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SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6)

Page 27

by Laura Acton

  “Nice to meet you, Sergio,” Dan said shaking the man’s hand. “So, has Loki always been into doing pranks?”

  Sergio’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “Loki?”

  Pushing his errant lock of black hair from his forehead, Loki explained. “A nickname Lexa gave me. Sorta stuck.”

  Sergio chuckled. “Appropriate for you, Dante.” Then he turned to Dan, starting to answer using Dante’s nickname, “Well, when I met Loki, he—”

  Loki pulled Dan away, cutting off Sergio. “Let’s move into position.”

  Chuckling, Dan let Loki tug him away from the bartender. He wondered if Loki’s pranking began as a response to being pranked himself in high school. He didn’t know much about Loki’s history, only that Loki held no love of his ex-stepfather who suddenly divorced his mother for a younger woman. Dan never pried because he didn’t like to share much of his past, especially now as he continued working out fact from fiction.

  Aware Loki didn’t want him hearing the story Sergio started to tell Dan teased, “You do realize, now I’m going to have to talk to Sergio later and find out the details.”

  “Not if you don’t want to end up on my bad side,” Loki retorted.

  Grinning, Dan said, “Nope won’t chance that. You’ve got a wicked mind for pranks. No one will want to do that after Bravo Team goes down.” Dan got into position with Loki. As they waited for Echo Team to finish their photo shoot, Dan thought about today.

  Shift had turned into a slow, uneventful day. The man-of-interest deciding to surrender himself for a plea deal cancelled an expected warrant call. The rest of the morning they spent patrolling. He and Loki both found perfect ornaments for the people they had drawn. Dan continued to be surprised that not one joke or tease regarding his impromptu four-hour nap this morning had been uttered. The team had been released from shift at thee this afternoon, giving them time to prepare for tonight’s festivities.

  Loki gave him a ride to his apartment and hung around for him to change. Then they went to Loki’s home. Dan had a pleasant conversation with Mrs. Baldovino in Italian. Although rusty, he enjoyed brushing up on it. As Loki showered and dressed, she treated him to hot cocoa filled to the brim with tiny marshmallows.

  Donata Baldovino raved about the Florentine cookies he and his mom had made and given to Loki. She told him the chocolate-based cookies, topped with hazelnuts, almonds, and candied cherries mixed with sugar melted together with butter and honey were some of the best she ever tasted. Although Loki professed Florentine his favorite, Donata’s smile grew as she confessed, her son liked all cookies equally, and she used to call him ‘mostro di biscotti’ which translated from Italian to ‘cookie monster.’ A fitting name for Loki.

  Loki’s mother was a dear lady. He understood Loki’s desire to care for her after the divorce. Despite concerns her bambino could be injured in the line of duty, she remained extremely proud of Loki and the work he did. Dan tried to reassure her the entire team watched out for him. Donata’s soft smile acknowledged their care and her relief Loki had such wonderful teammates.

  Dan’s current train of thought crashed when he caught sight of Lexa. God, she is stunning. Lexa gracefully entered wearing a black, form-fitting dress which stopped just above her knees. The one-inch straps revealed her creamy and well-toned shoulders and arms. A plunging v-shaped neckline gave a modest peek at the swells of her perfect breasts. She wore black high heels and carried a small silver purse. Her deep, rich, auburn hair, down and in soft waves beckoned to Dan’s fingers.

  Lexa usually didn’t wear make-up, beautiful without any, but tonight she applied some, enhancing her features and illuminating her striking hazel eyes. The light caught the golden flecks in her eyes revealing the inner passion Dan knew burned hotly. The only jewelry Lexa wore was a pair of dangling silver earrings. Embellishing her unadorned neck with the butterfly pendant and pulling her into his arms to kiss her dominated Dan’s thoughts.

  Loki’s gaze landed on Tia and briefly noted she wore a knee length red dress with a square neckline. The skirt flared out at her waist and softly swished as she sashayed. He didn’t see her golden hoop earrings, ruby pendant, or black pumps because Tia’s eyes and bright red lips captured Loki’s full attention. Molten honey and cherries popped into his head as he gaped. Holy smokes, she’s gorgeous! I wish I played in her league.

  As Tia and she approached Dan and Loki, Lexa noted Loki’s besotted expression as he gawped at Tia. “You two all set?”

