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Chase the Pain: A Dark Mafia Billionaire Romance (Amatucci Family Book 1)

Page 14

by Sadie Jacks

  Dom swallowed heavily. “It seems that Doctor Douche has joined forces with Cavendish. They’re trying to make the kidnapping charges stick.”

  I felt all the blood drain from my face. I studied Dom’s face. His inability to look at me told me something else was going on. “Spit it out, Domenico Maurice.”

  He looked at me, fire in his eyes. “Errington’s trying to get you admitted to the hospital involuntarily. Saying that you’re a danger to yourself. His evidence is the way you ran from the room when you were injured.”

  I shook my head, felt the room close in around me. “No.” I sank my nails into my legs. “No. He can’t do that. He’s not my husband anymore. He’s not my emergency contact. He has no say in what I do.”

  “He filled himself in as your doctor of record, Will,” Dom said softly.

  I shook my head some more. This couldn’t be happening. I’d rather die than be anywhere near him. I couldn’t go back to him. Not ever.

  The edges of my vision went black as someone lifted my legs and sat down with them in their lap. Someone grabbed my hand, rescued my flesh from my nails.

  The next moment, a deep, fiery pain shot through my mind.

  I inhaled as my brain cleared. I looked up.

  Ryker had put himself under my legs. Dug the heel of his hand into my thigh under the guise of holding my hand.

  I felt tears burn at the back of my eyes. He’d saved me, again. And in a way that my adopted brothers didn’t seem to comprehend.

  He held my gaze with his bright emerald one. “He’s not going to get away with this, Willow.”

  “Damn straight he’s not,” Dom said, not even commenting on the fact that Ryker had my legs in his lap.

  I pressed our clasped hands deeper into my bruised thigh as I studied Ryker’s face. He pushed against my hand at one point. The corner of his mouth dipped down. He gave the smallest of head shakes.

  He didn’t remove the pressure, but he didn’t let me go any deeper. He allowed me the pain that kept me in this world. This reality. He didn’t try to take it from me, but he didn’t allow me to hurt myself either.

  I tried to thank him with my gaze. With my body language without overtly saying anything. I pressed my legs into his lap slightly. Felt the corner of my mouth tip up.

  He nodded slightly but didn’t say anything else.

  I shifted to look at Dom. “If I sign the affidavit, will that quash anything else he can do?” I still refused to say his name. Denied him that marginal amount of respect.

  Dom nodded. “Wright is going to get a court order based on your PFA. Errington won’t be able to force you into involuntary commitment due to conflict of interest. I’ve already informed the hospital board of directors that if he doesn’t stop trying to see you—in any capacity—that we will hold the hospital liable. Wright has agreed to back me if charges of criminal medical endangerment are required.”

  I felt my belly twist even as my heart rejoiced. This was just going to make him angrier. More determined to get me back. I was safe right now, simply because he couldn’t get through the Amatucci family. He didn’t have the power or ability to force me to return to him. And other than my estranged parents, I had nothing else of leverage for him to blackmail me with.

  There was no doubt in my mind that my ex husband would eventually kill me. In addition to being a sociopath who thought he was God, he was so narcissistic that he thought he owned me. That I was his property until he decided to dispose of me.

  The fact that I’d left him—in the middle of the night, no less—had to have enraged him. And insulted him. I shuddered to think of any other victims he’d found since I left. Those faceless victims haunted me daily and nightly.

  A fresh spark of pain brought my attention back to the room. I looked up to Ryker, saw him staring at me as if waiting for an answer.

  I felt my cheeks flush. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening. What did you say?”

  Dom laughed, drawing my attention. “I said something, actually. But nice to know you’re back to ignoring me when discussing important matters.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “Then you should be more engaging. Don’t you know anything about keeping a woman’s attention?”

  The three other men in the room said, “Ooooooh.”

  Rafe added, “Burn.”

  Dom narrowed his eyes at me, a promise of revenge in his eyes. “I’ll remember you said that, Will.”

  Ryker stiffened under my legs. “You were saying?” he said to Dom.

