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Katieran Prime

Page 6

by KD Jones

  Cassie said, “Okay” and settled back into the chair.

  Ren smiled at Cassie and stood up straight. He acknowledged TarAK with a curt nod. TarAK responded in turn with a brisk, “Prime Leader”. Men were so strange Cassie thought to herself.

  They all loaded into the blue lift. As the doors were closing a woman yelled out to hold the lift for her. One of the security guys held it until the woman rushed into the lift. She thanked the security people and then turned to face the others in the lift. Her face lit up at the sight of Ren.

  “Oh RendEL! I am so excited about our dinner tonight. I had to look everywhere until I found a new outfit that I know you are just going to love.” Erica Rowe’s bubbly perky annoying voice grated on Cassie’s nerves.

  Ren didn’t respond to Erica but checked to see how Cassie was doing. Cassie looked really pale and had a frown between her eyebrows. Having the other female present made it uncomfortable in the small tight lift. Ren noticed that TarAK was smiling smugly at his dilemma. He was going to have a talk with Kyd about re-assigning TarAK.

  Erica finally noticed that there were other people on the lift besides Ren. Cassie especially caught her attention. “I think you are on the wrong lift sweetie.” She told Cassie with a fake sugary voice.

  Cassie was going to ignore the nosy woman, but Ren answered her instead. “Actually, Miss Tomlin is relocating to a higher floor.”

  Erica tried to appear sincere but it didn’t come across that way, “How fantastic for you! I live on the 7th floor too. Perhaps we will see each other around.”

  Cassie thought to herself that she would hang out with Erica Rowe when hell froze over, or as the Katierans would say, 'when the fires of Kitana froze over'. She didn’t have time to respond because the doors opened on the 7th floor. Erica stepped out, turned back around to say goodbye to Ren, and looked confused as she noticed that Cassie did not get off the lift.

  It was Dr. Morris who smiled tightly and said, “We’re both moving to the 8th floor, but perhaps we will still see you around.” And the look on Erica’s surgically perfected face was priceless.

  The ride up to the 8th floor was done in silence. Ren didn’t know what he should do. He wasn’t with Erica, but he obviously needed to explain things to her. He hadn’t been interested in the female at all. He had agreed to this evening’s plans with her without thinking it through. Maybe he should go ahead and see her at Evening Meal as planned and explain that there would be no more sharing meals for them now or ever.

  All Ren wanted to do was lock himself in a bedroom with Cassie and mate her the way his ancestors used to do. They would be there for days and when they finally came out of their mating bed, they would celebrate with family and friends. Yeah, he didn’t think Cassie would go for that right now.

  The two Katieran women that had greeted Ren and Commander KydEL when they first arrived on Katiera stood on the outside of an open door of the new suite. Ren introduced them as his mother, Prima SandELa, and his young cousin, Prima ArieELa. Cassie was nervous. They were both tall and beautiful. With bronzed skin and dark eyes. She could see a few silver streaks in the older woman’s hair and thought it only added to her attractiveness. Cassie felt like a pale ghost with bright, frizzy, red hair compared to them. What would they think of her?

  “Oh my dear, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you. Ren has gone on and on about you.” Prima SandELa didn’t shake Cassie’s outstretched hand, but, bent down to embrace Cassie in a warm, motherly hug. It brought tears to Cassie’s eyes as she realized just how much she missed her own mother and her grandmother.

  Her voice cracked as she said, “Prima SandELa, it is a great honor to meet you.”

  “You are just too sweet.” SandELa said to her and Cassie knew that she meant it.

  Ren’s cousin greeted her next, “I hear you’re having twins. WOW!”

  “AriELa.” Ren moaned.

  Cassie laughed and answered, “Yes I am, twin girls.”

  Ren realized he wasn’t going to get to have Cassie to himself. He decided to go speak with some of the council members regarding the recent negotiations with the neighboring Kiljorn Nation. He gave his apologies and excused himself. He frowned when Cassie still refused to look at him.

  SandELa squeezed Cassie’s hand and told her, “Ren has another surprise for you inside. Come on.” She led the way into the suite.

