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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 22

by Mary Smith

  “That’s a dumb question, but if you must have an answer, I like him. He makes me feel safe,” she admitted.

  Mikayla studied Jarvis’s expression. He slightly softened. She knew he wanted his sister to be safe, no matter how it came.

  “Give him a chance. For me,” she begged him.

  “Okay.” He agreed. “For you, I will.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a hug. “I’m heading to bed. Love you both.”

  When she left, Mikayla sat next to him. “Are you really going to give him a chance?”

  He sighed in defeat. “I will try.”

  “You’re such a good guy.” She kissed his lips.

  “Don’t tell anyone.” He sighed.

  Curling closer to him, she inhaled his scent. Jarvis smelled of delicious sandalwood, musk, and sex. All of which turned her on more than anything. Regardless of the fact that they had sex less than an hour ago, she easily could ride him to the moon this very moment.

  “You are looking at me as if I’m a meal?” he commented.

  Laughing, she stood, pulling him with her, and led them both to the bedroom.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Driving to the arena, Jarvis felt as if he was floating. Waking up with Mikayla in his arms was what he wanted to do every single day. Last night had been perfect. He still felt the hot sting of the belt on his ass. To him, it was heaven. Their lives were open books with no more secrets between them. He felt free. He felt like his true self. He was no longer Jarvis the bad-boy. He was Mikayla’s boyfriend. It was the title he always wanted.

  Once he parked and strolled into the arena, he—again—was elated. He loved Mikayla and his life right now. He couldn’t imagine it getting any better. Thinking of marriage made his heart race. Yes, they briefly discussed their future but putting a ring on her finger? Would she say yes? She said she would. He thought she would. Then the rational side of his brain told him not to push. He didn’t want to deal with the pros and cons at this very moment. He needed to focus on working out. Training camp would be here before anyone knew it. Being at the top of his game was an obvious priority.

  In the locker room, Zerrick, Jackson, and Shade were already there. He greeted each of them and sat in his stall.

  “You look extremely happy,” Shade commented.

  “I had a great lay last night and this morning.” He knew it would rile him up.

  “Stop talking about Mikayla and your sex life,” Shade groaned.

  Jarvis laughed because it worked.

  He pulled his clothes off without removing his boxer briefs. Mikayla had put more cream on his ass this morning. The welts were there, and he sat down carefully, but overall, he enjoyed the feeling.

  Jarvis went off to the bathroom as more players came in. Walking in he saw Zerrick’s reflection in the mirror trying to put a T-shirt on.

  “Shit.” Zerrick turned around, hiding his back from Jarvis. His face turned bright red.

  Jarvis locked the door and rushed over to him. “Let me see your back.”

  “No, it’s nothing.” He moved away from him.

  “I know what those are, and I can help.” Jarvis lowered his tone.

  Zerrick hung his head.

  “Hey, man, I’m not going to tell anyone. I’ve been in your shoes before.”

  Lifting his head, he stared in confusion. “I doubt it.”

  He knew he had to prove it to him. The only way he knew how was to pull his boxer briefs down to show him his fresh marks.

  “Are you kidding me?” Zerrick gasped.

  “No, and I expect you not to say anything.” He yanked his underwear back into place.

  “I promise,” Zerrick vowed, leaning in and lowering his voice. “My mistress and I ended our relationship a couple of months ago. I had been talking to this other lady, but she didn’t—”

  “Stop finding fake dominatrixes from Craigslist or Tinder. Real ones aren’t going to be advertising, but I know someone who can help you connect with real and trained ones.”

  According to his expression, Jarvis thought Zerrick would hug him or bust into tears.

  “It would seriously help me. I’ve not been without a mistress in a long time.”

  Jarvis held up his hand to get him to stop talking. “This is a very exclusive place. I need you to understand.”

  Zerrick nodded. “I swear. I am very private about this.”

  “Now, let me help you,” he offered.

