soft belly and heavy breasts. So fucking beautiful.

  “You can stop me anytime,” he said looking into her eyes as he slid up the length of her, opening her thighs and settling his massive frame between her legs.

  Her pulse sped up, nearly matching his own as he licked and suckled her hardened nipples into his mouth. He kissed his way up her chest to her shoulder and neck.

  “Don’t stop, Bowie,” she sighed when his lips met hers.

  He flexed his hips bringing the head of his cock to her dripping molten heat. Fuck. So hot. So tight.

  He pushed his thick length inside, stretching her walls, feeling her tense. She was so small, and he was a fucking Bear. He grit his teeth and waited for her to adjust.

  “Bowie,” she gasped and rocked her hips, causing him to slide deeper.

  “Wait, honey, I gotcha,” his voice emerged gruff and deep.

  He pushed farther in allowing himself a moment to bask in the glow that was all her. He held her emerald eyes in his gaze as he pushed past the barrier of her innocence.

  Ah. Oh. Together they moaned and grunted until he was fully sheathed in her sex. Her grip was practically strangling his cock, but fuck if it didn’t feel great. He pulled out a few inches then slid back in, each thrust allowing her to feel and move, to stretch and accommodate his size.

  “You’re so big,” she groaned.

  “Am I hurting you?” he froze.

  “No. Never. Don’t stop, Bowie,” she gripped his face and brought her lips to his. The wonder and lust in her gaze was nearly his undoing.

  He started to move in earnest. Flexing his hips in time with her moans. Grinding his pelvis against her sensitized nubbin. Harder and faster he thrust, working to reach every inch of her sheath. Finally, he found that spot he was looking for the one that left her mouth open and eyes wide with wonder as his dick stroked her into oblivion.

  This time when she screamed his name it was guttural and laced with her Fox, the little Vixen coming out to play and didn’t his Bear love it.

  He fought his animal for control as he thrust faster and faster wanting to bring her to peak again before he lost it completely. And God did he want to lose it, in her, with her. She made him mad with desire for things he never knew he always wanted.

  A Home. Love. A Mate. Young.

  He wanted it all. With her. Only her.

  Fire lit his soul as he pumped into her eager untried body. She was so beautiful, her ivory skin flushed from their lovemaking. His five o’clock shadow left little love burns across her breasts and neck and damn if he didn’t love it. His beast primed that he’d marked her in that small way.

  Her channel squeezed him tight, tighter than ever before and he couldn’t help but slam into her. She gasped and hissed, her inner Vixen in her eyes as they met his. He growled deep in his throat, pivoting in and out of her until with a final grunt he exploded feeling the ripples of her orgasm join his in one great big explosion of ecstasy.

  “Mine,” the word slipped past his lips before he could take it back. Truth was, he didn’t want to. He wanted to bite her, claim her, mark her for the world to see.

  Bowie Atiqtalaaq was not nothing. He was a powerful Polar Bear Shifter and he had a mate. A perfect goddess made just for him. Wasn’t he a damn lucky sonovabitch?

  But sanity returned a fraction of a second before he could go too far. He held her close instead, burying his face into her fiery mane and breathing her in while she hugged him tight to her breast.

  Minutes went by and still Bowie remained buried inside Roxanne, locked in her arms as their hearts slowed to normal. His eyes locked on her lovely face. He brought his forehead down to meet hers.

  “Roxie,” he whispered her name, unable to keep his emotions out of his voice. He wanted to tell her so many things, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t ruin the moment. For now it was more than enough that she’d given herself to him. That he was the first man she’d ever known.

  And the last, growled his Bear.


  “Mine. Roxanne,” he groaned her name again, reverently as he felt himself harden within her.

  “Yes,” she said answering his unasked question.

  He didn’t know if he could keep her
in the end, but he sure as hell was going to worship her while he had the chance.


  Roxanne still couldn’t believe it. Prim and proper Roxanne Winters, former virgin and renowned Ice Queen of the Winter Falls Skulk, had spent the last few days wrapped around a man and ignoring the rest of the world.

  Bowie Atiqtalaaq was a fucking god when it came to lovemaking. The things he’d done to and with Roxanne had left her fucking speechless. The man was more than talented. He was a fucking sexpert. For realz!

  He’d kissed, licked, sucked, nibbled, laved, and basically fucked her stupid more times than she could count. Around four dozen over the last seventy-two hours. So she counted. BFD. Sigh.

  She’d never been so horny and satisfied at the same time in all her life and she was sure it wasn’t just because her heat was about to start. Bowie was her mate. If she suspected it before, she now knew it beyond a doubt.

  She hadn’t said a thing to him about it yet. Was it middle school-ish if she wanted him to say it first? Maybe, but so what. He was already so much more attentive than any other man in her life. Maybe he was spoiling her. He’d definitely ruined her for anyone else.

  She had managed to avoid her father’s annoying texts while she explored the sensual side of herself with her Bear, but that wasn’t all they’d done together. Roxanne never took time to really enjoy the season and she found she liked Christmas cartoons and hot cocoa spiked with rum. She enjoyed sappy Hallmark movies and stringing popcorn and cranberries while eating burnt chocolate chip cookies and singing off key to carols. As long as she was doing those things with Bowie, they were perfect.

  They’d ventured outside to meet with the Clan and yes, she did answer some emails, but overall they spent time together. She’d arranged for a few party buses and called a locale Shifter run catering company to set up a vast tent with food and extra clothing for the Foxes on the shores of Lake Ursa where her Skulk would enjoy their solstice run.

  Hopefully, a few of her Skulk would mate and the next generation of Fox Shifters secured. For the rest, it was basically an excuse to fuck without consequence and embrace their wild side.


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