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SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6)

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by Laura Acton


  A Path Home

  Beauty of Life

  Book Six

  Laura Acton

  Copyright © 2017 by Laura Acton

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise except for use of brief quotations in a book review.

  ISBN: 9781973518563 (paperback)

  Serenity: A Path Home is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  By Laura Acton

  Beauty of Life series (in order):

  Forsaken: On the Edge of Oblivion

  Solace: Behind the Shield

  Belonging: Hope, Truth, and Malice

  Outlier: Blood, Brotherhood, and Beauty

  Purgatory: Bonds Forged in Hellfire

  Serenity: A Path Home

  Guardians: Mission to Rescue Innocence


  Kate, a sincere and huge thank you to for our many enjoyable late-night discussion, working paragraphs until they are just right. Your knowledge, insights, and suggested edits are greatly valued.

  Martha, what would I do without you? Thank you for finding things I became snow-blind to. Your help, questions, input, eye for detail, and humor are much appreciated.

  Lisa, Julianne, and Venetia, thanks for your continued support!


  1) I’m Back

  2) Naughty or Nice

  3) Zulu One in Position

  4) Frozen Sniper in A Pear Tree

  5) An Undercover Assignment

  6) Whatever Your Heart Desires

  7) Two Lovey Dovies

  8) Chocolate, Kisses, and Butterflies

  9) It Wasn’t Me!

  10) Ruffled Feathers

  11) Persona Non Grata

  12) Mother Hens

  13) Lights, Sparrow, and Jesus

  14) Blackbirds vs. Hawks

  15) Four Falling Birds

  16) Cousins and Junior Olympians

  17) Dan’s Good and Loki’s Golden

  18) Massage and Bubble Bath

  19) Scent of Jasmine and Suspicions

  20) Eyes Shining with Innocent Wonder

  21) A Christmas to Remember

  22) All I Want is My Dad

  23) Pick the Bird Up!

  24) Who’s Buying Rounds and My Dads

  25) Acceptable Nap Location?

  26) Revenge Served Ice Cold

  27) The Ugly Seventh Swan

  28) Splash! Splash!

  29) Ornament Exchange and Waltzing

  30) Stealth Gift and Making Cookies

  31) Milk Bath

  32) Kettle and Pot in the Line of Fire

  33) Boss’ Error and Kellie’s Care

  34) Anything for Allie

  35) Sinner and Sugar Plum Fairy

  36) Explosive Crowns

  37) Deadman Switch and Flirtatious Ballerinas

  38) Love of a Child and Sweet Dreams

  39) Invitations and Friendships

  40) Prankster is Born and Light Duty

  41) Where Fear Takes Total Control

  42) Defenses and Dinner with Gambrill

  43) Dilemmas and Unexpected Visitors

  44) Dog Tags, Smiles, and Duty

  45) Caterwauling, Exclusive, and Cookies

  46) Room 420

  47) Weird Crap Only Happens to You

  48) Honoring a Vow and Old Grudges

  49) More Going on Than Meets the Eye

  50) Connections and Solutions

  51) Brothers Beyond Blood

  52) Justice Prevails

  53) Making a Real Difference

  54) We Got Your Back

  55) Grinch Brigade

  56) Source of His Nightmare

  57) Trusting and Marley’s Unit

  58) What a Catch, Storytime, and Rare Smile

  59) Best Christmas Eve

  60) Operation Merry Surprise

  61) Risqué Call, Fantastic, and Snowball War

  62) Hearts of Gold and Belsnickel

  63) Dear Danny

  64) Breakdown and Loving Support

  65) His Brother’s Voice

  66) Remembering Sara and We Won’t Be Late

  67) Christmas Spirit Shines Brightly in You

  Sneak Peek: Guardians Mission to Rescue Innocence

  Bonus Content: Fun with Names

  Bonus Content: Broderick Clan

  Bonus Content: TRF Alpha Team

  About the Author


  A Path Home

  I’m Back


  December 11

  Lexa’s Home – Front Porch – 6:10 p.m.

