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SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6)

Page 38

by Laura Acton

  Jon, Nick, and Trevor paused, and Nick asked, “What, Loki?”

  “Dan sent a text.” Reading straight from the screen, Loki relayed the message, “Possible sub in room… Psub locked door ... bomb in one crown so far ... girls coming out shorty.” Loki chuckled despite the situation. “Um, think he meant shortly. He wants to know how to proceed.”

  Jon’s gut tightened, friends and their families were inside, he needed to see what they faced. “We need eyes and ears in that room.”

  “I have the snake cam.” Trevor quelled his nerves, explosives in the vicinity of his family scared the crap out of him.

  Loki calmed himself. “We also need the parabolic mic. We can listen from outside the room without alerting anyone to our presence.”

  Nick nodded. “Loki, give me your phone. Ray, bring the microphone.”

  “Copy and main theater nearly cleared,” Ray responded.

  Jon, Trevor, and Loki moved forward to set up the bendable camera while Nick texted Dan. Hold. Believe first one is set to go off at four but not by timer. Getting ears and eyes in. How are girls coming out?

  Inside the command truck, Lexa finished interviewing Stahlbaum and Christiana. She shared a viable lead. “Boss, we have a possible, a disgruntled employee by the name of Achbor King. He requested but was denied a pay increase and was upset when rejected for the backstage manager’s job. He’s worked here thirty-nine years and is currently the props manager. Stahlbaum said King is diligent in his work and would notice if props were tampered with, plus he has access to them after hours. King sounds like our subject.”

  “Do you have a picture of him?” Nick felt a surge of pride in Lexa. She was excellent at eliciting information from people.

  “Yes, an employee photo, sending it out now.” Lexa clicked send and tapped away on the keyboard searching for more details on King.

  “Send to Dan’s and Bram’s phones too. See if you can find out more about King. Check his financials.”

  “Copy. Already requested authorization for his financial records.” Lexa focused on the job, pushing away thoughts of Bram’s and Trevor’s girls in danger. Here and now, they relied on her finding information which would help resolve this situation, hopefully with everyone going home safe and sound.

  Grand Palace Theater – Dressing Room – 3:25 p.m.

  Settimo approached Clara as she spoke to Bram. He caught the last part of what Clara said to him, “Just behind the costumes. You can get out that way.” He was confused as Bram said, “Thanks,” and began to move little by little towards the racks. Settimo grabbed Clara’s arm spinning her to him, yanking her close, and brutally smashing his lips to hers while groping her ass and grinding himself into her suggestively.

  Clara managed to push back as she declared emphatically, “Do not touch me again, you swine!”

  Dan stormed over, too far away to stop Settimo as his open hand slapped Clara across the cheek with a resounding smack, sending her head whipping to the side and leaving four bright red finger shapes on her porcelain cheek. Anger raged as Dan grabbed the back of Settimo’s jacket with both hands yanking him back and to the left, throwing the man face first into the wall. Dan followed up to ensure his advantage. He rammed Settimo against the barrier once more, pinned him there and wrenched one of the bastard’s arms up with enough height and tightness behind his back to make Settimo cry out in pain.

  All attention fixated on Dan and Settimo, most staring with gaped mouths at the speed and violence of both attacks. Bram smirked … Dan’s fast as ever.

  A mix of heat and ice filled Dan’s voice, resulting in an angry, gravelly, growl, “You’ve assaulted the last woman you are ever going to. Lexa wanted nothing to do with you, and neither does Clara. You will sit down, shut up, and not make a move unless I tell you too. Do you understand?”

  Settimo struggled in vain to loosen the iron grip the pansy had on him as his face pressed into the rough plaster. He had wholly underestimated the strength of the pretty-boy, and couldn’t move an inch though he tried mightily.

  When Dan got no response, he pulled Settimo’s arm up higher causing the man to whimper. “Am I clear?!”

  “Yes,” Settimo grumbled as pain shot through his right arm, and he couldn’t stifle another whine.

  Dan spun Settimo around and pushed him into a chair. His eyes blue icebergs as he glared at Settimo. He wished he had handcuffs to restrain the self-absorbed asshole. Dan also wanted a reason to deck Settimo, but he had more significant problems at the moment. He needed the girls out of this nightmare in order to deal with the bombs and a possible subject.