  Cassie looked around and was stunned. Her other suite was large for 15 women to share, but this suite was enormous! Luxurious! She was running out of adverbs to describe it all.

  SandELa smiled proudly as she looked around the suite. “I think it turned out lovely considering the short notice.”

  “I am sorry for causing so much trouble.” Cassie told her with a worried look.

  “Oh no dear, it was not trouble at all. It was therapeutic for me in a way.” SandELa said.

  “Therapeutic?” Cassie asked as she finally got out of the wheelchair and stretched her legs.

  “Yes. You see, this used to be our family suite many years ago. After the boys moved out and I lost my mate KrendEL, I didn’t have the heart to continue living here. ” SandELa became quiet as past memories temporarily consumed her. She blinked back a few tears.

  “This must be hard for you. I don’t have to stay here if it is going to upset you.” Cassie turned a light shade of pink. Why would Ren put his mother through this heartache?

  SandELa went to Cassie and patted her gently on her upper back. “It’s okay. I have nothing but fond memories of this place and I hope that you will as well. Let me show you to your bedroom. You must be tired.”

  As soon as the bedroom door was opened a voice shouted out, “It’s about damn time! I’m been holed up in this room for nearly 30 minutes waiting on your pregnant ass to show up!”

  Cassie laughed as she practically tackled her best friend who stood just inside the room. “Jax! What are you doing here?”

  Jaxon hugged Cassie careful not to bump her very large stomach. She pulled away and looked her friend over from head to toe. “I am here to keep an eye on you missy.”

  SandELa and AriELa stood at the doorway watching the two human females. The older woman leaned over and questioned the younger woman in a low voice, “Missy? I thought her name was Cassie.” The young woman shrugged.

  Dr. Morris who was standing behind them in the hallway laughed. “It’s an informal name for a girl or young miss. Jaxon means it like a little nickname.” She looked at the two friends who now sat on Cassie’s bed totally submerged in their own conversation. She suggested to the Katieran women, “How about we let them get caught up while you two show me the rest of the suite.”

  “I thought you were housed with the other members of your team from Earth?” Cassie asked Jaxon.

  “I was, but you must have done the Prime right because he went to bat with the Commander and won. I kind of eavesdropped a little on their discussion.” She saw Cassie’s look of reproach. “What? They weren’t real quiet about it.”

  Cassie shook her head, “It’s just rude.

  “Whatever prissy pants. The point is that the Commander did not want me to stay here with you. Your lover boy told him, and I quote, ‘I’m the Prime Leader … I Lead … YOU follow’, so here I am.” She smiled broadly enjoying the fact that the high and mighty Commander was put in his place. About damn time.

  “He is NOT my lover boy. But, I am grateful for all he and his family have done for me. Is it just you, me and Dr. Morris staying here?” Cassie looked around at her huge bedroom. It was twice the size of her little apartment on Earth. Wow just wow.

  “Yep. Cool huh? Plus, I hear you have your own guard who will be around during the day. Is it that hunky guy that came by with your things earlier?” Jaxon licked her lips as she looked out the bedroom door for the man in question.

  “I’m not sure who came by earlier. TarAK, the liaison I had when I first got here, was assigned to me. I don’t need a guard though.” Cassie was still frustrated over the w
hole situation.

  “Give it up girl. Your rich boyfriend has spoken.” Jaxon said as she started to walk out of the bedroom.

  “He’s NOT my boyfriend!” Cassie yelled at her retreating back. She sighed. Did everyone think she and Ren had something going on? She was sure Erica would be livid at the thought. What did he see in that vulture anyway?

  Later that evening Ren sat at the Evening Meal prepared in his own suite, barely listening to the woman sitting across from him, Erica. She seemed to talk non-stop. About everything … and about nothing at all. He wondered for the hundredth time what he ever saw in her.

  The female would run her fingers over his hand. No matter how many times he moved away, she kept doing it. It just felt wrong, having another female touch him. His mate was in the suite next door, and he wasn’t with her, touching her, kissing her, making love to her for the first time.