  Soaking wet, icy rainwater dripping down his face, Dan Broderick’s WOW smile began to falter. Lexa gaped at him, her eyes wide with shock, fear, and concern. The fear troubled him. Maybe one of the team, like Loki is here. That would be bad. How will I explain why I showed up?

  “Um, okay. Not such a smart idea.” Dan turned to leave and noticed the taxi had already gone even though he asked the driver to wait in case Lexa wasn’t home. Crap!

  Lexa McKenna shook herself out of her mental stupor. “Wait!”

  Dan took a breath before swiveling his head. “Sorry, I should’ve called. If you don’t mind, I’ll just wait here and call another cab.”

  Stepping out on her covered porch, right into a puddle of cold water, Lexa groaned. She shivered as the wind shifted long enough to wet her sweater with a blast of freezing rain. She moved out of the water, her soggy socks leaving footprints on the concrete. A chill seeped in quickly from the soles of her feet. Lexa touched Dan’s arm. “It’s freezing. You can’t stay out here. Come inside before you catch your death. With your lungs …” she trailed off as Dan’s sapphire blue eyes flashed and hardened like an iceberg.

  Crap, I shouldn’t have mentioned his lungs. Touchy subject. But I’m right! It is too cold out here for him, especially when he is stupid enough not to be wearing a jacket and allowed himself to get soaked.

  Dan bristled at Lexa’s remark. I’m no different than before I got shot. Sure it’s cold, but nothing like the cold where I grew up. The Yukon makes this weather seem like a balmy day at the beach.

  “No, I’ll—” He stopped abruptly when two women appeared in Lexa’s doorway, clutching throw blankets around themselves and carrying glasses of wine.

  Hailey and Amy reached the door, wondering why Lexa remained outside in the storm. Both stared at the blond man standing at her entrance, instantly recognizing him from all the news reports.

  Amy said, “Lexa, what are you doing outside?”

  At the same time, Hailey said, “Lexa, he’s soaking wet and going to freeze to death. Why don’t you bring him inside where it is warm?”

  Her hazel eyes went soft with concern but retained a flash of irritation. Lexa pulled on Dan’s arm. “Come in, Dan.”

  No way of getting out of this. More questions would be asked if I refuse. Dan turned and reluctantly followed Lexa into her home.

  Lexa’s Home – Entryway – 6:12 p.m.

  “So what brings you out in such horrible weather?” Hailey asked as she nudged Amy. Both detected Lexa’s discomfiture, but didn’t quite understand if it was because she still didn’t like the guy or was perturbed he interrupted girl’s night out … err, in this weather, turned night in.

  Dan stood in the entryway, glad for a til
e floor instead of wood or carpet as he dripped. He scrambled for a plausible reason and came up with a lame one. “I just flew in and wanted to deliver some cookies my mom made for Lexa.” Dan dropped his duffle bag then shrugged off his backpack. He unzipped the bag and pulled out a baggie of double-double chocolate chunk cookies.

  Amy chuckled. “Did you fly with or without a plane? You’re shivering.”

  As he held out the cookies to Lexa, he noted his hand did shake a bit. He would blame the cold, but actually being near Lexa had his adrenaline pumping. The ever-present desire to pull her to him, ravage her mouth, and make love to her caused his body to shiver.

  Lexa took the baggie. “Thanks. Why would your mom make me cookies?”

  As the three women stared at him, Dan realized he sucked at this. “Um, well they are sorta my Christmas present to the team. Remember the conversation about desserts after you made me the shake?”


  “Well, I didn’t …” Dan wiped the dripping rain from his face. “Didn’t really know if the team exchanged gifts, so I thought cookies might be a good compromise. I spent a few days with my mom, and she was willing to help me. Otherwise, they would’ve been store bought and not as tasty.”

  Hailey chuckled. “How could you not know if they gave each other gifts? You were here last year. I remember Lexa—” An elbow in her ribs shut Hailey up. She blushed when she realized she was about to say, Lexa complained about you standing around waiting to be told what to do.