  Dom glared. “I said that the sooner you get the affidavit signed, the better it will be. Are you up to going to the DA’s office today?”

  I started to nod, but got interrupted by Rafe.

  “No. She’s not going anywhere. She’s already overdone it. I had to carry her in here from the car, her legs were so swollen. She’s staying home. Bring one of the DA’s peons here. He, or she, can take the statement here.” He came over with a lap tray loaded with a bowl, plate, and glass full of water.

  I’d sunk down and was in a bad position to try to scoot back up so I could lean forward to eat. “Turo, can you help me, please?” I called.

  He came over, grabbed me under the arms and lifted slowly until I could get my butt wedged into the corner of the couch. This time, I wasn’t going anywhere. Goddess, thank you for a huge ass.

  I moved my arms out of the way as Rafe set the tray down. As I was putting a napkin on my lap, he bent my knees slightly and stuffed a pillow under them.

  I winced at the burning ache but sighed at the almost instantaneous relief of having them bend.

  Ryker kept his hand on my leg as I got down to the business of stuffing my face with the world’s best comfort food.

  After a moment, I became aware of the room. It was silent. Heavy with unsaid comments.

  I looked around, wiped my mouth. Everyone was watching me. The Amatucci boys—minus Dom—looked like I was some kind of odd circus animal. Dom looked like he was going to steal my soup. Or maybe my grilled cheese.

  I bared my teeth at him.

  Ryker…well, Ryker was staring at me, but I didn’t feel like a caged animal under his unrelenting gaze. Thinly veiled lust shone in his eyes. His hand had curled around the back of my lower leg. His thumb gently stroked the skin of my calf.

  “What?” I looked at anyone but Ryker. The man made me want to bake again, damn it.

  Rafe and Turo blinked. “When did you start moaning and groaning as you eat?”

  I blinked at them. Seriously? This again? “What the hell are you guys talking about? I don’t moan and groan while eating. How is that supposed to work anyway? I can’t swallow and use my voice at the same time. What you’re saying is ridiculous.”

  I looked at Ryker. Tipped my head to the side. “Am I making weird noises when I eat?” Surely this relative stranger would back me up.

  He nodded, his eyelids drooping ever so slightly.

  I jerked back. I rolled my eyes. “No, I’m not. You guys must be hearing things.”

  Dom jolted, grabbed his phone from his pocket. He looked at the screen. Stabbed at whatever had goosed him. He looked back up at me. “You really are making noises, Will. Mildly distressing when you consider you’re eating soup and grilled cheese.”

  I shook my head. They were crazy. I went back to my soup, sighed in delight at the smell. The taste was even better. I didn’t know how Turo did it, but he made the best soup ever. No matter what kind, it was always best when the oldest Amatucci was manning the stove top.

  Ryker’s fingers dug into the muscle of my calf, pulling my attention.

  I raised an eyebrow as I lifted a triangle of my grilled cheese.

  He smiled, shook his head.

  A low, sexy moan slid through the air. I almost dropped my sandwich as I looked around for the sound. Whoever that was, sounded like she was on the edge of getting hers. I felt heat rush my cheeks at the idea of Dom watching anything like that with the sound up. Especially in the middle of the
day. He smiled as another husky sound floated from the speaker of his phone.

  I raised my brows. “Watching porn in the middle of the day is a disgusting habit.”

  All of the men, including Ryker, burst into laughter.

  Once Dom got himself under control, he turned his phone around. The recorder function was up on the display. The time/date stamp showed today. Not even a minute ago.

  My eyes widened. “That’s me?” My sandwich dropped back to the tray as I covered my face with my hands. “Sweet goddess, why didn’t you guys sa—”

  My words cut off. Shit. They had just told me. And Tali had said the same thing yesterday. Shit. Shit. Shit. I sounded like a woman about to…bake some seriously great cupcakes.

  Oh sweet world, just open up and swallow me whole.