  Turning, Zerrick pulled out a tube of medicated ointment. Jarvis took it and gently spread it over his body. Then he helped him get his shirt on.

  “Thanks, Jarvis.”

  “Not a problem,” he said.

  Together they walked out and finished getting ready for the pick-up game. Once they were all out on the ice, everyone grew serious. They all had decided to make this a serious game. Dag and Hamilton were ‘captains’ and quickly picked their team. Jackson and Jarvis were paired together again. He remembered his promise to Mikayla and Joy.

  The sounds of the sticks slapping, calling out for the puck, and blades slashing on the ice echoed throughout the arena. It was music to Jarvis’s ears. He loved those sounds. He, along with the other players, pushed himself harder as if it were a real game. The hits, the shots on goal, and passes kept Jarvis focused and ready for the season to start.

  As the ‘game’ ended, they all skated to the bench to get rehydrated and head back to the locker room. Jarvis peeled off his pads and used a towel to wipe off the excess sweat rolling down his face and neck. He needed to shower but waited until it was just him and Zerrick in there. They both made sure their marks were covered before going back to the locker room.

  “Are you going?” Edgar asked Jarvis when he passed his stall.

  “To what?”

  “The benefit dinner,” he said as if Jarvis should know exactly what he meant. “The one Greer organized for the foster homes.”

  A light bulb went off in his head. “Right. It’s this weekend.”


  “I’ll be there.” He wondered if Mikayla would be able to go with him.

  “Jackson, Greer said you’re bringing a plus one,” Edgar called over to him across the room.

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “I asked someone to go with me.”

  Jarvis already had a feeling it was Joy, but he said nothing to confirm it. He gave his word to be on his best behavior. Shade had been the one to suggest lunch. The room agreed and they all made their way to the steakhouse.

  The hostess gave them the private, large backroom. As everyone settled around Jackson sat next to him, again. He felt as if Jackson was testing him but did his best to ignore him. Thankfully, Shade sat on his other side.

  “Going for a T-bone?” Jackson asked skimming over the menu.

  “Nah, probably just a sirloin.” Jarvis did his best to be cordial.

  “I’m more of a chicken or pork kind of guy,” Jackson continued.

  Trying to not roll his eyes, he kept them cast down on the menu.

  “Okay, listen up,” Hamilton bellowed. “We need to discuss something very important.”

  Everyone gave him their attention.

  “I want everyone to know there’s a possibility I might be traded.”

  Their mouths dropped in shock.

  “I know I’m married to one of the owners, but the Bears need new, younger blood,” Hamilton continued.

  “You’re not that old,” Zerrick informed him.

  “True, but I’m not twenty anymore either,” he corrected him.

  “Is Janan really going to let you go?” Edgar questioned.

  “She doesn’t have a choice. Hockey is a business,” Hamilton said in a professional tone. “It’s something we all have to deal with in this line of work.”

  Jarvis had always admired Hamilton. He was not only the best captain but a true leader. Jarvis hated for him to leave, but his words were true. Trades and being traded were part of the job description.

  “I’d ha
te it if you are traded,” Dag spoke up, and the table followed in agreement.

  “Thanks. I just wanted you all to hear it from me before some Twitter sports announcer got the news.” Hamilton’s sad tone rang in Jarvis’s ears.

  The waitress came and took their order. Soon the conversation moved to the upcoming season. There were a lot of new, up and coming players. When the food arrived, they ate and continued their talk. After paying his bill, Jarvis got up to leave, telling his friends he’d see them tomorrow. Shade followed him out the door.

  “Hey, Jarvis, you want to go for a run?”


  “No, maybe later this evening. I ate way too much to go now.” He patted his stomach.

  “Sure. Text me.” Jarvis had the feeling there was more to it than a late night run for some extra cardio.

  Jarvis knew Mikayla had to work with Jean today. He hoped she signed the contract. The opportunity was too good not to take it. When he opened the door of the condo, his eyes landed on Joy, sitting at the breakfast bar with a laptop.

