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Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

Page 205

by Aleatha Romig

  He said, “Let me do the talking until you think I don’t know the answer, then butt in. Let me see your tooth. Smile.”

  I smiled.

  “Good. Don’t lick it.”

  I looked over my shoulder, into the van window. Thor and Odin were both lounging in the van texting or tweeting or something on their mobiles. Or at least pretending to.

  One of the cops came to talk to the kids in the back of the truck next to us. Another pair of cops strolled up to us, both middle-aged men. One wore wire-rimmed glasses.

  “There an accident up there?” Zeus asked. I watched him, amazed. He’d hunched his body slightly and got this bewildered, frowny look that gave him and oafish, even victimy air. You would never in a million years imagine this Zeus robbing a bank.

  “Bottleneck,” the one with glasses said simply while his partner peered into the window. “Where’re you off to?”

  “Tractor pull,” Zeus said.

  “Who you rooting for?”

  “Big Bessie,” Zeus said. “If we even make it.”

  “You, too?” the officer asked me.

  “Bessie for the win.” I raised my soda, heart pounding. “What happened? We’re going to miss everything.” I frowned. “Do you think they know to hold the main event?”

  One of the officers shrugged, and I frowned harder. Engines were sounding ahead.

  “It’ll loosen. Drive safe,” the one said. The two of them proceeded to the car behind us.

  Zeus and I stood there together for a second. We’d done it, though I felt weird about the act. “I can see what you think about the kind of people who attend tractor pulls,” I said. “With that act you put on. You know, I go to tractor pulls. They’re fun. They’re not just for country bumpkins.”

  “Let’s go,” he said simply, straightening back up to his cool badass self. Maybe that’s what they thought of me—a country bumpkin.

  I walked around to the passenger side. Odin was there. “I think the girlfriend should sit up front,” I said to him through the window.

  Odin smiled a smile that positively glittered with dark designs. “The girlfriend sits where we tell her to sit. That happens to be one of our rules.”

  I got this quivery feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew that he was telling the truth, that they had some sort of rules, and the rules had nothing to do with bank robberies.

  “The rules don’t apply to Melinda,” Zeus said.

  The back door slid open and I got in next to Thor and shut the door. I wanted to hear more about these rules, and frankly, I wanted them to be really dirty.

  “Please,” I said. “Call me Isis.”

  Thor looked surprised at this, and both he and Odin swung their gazes to Zeus, as if to see what he’d do. Zeus just stared ahead grimly. His silence brought a hush down over the van. The man’s silence had power.

  Finally I spoke up. “You all have god names. You said I could be in the gang until the next job. I think I deserve a god name.”

  Thor seemed to pull himself together. “Thank you, Isis. You are awesome. That was awesome.”

  I pulled my dead tooth thing off. Odin handed back the box and I dropped it in. There were other dead tooth disguises in there, plus tattoos, fake scars, and moles. “I can’t believe you go around with a kit like this. Did you send away for it from the back of a comic book?”

  Odin snapped the box lid shut. “Worked, didn’t it?”

  “We’re not out of the woods yet,” Zeus said. “But—” He caught my eyes in the mirror and nodded. “Thank you.”

  The cars in front of us started to move. Soon we cleared the bridge and were clipping along at a highway speed, leaving the police and copters behind.

  Zeus and Odin discussed how the cops had handled the search, all cool about the whole episode. Maybe it was a bandit thing. I put my hand over my chest. “Wow. Phew!” I felt like my insides were vibrating.

  “I know,” Thor said. We exchanged glances, and his blue eyes seemed quite bright. He was still in the white T-shirt and slacks, and when you really looked, he, too, seemed very keyed up. Aroused, even. It was exactly how I felt, like all my sex and danger circuits had crossed.

  “What now?” I said, holding his gaze.

  From the front, Zeus said, “We lay down miles, change license plates and van decal, and then stop for the night.”

  Stop for the night. For some reason my mind went right to Zeus, to that moment in the bank when I touched his glove, handing off the bag, the frisson of shivers.