  Their laughter boomed higher.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I draped my napkin over my face. “You can all leave now.” I pointed towards the door. “Now. Just leave me to my shame and misery. Tell Tali not to come back. I’ll be dead by the time she’s done with work.” My head fell back against the arm of the couch.

  Of course, this would happen to me. I’m either some crazy psycho’s personal toy to torment or I’m a weirdo who doesn’t know what the hell is coming out of her own mouth at any given moment. Not a lot of in between for Willow Koa Chase.


  Someone tugged on one of my toes.

  I pulled the napkin off my face, the cool wash of air a blessing to my overheated cheeks. I glared at the culprit.

  “You don’t get to die of embarrassment,” Dom said. His butterscotch eyes danced with mirth. “Besides, it’s kinda hot, the way you sound. I think I might make that into your personal ringtone.”

  I threw my napkin as Ryker’s legs bunched under mine. “You’re an ass. That better not end up as my ringtone or I’ll…” Crap, what was I going to do? I suck at threats. “I’ll…” I gave up. “I’ll do something really mean. I’ll get Mas to help me.”

  That wiped the smile from Dom’s face. His eyes widened. He turned the screen back to me. Let me watch him hit the delete button. “Keep his pranks away from me.”

  I wanted to pump my hands in victory, but since it was the threat of his brother—and not me—that got him to do what I asked, I couldn’t really claim it as my triumph.

  Ryker’s thighs unbunched as he rubbed his hand over my calf muscle again. It was really nice actually. And considering I usually hated it when people touched me without permission, I was a little surprised at myself.

  I pushed it aside. Figured he got a special dispensation since he’d saved me so many times lately.

  I finished my food, ate it so fast my stomach almost revolted. But I managed to keep everything where it was supposed to be. And since I didn’t get any other weird looks, I guessed I’d kept the sex moans to a minimum as well.

  Thank the goddess.

  Rafe got up, went to the kitchen counter, came back. He had three small pills in his hand this time. Not the normal brownish color, these were little capsules that were red and blue.

  I looked up at him. Narrowed my eyes. “These are different and why three?”

  “These are different because I’d like to preserve your stomach lining. Three because your legs are swollen from all the walking we did today. You can just take two, but professionally speaking, I think you can use the third. Especially if you have three events this weekend that you still want to appear for.”

  I studied him. His face was open, honest, and direct. I couldn’t wish for more. I took the pills from him. After I got them down the hatch, he pressed his lips to my hair. He leaned over the back of the couch and stole my tray.

  “Now, you can either take a bath or I can give you some ice packs for the actual injury sites. See if that helps with the swelling,” he said, his back to the majority of the room.

  “Well, Tali’s not here to help with the bath, so I guess ice packs.” I pushed the fabric of my sundress back down my legs. I didn’t want the ice packs against my skin, but I also didn’t want too many layers between the packs and my flesh. They needed to help me, not just cool me down.

  Dom cleared his throat heavily.

  I looked up.

  He was glaring at Ryker. His gaze shifted between Ryker’s face and his hand against my calf.

  Ryker raised one brow in stupefied oblivion.

  Dom’s upper lip curled.

  Ryker chuckled, grabbed the hem of my dress, and pulled it the rest of the way down my legs. “Happy now?”

  Dom snorted. “Not even fucking close.”

  I was too busy watching the men stand off over something stupid to notice that Rafe was back. That was, until he eased the ice packs over my abused thighs.

  I hissed out a breath as I felt everything in my body clench. I squeezed my eyes shut as I waited for my skin to adapt to the freezing pressure.

  Ryker’s thumb brushed over the outside of my ankle bone.

  I stiffened slightly. I opened my eyes. He was chatting with Turo about something dealing with the stock market. I flicked my gaze down to my feet. Ryker’s hands were crossed over my ankles. His lower hand was hidden by the fabric of my dress. He smoothed another warm path around the joint.

  I inhaled. My brain couldn’t quite decide what it thought of that action. The touch was light as a feather. Nowhere near the pressure I usually preferred. But something about it was…soothing.

