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Little Daisy

Page 8

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Time for a diaper change," he said, placing her on the changing mat and unfastening the tabs of her diaper. Now that he had reminded her she was wearing a diaper, Daisy blushed at the thought. "Oh I see this one is slightly damp." He reached for the wipes.

  "Damp? Noooo," said Daisy hotly. "It's not damp!"

  "Oh yes it is. Just a little bit." Daddy expertly removed the soiled diaper.

  Daisy was too embarrassed to speak. How had that happened? Then she remembered. The journey back in the car after the playground incident had her squirming in her seat. The fizzy Coke she had drunk earlier had made her want to pee, and because she was in disgrace she didn't want to ask Daddy to stop the car. So maybe she had wet the diaper ... just a teensy bit. She recalled the warm feeling and shuddered.

  "Does Daisy need to go potty?"

  Daisy shook her head emphatically. "No Daddy."

  "In that case, it's time for your spanking."

  "Oh." She had quite forgotten all about it and looked at Daddy with big round eyes, wondering what he had planned. There was a wicked gleam in Daddy's eyes.

  He produced the butt plug and lube from one of the drawers in the changing station. "I'm going to continue with your training," he said, removing the cap from the lube. He separated her chubby little ass cheeks and took his time applying the lube, making Daisy squirm and squirm.

  Then his finger was replaced by the hard plug, she moaned as it penetrated her and Daddy worked the plug deep inside.

  "There. That's a nice snug fit. Now, while I have you in this position, I think I'll make the most of it and spank you in the diaper position with my nice new little leather paddle." He opened one of the drawers and took out a bright red small leather paddle, the perfect size for Daisy's naughty little bottom.

  Hoisting her legs up, he held them in position with one hand, whilst wielding the paddle with his other hand. "Now I want you to tell Daddy why you are about to get your naughty little bottom paddled," Johnny demanded as he tapped her bottom lightly.

  From her undignified position, Daisy mumbled, "Because I was mean to the little girl at the playground and pushed her down the slide when she was scared."

  "That's right. You were a bully. You do NOT behave in that way. Is that clear?" Without waiting for her to respond, Johnny lifted the paddle and brought it down firmly across her right cheek causing small waves to roll through her bottom.

  "Yeow!" Daisy's eyes flew open in shock. That paddle was mean and stingy. She sucked in her breath trying to alleviate the pain.

  Johnny whacked her bottom again and again. The little red paddle was soon flying from one bare cheek to the other making sure to land in a new spot each time. Her cheeks bounced beneath the impact. Daisy yelped and whimpered and wailed.

  "You've been a very naughty little girl, Daisy," Johnny said sternly after a dozen stinging spanks had landed on her bottom.

  "I'm sorry Daddy," Daisy wailed. She was most uncomfortable with her legs in the air and that damned paddle pummelling her bottom.

  "So you should be. Six more to come." And with those words he bent her legs so that her knees were pushed up against her abdomen. This made her bottom cheeks splay wide open, and that nasty stingy little paddle bit and bit and bit.

  "Ow! Ow! OW!" she protested. "I'll be good now. I'll never do that again."

  "I'm pleased to hear it," Daddy said, as at last he discarded the paddle and began to rub Daisy's blotchy red bottom.

  "Make it better, Daddy," she sniffed.

  "No not completely better - you need to feel the sting for awhile to remind you to behave properly." He then fastened on a clean diaper, hugged her, and put her in the crib on her tummy. "You'll take a little nap now sweetheart while Daddy tidies up downstairs."

  She was about to protest that she didn't want a nap, but a yawn prevented her from doing so. Resignedly she curled up next to a teddy, closed her eyes, and nodded off to sleep.


  The rest of the day was fun. They played games together and Johnny read stories from a new book. At a little after 6pm, Johnny suggested she might like to become a bigger little girl so that she could stay up and watch a movie with Daddy. This was met with great enthusiasm by Daisy who was beginning to get a bit bored with being babied. She was given permission to go upstairs and change into any outfit she wanted, and when she returned she was wearing slinky black leggings, shoes with little heels, and a clingy pink top with a low-cut neck. Her hair had been brushed until it gleamed, and she wore it loose, secured by a pink Alice band.