  “And hit another First City? As a gang?”

  “You’re staying with us through the next job, we didn’t say you could take part in the next job,” Zeus said.

  I sat back, disappointed. It seemed like there should be more, somehow. I wanted there to be more.

  There’s this abandoned ski jump ten minutes from our farm, a creaky wooden thing built in the 1960s. It’s so tall, you can see its dark bones cragging up into the horizon for miles around, beckoning you, daring you with its insane height and rickety thrills.

  When you drive over there and sneak up to it, you find a chain link fence around it and No Trespassing signs all over, but it’s easy enough to break in, easy enough to climb up it with your skis strapped to your back; you just have to take care to avoid the rotten rungs. Adrenaline and excitement build with every step, and then you’re standing on top and there’s nothing like it. You can see for miles round, and then you look down at the impossible downward angle, which tips up at the very end, designed to send you up into the air. Standing up there before you push off is like the edge of ecstasy, like the still point at the tip-top of a rollercoaster, and you know that you’ll go.

  Or more, you know that it will take you. That there will be a point of no return.

  It’s the most indescribable rush.

  That’s how I felt with the bank robbers—like I was standing on the edge of something wonderful. I didn’t want to take off my skis and strap them to my back and climb back down.

  “I have a question.” I swallowed. “Why don’t the mysterious rules apply to me? You said I was in. Shouldn’t the rules apply to me as well as you guys?”

  More silence.

  Thor said, “Look, they’re stupid rules we had once when our gang was different.”

  “It’s important to me to play by the rules,” I said, mouth going dry.

  “You don’t understand,” Thor said.

  Odin made a derisive sound and turned around in his seat so that he faced back, staring right into my eyes. I couldn’t begin to guess his background—Middle Eastern, North African. But lord, he was hot. He could slap on all the scars and moles and dead teeth from that box and still be hot.

  “What?” I said, fighting the hypnotic effect of his gaze.

  “Forget the rules,” Zeus said from the driver’s seat. “That’s what. She’s not playing.”

  Odin said, “She took a god name. She wants in. She already guessed what the rules are, or at least their nature.” He paused, letting that sink in. It was unnerving that he was talking about me while looking at me. Telling my secrets.

  But I liked it—the out of control-ness of it. Like I was giving over to something, the way I do on the ski jump.

  Odin said, “I’d say she has a pretty good fucking-g idea what the rules are.”

  “Is that so?” I tried not to smile.

  “Very much so,” Odin said. “And you wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  I swallowed. It was as if he were engaging my body in an erotic conversation. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I crossed my legs, suddenly aware of the tickly energy there.

  Odin raised his dark brows, as though my crossing my legs provided further proof of his rightness. I loved the way he talked, the way he knew things, and I wanted him to say more.

  Coyly, I said, “Well, I’d certainly like to know what the rules are, and to evaluate them for myself.” Even then I was beginning our strange dance, like somewhere deep inside I knew the ste

  Zeus eyed me in the rearview mirror with his usual stern, bullish power. I felt Thor’s eyes on me, too—I could practically feel him vibrating beside me.

  I became keenly aware of my nipples at this moment, crazily hard and punching out under my flimsy top. I wanted to touch them. I wanted them to touch them.

  “Well?” A twinge deep in my belly. I felt like I might start panting at any second. “It seems customary,” I said in my bank teller voice, “that those who create rules would inform others of them instead of asking them to guess.”

  “Yes that would be customary,” Odin said darkly. “Fine then. The game is that we’re dissolute, depraved, sex-crazed bandits and the rules are, firstly, that you have sex with all of us at different times and in different combinations.” Odin paused.

  My pulse fluttered. “That’s firstly?”

  “Yes, Isis,” Odin said.

  I imagined being pressed between them. I imagined their hands and mouths on me. Oh, he was a little evil to pause like that. This too, I richly enjoyed. “And what might be secondly?” I asked.

