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Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

Page 32

by Aleatha Romig

  “I would love to see it sometime. Do you stay with them when you travel to LA?”

  “No, I—I mean—we”—he smiled—“we have an apartment in Hollywood—not far from Malibu.”

  Claire smirked. “Maybe sometime you could tell me how many apartments we have?”

  “We have many residences. It’ll take time to familiarize you with all of them.”

  She couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea. She had places in Iowa, New York City, Chicago, Hollywood, and other locations.

  “They’re not all as grand as New York and Chicago. I spend more time there.”

  “Yeah, well you never saw my apartment in Atlanta,” Claire replied. “I’m pretty sure compared to it, they’re all palatial.”

  Claire and Tony were talking and laughing when the door reopened. She quickly closed the blanket as the pilot announced they were ready to leave. She began to stand when Tony pulled her toward him. “Umm, don’t you think I should be in a seat belt when the plane takes off?” Reluctantly he released his hold, but not before opening her blanket and grinning. Claire kissed him, moved to the other chair, situated herself, her blanket, and buckled the seat belt. Within minutes they were airborne, and she drifted to a fitful sleep.

  Still at cruising altitude Claire awoke with Tony sleeping soundly in the neighboring recliner. Finding her air legs, she eased her way to the back of the cabin, which held a small shower and dressing room. From twenty thousand feet the view out the window held only blackness separated by a scattering of stars differentiating sky from sea. She found an overnight bag, undoubtedly packed by Catherine. It contained shower, hair, and cosmetic supplies, as well as a black negligee and a summer blouse with capris. She smiled. The negligee would have been nice, but Tony didn’t seem to mind the blanket.

  After a quick shower and fresh clothes she felt more alert. Her watch read 8:20 AM, but a glance out the window told her it was still dark wherever they were. They’d been traveling over eight hours; she assumed they’d be in Hawaii soon. Finishing her make-up she smiled, thinking of sunshine and beaches. She didn’t know how long they would be in Hawaii or on which island. The idea sounded wonderful and Tony enjoyed surprising her, but she wistfully thought about being involved in the planning.

  Walking unsteadily back into the cabin, Claire found Tony sitting at the table with his laptop and coffee. He turned to watch her enter. “Good morning, Mrs. Rawlings, you look beautiful. I wish you would have awakened me, I could have joined you in the shower.” He grinned over his cup.

  “I don’t think we both would fit. Besides, you looked too peaceful.” She sipped the warm auburn liquid and allowed its robust aroma to revive her senses. Tony explained they’d be landing on Oahu in Honolulu in an hour. It would only be about 3:00 AM, but they would deplane, find some breakfast and walk around before continuing their flight. She asked, “Continuing?—We aren’t staying in Hawaii?”

  “No, Hawaii is just a fuel stop, but we’ll need to revisit sometime for you to sightsee. It’s a lovely place”—his eyes taunted—“But not as lovely as where we’re going.”

  “And we are going where?” Claire asked, intrigued. Tony’s eyes sparkled, the black almost completely overtaken with the soft brown hue. His grin mischievous, he didn’t answer. “And how much longer until we get there?”

  “Mrs. Rawlings, you’re very inquisitive. What if I told you that we won’t reach our destination until tomorrow?”

  Claire thought about that—Twenty-four more hours of flying—and realized he wasn’t talking about twenty-four hours, he was talking about the next day. “Well, Mr. Rawlings, I’d say, it sounds like we are crossing the International Date Line.” She smiled smugly.

  He looked at her with admiration, and addressed Eric, who was refilling their coffee cups. “My wife is not only beautiful, she’s also incredibly intelligent.” He kissed her head as he stood. “I believe I’ll freshen up before we begin our descent.”

  With that, he disappeared behind the wall at the back of the cabin. Claire noticed his laptop open on the table. A quick Google search of land west of the International Date Line would’ve been beneficial. The screen was, of course, locked, so she’d just need to rely on her memory. Then she wondered if they were staying in the northern hemisphere or heading south? Sighing, Claire sipped her delicious coffee. She’d have to wait—she didn’t have a choice.