  Johnny's eyes lit up when he saw her reappear. "Well if it isn't a super sexy little Lolita. Come sit with Daddy, sweetheart." He sat her on his lap and one hand explored her breasts beneath her top while they watched TV. It wasn't long before TV was forgotten and they were both naked on the sofa, Daisy sucking his cock expertly. Johnny placed both his hands on her head, guiding her down, just the way he liked it.

  And he liked it a lot! He held back and with a great effort raised her head from his pulsing cock. Slipping on a condom he straddled her over his lap, impaling her on his massive erection.

  "Oh... Daddy ..." she panted as she bounced up and down, "this is even more fun than riding Belinda."

  "It's certainly more fun for me," groaned Johnny. His hands grabbed her buttocks and assisted in rocking her hips to and fro, faster and faster as he pistoned in and out of her tight little pussy, culminating in a bellow of satisfaction from him and a series of excited little shrieks from her.

  Bath time was hot and steamy, full of soft kisses, clouds of steam and scented bubbles. Johnny took pleasure in bathing and drying her, then put her in a cute little nightdress that ended halfway up her thigh.

  Daisy never tired of being read to, and this evening's bedtime story was no exception. She shrieked with mock fear as he read the story of Little Red Riding Hood, speaking in a deep gruff voice of the big bad wolf.

  After the story they snuggled together in bed. Johnny ruffled her hair. "Well princess, what an eventful day it's been. What would you like to do tomorrow? Any ideas?"

  "Do you think we could go to the zoo? I know it's a long drive, but it would be great if we could go see all the animals."

  "Of course, poppet. Sounds like fun."


  It was fun. They wandered round hand in hand. They saw monkeys, chimpanzees and orangutans, giraffes and elephants, lions and tigers and jaguars and a big fat hippopotamus. They saw okapi, tapirs and buffalo and funny looking antelopes known as eastern bongos. Then there were flamingo, penguin and parrots, owls, vultures and cranes. It was a fabulous day out. They ate a quick lunch in the cafeteria and continued their tour, visiting the tanks of marine and fresh water fish and finishing up in the reptile house with its crocodiles and snakes and a huge komodo dragon lizard.

  "You know what, Daisy - I can honestly say I've enjoyed this outing just as much as you have," said Johnny as they returned to the car. "What a fascinating place to visit. We'll have to return in a few months time to check out all the new arrivals."

  "Oh yes, I'd love that. There's so much to see." She chattered non stop during the drive back to Johnny's house. "I think I'd like a pet - maybe a baby elephant or a chimpanzee. What sort of pet would you like, Daddy?"

  "I have one." He smiled and cast her a sidelong glance. "My pet is called Daisy. That's enough for me." Daisy sighed with pleasure. "Happy, pet?"

  "Oh yes. It was a terrific day. The whole weekend has been exciting and wonderful. Thank you. I don't want it to end."

  "It will end but there'll be plenty more weekends to come. And look - it's almost 7pm and time for the adult Daisy to resurface."

  "She's never too far away," said Daisy. "But it's great to be able to switch her off for a while and be little again."

  They stopped to eat at a quiet little Italian restaurant where they had a frank discussion about the entire weekend.

  "Is there anything you would have preferred we'd done differently?" asked Johnny.

  "Not a bloody thing. It was perfect."

  "Even the diapers?"

  "Even the diapers." She giggled at the thought. "But I wouldn't want to wear them all the time."

  "I'll remember that for the next time you're naughty and I need to punish you," he said slyly.

  "Mean old Daddy!"

  "That's me." He winked and smiled.

  "But I wouldn't swap you for the world."

  "Nor I you. I'm in love with my little princess." He watched her face change. She gave him a dazzling smile.

  "I'm in love with you too." She radiated euphoria. It seemed like she'd never been so happy. She'd found the love of her life.


  A week passed, and then another. Daisy continued to glow with happiness. Her relationship with Johnny deepened and became stronger, and she also made a new friend - Glenda.

