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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 25

by Mary Smith

  As Zerrick went off, they stepped further down the hall to a quieter and less crowded spot. They talked about what game they will play next once they were able to get back inside.

  “I might need to Google how to play poker or how t…ouch!” Mikayla exclaimed when Joy dug her nails into her forearm. “What the–” She stopped. She looked at Joy whose face was pale. Paler than any ghost. Her body visibly shook, and Mikayla thought she was about to pass out.

  “What is it, Joy? What’s wrong?” Panic set in for Mikayla trying to figure out what was happening with her friend. Was she sick? Had the sushi not agreed with her?

  “He was at the party. He’s the one who gave me my second drink. He took me to the bedroom. I remember him sitting on the side of the bed. He…touched…” Tears rushed down her cheeks. “I couldn’t move, but I saw him.”

  “Honey, it’s okay. He can’t hurt you now.” Mikayla tried to reassure her.

  “He’s right there.” Her eyes remained glued straight ahead.

  “Wait, here? Do you mean here, here?” Mikayla held Joy’s hand tightly.

  “He’s leaning against the wall talking to the girl in the pink dress.” Joy’s body continued to shake as if she were dressed in a bikini standing in a freezer.

  She peeked to see who this monster was and time stopped as her eyes landed on who Joy was staring at.

  “Oh my God. Come here.” She led Joy away to a smaller hallway. “Just keep breathing.” She didn’t want her to collapse right there.

  “What’s going on?” Jarvis exclaimed, rushing up to them.

  Jackson practically pushed her away to get to Joy. “What’s wrong?” His voice was full of concern for her.

  Joy fell into his arms, finally breaking down in heavy sobs.

  “Mikayla?” Jarvis forcefully questioned. His voice snapped her back to reality.

  “Listen to me clearly.” Her voice was firm and demanding. “Jackson, stick by her side. Jarvis, go with them back to the condo and call FBI Agent Kinns. Her card is on the desk. Shade, call Jenessa. I’m going to need an attorney.” She doled out orders as if she were a general and they were her soldiers.

  “What the hell—”

  Mikayla covered Jarvis’s mouth with her hand. “She remembers. It all came back to her. Do this now. She needs you.”

  The blood drained from all the men’s faces.

  “Where is he?” Shade’s voice was clear he was ready for battle.

  She stepped back, dropping her hand from Jarvis. “You three cannot get in trouble because you will lose everything,” she explained. “But I can go out there and confront him.”

  “That’s fucking bullshit,” Jarvis roared and began heading out into the main hotel.

  “Stop.” Joy’s sobs froze everyone into place. “Jarvis, please, don’t leave me.”

  Mikayla watched Jarvis debate with himself internally if he should or should not listen to her.

  “Kay knows what she’s doing,” Joy managed to say between sobs. “Please, I can’t stay here anymore. I have to leave.” Her knuckles were turning white as she held onto Jackson’s tux.

  Mikayla stared at him, wondering what he was going to do. His face was red, fury raged from his eyes, and he didn’t move any of his tight muscles. After several seconds, he turned to Mikayla.

  “If you get hurt, I’m going to be very pissed. And I won’t forgive you.” He gave her a rough kiss.

  Knowing he meant every word, she tried to calm him down. “I’ll be okay. Go with your sister.”

  Jackson was already guiding Joy toward the exit, but Jarvis made no move to join them.

  “You have too much to lose,” she repeated. “Please do this for me.”

  “I want to kill him.” His low tone was lethal.

  “You can’t kill him. We need to bring him to the police. Legally.” However, she liked his idea better. “Think, Jarvis. Use your head because you know I’m right.”

  “Listen to her,” Shade said. “I’ll be here.”

  His words seemed to register with Jarvis. He gave her one more kiss before rushing to Joy and Jackson.

  “What do you want me to do?” Shade asked once Jarvis was out of earshot.

  She couldn’t figure out how she became the Olivia Pope of this situation, but she had to have some sort of plan. The number one goal was to get his DNA.