  Having had enough, Ren ignored Erica’s wondering fingers as he told her, “Miss Rowe, I must tell you that I will not be mating with you.”

  “Are you not feeling well? I could call for a medic.” Erica remained clueless to Ren’s meaning.

  “I am feeling healthy. It is that … I wish to mate with another.” Ren hoped that was a bit clearer for the female. He was slowly losing patience and wanted her gone already.

  Erica’s too bright smile dropped. Her eyes shone sharp and cold. “Who else have you been seeing? I bet it’s that Senator Dugan’s cousin. She has been asking all kinds of questions about you. I won’t stand for it Ren! I am the best match for you.” Erica went on and on about how perfect she was for him.

  Ren had enough. “Hear me female, I don’t want you!” Was that too harsh? Should he apologize? That’s when the dishes and silverware started flying his way.

  “Stop laughing!” Ren yelled at his brothers as they both sat sprawled on the only furniture that was left undamaged by Erica’s tirade. To say he was embarrassed was putting it mildly. He had ended up having to call for assistance from security, who escorted the screaming and physically abusive female from his suite. He, also, requested she be moved to the lower levels and have a security detail keep watch over her until she calmed down.

  Ren reached up to remove some kind of leafy food from his hair, which caused his brothers to continue to laugh. Ren gave up trying to clean and plopped down onto a wobbly chair. “I don’t understand what I did to deserve this … reaction.”

  Kyd looked at his younger brother and smiled. “Well, I would recommend when you are breaking it off with a female, that you refrain from mentioning that you will be mating another female.”

  Ren gave the Katierans' version of flipping the bird. “You are not helping matters Kyd. Besides … Erica was never my female, we were never intimate.”

  Syd lifted a bent fork in the air, “This is why I keep to my books and my research.”

  “Well, look at it this way. Now you can focus completely on winning over your mate with no other distractions.” Kyd said encouragingly.

  “It shouldn’t be too difficult. Once I explain our bond mate, she will be accepting of me. Everything here on out should be smooth.” Ren stated confidently. And that’s when the chair he sat in suddenly crashed to the floor.

  The first night in the new suite was like a slumber party. After SandELa and AriELa said their good nights, the human women got dressed in their pajamas and watched several movies on their viewer screen. Dr. Morris … or Kat as she liked her friends to call her, turned out to be an easy person to hang with. She had the same sarcastic humor that she and Jaxon shared. Cassie only thought about Ren five times before she headed off to bed.

  The next morning Ren left his suite in a hurry. He walked briskly towards Cassie’s suite. He wanted to catch Cassie before she left for the Morning Meal. He was anxious to get to the mating. The dreams he has had of her were getting more and more real, but leaving him unsatisfied when he wakes. He needed to hold and kiss her.

  TarAK was standing guard outside of the suite. The two men stood face to face staring each other down. Neither of them noticed the door to the suite open and the three females came out. They walked around the two men posing as statues with teeth. The men didn’t move at all until the door of the lift started closing.

  Jaxon broke the silence, “TarAK blinked, so I guess your boyfriend won.”

  “He’s NOT my boy …” the door closed on Cassie’s words.

  Both men looked at the lift feeling foolish. Ren addressed the other man as they both approached the lift. “Cassie is my mate. Back off.”

  Not to be deterred, TarAK responded, “She doesn’t seem to know that.”

  Ren didn’t look at TarAK as the lift descended. “She will know soon.”

  “She has to choose you.” He reminded Ren.

  “She will.” Ren replied, but he felt a small bit of doubt inside of him. Would she accept him? Accept their mate bond? He prayed to the Goddess KatieRI that she would.

  Chapter 7

  Ren found Cassie and the other two women seated at a corner table close to a window in the meal room. He stood there a moment just admiring her. She looked his way and gave him a shy smile. It made his breath catch. He was about to approach her but was stopped by his brother Kyd.

  They were in public so Ren addressed him formally, “Prime Commander KydEL. Is there something you wanted?”

  “We need to meet with the security teams to go over the security coverage during the negotiations with the Kiljorns.” Kyd told him.