  Dan pulled himself together before Loki did. “Yeah.”

  “I can’t wait.” Tia chuckled as Echo Team finished their photo.

  Tearing his eyes off Tia, Loki said, “Game time.”

  Dan nodded, and he and Loki pulled out their dart guns. Lexa and Tia turned and went back to where everyone else stood waiting and watching Bravo Team prepare themselves for the picture.

  “Do we really have to sit on those things?” Curtis grumbled.

  Trevor replied, “Hey, we did it. No chickening out.”

  As Curtis climbed onto one of the six-foot swans at the edge of the pool, he asked, “Whose stupid idea was this?”

  “No clue, but I’m gonna make sure these photos never see the light of day,” Bravo profiler Meng Qiang stated as he almost toppled off the swan and into the crystal-clear water.

  Rookie Devon Hodges stood watching as Meng nearly fell in and declared, “I’m not getting on that thing!”

  Echo’s newest member, Noel goaded his fellow rookie, “What, ‘fraid it’ll peck you like the geese did Bram? We did it. Quit being a baby.”

  Todd grudgingly made his way onto an inflatable swan. The entry specialist dipped his fingers in the water and exclaimed, “That’s freezing. These things better not tip over.” He carefully mounted the puffed-up plastic swan.

  Sergeant Bradley and his tactical lead Doug laughed as they also managed to seat themselves on the damned swans without falling.

  Susan Starveling, Doug’s wife, said, “Oh, this picture will be so sweet and fitting. All seven of you on swans. The Swan Lake Hotel is so festive, and I just love the idea.” She stifled the snicker which bubbled up.

  Doug worried hearing his wife’s snicker. He recalled Dan saying revenge is best served cold and they would all pay for pranking him. This couldn’t be the prank, could it? No, Echo Team just had their photo taken on these. But if not this, when and what? I should’ve remembered Alpha Team is tight. Like seven musketeers, go after one and six others are there in a moment to defend him.

  Cathy Bradley chimed in, “Camden, this is certainly a unique photo. Might need to send this one out with our family Christmas letters.” Her smiled bright and cheery in the face of her husband’s playful scowl.

  Giving his wife the evil eye, Camden steadied himself as his swan bobbed in the water, rocked when one of his guys tried to get situated. Once stable, he said, “Grounds for divorce, my dear.”

  Cathy giggled. After tonight, Camden would learn to rein in his men. Goodness, she loved all these TRF men and women. They knew how to have fun. Humor was an essential part of them staying sane with all the horrible things they dealt with on the job.

  Jon gave Jennifer a look, and Jennifer only smiled coyly then turned her attention back to Bravo Team who were almost all on the inflatable swans.

  The last team member, Victor managed to kneel on the enormous floating pool toy. He gripped the long neck of the swan and laughed. “We’ve taken some strange pictures before, but nothing like this. Ride em Swanny.”

  Everyone chuckled. Most the guys had similar thoughts. This team picture will be immortalized in print and burned just as soon as they laid hands on them.

  Jon hugged his wife as he grinned. Jennifer did an exceptional job in getting Bravo Team’s wives involved. She participated on the committee responsible for arranging this celebration. Her choice of location couldn’t have been better for this prank. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’re one outstanding woman, Jen. If you want, we can slip o
ut early and back up to our room for a private party.”

  Turning to her husband, Jen smiled. “Perhaps.” She looked forward to tonight. Her parents took the boys, and Jon surprised her by renting one of the rooms the hotel offered to them at substantially discounted rates. They could have a leisurely morning tomorrow since the team wasn’t due in until three to cover Charlie Team’s shift.

  Jon’ eyes shifted to Dan. Letting him nap this morning had been the right decision. Dan needed that sleep and the team only knocked about headquarters anyway. Part of him wanted to tell Dan to take the day off, but that didn’t seem to be the best thing for him. Being at work and around others kept Dan’s mind from dwelling on yesterday’s call.

  Once Bravo Team was settled onto the inflatable swans the photographer used a long pole to push them out into the middle of the pool. He then started taking photos. After a few shots, he stopped. “I’m sorry, excuse me a moment, I need to change film.”

  Curtis peered at Victor and gripped, “Old school. If it were digital, we’d be done already.”

