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Little Daisy

Page 10

by Chloe Carpenter


  She felt very self conscious going out whilst wearing the diaper. Johnny had dressed her in a little denim skirt. The fabric was quite thick, so there was little chance that anyone would notice what was being worn underneath it. But Daisy knew, and in a way, it was empowering. It was hot, sexy, a naughty little secret. It gave her a little thrill. She smiled.

  But when they returned to the house, Daisy found a message left on her mobile. She played it back. It was Carl, her boss from work. As she listened, her face turned pale with shock. She sat down and when the message ended, stared at the phone dully.

  "What is it, sweetheart? What's wrong?"

  "It's my boss. He ... he said they've had to make ten staff redundant. And I'm one of them. Oh the bastard! Why couldn't he tell me to my face? He must have known about it before I went on leave. There's a letter in the post waiting for me when I get back." Her little face crumpled and she felt as though she was about to burst into tears. "Oh Johnny. I've lost my job. This is awful. What am I going to do?" Her lower lip trembled and her hands shook.

  Johnny grasped them and pulled her over to sit on his lap. His arms encircled her protectively. He kissed her cheek. "I can see it's come as a shock. But, it's not so bad. In fact it's good news."

  "Huh? What's good about it?"

  "I need you. Come and work for me. In the toyshop. Full time. You'd love it, you know you will." He watched as her face changed.

  "Really?" she whispered.

  "Yes. Really and truly."

  "But .. but you have Glenda part time. Can you afford to take me on too?"

  "I can and I will. It will be perfect. I've been wondering how on earth I'm going to fulfil all these orders for princess beds, but with you and Glenda in the shop, my time will be freed up to do just that. I love the creative stuff. I'll enjoy doing it, and I'll still pop into the shop on a couple of afternoons to work with you there. So how about it?"

  "Yes. Yes. YES!!" She buried her face in his neck and hugged him so tight she almost throttled him.

  "We should celebrate," he gasped when he got his breath.

  "What do you have in mind?"

  He smiled seductively. "I brought some new clothes for you as a surprise. Come upstairs and I'll get them. You can wear them for me and then, if you're ready and willing, Daddy will fuck your hot little ass."

  "I'm ready and willing." She got to her feet and took his hand as he led her from the room.

  He took a package from the wardrobe. "Take a look. Oh, and you don't wear a diaper with this outfit." He winked and handed her the package.

  Excitedly she opened it and gasped as pink silk was revealed. It was a low cut pale pink basque with suspenders, the fabric edged with white lace, and there was a matching pair of pink panties plus sexy white stockings with intricate lace tops. He had even bought matching pink ribbons for her hair.

  "It's absolutely gorgeous," she said, her eyes shining.

  "Just like you."

  She thrilled at the compliment. "It feels wonderful."

  "I'm going to the bathroom. When I return I want to see you wearing everything." He stooped to kiss her. "Hurry. I can't wait. I'll give you five minutes to change."

  She dressed quickly. Everything fitted her perfectly. Picking up the brush, she brushed the tangles out of her hair, sectioned it into two, tying off each pigtail with a piece of pink ribbon which she secured into a cute bow. She glanced at herself in the full length mirror and liked what she saw.

  So did Johnny.

  "Oh yes." He reached for her. "You look fantastic. Such a shame to put these lovely things on only for me to take them off again." His eager fingers reached for her panties and tugged them down and off. "On the bed, baby. On your back," he whispered huskily, his voice thick with desire. His mouth came down hard on hers, passionate and demanding. He cupped each breast and bent to nuzzle and suck her nipples. They were rock hard in his mouth as he rolled them, flicked them teasingly with his tongue.

  Daisy moaned softly as he played with her, doing all the delicious things he was so darned good at. His fingers dipped in and out of her pussy and then circled the hard nub of her clit. She reached for him, her fingers scrabbling to unfasten his belt and ease his clothing down. His cock sprang free and she stroked it reverently, gasping as he reached for the lube and drizzled it between her cheeks and over the rosebud of her anus.

  With mounting urgency, Johnny sheathed his rampant erection with a condom and touched her anus with the tip of his cock, and then slowly started to push it further inside her.

  Her skin slick with sweat, Daisy whimpered in anticipation and fear tempered with lust. Her senses reeled. She so wanted this. But he was so big, how would he fit inside her...? She gasped, her hands in his hair as he entered her oh so slowly and considerately. Her hips began to rock. She was frantic for more as inch by inch he inserted more of his length into the tight entrance. She felt the invasion, the stretching, as he pushed further, and when he was fully inside her, he began thrusting.

  Daisy felt him pounding against her, building a rhythm, possessing her completely, making her his. Their movements synchronised, they began to move as one, Daisy panting, wild with passion, urging him on.

  "More," she cried, wild with desire. And as the pressure built, a great wildness filled her and as she climaxed she screamed out her release, her cries joined by his roar of triumph as he claimed her. She floated ... floated. It was heavenly. She closed her eyes, savouring the moment.


  Johnny watched her face. He loved the fragrance of her skin, the silk of her long black hair, the vibrant flash of her hazel eyes, the perfectly formed petite body. He loved her. He softly kissed her kips and watched them curl into a smile of pure contentment.