  Before they left the plane, Tony told Claire to get her purse from her overnight bag. Jokingly, she asked if she needed it to pay for breakfast. No, she needed her passport. “When did I get a passport?” He reminded her they’d discussed it months ago and Brent had filed the necessary paperwork. Apparently, this all happened while she was recovering from her accident. She couldn’t remember any of it, yet there it was: her picture, her signature, and her name Claire Nichols. Tony promised to apply for a new one with her real name Rawlings as soon as they returned to Iowa and a new ID. He smiled. Her new credit cards had already been requested.

  Hawaii was anticlimactic. She smelled the humid sea air as they descended the steps to the solid ground. The gentle tropical breeze enticed her skin, but they didn’t see anything other than the inside of the Honolulu International Airport, as they searched for and found a restaurant that served breakfast.

  After eating they needed to pass the TSA desk. Eric handled the inspection of the plane and bags; Tony and Claire needed to show their passports. When they were with the TSA agent she asked their destination. Claire didn’t know. Begrudgingly, Tony answered, “Fiji. Nadi, Fiji.”

  Claire remembered Fiji was a group of islands, she wasn’t sure how many, in the South Pacific. As they walked back to the plane she squeezed his hand and smiled. He wasn’t pleased his surprise was spoiled, but she knew where they were going and it made her happy. They had six more hours of flight.

  They landed in Nadi, Fiji at 10:30 AM Monday, December 20, after flying over eighteen hours. As their plane approached Nadi, Claire watched out the window, mesmerized by the turquoise water and sparkling white beaches. If Tony were upset about the TSA agent, witnessing Claire’s anticipation returned his own excitement.

  Once they landed, Eric loaded their luggage onto a small plane with a propeller and pontoons. He wished them an enjoyable honeymoon and promised he would be waiting when they returned. Apparently, their final destination could only be accessed by air.

  Tony and Claire then took a forty-five-minute flight to a private island. Their altitude was low, allowing them to enjoy the sights: dolphins swimming, gorgeous secluded white sand beaches, palm trees, and tropical rain forest vegetation. Outside the open windows of the plane was a true paradise, an oasis away from the rest of the world. Claire had never seen anything like it, and told Tony over and over how amazing it all looked. They landed on a crystal-clear aquamarine lagoon lined with a horseshoe of pristine white sand.

  Waiting on the beach was their personal staff: two chefs, maid, hostess, and boat captain. Claire had become accustomed to being waited upon, but these individuals lived to please Mr. and Mrs. Rawlings. The staff gathered their luggage, and they all walked a winding path to their bure, a Fijian word for straw hut. The humid tropical breeze blew Claire’s hair as her sandals sank into the white sand. Holding her husband’s hand, they approached their temporary dwelling.

  It was the most luxurious straw hut Claire had ever seen. Situated on a cliff above the water, they had stunning views of the ocean. First, they entered a gracious living room with a cathedral thatched ceiling, woven bamboo covered walls, and polished mahogany floors. Each room of their bure contained ceiling fans as well as the possibility of air conditioning. Claire couldn’t fathom why anyone would possibly want air conditioning. There were huge bi-folding doors which opened the entire frontage to private decks overlooking the water or tropical vegetation. Each deck contained lounge furniture for relaxation. The front deck even had a private infinity pool. As they stood in the living room and looked, the pool appeared to extend into the lagoon and be
yond into the ocean below. The staff took their luggage to the large master bedroom complete with a four-poster king-sized bed. Roaming from room to room, Claire found a luxuriously designed bathroom which opened to a private outdoor lava rock shower and generous soaking tub designed for two. Thankfully, surrounding the outdoor shower and tub were lush tropical plants. After the tour of their temporary home, their hostess, Naiade, asked if they were ready to dine. Claire was famished. Tony informed Naiade they would be pleased to dine on the deck.