  Settimo seethed with unbridled anger as he nursed his arm. I’m going to make that blond pay if it is the last thing I do. No dirt-poor cop gets away with treating me like that—I’m Settimo Bewick, I’m wealthy, I deserve to be treated like royalty. Assault, I’ll charge him with assault when I’m out of here. I have witnesses. He won’t be a cop much longer.

  Once Dan assured himself Settimo appeared sufficiently cowed, he turned to Clara, and his face softened. His voice came out soft, yet still husky, “Clara, I’m so sorry I wasn’t close enough to stop him.” He reached out with one hand for her cheek which was bright red. He gently brushed the discoloration, drawing her close as her eyes welled up with tears. As Dan tenderly hugged her, he peered at Bram and silently mouthed, “Go. Go now.”

  Torn in two directions, Bram knew he must go, the women and girls were his priority, but he hated leaving Dan in here alone to cope with Settimo and bombs. He nodded and mimed, “Watch your back.” He started gradually moving the gals towards the hidden door. If he were lucky, they would be able to exit without the potential subject noticing.

  Dan’s phone buzzed. Still comforting Clara, he released one arm holding her quaking body to pull his phone from his pocket. Over Clara’s shoulder, he viewed the message from Lexa. A picture with text which read Achbor King, possible subject, props manager. Dan recognized the man in the photo as the old man who locked the door. Crap!

  Achbor watched what he assumed was a lover’s triangle with interest. Christ, that blond man was furious and on the scary side. Even in his younger days as a boxer, Achbor wouldn’t want to tangle with him. Clara picked the right man—the other was a womanizer.

  His mind switched back to his reason for being here. He hoped Stahlbaum paid the ransom. He would hate killing Clara and the others, but he would receive what he deserved for giving his life to this theater. Achbor rolled his broad shoulders and glanced around. The five girls, his insurance policy, moved near the other door with the huge man and two women.

  Achbor reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his specially rigged detonator and held it hidden in his hand. He could set off the explosives one at a time or with a press of a button turn it into a deadman switch. He didn’t expect to use that option but had built it in for the fun of learning how to do it. “Hey, where are you going?”

  Dan let Clara go and turned towards Achbor. He needed to distract him. He started to speak, but Settimo ratted them out. “They’re trying to sneak out. I heard them.”

  “Get back over here now! They haven’t said we could leave yet. You’re safe here. If you open that door, we could all be killed!” Achbor yelled.

  Dan took a step in the direction of Achbor. “Hey, they were just going to sit down against the wall.”

  “Liar!” Settimo scoffed.

  Dan turned to Settimo and harshly bit out, “I told you to shut up. I thought I made that clear.”

  “Enough! No one goes out until the cops say it is okay to go,” Achbor said endeavoring to maintain his cover for as long as he could. He still had about a half hour to wait for the money. If it transferred, all would be good. If not, the dancers would begin dying at five-minute intervals, and he would make his escape by taking one or two of the girls. The littlest one would be the easiest to manage.

  Settimo sneered, “But he is a—” The last word never made it out of his mouth as Dan slammed his left
fist into the right side of Settimo’s face. A tooth went flying, and Settimo crumpled in a heap on the floor next to the chair … out cold.

  Frightened little girl screams filled the air—Allie’s the loudest of all. Dan’s heart wrenched seeing the fear in Bram’s daughter’s eyes. Ah damn, I scared them. His eyes raised to Bram’s, his expression read, ‘I’m so sorry,’ as Bram lifted Allie into his arms to comfort her.

  Achbor stared at the unconscious man. “Why did you do that?”

  Dan squared his shoulders and dropped a mask into place as he turned to their likely subject. He couldn’t let Settimo out them as police officers. That would be very bad for everyone. Dan controlled his voice, keeping his tone even as he said, “I told him to shut up. He didn’t. So, I made him.”

  Achbor nodded and smiled. “Yeah, you sure did. You’d make a damned fine boxer.”

  Deadman Switch and Flirtatious Ballerinas


  December 20

  Grand Palace Theater – Outside Dressing Room – 3:30 p.m.