  "Ok?" he murmured.

  "That's an understatement," she whispered weakly, then laughed softly. "That was amazing. My head feels like cotton wool."

  "Your head?" He raised his eyebrows in that quirky way of his. "And what of your cute little ass?"

  "Ah. That feels very well used. In every way possible."

  Johnny smiled and stroked her hair. "We're going to enjoy the rest of our time here. And when we go back on Sunday, I want you to move in with me, to live in my house, by my rules. You can push the limits as often as you want, princess, and you'll know I'll respond with an appropriate pleasure or punishment ... or both. We have an exciting journey of exploration and discovery ahead of us and I can't think of anyone I'd rather share my life with than you, Daisy. I hope you'll say yes?"

  A pair of bright eyes looked up at him adoringly. They gave him the answer he was looking for. There was no need for words.

  Also by Chloe Carpenter...

  Little Lizbet

  Lizbet is pretty and diminutive in stature, a woman who looks much younger than her years. She works as a freelance book illustrator. In her private life she attends BDSM clubs with her friend Chrissie, and learns to embrace her submissive side. But in all her encounters there has been something lacking - which changes when she meets Daniel, a kind and wealthy American living in London. As their relationship develops, she spends weekends at his home where Daniel takes on the role of 'Daddy', a loving carer and disciplinarian. Lizbet loves feeling like a little girl again, and enjoys playtimes, bubble baths and cute clothes, bedtime stories and snuggle time. Although she tries to be good, she has a talent for being bad, and when she breaks the rules, she pays the consequences on her naughty bottom. Diapers, drop seat pyjamas, sippy cups and early bedtimes are just some of the things that Lizbet experiences in this ageplay love story portraying a shared need for D/s. It explores Lizbet's regression and lifestyle shift, and the exciting dynamics of a supportive ageplay relationship between an adult woman and an older man.

  Little Ruthie

  Ruthie has a secret... and a chance encounter with a wonderful older man called Tom enables her to share that secret, connect emotionally with him and accept who she really is - an adult 20 year-old wom
an who enjoys being a little girl, disciplined by her loving Daddy. Tom rescues Ruthie from an abusive relationship, and during a three-week stay at his cottage on the coast, gives her the opportunity to truly be herself. During this time she acts out some of her fantasies as she relinquishes her insecurities and responsibilities, experiencing some of the carefree activities of childhood - including fun on the beach, donkey rides, cuddles, playing with toys and dressing in cute little girl clothes. So convincing is her little girl persona that the local shopkeeper thinks she is Tom's young daughter. But Ruthie also enjoys a little humiliation and craves discipline - and Tom delivers that masterfully whenever his little girl breaks his rules. He gives her what she craves within a supporting, nurturing relationship. The power exchange facilitated by Dominance and submission is a key aspect of this story.

  Little Evie

  Evie is a 29 year-old woman but her diminutive stature and her angelic, youthful features make her look far younger than her years. She meets Dylan Draper at a low point in her life and is ecstatic when he offers her a job. Dylan has a strict work ethic - he never enters into a personal relationship with work colleagues - but all that changes with Evie. The two find they both share the same kinky interests and the spark between them grows as they develop an ageplay relationship underpinned by a sensual D/s dynamic and hot sex. Evie submits willingly to this older man who becomes her 'Daddy' and she is subject to his rules and discipline. She spends her weekends with Dylan and dresses as a little girl, appreciating the opportunity at those times to dispense with her adult self and play on the swing, play with toys, and snuggle up for a bedtime story. But it isn't always easy to be a good little girl, and Evie gets plenty of spankings... which together with humiliation aspects, invariably prove to be a huge turn on. They enjoy going to BDSM clubs, and under Dylan's guidance Evie is introduced to all manner of deliciously perverted and sensual pleasures which has her begging for more. Yet not everything runs smoothly. An unpleasant incident at work results in Evie running away, but Dylan comes through for her and shows just how much he cares for his Little Evie.

  Little Sophie and the Professor

  Sophie is a cute and clever 24 year-old woman taking a postgraduate course taught by the handsome Professor Jack Drummond. Most of the female students have the hots for the charismatic professor, but it is Sophie who he hungers for, and at the end of term, he seizes the opportunity to ask her out. Sophie learns that Jack is not only an undeniably sexy Alpha male, but deliciously kinky too.

  As their relationship progresses, she discovers the nature of her submission, and experiences the thrill of erotic spankings and role-play scenarios with Jack. Although he is considerably older than her, the disparity in their ages only serves to reinforce the exciting dynamic that exists between them.

  At times he treats her like a little girl, buying her pretty clothes and indulging her. But sometimes little girls are very naughty and have to face the consequences... Sophie grows to love this ageplay aspect of their relationship, along with bubble baths, bedtime stories, play times, cute clothes and drop-seat pyjamas.

  She is thrilled with her new 'Daddy,' and when he asks her to accompany him for a 2-week stay at Kilchurny castle in Scotland, she jumps at the chance. But is there a long term future for this unlikely couple, the diminutive younger woman and the older man?

  Publisher's Note: Little Sophie and the Professor includes ageplay, anal play, sexual scenes, spankings and BDSM themes. Please don't buy this book if such material is likely to cause offence.




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