Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 13

by C. D. Gorri

  Now that she knew what it was all about, she couldn’t say she blamed them. Though she was certain her Bowie was something beyond the ordinary. A true god in bed. Or in the shower. Or the floor. The car. And let’s not forget the dining room table.

  Grrr. Yum.

  She applauded her management skills in avoiding her father when making the arrangements. Even went so far as to disobey a direct order. Now that she knew she was an Alpha female she saw no reason to pretend to heed his word.

  The whole thing brought up some hard questions about her future, but one thing was certain. She did not want the Skulk for herself. She liked her job at times, but it wasn’t her passion.

  She would help them from time to time, until she was replaced, but she was done being used. It was high time her brother started earning his title. She’d even dumped the responsibility of organizing the minor details of the trip on his head and hung up when he’d called her to complain.

  To heck with her brother and the other Foxes she’d left behind in Winter Falls. What had they ever done for her? The truth was she’d made better friends the last few days with this crazy group of Bears than she ever had back home.

  Here she wasn’t the Ice Queen. Here she was just Roxie. And she liked it. She enjoyed laughing with Lacey, Krissy, and her little sister Luisa who was mated to the Devlin’s long-lost brother Nate Cordoza. She was also the Clan doctor and something of a badass. Even Leya, Marcus’ mate, welcomed her with open arms.

  All four women were mothers or expectant mothers and Roxanne found herself caught in the whirlwind of babies and diapers and showers. She never would have thought a hardened businesswoman like herself would be the maternal type but spending time with sweet baby Mia and the others had her biological clock ticking away. And loudly at that.

  Wouldn’t she just love a little kit or cub to hold and rock in the dead of night? A little boy with ice blue eyes or a girl with silvery white hair like her papa? Sigh.

  She knew beyond a doubt that Bowie had feelings for her. It was in everything he did. The way he watched her, the way he opened doors. He treated her like a delicate little lady, and not a powerhouse Vixen. Even more amazing was the way she liked it.

  But still. Something was missing. Despite the many ways they’d expressed their physical need for one another, Bowie had yet to make any verbal confessions. Something she found worrying.

  Her Fox knew he was theirs, insisted she mark him during their lovemaking, but she was reticent. She might be new to all this, but she was pretty sure when a Shifter found his mate, he claimed her. Maybe she was mistaken? Maybe he wasn’t her mate at all?

  Mine. Her Vixen growled and barked in her head, dispelling the notion that she had somehow gotten it wrong.

  Bowie was her mate. Maybe Polar Bears didn’t receive the news the same way Foxes did. Hmm. It was worth exploring.

  She smiled at the Clan ladies while they sat around their reserved table at Bear Claw Bakery. A slew of delectable pastries had been served and eaten in the time since she’d arrived. Bowie had dropped her off reluctantly while he went with his cousins and a few other Enforcers to secure the town for the Holiday Lights Festival Parade that was taking place that evening.

  She even managed to make him smile about wearing his Santa’s Little Helper vest. Of course, that was only after she’d entered the bedroom wearing that, and nothing else. Sigh. She stretched a little, still sore after the way held taken her with her arms splayed against the wall. That was a new position, and damn was it interesting.

  “Leya, how do you like that new stroller you ordered for little Jordan?” Lacey asked as she balanced Mia on her lap.

  “It’s great. It turns on a dime and the harness is soft and accommodating for my little baby bear,” Leya cooed at her sweet-faced toddler who was currently chewing on a banana slice.

  Roxanne listened to their chatter even as her mind wandered. She must have missed something because all eyes were on her and a few of the faces were smiling.

  “I said, what are your plans for the future, Roxie? We know you have it bad for the big sexy Polar Bear,” Lacey wagged her eyebrows up and down suggestively and the others giggled.

  “Uh, I don’t know. We haven’t made plans,” Roxie felt herself blush as she confessed.

  “He’s your mate, right? Then the only question is your Skulk or his Clan. Trust me, trying to deny it won’t work,” Luisa stated in her matter of fact way.