  “Hey,” he greeted her. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m just going through some requests on your website.”

  Jarvis stopped and furrowed his brow. “My what?”

  “Oh, I made you a website.” She rotated the screen for him to see.

  “When did you do this?” He inspected the site and was highly impressed at what he saw.

  “A couple of weeks ago.” She moved the laptop back in front of her. “Frankie says I’m throwing myself into my work.”

  He understood what she meant. Joy was hiding from the outside world. Her job, as his assistant, was all she really had at the moment. “Have you been out today?”

  “I sat on the patio for a few and had the groceries delivered,” she told him.

  “Did you open the door?” he inquired.

  “I did.” Her tone was proud and then nervous.

  “I’m proud of you.”

  “I’m trying, Jarvis.”

  “I know and you’re doing outstanding. It’ll take time,” he told her reassuringly. “Tell me about these requests.” He changed the topic because he didn’t want to upset her considering she made a great stride today.

  Joy went on to tell him of the few speaking engagements that were asked of him. Jarvis didn’t do speeches and told her to decline them.

  “You could be an amazing motivational speaker,” Joy countered.

  “No,” he responded somberly. “But you will be.”

  She shook her head. “Unless I can do it via Skype and have something significant to say.”

  “You do,” he said. “Look at you and how far you’ve come since last year.”

  “It’s nice of you to believe in me, but I’m your lil sister who can’t leave the house and is a burden—”


  He couldn’t hear that word one more time. “Stop calling yourself a burden. I know why you think that. You’re my sister, and I will take care of you. I firmly believe you will get your life back. You will.”

  Tears wet Joy’s eyes. “You know you’re the best, right?”

  “That’s what the women say,” he joked causing her to roll her eyes and giggle.

  “Where’s Mikayla?”

  He told her about Mikayla being with Jean and working on the final products of the accessory line. Joy seemed to be proud of Mikayla as she was for her as well.

  After a while, he decided to watch some TV and rest. He didn’t want to be lazy because he’d been doing that enough lately, but he worked himself hard at practice today. He flipped over to Hulu and tapped the show Mikayla always watched. The Homicide Hunter. He still didn’t understand why she enjoyed all these true crime documentaries and shows. Nonetheless, he seemed to be intrigued by them.

  Picking up his phone he sent a few texts to Mikayla telling her he was home, practice was good, and Joy was doing okay as well. Then he remembered Zerrick. He tapped Lakota’s name.

  Jarvis: You have any dominatrix looking to have a submissive?

  Lakota: If you hurt Mikayla, you won’t like me.

  He knew just by the time he spent at Passions that Lakota took great care of her staff.

  Jarvis: It’s not for me. I love Mikayla. A friend and teammate of mine, Zerrick, just broke up with his mistress.

  Lakota: Trustworthy?

  Jarvis: I’d vouch for him.

  Lakota: Give me his information.

  He passed on everything he had about Zerrick to her. Jarvis knew Lakota did a very thorough background check. He remembered all of what he had to go through. He knew Zerrick well enough to know he would pass it. He then focused on several episodes of the show until he ended up falling asleep.

  Joy woke Jarvis when his phone continued to buzz. Rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, he read the message from Shade.

  Jarvis: I’m on my way.

  He jumped off the couch and quickly changed before rushing to the park.

  When he got there, he saw Shade sitting on a bench. Jarvis walked up to him, but he could see his friend was lost in thought. As he sat down next to him, Shade didn’t even acknowledge Jarvis was there.

  Then he spoke.

  “I really don’t feel like running.”

  “Sort of figured,” Jarvis said, studying his friend.

  “I don’t know how much more I can take at the house,” Shade began. “Jenessa just keeps pushing me further away. Every single day, I feel like a stranger in my own house. In my own marriage.”

  Jarvis didn’t say anything. He just let him talk.

  “Mikayla suggested the therapist Joy had been seeing, but I’m not sure it’s even worth it when she won’t even look me in the eyes.” Shade paused. “I’ve had a couple of teams contact me.”