  “Call Jenessa. Keep an eye on me.” Her orders came out in short bursts of fire. “This might be messy.” She moved away from him before he could argue and went back out to the main hallway.

  She squared her shoulders making her way to the monster. He stood there in his tux still speaking to the female in the pale pink cocktail dress. It was clear to see they were flirting. A knot tightened in her stomach thinking about why he did all those horrific things to those innocent women and what possibly could happen to the one in front of him. She’ll never ignore her instincts again.

  An idea struck her a few feet from the monster. She wouldn’t let him hurt anyone ever again. She never felt this scared before in her life. Or this determined.

  Putting on the best fake smile, she stepped right up to him, pushing herself in between the girl and the monster.

  “Hey, how the hell are you?” she said in an upbeat tone.

  Donnie Burns glared back at her.

  The governor’s son.

  A billionaire’s son.

  A rapist.

  “What do you want?”

  By his tone, she got the impression he was still upset about their last encounter. Mikayla ignored his question putting all her attention on the female, who didn’t look old enough to drive a car.

  “Did he get you that drink?” She pointed to the glass of liquid.

  “Yes,” she replied unsure what was happening around her.

  “I wouldn’t drink it. He…” she pointed to Donnie, “likes to slip drugs into girls’ drinks and rape them.”

  “What the fuck?” Donnie roared as the girl gasped.

  “I’d run away,” Mikayla suggested to her, and she did just that.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Donnie’s voice—still loud—was bringing the attention of those around them.

  “Stopping you.” She didn’t back down from him even though every part of her body was telling her to run away.

  “I’ve not—”

  “Save it for the cameras.” She held up her hand to stop his lies. “I know the truth.”

  His face grew red. “You don’t—”

  “I know exactly what I’m saying and who you are. And you know what? I don’t care.” Her tone was clear.

  “I don’t know what you think you know, but it’s a lie,” he stated, but she heard the shake in his voice. He was caught and knew it.

  “You remember that Bears game we attended. You told me you lived in Boston while you were getting your MBA. Remember?”

  He said nothing.

  “You raped one of my friends. An incredible woman who had her entire future in front of her. You broke her and eleven other women.” Her blood began to boil thinking of all their fears and pain.

  Donnie’s expression resembled the same during their last encounter. It was malice. Pure evil practically poured off him. Mikayla’s legs were ready to bolt at any given second, but she wasn’t done yet.

  “You best be—”

  “Don’t tell me to be careful, you sick rapist. I’m not scared of you.”

  “I’m the governor’s son.”

  This remark made Mikayla pause. She knew who his father was and his position. Did this mean he could cover it up? Had he done it before? She couldn’t let him get away with it. As ideas ran through her mind, she knew only one would work. At least she hoped. Or it could go terribly wrong. Either way, she had to try.

  “You piece of shit. You’re trying to hide behind Daddy’s coattails, and it won’t work this time. Your DNA is with the FBI. The FBI. You can’t hide from them. You ruined twelve lives. I’ll be right beside them when your balls are c
ut off and nailed to the wall.” She stepped closer to him. She will win this battle. She needed to get him angry.

  “You’ve been thinking about my balls?” A nasty smirk crossed his face.

  “No, you sick fuck. I’m with a man. A real man. A man who doesn’t need to drug and rape women.”

  Those were the words.

  The words to set off Donnie.

  He grabbed her upper arm with a grip she never felt in her life. He jerked her causing her to lose her balance. His vise grip kept her from completely falling to the ground. He pushed her through a door that led to a small room.

  “Let me go.” She jerked away from him but couldn’t get loose.

  “Normally, I don’t like when they fight back, but I can make an exception.”

  His words made her blood turn cold. She froze for several seconds unable to process what was happening. Then all the wheels of her brain began to click into place. She had to get the DNA and if he doesn’t like a fight, she’ll give him the best fight of his life.

  Mikayla used her right hand and as quickly as she could strike…she did. Clawing the left side of his face, she felt his skin rip and blood became visible.