  “Oh, I’m not denying it,” Roxanne answered, “Bowie is a bit complicated. I mean, he acts like he’s crazy about me, but he hasn’t said anything.”

  “You mean he didn’t get all growly and snarl mine during sexy fun times?” Leya smiled knowingly and shook her head sending her riot of blonde curls rippling over her shoulder.

  The Alpha’s mate was so darn cute. Roxie loved the way she dressed. She’d have to find out where she shopped. Later.

  Roxie knew her face was an unflattering shade of red as she thought about her and Bowie’s sexy fun times. Yes, she might have heard that coveted word slip from his mouth a time or two, and yet she remained well sexed but unclaimed. Sigh.

  “Look Roxie, I don’t see why you don’t just mount the man and claim him yourself. I mean you have little pointy teeth, don’t you?” Leya could be so blunt at times.

  Lacey giggled and the others blushed knowingly. The Shifters in the room had all most likely bitten and claimed their mates a time or two, but Roxanne couldn’t suppress her shocked gasp.

  Why the very idea! Her mount and bite Bowie? Before he’d staked his claim on her? Could she do such a thing?

  Yes. We could, her Vixen assured her.

  “Shh, here they come,” giggled Lacey as she stood to greet her mate and husband with a kiss.

  “Here, love, let me hold Mia,” Daniel said and took the wiggling toddler from her with such tenderness Roxanne thought she might cry.

  As the others sauntered into the now empty bakery, Roxanne watched enviously as the mated couples broke away from each other. Kisses were exchanged and noses nuzzled one another, babies cooed, and embraces were shared.

  Even the smallest of touches between mates were full of love and meaning. She sighed inwardly wondering if she would ever have such a loving and poignant relationship. God, she hoped so. With Bowie. He was the only man for her, she knew that deep in her heart. Christmas music played softly in the background as she waited for her man.

  The Clan’s ruling couples weren’t blatant or vulgar in their displays. Shifters didn’t feel the need to hide the fact that mates enjoyed healthy sex lives the way normals often did, but they weren’t assholes about it either.

  They didn’t need to flaunt their private times to the world. Roxanne could practically feel their matebonds with her supernatural Shifter senses. These Bear Shifters were lucky. The four Devlin brothers especially blessed. Each of them had found their one true fated mates. An occurrence that was practically unheard of in her Skulk. Hence the solstice run.

  Sigh. It seemed incredible that she’d come to Barvale with the intent of losing her virginity so that she might finally partake in the run and mate with one of the Foxes she’d known all her life.

  But now the very thought made her want to vomit. She couldn’t imagine letting another man touch her the way Bowie had. The very idea of it filled her with revulsion even as her belly cramped with signs of her heat.

  Her cell beeped and she looked down to see her father had sent another slew of texts. Roxanne rolled her eyes as she flicked the call back button with her sharp nails leaving a crack on the glass. It was time she had it out with the old man.

  Sigh. She gritted her teeth and mentally prepared herself while the line rang.

  “Roxanne! I cannot believe you are so irresponsible you left it to your brother to finalize our travel plans. Do you know what he’s done? He booked us three limousine buses that normally cater to bachelorette parties! There were stripper poles in here, young lady and who knows what other kind of filth t
hese people-” he barked at her through the phone.

  “Dad, it seems like you need to have a talk with your son about how to properly conduct business for the Skulk. He will be taking over as Alpha someday.”

  “Turn around when I am talking, Roxanne.”

  She jumped and looked behind her, shocked at seeing her father enter the bakery doors with her brother, Thomas, looking sulky behind him.

  There was another younger man with them. He was thin and shorter than her. He looked all of eighteen, except for the gross leer he gave her followed by a miscalculated wink.

  Ew. What the heck?

  “Now, I don’t see what your brother has to do with things like this, Roxanne. Your job will remain the same when Thomas takes over,” her father, Samuel Winters, Alpha of the Winter Falls Skulk stood inside the Bear Claw Bakery with that same snide righteous look on his face that he always used with her.

  And for the first time ever, Roxanne was ready to admit she really wanted to slap that smirk right off. How could he care so little for his own daughter?

