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A NEW DEATH: Sequel to A New Dawn

Page 27

by DB Daglish

  “That’s right Gail,” Chris added. “It’s as if the drama and the inability to go home, has now made it hard to settle in a new one. That would be an accurate assessment wouldn’t it guys?” he asked looking to approving nods.

  It confirmed they had all been feeling the same thing, yet too afraid to openly acknowledge it. And now everyone was beginning to feel saddened again. This community had been working well and the reality of what was about to happen was going to make it harder on those left behind.

  “So that’s it?” Gail asked. “In five minutes we have hit the root of the problem?”

  In response they all nodded. For Samantha, things now made sense and she had to agree that within her, she felt the same thing.

  “Well, in that case all you need do is to stop bitching at each other and make a decision as a group, and the rest of us will have to live with it!”

  “Whoa, hang on a minute Gail,” Maddy interjected. “Don’t make it sound like they are abandoning you guys regardless of your feelings. It’s not their fault what they have been through!”

  Gail looked down briefly.

  “Yes. I am sorry. I cannot hide my obvious disappointment at the possibility some of you will leave. But it also isn’t fair to expect you to stay. But please don’t hold my disappointment against me either. I’m just being honest!”

  Nim now stood up, shuffling about before he spoke.

  “I haven’t said much today, well ever really…but nothing in this new life we have is fair. We’ve lived through two deaths, had our lives torn apart, lost loved ones, made new friends, lost them and lost more on top of that. Now you are my friend too Gail. More family really…but I am not like the others. Mik and I want to stay, but I accept why they need to do this. They need to finish something or die trying!”

  Gail nodded, and there was now an understanding of what each had been going through. The meeting was ended, they hugged each other, some cried briefly, and they went back to the residences to allow time to reveal the outcome.

  Another year went by before the subject was ever raised again, and this time just one vessel was prepared. The ketch was renamed Endeavor7 and in early spring, twelve people were ready to sail. For Sam and Maddy each had a new child and now Tyler was aged nine, he decided to join them. Tyler had enjoyed the sailing from Melbourne to New Zealand and back, as he’d never even left the suburb he was raised in before the deaths occurred. The wider world was unknown to him and therefore a wonderful place of adventure, and he had become quite a competent sailor under the tutelage of Tia. Since arriving in Sydney, the harbor provided excellent opportunities to hone their skills and prepare their yacht for the voyage. Someone even found charts of the Pacific in various marine shops around the bays. Navigation skills were honed and perfected and finally they were ready.

  And so, as the headland was lined with well wishers, the Endeavor7 left the sheltered bays of home, to begin an ocean journey to who knows where? There were many potential destinations, but no agenda and no time frame, just some maps and a whole lot of possibilities. To Fiji, Tahiti even as far as Hawaii, these intrepid explorers would be the first of the new breed since the first death, to attempt such an epic journey. And their adventures are worthy of a tale all of its own.

  Chapter 19

  When those aboard the Marauder, left their friends aboard the Taranaki and the Gloria further back up the sound, they sailed back to the wharf at New Haven to an expectant community. But elation quickly turned to despair, as the word spread as to the second wave of deaths. There were many tears and some even feared for their lives until it was made abundantly clear that those they had just talked to, at that stage, showed no signs of any infection. After many days of silent grieving, they planned for a memorial cairn on the water’s edge which would have all the names of those that had left on the expedition and never returned. Michael never revealed to anyone his secret jaunt to the heads to say goodbye in his own unconventional fashion.

  The children of the community had no way to comprehend what many older ones had seen, but they loved hearing Michael tell the stories of the past. ‘And most of them were actually true!’ Storm had told a few ladies after she had sat in on another session.

  They were now assembled in the eating hall when yet another set of questions began.


  “Yes Rene?”

  “Where did it start anyway?”

  “Like I said, Dunedin was where we all…” but he was interrupted.

  “No. Not here…Where in the world did it all start?”

  “Oh. The very beginning? Ok - let’s see? Wisconsin - in what was the United States,” said Michael. “Some place called…ah…Madison I think? Yeah, that’s was it. Here, I’ll show you on the map,” and he walked over the old faded world map and stuck a pin in the spot.

  “Here, a sort of explosion occurred at a medical facility or something. My memory is a bit faded now, but I’m sure it all started there. How it got around the world though…who knows?”

  “Do you think others survived elsewhere?” Jordy asked.

  “We know they have. In Oz at least…and on another small island,” and he pointed to Lord Howe on the map. “I imagine there are small pockets of human beings like us all around the world struggling to survive!”

  “Like we are?”

  “I imagine so. In Europe, Africa, Asia, and America…they will all be coping their own way, living off the land like we do,” Michael suggested.

  “Imagine being a family member of the one responsible for all this. Imagine surviving the virus, knowing all the death was the responsibility of one of your own family members?”

  “Yeah, good point Jordy. I couldn’t bear to think about it - couldn’t bear to think about it!”


  Provide a review of this book, prove the link and email me via my website below and I will arrange the next ebook in the series (or any other you choose), to be sent to you for free. I need reviews; you need more books to read. We both win!


  A New Dawn - Sets the scene in Madison, Wisconsin in the USA, then moves to New Zealand as people struggle to survive in the aftermath.

  A New Death - Set entirely in the South Pacific and takes the first book further, but is set 25 years after the first book ends.

  Origin - is based in the USA and starts around the location of the original event in Madison. This story highlights those caught up in that location and the early chaos. It also touches on the basis of Dakota

  NYC - follows the ultimate chaos in and around New York City. More violent and disturbing than the others.

  Anglo – Set in England 35 years after the event has wiped out most of humanity. In the years since life has regressed to that similar to medieval times. But the Islamic threat remains.




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