  The team observed and listened to all of the events which transpired from the point of Settimo kissing the dancer to Dan knocking Settimo out with one punch.

  “Damn, was that a tooth?” Jon exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I believe so.” Loki’s eyes flew open, both astonished and impressed.

  Nick’s tone was officious as he said, “Mr. Bewick interfered in a police matter. Civilians are at risk. Constable Broderick acted appropriately given the life and death nature of the situation.”

  At first, the team stared at Nick unsure why he spoke so formally, but the reason dawned on them. Dan couldn’t be charged with assault if the action was reasonable and necessary in the line of duty, and in this case, it was both.

  Lexa’s eyes scanned the monitors in the command truck. “Boss, I ran Achbor King’s financials. He’s in debt for a substantial amount.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “Yeah, according to Mr. Stahlbaum, about five years ago, King began betting on the horses. No one knows why, but his behavior emerged out of the blue. He had been a solid employee for thirty-four years but started demanding huge pay raises and missing work to go to the horse races. His financial records show he depleted his entire retirement account. His home was paid for, but he took out a two hundred thousand dollar loan using his house as collateral about nine months ago. He’s currently two months in arrears.”

  “Thanks, Lexa. I need you in here now.” Nick’s gaze returned to the monitor and zeroed in on King. Gambling? Yeah, the man was gambling with the lives of nine dancers, five children, two women, and three men. How should he proceed?

  Loki zoomed the camera in on Achbor’s hand. “No. No. No. No!”

  “What’s wrong?” Jon inquired.

  His eyes riveted on the man’s hand, Loki let out a quick shuddering breath. “That’s a detonator switch in his hand.” He zoomed in closer when Achbor moved. Eyes wide with concern, Loki peered at Jon. “Deadman switch, he’s got a damned fail-safe. I don’t know exactly how he wired the device until I can check.” He tapped the display. “But that, that I recognize. A design I found when keeping up with the latest technology of scumbag do-it-yourself explosives. If he pushes down on the plunger everything is okay, but if he releases pressure, one or all of the bombs go off.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Nick ripped off his hat and whacked his leg. Scrubbing his face in frustration, he paced. What do we do now? If I call into the room, the man might be desperate enough to react. If anyone takes a lethal or non-lethal shot and that switch is activated it will result in many deaths. Can we use the slug? No. No way to sneak up on the subject. Besides, the thing doesn’t shoot accurately. How am I going to ensure everyone comes out safely?

  As Nick paced, Jon’s thoughts were similar to his sergeant’s. They had few options which didn’t end badly. His eyes, however, never left the monitor studying the situation for tactics. “It doesn’t appear King is aware our guys are cops. He hasn’t declared them as hostages. He is trying to keep them there saying there is an issue out here. So far, none of the dancers have a clue that anything is amiss.”

  Loki clarified, “Except for that one Dan defended.”

  “Yeah, okay so one, but she seems to know Dan. Anyway, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for Dan to receive a phone call. We tell him he needs to take the damned thing away from Achbor,” Jon suggested.

  “Risky, Jonny. Exceptionally risky. We have no idea if the subject is armed with anything else. Dan isn’t armed,” Nick countered.

  Jon cocked a brow at Nick. “Broderick’s ex-Special Forces. He is a weapon. We’ve been up against him in hand-to-hand. He’s damned fast and lethal.”

  Surprised by what Jon just proposed, Ray shook his head. “Can’t believe you’re suggesting this. Hasn’t Dan been knocked around enough lately? He and Bram are hostages today just like yesterday. It is our job to get them out safe.”

  Jon eyed Ray. “When you are tactical lead, you can make the decisions. Until then, what I decide, goes.”

  The last thing we need is dissension. Nick pinned a glare on both men. “Jon, find a better solution. Ray, save your concerns for debrief.”

  Lexa listened as she jogged to them. Arriving she offered, “Achbor did say no one goes out until the cops indicate an all clear. We could use that as a coordinated distraction to assist Dan. If Dan can move closer to King before we knock on the door and call out, that may be enough distraction for Dan to make his move.”

  Trevor said, “What about the girls? How do we keep them safe?”