  Dan caught Lexa’s move and wondered what the woman was about to say.

  Lexa took control of the situation. “Dan, these are my friends Hailey,” she waved to the blonde, “and Amy,” Lexa motioned toward the brunette. “We were about to have dinner. Would you like to join us?”

  The aroma of something Italian wafted to Dan. He felt hungry but shook his head. “Nah, I’ll call a cab and go. Sorry to intrude. Didn’t realize the taxi would drive off without me. I asked him to wait.”

  “Oh, Lexa, you can’t let him leave.” Amy moved in closer. “Come on, Dan, please stay.”

  Dan wiped his dripping hair again. “I’m soaked. I should go.”

  Hailey eyed the travel bag. “I bet you have a change of clothes in there, something drier at least. We’ve met all Lexa’s teammates except you. Stay for dinner. You can tell us all the things Lexa leaves out of her stories.”

  Lexa reached down for Dan’s go bag. He was too wet, and he would catch a cold if he didn’t put on something warm and dry. Getting sick with his lungs would be a bad thing whether he realized it or not. She smiled and said, “The downstairs bathroom is torn apart. The plumbing is shot and it’s one of the rooms I need to redo. Follow me upstairs. You can take a warm shower and change before we eat.”

  As Lexa started to move, Dan stared after her. Huh? The one hundred eighty degrees shift confused him.

  Stopping on the fourth stair, Lexa said, “Move it, Broderick. Don’t want you calling out sick tomorrow. Your temporary is gone, and we can’t be down a man.” Her eyes shifted to her girlfriends. “I’m going to change into dry clothes and grab some fresh towels for Dan. Would you take the lasagna out of the oven and put in the garlic bread?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Amy said and started for the kitchen.

  Hailey winked at Dan. “Well, go on. I promise not to follow you and peek into the shower. Though I will say, I’d love to see your full Monty.”

  Dan blushed and swiftly headed for the stairs. His rounded surprised eyes met Lexa’s and saw the merriment in hers.

  Lexa laughed. “Don’t worry, Dan. Hailey likes to be shocking.”

  “Shocking or not, it is still true.” Hailey sauntered away to help Amy with dinner. Yeah, I sure would like to take a gander at what lies beneath his clothes. Damn glad Lexa can’t date him. Amy is right. He is a hottie.

  Lexa’s Home – Upstairs Guest Bathroom – 6:20 p.m.

  Dan stripped off his shoes and shirts. He unbuckled his belt but waited for Lexa to return with the towels before removing his jeans. He studied his reflection. What did I get myself into? I should’ve called. Lexa is pissed. Her laugh was unusual. No, it was rather scary.

  Lexa opened the door to the bathroom, intending just to place towels on the counter. Her gaze caught Dan’s in the mirror. Heat flashed between them. It had been three weeks since the last time they were together. She raked his chest with hungry eyes and noticed he was leaner. The interview must’ve been terrible if he lost weight.

  She slipped into the room with two thoughts. First, she needed to wipe away the worried look on Dan’s face. Second, she would make sure he took care of himself. A difficult task since he typically maintained a superman invincibility belief in his abilities. That is until he crashed, like with the bronchitis last year.

  Dan shivered when Lexa entered and closed the door behind her. He heard the snick of the lock too. When she lifted her shirt, displaying her lacy bra, Dan moved forward. That was all the invitation he needed.

  Their lips met in a hungry dance, as Lexa whispered, “Fast and quiet,” as her hands went to his buttons. God, I love it when he goes commando.

  Her sweats and panties came off in one swoop of Dan’s hands, and she found herself lifted up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips positioning herself for him. Dan sucked in a stunned breath as his fingers found Lexa slick and ready for him. Lexa moved his hand before she shifted and claimed his hard length—causing both to moan at their joining.

  Their hips began to move in synchronous motions. Slow at first, then rapidly speeding up. Lips crushed together and their tongues plunged in and out at the same rate. Both wanting, needing, what the other could give them. They swallowed soft moans as they crested over the peak together. Shudders wracked their bodies. Dan held Lexa securely in his arms as Lexa’s legs tightened on his torso and her arms clung to his neck.