  Argh. I shoved all of it from my mind. I didn’t have the capacity to deal with any of that kind of stuff. No men. No sex. Nothing but light flirting and the understanding that nothing would ever happen. Those were my social rules regarding men. They either abided by them or they weren’t in my life for long.

  Ryker was screwing all of that up. And he didn’t even look like he noticed or cared. Asshole.

  I tried to pull my feet from his lap. The muscles of my legs protested as his lower hand caught my ankle and held me still.

  I glared at him. As soon as I had him alone, I was going to give him a piece of my mind. He didn’t get to make decisions about my body. Nobody did. Nobody but me.

  Chapter 18 – Ryker

  I didn’t have to see Willow’s face to know that I was going to get an earful. The woman practically vibrated with outraged affront. Did it make me a little sick that I was looking forward to it? Maybe, but damn if I wasn’t excited to see the flash of her anger fill those pretty mossy eyes.

  When she’d gotten lost in her mind again, I hadn’t thought of anything except bringing her back. To the room. To me. I’d bullied my way forward to grab at her. Grab her hand, bring her brain some soothing pain.

  The look in her eyes as she’d drifted back into herself had made something deep inside me ache. Made me want something more from her than I’ve wanted from anyone. I had no idea what that was, but I knew I had to have it.

  This woman, this bruised and abused woman, was going to be mine. For as long as it took to get her out of my system. She was screwing with my mind and I didn’t like it. Not one damn bit. No one shook me, derailed my thoughts. I was driven, focused, and ambitious. None of those traits allowed for anything other than the briefest of sexual partners.

  And I liked it like that.

  But fucking hell—the sounds she’d made while she consumed her meal—I’d wanted to rip her dress off, pull her under me, and feast on her. No matter that the Amatuccis were there. They’d consigned themselves to her friendzone, the idiots.

  All except Dom. But he was waiting. For what, I didn’t know, some indication of…something before he staked his claim on her. I chuckled mentally. To the victor goes the spoils. And I was winning this fucking race. He could have her when I was done.

  My only regret was not getting a copy of that recording of her moaning. I made a mental note to have a recorder handy so I could do so after I’d rocked her world. She wouldn’t be able to threaten me into getting rid of it.

  I rubbed my fingers arou
nd her ankle bone again, enjoyed the slight tremor that shook her leg as I talked with Turo. The man was smart and discerning as hell when it came to the market. Who knew the local mafia scene would hold the people I least wanted to kill?

  I abhorred social functions, sent bigger checks to get out of the responsibility of going to them. I could actually see myself having a beer with these assholes. They didn’t beat around the bush. Weren’t obsequious in their interactions. They couldn’t pander if their lives depended on it. I found it refreshing.

  “I’ve heard some good things about your company, Penn. In what area do you foresee your biggest growth in the next five years?” Turo asked.

  I smiled. “Computer systems designs. I’ve got one of the best IT experts in the world. With what she and my R&D department are coming up with?” I shook my head. “The sky’s the limit.”

  He nodded, his lips quirked to the side. “What about 3D printers and Makers’ Spaces?”

  “I think they’ll have good gains. But with those come the need for more advanced computer systems. Think base or foundation. Then add the goodies on top of that.”

  A low snore cut off his reply.

  I looked over. Willow had crashed. Her long lashes laid against her peaches and cream skin as her chest moved in a steady rhythm. I shook her ankle. If she was going to sleep, she needed to be flat to help her body get rid of as much cellular damage as possible.

  She didn’t wake up.

  I shook her leg again. “Willow?”


  I looked at the youngest Amatucci. He had a slightly guilty look on his face. I felt my chest constrict. “What the fuck did you do?” I said softly. I could feel the need to beat him senseless slide through me.

  The other two stopped their discussion behind me.

  “What’s wrong?” Domenico asked.

  “She won’t wake up. Ibuprofen shouldn’t knock her out,” I said as I lifted her legs to get out from under her. I bent down, removed the ice packs from her legs. I slid her into my arms.

  “What?” Domenico said, anger in his voice.


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