  Glenda was so grateful for her second chance. She worked diligently and her demeanour towards Johnny and Daisy changed drastically. There were no more digs and jibes at Daisy, and no more coming on strong to Johnny. She was the model employee, and took to wearing more practical, less provocative clothes, and shoes that she could actually walk in and were comfortable to wear. She was smart and funny and great with the customers and she often brought home made cookies and cup cakes in for the three of them to share. She and Daisy began to get along really well, and Johnny was both surprised and delighted at how things had turned out. He was particularly pleased with some of Glenda's ideas. She introduced a quiet corner with seating and a floor mat placed by the bookshelves and book stands. It proved a big success and the sales of books doubled in under two weeks. She also set up and supervised activities at a long craft table where kids could sit and play with coloured card, glitter pens, plastic scissors, stencils and collage. It was messy but fun, and the spin off was that parents not only bought craft items for kids, but other things too. The shop had a wonderful atmosphere and the large floor space enabled them to display a wide range of stock as well as providing space to browse, sit and read.

  There was one customer who came into the shop several times a week. In his thirties, he was tall and lean, with a mop of sandy hair and a boyish smile. He was always accompanied by his daughter, Katie, a three-year-old with golden curls and a sunny disposition. He bought her a small item on every visit and began to hang around and have a chat with Glenda. As time passed, it became increasingly obvious that Glenda was the reason he visited the shop so frequently.

  "This is a lovely teddy," said Glenda as she wrapped it up. "My little boy has one just like it."

  "Oh - you have a son? What's his name?"

  "Christopher. He's eleven months old and almost ready to start walking."

  "Ah yes - you'll have your hands full when he's tottering around."

  "Yes. Though my mum looks after him while I work. I don't know what I'd do without her. It's a bit tough at times being a single parent."

  "Don't I know it. My wife ran off with someone when Katie was only three-months old."

  "Oh, that's awful. I'm so sorry."

  "That's ok. I'm used to it now. I gave up my job to look after Katie, and I'm fortunate in that I can do a bit of consultancy work in the evenings to help pay the bills. I love being a dad and wouldn't change a thing." He paused, and smiled at Glenda. "I'm Graham by the way. Graham Goddard."

  "I'm Glenda," she said, and smiled.

  "I know. I heard the owner refer to you as Glenda. It's a pretty name. It suits you."

  "Thank you." To her surprise, Glenda felt all tongue tied as a blush rose to her cheeks.

  "So ... do you see much of Christopher's dad?"

  Glenda shook her head. "No. When he found out I was pregnant he did a disappearing act. I've no idea where he is."

  Graham gave her a rueful smile. "Looks like we have things in common. Maybe ... please don't think I'm being too forward ... but I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come round for dinner? My place. I'm a whizz in the kitchen."

  "Oh! I ... I'd love to." Glenda was surprised and flattered. "That would be great."

  "Fantastic. And will you bring Christopher too? I'd love to meet him, and so would Katie. She loves being around babies and other children."

  And that was the beginning of a wonderful relationship. That first date led to another and another, and before she knew it, Glenda was spending alternate evenings with Graham, and most of the weekends too. Glenda walked around the shop with a smile on her face and an air of contentment. Daisy gave her a big hug.

  "I'm so glad you've found someone, Glenda."

  "Oh me too! He's amazing - so good with the kids, and he's a wonderful cook, far better than I am. We're getting on like a house on fire, just like you and Johnny."

  "Someone talking about me?" Johnny popped up from behind the counter and grinned.

  "Yes but we didn't say anything naughty about you," said Daisy. She flashed Johnny a cheeky smile.

  "Glad to hear it." He gave her a look that she correctly interpreted as 'Just as well you didn't young lady, or your naughty little bottom will pay the price'.

  Daisy laughed. "I'm off work next week. I have to use my holiday allowance up or I lose it. Can I come and hang around here?"

  "Of course, princess. We'd be delighted."