  “You bitch,” he roared.

  Mikayla saw the fist but couldn’t react before it connected with her face.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mikayla’s head pounded, and she couldn’t figure out how she was rocking back and forth. Opening one eye she figured out she was in the back of an ambulance then she closed her eyes again.

  The bed was uncomfortable to Mikayla as she moved about in it. Opening her eyes, several pairs stared back down at her.

  “Well, this isn’t creepy at all,” she commented and pain ripped through the right side of her face.

  “You’ve lost your damn mind,” Jenessa said from the end of the bed.

  “I agree,” Jarvis said sitting on her left, holding one of her hands.

  “Where’s Donnie?” Mikayla ignored them both.

  “I took care of him.”

  She couldn’t believe her eyes or ears as Lakota came from the corner of the room.

  “He’s in jail for your assault.”

  “For now,” Jenessa added. “But not for long. He’s the governor’s son.”

  “Like I told you before, my reach is far greater than his,” Lakota told her in an exasperated tone and glared.

  Mikayla lifted her right hand seeing it was clean. “Dammit.”

  “What’s wrong?” Jarvis asked with deep concern.

  “I scratched his face.” She held up her hand. “Obviously, they cleaned all the DNA away,” she groaned in defeat.

  “They already took his DNA at the jail,” Lakota informed them.

  “And I told you, you can’t—”

  “Please, stop talking,” Lakota ordered Jenessa.

  “I don’t even know who the hell you are.” Jenessa seethed.

  “Nes, stop, please,” Mikayla jumped in. “She’s a friend of mine.”

  Jenessa rolled her eyes, shaking her head, but said nothing.

  “As I was saying, it’s handled. I’ve been ensured his DNA will be in the system within the week,” Lakota said.

  “A week? He’ll be out by then,” Mikayla exclaimed.

  “Exactly,” Jenessa agreed.

  “Don’t underestimate lost paperwork.” Lakota gave a wink. “Now that you’re awake, I’m leaving. Jarvis, call me if you need anything else. Mikayla, you rest.” Lakota picked up her purse that cost more than a year of Mikayla’s rent and strolled out of the hospital room.

  “Who is she?” Shade, who had been standing quietly to Mikayla’s left, asked.

  “A friend of ours,” Jarvis simply answered.

  “Where’s Joy?” She changed the topic since Jenessa wanted to ask more questions.

  “At the condo. Frankie came over to try to calm her down,” Jarvis explained.

  “How bad do I look?” She’s not vain but curious since her face felt as if it was on fire.

  “Like you were hit with a puck,” Shade tried to joke.

  “You shouldn’t have approached him,” Jenessa chastised her.

  “Yes, I should have, Jenessa. What do you think would have happened to the girl he was talking to if I hadn’t?” Mikayla countered.

  “Joy was hypnotized. It will never, ever hold up in court.” Jenessa put her legal hat on.

  “But his DNA will, and I believe Joy. You weren’t there. You didn’t see her face. I know Donnie and he’s a total creep.” Mikayla’s head pounded harder because she was getting upset.

  “Let’s hope because if not this guy, who is the governor’s son, will sue you for everything.” Jenessa’s face turned the brightest red. They stared at each other for several seconds. Without another word, she watched Jenessa leave in a huff.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” Shade kissed the top of her head just as he followed his wife out the door.

  Jarvis still held her hand tightly saying nothing.

  “You’re mad,” Mikayla said.

  “Yes, but glad you’re going to be okay.” He rested his cheek on the back of her hand. “I hate when you push me away to be the hero.” The hurt washed over his face.

  “I wasn’t pushing you away. I just didn’t want you to get in trouble. You have so much—”

  “Stop.” He cut her off. “You are all I need. I don’t care what it costs. You and Joy are it for me. Period.”

  “You would have killed him,” she stated.

  “Yes. I would have saved the taxpayers a lot of money too.” He didn’t even blink saying the words.