  Compared to the Bear Shifters in the room, the Fox Alpha was both shorter and smaller. Not nearly the powerful, intimidating man she remembered from her youth.

  His gray winged red hair was stylishly combed away from his handsome, if older face. Samuel Winters was still handsome, but in a citified kind of way. He wore one of his ridiculously expensive suits and handmade Italian leather loafers. All familiar things and yet he looked so foreign.

  Not the proper attire for the six-inches of snow and slush that lined the streets of Barvale, but he wouldn’t care. He’d never been concerned with anything as mundane as the weather or the inner mechanics of organizing the annual run for his own damn Skulk!

  “Do not do this here, Roxanne. Now introduce me to the Bear Alpha.”

  “Of course,” she murmured turning her head to look at Marcus.

  The concern on the face of the Barvale Clan’s Alpha touched Roxanne inside. She could see from his stance that the powerful Bear was already regretting his generous offer to the Skulk. But the deal was done, the Fox Shifters would have their run on Lake Ursa. However, she sincerely doubted they would be granted such access again.

  She sighed and cringed as her stomach started to cramp. Glancing at the clock she saw the time was six-thirty. The sun had long set and the solstice was beginning. The longest night of the year. A time for magic and for mates. Her thoughts were interrupted by the deep timbre of the Barvale Clan’s Alpha.

  “I am Marcus Devlin, Mr. Winters,” Marcus said sliding in front of his family.

  “Ah, yes, my you are big. My Skulk and I thank you for your gracious welcome. The, uh, buses have been parked and I came straight away to collect my daughter.”

  “Yes. I see that,” Marcus said with a hint of his Bear that had the older man stepping back looking flushed.

  “Well, um, if you will excuse us. Family matters you know,” her father moved to take her elbow, but Roxanne stepped back.

  “I am fine here, Dad.”

  “Roxanne, please, not in front of our hosts. It is your job-”

  “Marcus and Leya are the ruling Alpha couple here, Father. They understand.”

  “Daughter, it is your job to heed my orders. Do not bother the Alpha family with our little squabble. You will come with me now,” he practically stomped his foot.

  Surely her father wasn’t losing his composure in public. She almost smiled at the image he made standing there, looking flushed and unkempt in his anger. Maybe she should take a pic?

  “No, I won’t go with you.”

  “It is your job.”

  “Not anymore. I quit.”

  “If this is because you don’t have a mate you should be pleased to know that I have found someone willing to mate with you during the run this evening,” he looked so pleased with himself Roxanne wanted to scream. And still her clueless father kept going.

  “The Currin’s youngest boy has expressed interest in enjoying the run with an older woman. The fact you are overweight was overlooked as you are my daughter-”

  “What? Oh my God! Dad you did not ask around for someone to have sex with me?”

  “Roxanne, our guests don’t want to hear about your unmated state,” arms held out apologetically her father stepped closer to her, but she took a step back.

  “I can’t believe you,” she said disgusted with the man she’d allowed to dictate her life for so long.

  “It is an embarrassment, Roxanne, and it has gone on long enough.”

  “My being a virgin is an embarrassment to you? And Tommy here being a manwhore isn’t?”

  “Ouch sis,” Thomas grumbled, and she winced.

  “Sorry Tommy, but it’s time you grow up. You’re the reason the Lion Pride rescinded their invitation. Stop fucking around already and start acting worthy of your position.”

  “I’m sorry, Roxie. You’re right,” Thomas looked ashamed as he apologized to his sister.

  “Don’t you dare reprimand your brother. He is your future Alpha!”

  “We both know that isn’t true. Thomas, I love you. You are my brother and I mean no disrespect, but when have you ever been able to tell me what to do?”

  “Dad?” Thomas looked at his father, his gaze uncertain.

  “Son, I have chosen you as my heir, do not listen to what your sister is saying.”

  “True Alphas don’t need to inherit their positions, do they Dad?” Roxanne asked.

  “Our Skulk has always passed down the title of Alpha from father to son. It is true you are headstrong, Roxanne, but that’s got nothing to do with this.”

  “Oh really? Then why?”