  “That we tie you up, etcetera,” he said casually, almost bored, like it was a totally normal thing. “And we give you various commands that you must obey, within reason of course, and utterly pleasure-focused. Or you’ll be punished in various ways. And if you were to refuse your punishment…” He paused here, seeming to consider the punishment. “I’m sorry, but if you were to agree to our rules, and then you refused one of your punishments or you refused any activity that we named”—he exchanged glances with Thor, who looked as rapt as I felt—“you would lose your right to a god name,” he said. “You would lose your right to the name of Isis. Forever.” He said it like it was the most horrible thing in the world. “You would remain Melinda for the duration of our association. A simple guest until we pull the First City job and dump you. As opposed to Isis. You would no longer be one of us.”

  I could barely breathe. It was weird, but the way they made such a big deal out of my god name, that made it a big deal. I didn’t want to be Melinda anymore. I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to be Isis!

  “I’m sorry, but that’s how it would have to be,” Odin said, looking grimly at Thor.

  Thor put a heavy, warm hand on my thigh, and I sucked in a breath. “Do you understand why we have to make the ultimate punishment so harsh?”

  It was weird and surreal and I sort of didn’t get it. “Are you making this up as you go along?”

  “That’s not the sort of question we like to hear,” Thor said.

  I tried not to grin, but it was all so crazy and hot. I could see no reason not to go along with the whole thing, aside from the fact that, somewhere back In Baylortown, Wisconsin, my sisters were probably worried out of their minds about me, crying, and I could get the guys to let me out and be reunited with them by nightfall.

  Except I wanted this more. Did I have no heart?

  “Fuck,” Zeus said, shifting lanes. I couldn’t tell whether his commentary regarded the road or our conversation.

  Gravely, Thor said, “We don’t want to take away your name, Isis, but if we have to, we will. And you’ll be Melinda again.”

  Thor scooted closer. “What do you think about the rules, Isis? Will you abide by them?”

  I looked up at Zeus’s eyes in the rearview mirror. They were fixed on the road. What did he think about this?

  “Did Thor just ask you a question?” Odin said.

  My mouth was quite dry. Would I abide? I knew nothing beyond very regular sex, and a bit of cartoon porn. They would laugh about the cartoon porn. I resolved never to tell them about the cartoon porn. I wanted Isis to be worldly.

  “What’s the etcetera? You said tie you up, etcetera.” The pulse in my ears amplified, the way it used to when I’d start down the ski slope. I was starting down a ski slope into a wildly hunky unknown.

  “The etcetera is mutually decided as we go along,” Odin said.

  Thor looked at me new, like he’d just realized something. “You’re into it.”

  I wasn’t clear on what the it was, and I didn’t care. “Yes,” I breathed.

  “Wow, Sherlock,” Odin said. “Your brilliance is blinding. Did you just figure that out?”

  “We’re into it,” Thor said. “Come here.” He pulled me onto his lap, and I happily settled in. I felt my sex throbbing, wanted his hands there. Would we have sex now? It would be so outrageous.

  “Say yes,” Thor said, drawing his fingers over my sensitive nipples, which were somehow more sensitive through the fabric.

  “Yes,” I said, trembling practically out of my skin. “I’m in.”

  Something passed between Zeus and Odin—Zeus had given assent of some kind, with just his eyes. Or did I only imagine it?

  “I am going to have to ask you to do something for me,” Thor whispered in my ear. “For us. It just must be done.”

  We had exited the freeway now and were racing down a two-lane highway, heading south along the tracks. I melted backwards into Thor’s lap, excited, and quite frankly, scared. I dropped my hands to touch the sides of his thighs, relished the solidity of his muscles, remembering how he’d leapt over the teller counter. What would he ask? I hoped it wasn’t to suck all their cocks in succession. Even Isis wouldn’t be into that, just on its own, at least without a saucy role-play context developed for it.

  Odin was facing forward. Had he adjusted the mirror?

  Thor ran his hands down my waist to my bare legs and then reversed direction, sliding upward, dragging his fingers heavily along my thighs, taking my skirt with it.