  "Yes that will be great," said Glenda. She looked thoughtful for a moment then added, "You know, if you two need some time away, I don't mind covering. I can work full time, and I'm sure Graham will look after Christopher for me. He adores him."

  "Hey that's a thought. What about it, Daisy - fancy a couple of days holiday?"

  "Hell yes! That would be great."

  "Ok. How about I take Thursday and Friday off next week? We could combine those two days with the weekend and have a break. I could get someone in from the agency to help you out on Saturday, Glenda, as it will be too busy for just one person to handle."

  "Sure, Johnny. I'll give Graham a call. Be back in a few minutes." She headed into the back room to phone him, and returned five minutes later. "It's all sorted. He said he'll be delighted to mind Christopher, and I'll feel very important being in charge while you're away," she added with a grin. "So - what are your plans? Will you stay home and potter around or will you go somewhere?"

  "I think we'll go to the coast. Would you like that, Daisy?"

  "Would I - you bet I would! I haven't been to the seaside for years."

  "Neither have I. It will be fun!"

  After dinner they spent the evening deciding where to go, and Daisy started making lists of clothes and toys. When Johnny saw the list of stuffies she wanted to take he laughed and shook his head.

  "There's no way we can take all those! I'd need a bigger car to get them all in! Just take a couple of your favourites."

  "Oh alright then," pouted Daisy, "but the others won't be at all happy at being left behind."

  "I'm sure they'll manage until we get back, princess. You're looking thoughtful. What is it?"

  "I was just wondering ..."


  "When we're away ... will I be the adult Daisy or the little girl Daisy?"

  "You can be whatever you want to be. We're staying in a holiday rental not a hotel, so it won't be a problem if you want to be little some of the time ... or all of the time. But remember," he said with a twinkle in his eyes, "that if you are a naughty little girl, you will be punished accordingly, and I may treat you as though you are younger than you actually want to be. I shall be packing a few diapers, just in case."

  Daisy raised her eyebrows. "In that case, the self catering accommodation will be a big advantage. I just couldn't wear diapers in a hotel! This is going to be great, Daddy." She flung herself in his arms and snuggled up. "I can't wait."

  "Me neither."


  The days passed slowly, but at last Thursday arrived and they set off after an early breakfast and made the three-hour journey to the coast without any problems aside from Daisy asking "Are we there yet?" every ten mi
nutes, like a stuck record.

  "If you ask that question one more time, I'm going to stop the car, take your panties down and spank your bare bottom at the side of the road," threatened Johnny. That silenced her for a short while, and when she caught sight of the sea, she began to bounce up and down on the car seat.

  "We're here! We're here!"

  "Almost. Pass me that map. All we need now is to find out where we're staying."

  Daisy studied it. "Ok. I get it. It says take the second exit at the roundabout past the garage - look, there's the garage coming up on the left ... and I can see the roundabout up ahead. Then we drive for half a mile and turn right past the Catholic church on to Cliff Street."

  "Good instructions so far, Daisy," said Johnny as he turned into Cliff Street. "Where next?"

  "Drive to the end and turn right onto Cliff Crescent, follow the crescent round and ... ours is the end house! Number 25."

  "Here we go." Johnny drove slowly along the crescent and pulled up outside the end house. It was a double-fronted detached property with pretty window boxes full of cream and orange flowers. There was a little white gate leading up to a blue-painted front door. "And here we are. Looks good."

  "Wow. Awesome. It looks really big!" Daisy got out of the car and rushed out to push open the white gate. She headed up the garden path.

  "The booking details say that the keys should be behind the window box," called Johnny. He grinned at Daisy as he hauled the suitcases out of the car and followed Daisy up the path.

  By the time he reached the door, it was open and Daisy had gone inside, peeking into the downstairs rooms.

  "Johnny, this house is great! Come and see!"

  Depositing the luggage in the hallway, Johnny took her hand and together they explored the house. There was a cosy lounge, and a large kitchen/diner, a small utility room, and a beautiful conservatory that looked out on to the sea.

  "We're practically on the beach!" said Daisy. "Look - at the end of the back garden there's a gate that leads to the beach. How convenient is that!"


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