  The only thing missing from their bure was technology, which was just fine with Claire. She was accustomed to the lack of connectivity; however, Tony was relieved once he learned he had access to the Internet with his laptop. He explained, he needed to stay in contact with Tim, Brent, and others from his businesses. He reminded Claire, “You, my dear, only need to stay in contact with me.” Pulling her close, he added with a grin, “I promise to help.”

  She pressed herself closer and kissed his neck. “I think I can handle it.”

  “Be careful, Mrs. Rawlings, we may miss our meal.”

  Claire smiled. “I believe we have plenty of time for that. Right now, I’m hungry!”

  Apparently, they could make suggestions to their chefs at any time. They decided for the next ten days seafood would be the entrée of choice. They both enjoyed trying native dishes. Naiade told them about some activity options, including: unlimited access to a boat with a private captain, where they could enjoy a ride to watch marine life, island hop, or snorkel. A living barrier reef was nearby. They could also kayak or hike into the jungle.

  From the dining deck they enjoyed an amazing view of the ocean, with a wonderful sea breeze. The chefs prepared yellow fin tuna, fresh fruit, organic vegetables, and freshly baked bread. It all smelled and tasted scrumptious.

  It was early afternoon locally when they finished their meal and Claire was exhausted. She’d just traveled over eighteen hours, lost an entire day crossing an imaginary line, and gotten married. It was enough to tire anyone. Tony recommended relaxing in the outdoor soaking tub which opened to the endless blue sky. Over the next ten days they would discover it was even more enticing under the stars and moon.

  Tony may have suggested the tub as a place to relax, but Claire anticipated he had other plans. The tepid tub water, gentle sea breeze, sound of the waves lapping the beach, and romantic atmosphere combined to help increase Claire’s energy level. Tony said he understood they’d been traveling a long time, but to him it wasn’t tiring, it was confining. He wanted to release some penned up energy. Appreciating the amorous setting, Claire knew she would’ve been disappointed with anything less.

  Tony didn’t disappoint. Soaking in the warm water with him behind her, she rested her head against his wide chest. He began by massaging her shoulders, relieving the tension of the trip. As his hands moved, Claire felt the energy she’d thought gone begin to build inside of her. His lips found the nape of her neck and ignited goose bumps upon her arms and legs. Between kisses he whispered, “Thank you for being my wife. I love you.”

  He held her and caressed her skin. She in turn stroked his arms. Looking down she saw her rings sparkling under the water. When his hands discovered her breasts, they throbbed in anticipation; her nipples became hard and needy. His touch moved to her stomach and below causing Claire’s energy to return with a vengeance. She couldn’t control herself anymore. When she turned to face him, the warm water lapped the sides of the tub. Their mouths heatedly nibbled at one another’s as their tongues intermingled. Every action was consensual.

  Claire wanted him as much as he wanted her. As the breeze rustled the orchids and surrounding vegetation, he filled her with more than energy. Like on the dance floor they moved together, their bodies became one—like their names. The exuberance of his sensuality carried Claire beyond revitalization to ecstasy.

  As his fingers instigated passion, his lips alternated between suckling and asking questions, did she like her honeymoon destination? She did, very much. Was she happy with the way their wedding turned out? She was. It was perfect. Was she happy to be Mrs. Anthony Rawlings? She was. How happy? How pleased? How grateful? Eventually they made their way to the king-sized bed. Even with the ceiling fan and sea breeze they both dripped with moisture.


  Before Tony joined his wife in midday slumber, he watched her sleep. She was exhausted, yet she had just gone with him to the other side of heaven. After all of the sex they’d experienced, it was difficult to believe it could get better, but it did. Lying on the bed she emitted warmth and the most amazing scent. He gently moved her hair from her moist shoulders and revealed her sensuous neck and beautiful face. Tenderly he kissed her lips, tasting her sweetness. Even in slumber he saw her smile.

  That night they dined on the deck by torchlight, overlooking a magnificent horizon, and watching the sun settle into the ocean. The chefs created an amazing dish from fresh seafood, organic fruits, and vegetables all from the islands. This dish included green pacific lobster and fresh snapper. They also chose wine from an extensive list.