  “And you would have lost all your endorsements, been kicked off the Bears and out of the PHL, and everything in between.”

  He hung his head. She ran her fingers through his hair. It was soft and calming. For each of them.

  “I wouldn’t care.” His voice broke.

  “But I care, and I’m not hurt that bad. The main thing is…he’s in jail. Joy will have closure. Those other women will have closure,” she explained.

  He didn’t raise his head to look at her.

  “Just let me be the hero this one time.” She hoped the joke would lighten his mood, just for a little bit.

  He rose his head but didn’t smile. “You need your rest.”

  Normally, she would continue to argue, but she was tired, and she took his advice. “Will you stay?”

  He kissed the inside of her wrist. “I’m never leaving your side.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes.

  “I don’t want to fight about this,” Mikayla growled at Jarvis. “I want to go home. My home. I love you, but I need to go home.”

  “Then I’m staying with you. Jackson isn’t leaving Joy’s side anyway.”

  “That’s fine,” she conceded. Her headache wasn’t as bad as yesterday but still had a dull ache. The doctor said she had a concussion and would need to rest. Which she wanted to do at her home.

  Elexis came to the hospital this morning and brought some clothes for her to wear home. Jarvis parked at the curb and practically carried her up to the door. Elexis greeted them the second they hit the steps and had a Hi-C for Mikayla.

  Mikayla hugged her as she walked in. “Thank you.”

  They strolled arm in arm to the table where Mikayla’s favorite sub sat waiting for her. She even had stuff for Jarvis to eat.

  They ate with minimal conversation, but Mikayla was happy to have something delicious to eat. She hated that Elexis cut her trip short to come back for her. But at the same time, she was thankful to have her friend near.

  “I need to lay down,” Mikayla said as she finished her drink. Hugging Elexis one more time she went to her bedroom, and Jarvis followed.

  “I’m going to run to the condo, grab some stuff, and come back,” Jarvis told her as she was reaching her bedroom.

  Just as she stretched out on her bed, she heard a light tap on her door. “Come in, Elexis.”

  “Sorry, I just wanted to see you.
” Elexis was apologetic as she strolled into her bedroom.

  “You want details, don’t you?”

  “If you’re up to it.” She sat down on the side of the bed.

  Mikayla told her everything that transpired. Elexis listened intently to every word. Reliving the evening made it all real for Mikayla, and she realized the danger she had put herself in. She didn’t even notice the tears until Elexis wiped one away.

  “You were scared.” Elexis had always been intuitive with her emotions and of others around her.

  “I pretended not to be.”

  “You’re my hero,” Elexis said.

  Mikayla gave a slight giggle to her friend and roommate. “Joy and those girls needed closure period. I had to do something.”

  “And now they’ll get it because of you,” Elexis reassured her.

  Mikayla closed her eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.

  When Mikayla opened her eyes, it was a whole new day and she laid in an empty bed. Her brain tried to figure out what was going on as her eyes tried to focus.

  All the events of the past several days came flooding back to her. Removing herself from the comforts of her bed, she stood and made her way to the bathroom.

  First, she stopped at the mirror. While at the hospital she avoided every single one of them. But now, she studied herself. The apple of her cheek was deeply bruised. Her eye was even more bruised but nothing was extremely swollen.

  After she took a ridiculously long hot shower, she got dressed and went downstairs. Sitting at the table, she saw Elexis, Dag, Shade, Jenessa, and Jarvis. She felt a real sense of relief seeing Jarvis. The smile he gave her made her heart race.

  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Jarvis got up to give her a hug and a kiss.

  “Look at this spread,” Mikayla commented at the massive amount of food spread out on the table.

  “Yes, apparently we brought it.” Jenessa sneered, making it uncomfortable for everyone.

  “So glad that you’re here too, sister,” Mikayla sarcastically said as Jarvis held out her chair. “You all didn’t have to wait for me.”

  “We didn’t,” Jenessa jumped in before anyone said anything else. “We just arrived because the FBI will be here shortly.”


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