  Victor shrugged. “Some photographers still prefer film. Not everyone is like you in preferring the latest technology.”

  Dan and Loki took aim and quickly shot twenty-one darts into seven swans. They high-fived as the inflated toys started hissing and deflating.

  Curtis, the first to notice his swan was sinking, yelled, “Pull us in! Help. I’m sinking!”

  Loki and Dan strolled around to where the lines to the swans lay. They untied the ropes and tossed them into the water. At the incredulous looks on Bravo Team’s faces as their swans sank into the swimming pool, the pranking pair grinned and started laughing.

  Dan took several pictures with his phone as did everyone else watching.

  Loki said, “A one, a two, a three.”

  All those gathered started to sing, “On the seventh day of Christmas, Alpha Team gave to me, seven swans a sinking, six geese attacking, five onion rings, four falling birds, three mother hens, two lovey-dovies, and a frozen sniper in a pear tree.”

  As the punctured swans completely deflated, the men ended up in the ice-cold pool. They began swimming to the edge as peals of resounding laughter filled the night air. Climbing out, their wives and dates, welcomed them with warmed towels and smiles.

  Pulling the towel tight around his shivering body, Doug stared at Dan and Loki. “Damn, you weren’t kidding. Revenge served ice cold.”

  Loki beamed, and Dan’s face broke into a WOW smile.

  Water dripping down his face, Camden glared at his team. “I told you not to prank Dan.”

  Curtis shivered as his date handed him another towel. “Duly noted for the future, Sarge.”

  Dan handed Curtis a beer and said, “Even! Merry Christmas.”

  Curtis laughed and took a swig. “Just what I wanted, how did you know? Merry Christmas right back at you, Dan. Now if you will excuse me I’m going to change into something warm and dry.”

  Seven soaking wet men shuffled inside. Several could be heard chuckling with their wives or dates as they acknowledged their complicity by bringing a complete change of wardrobe for them instead of only their suits. Bravo Team could just shake their heads in awe at how many people were in on the whole prank.

  The Ugly Seventh Swan


  December 18

  Swan Lake Hotel – Ballroom – 7:00 p.m.

  Lexa glanced up as her date entered. She plastered on a smile she hoped didn’t appear fake and strolled to the door to greet him. She didn’t want to bring a date, but after the boss’ comments yesterday she knew she must make it appear nothing existed between her and Dan. So, last night she called Settimo and asked if he would be interested in coming.

  Reached him, Lexa forced her voice to be cheery, “Hey, you made it!”

  A six-foot, olive-skinned man with wavy dark brown hair coming down to the collar of his expensive Italian suit approached Lexa. He possessed chiseled aristocratic facial features and athletic build. He smiled, full lips parted revealing bright, artificially white teeth. His brown eyes roved over Lexa’s svelte form, indecently maintaining a focus on her breasts, ceasing only when a few locks of hair fell across his forehead breaking his concentration.

  Reaching up to move the fallen bangs, he spoke in a voice bearing a light Italian accent, “You are very beautiful tonight, Alexandra.”

  Lexa inwardly cringed at being called Alexandra. She told him several times in yoga class she preferred Lexa. She could almost kill her friend Paula for calling her Alexandra the day Settimo joined the class a month ago.

  One date. Just one date. She could get through this and never have to put up with Settimo again. Using her best negotiation skills, the ones which allowed her to hide her own feelings, Lexa said, “Come and meet the team.”

  Instantly disliking the man, Dan glared at Lexa’s date from his place at the team table. Aware he might be unfairly judging since he hadn’t even met him, Dan pulled on a mask to hide his dislike, reminding himself to be civil because Lexa only brought the guy to cover their relationship.

  Arriving at the table, Lexa chose her seat, putting Settimo between her and Dan—easier that way. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Settimo Bewick.”

  Settimo beamed at all the ladies, his eyes lingering a moment on each.

  Lexa began introductions. “Settimo, this is my team. Boss, I mean Nick Pastore and his date Christiana Andersen. Jon Hardy and his wife, Jennifer. Bram De Haven and his wife, Kellie. Ray Palomo and his date Maurita Silburn. Tia Walsh and her date Simon Watson. Loki Baldovino and Dan Broderick.”