  This made Jarvis perk up. “What do you mean?”

  “My no-trade clause has expired. I’m close enough to be a free agent,” he explained.

  “Are you going to be traded?” Jarvis couldn’t imagine not being on the ice without Shade. They’d been on the same team since Maine and the start of their careers.

  “I haven’t discussed it with Cabel yet, but is there any point in staying? My marriage is shattered and unrepairable. I have no other family. I have no one.” He coughed, trying to cover the crack in his voice.

  Jarvis knew Shade’s background well. Not only was it covered by the media when he was drafted, but he told Jarvis something he didn’t reveal to too many people. In fact, Jarvis had no clue who knew the real truth regarding Shade’s past.

  “You still have the Bears. You have Mikayla and me.” Jarvis tried to show him the bigger picture.

  “I know, but Jenessa…” He trailed off for several seconds. “She’s my world. I can’t even fathom my life without her in it, but I feel as if I don’t leave soon…”

  When he abruptly stopped talking, Jarvis could feel a dark cloud over them.

  “Do you think you’d hurt yourself?” The last thing he would ever want would be a friend—or anyone—to harm themselves.

  “No. No. No. I won’t do that. I meant my spirit will be broken. How would I be able to repair it?”

  Jarvis sighed with relief, understanding Shade’s true intentions. “Maybe you should suggest the therapist? Think of it as a last-ditch effort.”

  Shade nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “Hey, since we’re both here, why don’t we go on that run? It might clear your head,” Jarvis suggested.

  “You’re probably right.” Shade stood and stretched a bit as Jarvis followed suit.

  In a slow but steady pace, they ran a few miles together. The sounds from the other runners, their feet hitting the gravel, and their breathing were all around. When they made it back to the bench, they sat and relaxed.

  “Feel any better?” Jarvis asked.

  “A bit, but I’ll let you know when I get home.” He tried to sound hopeful, but it didn’t come across in his expression. “Thanks, Jarvis.”

Jarvis could reply back, Shade was already heading toward the parking lot. He wondered and worried about his friend.

  Although he was in great shape, he hadn’t worked out this hard lately and Jarvis felt exhausted walking into the condo. Plus, the thought of losing Shade hurt. Shutting the door, he could smell pizza, which caused his stomach growl.

  “I hope you ordered enough for me,” he announced turning the corner to go into the dining room.

  “You’re late.”

  He smiled big at the sound of her voice. “Are you lost, Mikayla?”

  She took a bite of pizza. “Nope, I’m here to hang out with my best friend and eat all your food.”

  Jarvis kissed her lips before sitting next to her.

  “I made sure to order enough for your big mouth.” Joy pushed a pizza box in front of him.

  “What have you two been up to since I’ve been gone?” He opened the box and grabbed his first slice.

  “We’ve been chatting,” Mikayla informed him with minimal details.

  “How’s Jean?” Jarvis questioned.

  “Better since I signed the contract,” she teased.

  “I’m elated for you.” He didn’t think his smile could get any bigger.

  “Thanks. I’m completely overwhelmed now. Jean threw a hundred ideas at me once I gave him the paperwork.” She rolled her eyes. “Thankfully, his assistant manager hired some staff, which also seemed to please him.”

  Jarvis ate and listened intently as she discussed her day. Jean had packed up everything and made his way to New York City. She’ll have to go up in the next few days for meetings. She did get excited when she talked about attending all the fashion shows.

  “Speaking of events. What are you doing this weekend?” Jarvis inquired.

  “Nothing that I’m aware of. Why?” She wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin.

  “There’s a dinner for charity I’m going to, and you can be my plus one.” He closed the pizza box unable to eat another bite. It seemed all he had done lately was work out and eat.

  “I can, can I?” She glared at him.

  “You know what I mean.” He gave her the same look back.

  “I have nothing to wear.” She looked over to Joy. “What would I wear?”


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