  Loki maintained eyes on the room. “We tell Bram via text to move them all to the back wall as far away from the subject and the dancers as possible. I can’t be certain, but I have a feeling that the charges are meant to take out one person at a time. The blast radius should be minimal.”

  Nick rubbed his face as everyone stared at him. His gaze turned to Jon. “Okay, call Dan and text Bram. We wait until they are in position.”

  Grand Palace Theater – Dressing Room – 3:40 p.m.

  Bram’s phone vibrated again. Move to back couches. Subject possesses a dead man switch. We’ll provide a distraction for Dan to snatch device.

  He stood, picking up Allie. “Girls come with me. There are couches in the back. They will be more comfortable than the floor.”

  Kellie and Diane rose and played along taking the girls with them as Kellie said, “Wonderful idea.”

  As Bram moved, Dan thought, the team must have something in the works. He kept his eye on Achbor who checked his cell phone every few minutes. Dan continued to work his way towards Achbor nonchalantly. When his own phone buzzed, he glanced at the caller ID noting it was Jon. “Hey, buddy.”

  “Hey, yourself. Dan, we have a plan, but it’s risky. Say no if you want and we will find another way.”

  Taking a step closer to Achbor, Dan replied, “What do you have in mind?”

  “We have eyes in and from what I see, we’re on the same wavelength. You’re making steady progress to King. Loki identified he’s holding a device with a spring trigger which if depressed and released, things go boom. We need you to seize the detonator before he activates the switch. We’re going to create a distraction out here to help you.”

  Dan let Jon know he agreed to the plan. “Yeah, I can do that. I’ll be home in a bit, wait for me. Any advice to avoid depression?”

  Loki took the phone from, Jon. “Sorry, none. If he presses the button, you must hold it down until I defuse the bombs. Unsure if one or more are triggered by the thing. Bram and the girls should be fine in the back.”

  “That sucks, but alright. I understand. I’ll see you soon.” Dan hung up and moved closer to Achbor as he said, “My buddy. He’s worried I’m suffering from seasonal depression.”

  Achbor chuckled at the blond. “You didn’t appear despondent kissing that little filly. Clara’s a sweetheart. You treat her right.”

  Dan glanced at Clara but shifted back to the b
road-shouldered man taking several steps forward, almost to the point of invading Achbor’s personal space. He flashed a lopsided smile. “Yeah, she’s real sweet.”

  A loud bang on the door startled everyone, and they heard a voice call out, “This is the police. All clear. You can come out now.”

  When Jon’s booming voice rang out Dan made his move. He grabbed Achbor’s wrist and twisted to make the man release the trigger. The switch dropped but never hit the floor, attached to the man’s pocket by a cord.

  Both men reached for the dangling controller as Achbor rotated his body struggling to recapture his remote. Achbor latched on before Dan and pressed the red button down as he yelled, “If I let go they all die!”

  Dan clamped both his hands over Achbor’s fist holding the device and squeezed with all his might. Achbor thrashed about trying to loosen Dan’s grip and wrench free, causing them to run into the wall, dressing tables, and chairs. Dan hung on with everything he had even when Achbor began pummeling him viciously. The prop manager was old, but muscular and packed a solid punch. Repeated strikes to his kidney and stomach caused Dan to groan, but he concentrated on retaining his hold on Achbor’s hand.

  Multiple actions simultaneously occurred as Alpha Team burst into the room. Jon and Rob rushed to restrain the subject. Trevor and Ray breached the side door and moved to Bram and the girls. Lexa, Nick, and Loki headed for the dancers to keep them in the room. When the area was secure, Nick arranged chairs as Loki recommend, distancing them far enough from each other, but not too far from the remote, which unavoidably placed Dan in jeopardy.

  Bram escorted his frightened girls from the changing area but left it to Ray and Trevor to lead Kellie, Diane, and all five girls outside to safety. Hastily, Bram returned to the room to help Dan, worried about him after witnessing the thrashing Dan received from Achbor.

  Once the ballerinas were in one area and Nick started to guide them to the chairs, Lexa glanced at Settimo on the ground. She went to him, flipped him on his stomach, and cuffed him. When Bram walked back in she asked, “Bram, can you haul his butt out of here?”


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