  Settimo nodded. “A pleasure to meet you all.” He pulled out Lexa’s chair for her, and she sat down as the team all said hi.

  Sitting in the chair next to Dan, Settimo glanced at Dan and then Loki. Odd name. He smiled at them. “Which one of you is the team member and which is the date?”

  Shocked by the audacity of the comment, Dan only stared.

  Not one to miss an opportunity for fun, Loki pipped up as he slung an arm over Dan’s shoulder and pulled him close. “I’m the teammate, Danny’s my date. He’s a catch, isn’t he?”

  The team busted out laughing as Dan’s visage had Loki expecting daggers.

  Lexa covered her mouth at Loki’s antics as she laughed. She finally got herself together as Settimo stared at the men appearing more confused. “Loki and Dan are both teammates.”

  Still unclear, Settimo asked, “They allow gay partners to be on the same team? Doesn’t that cause problems?”

  Getting into the swing of things, enjoying the baffled expression on Settimo’s face, Dan wrapped his arm around Loki and intentionally squeezed his neck as smiled broadly. “More than you can imagine. Somedays, I’d like to strangle, Loki.”

  The team erupted in laughter again.

  Settimo’s eyes turned to Lexa, his voice a little unsure, “Did I say something wrong?”

  Taking pity on Settimo, Lexa enlightened him. “Dan and Loki are only friends and teammates. They don’t allow dating members, straight or gay, on the same team.”

  “Oh, they give the impression of being a couple. My apologies,” Settimo said uncouthly and insincerely.

  Dan clamped his mask into place. Yeah, I don’t like this guy one damned bit. A bit of digging for details was in order. “Where’d you and Lexa meet?”

  Settimo eyed Lexa’s breasts a moment. “Yoga class. I find it to be a fine place to relax and take in the beautiful scenery if you grasp my meaning.”

  Dan’s and Loki’s hackles both rose at that comment and pinned Settimo with an unwelcome glare when the man dared to wink too. Neither Loki nor Dan appreciated men who objectified women.

  Jon critically examined the swarthy man not liking the vibe he picked up. Creep is the word that came to his mind.

  Nick raised an eyebrow and glanced at Lexa as his fatherly radar went into high gear. She has better taste in men though a few have been less than stellar. What possessed her to choose someone lik
e him to go out with?

  Kellie leaned in close to Bram and whispered, “Womanizer.”

  Bram nodded slightly and became concerned Lexa was going out with this man.

  Ray studied Lexa a moment, confused before something clicked. An image of one of his sister’s date popped into his head. Maria confided to him the guy was not her type and she only asked him out, so she didn’t go to the company party unescorted. Doesn’t Lexa know we wouldn’t care if she came dateless? No one cares Dan and Loki came without dates. Although, perhaps Dan and Loki do make a cute couple. He chuckled lightly at his outrageous thought.

  Trying to be friendly, though if truth be told she didn’t want to be, Kellie filled the silent void which had descended on them at Settimo’s remark. “Settimo, that is an Italian name, right?”

  Settimo perked up like a peacock displaying his feathers. “Yes. I’m the seventh son, so my papa named me Settimo. It means seventh.”

  Tia recalled the article on the kakapo parrots, and it had mentioned some swans were also being cared for at the aviary, confiscated from a collector. “Bewick, isn’t that a type of swan?”

  “Yes, yes, it is.” Pushing his hair out of his eyes again, Settimo arrogantly flashed a bright smile at the pretty brunette.

  Maurita squeezed Ray’s hand as she said, “Interesting name. Seventh Swan.”

  The women were unaware of Settimo’s thoughts or the fact they stoked his narcissism by their attention. All women fall under my suave spell and flock to me. About time Lexa came to her senses and accepted a date with me. Tonight, she will experience Settimo’s divine lovemaking then I’ll move on to Tia and Maurita. And although older, Christiana is striking.

  Swan Lake Hotel – Pool Area – 8:50 p.m.

  Lexa walked out to the pool. She needed a break from Settimo. That man’s hands liked to roam, and he was fairly drunk now. She should’ve known it was a bad idea to invite him. Dinner had been lovely, food wise, but Settimo became increasingly rude to the team but mostly to Dan and Loki the more he drank. Settimo kept making digs at them for coming without dates and making comments asking if they were sure they were not gay.


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