  Ren frowned, “But that’s a few weeks from now. Couldn’t we do this at another time?” He looked back over at Cassie and was not pleased to see that TarAK was now sitting right beside her.

  Kyd followed the direction in which Ren was looking and frowned himself when he caught sight of the human female, Jaxon. “We will be meeting daily leading up to the negotiations in order to plan for every contingency.” He added, “She is not going anywhere. You can eat the Midday Meal with her later.”

  Ren sighed and nodded his head. “You need to take TarAK off her security detail.”

  Kyd smiled, “Not without a good reason. And before you say anything, his being attracted to your female is not a good enough reason.”

  “Fine. Let’s go.” Ren muttered as he turned and walked back out without having his Morning Meal or getting that time in with Cassie that he wanted. He was determined to finish early and seek her out later.

  Cassie was disappointed when she saw Ren leave the meal room. She had hoped he would sit with her.

  Jaxon sat down with a plop putting her plate of food on the table. “Did you hear the latest news about your boyfriend and that tart, Erica?”

  “He’s not my … wait, what news?” Cassie leaned forward to hear a little better.

  “Well, it seems Miss I’m-better-than-everyone-else got dumped the other night.” Jaxon watched her friend’s reaction to the news.

  “Really?” Cassie couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice.

  “Yep. Kicked her phony silicone implanted, bottle blond ass to the curb. In fact, I heard he had to have security remove her from his suite because she lost her shit.” Jaxon smiled as she started stuffing her face full of food.

  Cassie stared longingly at the doorway hoping Ren would return. But he didn’t.

  After Morning Meal, Cassie went with Jaxon to watch the female military team train. The training was being held outside on the pure white sandy beach next to the beautiful emerald green ocean. The water was so clear you could see all the way to the sandy floor below. Cassie wondered if the water would be cool or warm. With there being two Suns, she bet the water would be warm.

  TarAK had found a chair for her and placed it where she would have the best view. He sat next to her and gave her a warm, sexy smile, flashing his dimples. The man was perfect for her. He was great looking, great body, sexy, sweet, thoughtful, and the best part, he was into her. It was obvious for anyone to see. If she gave him the slightest sign that she returned his interest, they would
be “mated” before the Suns went down. But he wasn’t the man she dreamed of when she went to sleep at night.

  Cassie focused on watching the training going on. The six Earth women were all athletic built but much shorter than the Katieran women. Cassie was amazed at how good Jaxon was. She could really hold her own with the large men around her. Cassie wasn’t familiar with all the holds and stances demonstrated. However, she did recognize the pose Jaxon jokingly displayed.

  Good ole’ Crane pose from the 1984 classic Earth movie Karate Kid. It wasn’t the pose itself that had Cassie burst out loud with laughter. It was Jaxon’s bad imitation of Mr. Miyagi saying ‘Wax on … wax off. Wax on … wax off”. The other human women on Jaxon’s team all started laughing as well. The humor was lost on the Katierans who stood there looking perplexed. This made the situation even funnier for Cassie.

  All laughter stopped abruptly when a loud roaring man came bounding down to the training area. Commander KydEL looked ready to destroy something, anything. Cassie even moved her chair back a little just in case …

  “What in Kitana is going on here?” He demanded of the training leader, who looked like he was about to faint.

  Cassie sucked in a breath and quietly prayed, “Please don’t Jax … stay where you are.”

  Jaxon boldly stepped up behind the commander and tapped him on his right shoulder.

  The commander whipped around ready to tear the arm off the person idiot enough to interrupt him when he was disciplining his men. “Who the …” but he stopped himself before he said what he was going to say when he saw that it was that irritating female, Jaxon. What kind of name was that for a female anyway?

  “Captain Malone, I would advise you to get back into formation with the rest of your team.” Kyd didn’t try to disguise his annoyance.

  “Commander, I’m the one to blame for the break in training, not Lieutenant BalEN here. So, if you’re going to go off on someone, it should be me.” Jaxon showed no fear as she confronted the huge hulking man.


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