  My skin felt impossibly sensitive under his touch. I breathed heavily as his steely cock pressed against my ass, my core rich and warm and yearning. It had been so long since I’d had sex. I imagined discarding my panties, turning, pressing down on him, right there in the back seat, being watched. I had never done such a thing in my life. At least not watched.

  Isis was so into it.

  Up, up he went. Oh, god, he was going to touch me!

  “Please,” I breathed. “Please do.” And hurry, I thought.

  “You have to learn patience, Isis,” he whispered, continuing up my thighs, hands heavy and rough in their excruciatingly slow march to rob me of my skirt. Eventually he had it bunched up around my waist like a belt with too much fabric. It was slightly demeaning, in a way that I quite liked. He hooked his thumbs under the elastic on my panties and snapped. “Off.”

  “Right here?” I said.


  I swallowed hard, liking that he’d simply ordered me that way. Probably best Melinda didn’t think too hard about it. I shimmied my panties off, down to my ankles where they got caught on my high-heeled shoes.

  “Assistance,” Thor said, wrapping his arms around my chest and pulling me back to him.

  Odin twisted around in his seat and reached back, taking one of my ankles, starting to dislodge my panties from my shoe while staring into my eyes. Thor played with my nipples, tugging them slightly outward.

  Being touched by two men at once was beyond anything I’d ever imagined. And then watched, presumably, by a third? It was a lust circuit overload. My whole body trembled with excitement, every nerve ending madly exposed, overly sensitive.

  Odin dislodged my panties—I couldn’t see how because I couldn’t seem to look away from his gaze, but there were yanks and possibly a rip involved. Odin didn’t care about panties, and I didn’t much care at this point, either. Then he simply turned back to watch the road. Unless he could see me in the mirror.

  “Go ahead. You know what you want to do.”

  “I want to do a lot of things,” I whispered huskily.

  “A hint, then.” He took his hands from my breasts and grabbed my thighs from the insides, pulling my legs up and over his, so that they were positioned over the outsides of his legs. Then he spread his legs, which spread my legs even more. I felt completely wanton, completely exposed to the f
ront seat. He kissed my ear and returned his hands to my breasts. “Show us how you do it.”

  I felt powerfully embarrassed to touch myself in front of these three guys, yet thrilled.

  I took a breath and brought my hands down to my pussy tentatively, like it was somebody else’s, and stroked a finger through. Thor exhaled sharply on my ear, a gust of heat that tickled deliciously. “That’s the idea,” Thor said. “Again.”

  He put his hands into my shirt and took hold of my breasts, rubbing his thumbs over my sensitized nipples. I groaned and stroked again through my silky folds and we both heaved hot breaths—there was a way in which it felt more intimate than having sex—me so exposed, so visible, my legs held apart by his legs.

  And I was, of course, extremely wet. They would see that, too. I closed my eyes, concentrated on the feeling—Thor’s hands on my breasts, my own on the folds of my sex, my every move revealed to my new bandit gang. I got into a little rhythm, stroking myself as Thor played lightly with my nipples; sometimes he rolled them between his fingers like little beads, other times he tugged at them. Every new thing he did sent pleasure clear through me.

  I shut my eyes, blissing out, as a random scene from my cartoon porn travels came to me—an elfin cartoon girl tied up in the forest being ravished by roguish Robin Hood types, one fondling her breast, the other licking her sex, and other watching. It was almost like that was really happening. And I would have an orgasm in front of them. While they watched!

  But as soon as I thought that, some of the heat went out of me. What if I didn’t come? Would they get bored of me? My orgasm is a very shy thing, easy to spook. Now it was spooked. I opened my eyes. “I might be getting stage fright,” I whispered.

  Odin turned with a dark gleam in his eyes. “Apparently I will have to do everything for this one.” He took off his glasses and he bent his fingers backwards, one after another, as though to limber them up.

  I widened my eyes. What was he going to do? Why take off his glasses and limber up his fingers?


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