  Lexa’s eyes captured Dan’s. She said in a teasing tone, “Hailey isn’t ever gonna see your full Monty,” but she meant it too.

  Dan chuckled and leaned in for a softer kiss as one hand held her bottom, and the other ran through her silky, wavy, dark auburn hair. He pulled back and smiled. “I’m back.”

  Sighing as Dan lowered her to her feet, missing the intimate connection as her body separated from his, Lexa said, “Yes. Yes, you are.” She picked up her garments. “Now take your shower and come down for dinner.”

  “You sure I should stay?” Dan asked as he turned on the water.

  “Yeah, but not the night. Have you been home yet?”

  “No. Do you mind if I eat and run? Hailey scares me.” He winked.

  Lexa chuckled. “No, that would be best. Keep you out of Hailey’s clutches.”

  Dan gave Lexa a WOW smile and stepped into the shower. “Give me five minutes. I’m starving.” His stomach confirmed his statement by growling.

  “Yeah, sounds angry. Feeding it lasagna will quiet it down.”

  Dan chuckled as Lexa slipped out of the bathroom.

  Dan’s Apartment – 10:00 p.m.

  He backed away from his desk, picked up his beer, and sat in his black swivel chair. His stereo was tuned to a station which played Christmas songs non-stop from December first until the twenty-sixth. Dan stared at the little live pine tree he purchased at the store across the street.

  A smile played on his face as his gaze landed on the three popsicle stick ornaments adorning his very first Christmas tree as an adult. When he and Brody were MPs the base had a tree, and when they were in Special Forces, he was always in the field at Christmas. Emilie’s snowflake and Leslie’s tree hung from the branches. Allie’s star he perched on the top of the tree. Better than any store-bought ornaments.

  Dan pulled out his phone and snapped a picture to show Bram tomorrow. Excitement for Christmas filled him for the first time since he was eight years old. Though if he had to pick his favorite one, it would be when he was six and learned the truth about Santa Claus and giving.

  It was
his memories of his sixth Christmas he used to plan this one. Dan would be the one doing the surprising this year. He swiveled back and forth as he contemplated the expression which would be on his parent’s faces come Christmas morning.

  His mind shifted to the team. He was eager to return to work and put the whole court-martial stuff behind him. Hopefully, Bonomi and Kenric would leave him alone over the holidays. If they wanted any more details before the first of the year, they would need to wait.

  Dan glanced at the table and all the baggies of cookies he brought back. With his Ducati still at CFB Borden, he would ride his bicycle to work if the weather permitted. So he must decide who’s to take first because he couldn’t fit them all in his go bag with his uniforms and gear without crushing them. His eyes landed on the snickerdoodles and made his decision.

  Bram’s would be first. His eyes shifted back to his tree and the six presents lying next to it on the desk. This time the gifts for Leslie, Emilie, Allie, and Sharlie would actually be from him. When he went shopping with his mom in Ottawa, he found gifts for them and Kent and Joey too.

  Mom had a blast shopping for the little girls. She hinted at him that she would like to have grandbabies. She even said that her sister Ann was beating her in the grandbaby department. Lily was pregnant with twins. He sidestepped the discussion by deflecting.

  Dan had no idea if what he had with Lexa would grow into what he wanted. He was a patient man, must be to become an expert sniper, so he would give her time to decide. Dan finished his beer and headed for bed. Lexa’s passionate welcome home would sustain him and fill his dreams tonight.

  Naughty or Nice


  December 12

  TRF HQ – Locker Room – 4:55 a.m.

  Dan closed the locker and glanced around at the empty room. Almost five, where are all the guys? Strange none of them are here yet, not even Jon. Shades of July fifteenth flittered in his head. The day he, Lexa, Loki, and Ray all arrived late. It had certainly been a harbinger of a unique day which changed so many things in his life.


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