  “Well I didn’t want to do this sweetie, but you really have never been very feminine Roxanne. I am sorry to have to tell you, but the truth is you’ve got something wrong with you.”

  “Oh God, Dad! Really? You know what? You suck!” She whispered with venom.

  “I will forgive you for this scene here, Roxanne. You just need to return to the campsite with me. The solstice run will begin when we arrive. Devon here doesn’t mind copulating with you this evening and with any luck he will succeed in getting you pregnant-”

  The sound of a rolling growl had her whipping her head around. When had Bowie entered the bakery? Roxanne’s pulse raced, her Vixen pushing forward, happy to see her mate standing there. Only yikes, from the looks of him, he was about two seconds from going all furry white Polar Bear. Literally.

  “You okay?” His icy blue eyes pierced her with laser like precision and instantly she calmed.

  “Yes,” she said. And she was now that Bowie was there.

  It would be alright now. Embracing her inner Vixen, Roxanne straightened her shoulders and faced her father, brother, and the suddenly pale Mr. Currin. Roxanne knew she had to do this here and now.

  She looked at Bowie. At his tall, muscled body in what she considered his Enforcer uniform. Mainly black cargo pants, a black long-sleeved shirt, and his steel-toed boots. His nifty Christmas vest was folded up in his hands, clearly forgotten as he damn near shredded the material in his hands while growling at her father.

  Unlike other men, he did not dwell on the fact that there were other males in his domain. She knew he was keeping them in his peripheral vision, but his main focus was her. The way it should be between mates.

  Roxanne made up her mind right then and there. She did not need to wait for him to make the first move. Leya was right. She had teeth and her own animal inside of her constantly telling her that he was her one true mate. What was she waiting for?

  Sucking in a deep breath, she held Bowie’s gaze while addressing her parent. Roxanne was ready to take a leap that would change her whole life. It was now or never. And no matter what, she would live with his reaction to her words, but she had to take the chance.

  “Dad, Tommy, this is Bowie Atiqtalaaq. He’s a Polar Bear Shifter and an Enforcer with the Barvale Clan. He is my fated mate.”

  She watched his
eyes dilate with pleasure and watched the way his chest seemed to puff out with pride. Oh yes, he was more than pleased that she’d claimed him verbally in front of not only her father and brother, but also the ruling members of his Clan.

  “That is ridiculous. You have not been claimed, I’d scent it on you.”

  “That’s true, but that is about to change. Tonight, as a matter of fact. Now I suggest you go to the campsite and get ready for the run. We will want you out of the territory by the time the sun rises at six tomorrow morning. Do you understand?”

  “Roxanne! You will come here this instant,” her father hissed and spat as he talked. Never in her whole life had she ever seen him so ruffled. Too bad. She was done taking shit. Not from him and not for the Skulk.

  Roxanne Winters was her own woman now. And she had a man. With any luck, she’d be truly mated by daybreak. She felt Bowie move behind her and leaned back into him. The big Bear Shifter wrapped one huge, beefy arm around her waist and tucked her against his chest.

  She sighed as her back pressed against his front, the reverberating growl coming from his chest vibrated through her. Both she and her beastie were thrilled with the possessive gesture. One that was not lost on her father.

  The other Bears in the room somehow moved inconspicuously to form a semicircle around them. The Barvale Alpha stood just to their right and to his obvious consternation, his mate and cub stood right next to him.

  “Alpha Winters?” Leya spoke up, causing her hubby to growl lowly at the visiting male and his minions. The fact that it was primarily her father and brother should have upset Roxanne, but it didn’t.

  As far as she was concerned, the Winters men had stopped being her family the second they sought to pimp her out to the pimpled youth before her. Jerks. Her brother’s familiar green eyes flashed her way for a moment, and she swore she saw regret in them before he looked away.

  His entire life he’d been pampered and loved. The favored son groomed for the day he would rule as Alpha, not by strength but by birth. She supposed it wasn’t his fault. Not entirely.

  Still, he was a man now and he needed to find out what type of Alpha he was going to be on his own. She could not do the work or the learning for him.


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