  After dinner they strolled hand in hand along the beach, feeling the soft powdered sand beneath their feet. The humidity decreased with the setting of the sun as the breeze created the perfect temperature. Their only light came from the moon as its rays glistened off the water. Others had been on the same beach and stayed in the same bure, but it felt as though they were the first.


  The days merged together; waking to the sounds of tropical birds and sea breezes, going onto one of the decks, drinking coffee, and eating breakfast. Next, they would dress in bathing suits, walk the beach, and swim in the lagoon. Or perhaps lounge by the pool or in the pool. They would eat lunch and then resume their busy relaxation schedule. The mornings and evenings would have cool breezes, but the middays were steamy and tropical.

  They discussed their options for activities and decided together how to spend their days. They utilized the boat and captain on multiple occasions. He took them snorkeling and they learned that different times of day brought out different aquatic life. One evening, at sunset, they floated while all around them dolphins jumped and played. If the captain hadn’t warned them, Claire may have tried to touch one. They seemed so close and tame. The captain told them to be careful, appearances can be deceiving. That seemed like good advice.

  On a few occasions the captain took them to uninhabited islets only accessible by boat. The chefs would prepare a special lunch complete with fresh fruit and wine. And on the completely secluded beach, with a blanket and their picnic basket, Tony and Claire would find some way to spend the hours before the captain returned. Claire looked at all the clothes Catherine packed. She literally spent her days in bath robes, bathing suits, beach covers, and a sundress for dinner. There was no need to wear clothes or any occasion to do so. Actually, they spent a great deal of their time without any clothing. Situations wouldn’t usually start that way: a swim in the lagoon, sunbathing on the beach, or a night swim in the pool; but would often conclude that way.

  The sun brought back Claire’s bronze skin from summer. It started to subside with the beginning of autumn. Her accident accelerated the process, leaving her complexion pale. Tony told her she looked beautiful, the fair complexion made her eyes standout, the emerald green more intense. Seeing herself now, she believed the tanned skin with the blonde hair looked healthier. Her eyes still looked prominent. If she needed to be blonde, she liked herself better with a tan. Unlike her tan during the summer, this one lacked lines.

  Other than the staff, Tony and Claire didn’t see anyone during the entire ten-day stay. They were completely secluded and tucked away from the world. Christmas came and went. They wished each other a merry one, but there were no evergreens or snow. To Claire that was wonderful. She would take warmth and sunshine over cold and snow anytime. Besides, there were plenty of decorations at home for the wedding. Tony apologized for not having a gift for her on Christmas morning. She told him it
made her happy. He had given her too many gifts; besides, the honeymoon was her gift and she loved it. She repeatedly explained she didn’t care about monetary things. The more she protested the more Tony pointed out the advantages. He wanted her to realize she had it all and the ability to get anything else. The world was hers for the asking.

  The tropical climate was well known for its fruit, and the chefs made it available at all times. There were papayas, pineapples, bananas, avocados, pears, mangoes, and limes. They prepared them in salads, side dishes, entrees, and constantly available fresh. Together the newlyweds learned how incredibly sensual fruit could be.

  Tony teased Claire’s lips with the sweet aromatic juice of a freshly cut pineapple or papaya. Gently placing it on her tongue, closing her eyes, she would suckle the juice from his fingertips. Often as the fragrant fruit passed her lips, the juices dripped down her chin. Gallantly, Tony would attempt to remove the sugary nectar with his tongue. At times he’d accidentally drop the sticky fruit and it would fall on Claire’s breasts or stomach. He’d then eat it directly from her bare skin. The result was sultry and exhilarating. The outdoor shower was an excellent steamy setting to wash away the tacky, clammy sweet liquids; however, it always began a new adventure.

  On more than one occasion he tested her endurance. His encouragement was always gentle, affectionate, and sensual. At times his physical touch caused such erotic convulsions she felt she would never experience such a high again. And, then she would. Claire contemplated Emily’s question the night before her wedding. If he were this unquenchable at forty-five, she shuddered to think how he had been at twenty-five.


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