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Page 17

by Unknown

  "'s really dark...I'm kinda scared." I laugh at myself when I say it and slowly roll out of my bed in search of a flashlight.

  I blindly feel my way to the kitchen, knowing my apartment layout well enough to not run into any walls, and I reach into the cabinet under the sink, feeling for the large metal handle of the Maglite that I know is hiding somewhere. I finally feel my fingers around it, pulling it from the cabinet and pushing the soft rubber button, illuminating the kitchen with a beam of light.

  "I just looked out the window and it looks like everybody is 'lights out' around here...hey, you found it." Lex emerges from the bedroom and I shine the light in his blue eyes playfully, making him throw a hand up to shield himself, squinting a little. "Stop, you jerk," he teases, rushing to grab me around the waist roughly with a laugh.

  "Do you think it's the whole building, or should you check the breaker box?"

  "I like how you said 'should you check the box'...not really giving me an option."

  I laugh. "Well, you're the know about that shit."

  "I'm not a fucking electrician." And I pout a bit, and he groans. "Fine...I'll look."

  I point the flashlight in the direction of the utility room where the washer and dryer are, and he follows the path, opening the door to the small room and feeling along the wall for the box until I bring the light into the room to assist his vision. He flips the lid open, staring blankly at the wires and switches inside as I squeeze behind him to shine the flashlight directly over his shoulder, my hips pinned between his ass and the washing machine.

  He finally laughs, looking at me over his shoulder. "I have no fucking clue what I'm looking at." And we both laugh. "Hey, it's a little cozy in here, huh?" he teases, pushing back at me with his ass, shoving me gently back into the washing machine, and I groan a little.

  "Lex, stop!" And he does it again, just to spite me. "Stop, dammit!" But I'm laughing and wrestling with him a bit. I finally reach around between his legs and he doubles over, lifting a knee to protect his goods, and when he leans forward a bit I quickly escape.

  "Asshole!" He chases me back through the kitchen and into the living room, flashlight beam playing on the wall as I run from him, squealing a little. I fall onto the couch and pull my knees up to my chest in defense, and he reaches out, grabbing at me, teeth gritted, but a smile playing on his lips. He suddenly snatches the flashlight from my hand, pressing the button before quickly tossing it aside.

  Darkness. Complete fucking darkness.

  I feel his hands slip off of me, and my eyes dart around the room, opening wide, hoping I might inherit night vision because I can't see shit now. I know he's still in the room, but I'm not sure where, and if I know Lex like I think I do, I know he's planning an attack, just to scare the shit out of me.


  I hear his voice, low and quiet, but I'm not completely sure which direction it came from. I wait, eyes still wide, looking around but I can't see a fucking thing, and I laugh a little thinking about what I must look like right now.

  "C'mere..." His voice is a little louder now, and I stand up slowly off the couch, stepping cautiously out into the room, and we both snicker a little at all of the tense silence. I follow the direction of the sound. "Over here..."

  And I'm walking quicker now, hoping to close the space between the two of us before he moves, because that's something he would do. He likes to tease.

  "Where are you?" I reach out blindly for him and my hands bump his chest, now shirtless under my fingers. "Are you just running around taking your clothes off or what?"

  He laughs. My hands feel their way down his torso to the waistband of his jeans and I only know his face is lingering close to mine because I can feel his breath warm across my cheek. I jump a little when his hands grab at my ass, because I couldn't see him sneaking them around my body.

  "It's so weird when I can't see you."

  "I think it's hot," he says it right against my cheek and I kiss his mouth hungrily, lots of lip and even more tongue. I pull away slowly, his full bottom lip between my teeth, and he groans when my hands leave his body, blindly grabbing for me, but I slip away and cross the room quickly, removing my t-shirt and bra along the way.

  This could be a fun game.

  "Lex..." I whisper into the darkness and I hear rustling across the room where the two of us were standing before and I know he's moving out into the room to find me. I can't hear his footsteps in the carpet, but I can hear him breathing, just barely, his jeans rustling as his legs pass one another in stride, my senses heightened because of my loss of sight.

  I giggle a little in anticipation, my back against the wall, just waiting. Hearing his hands thump against the wall close to me, I moan a little, teasing him, just giving him enough sound to follow.

  I suddenly feel a strong hand grasp my thigh, still clad in my jeans, and it travels up and up and I hear him groan low in his throat when that hand brushes against the bare flesh of my belly and up to my breasts. "Damn, girl." And I know he wasn't expecting me to be half-naked.

  He stands in front of me, hips pressed into mine and I feel that he's started to get hard as he takes my breasts in his hands, rolling his thumbs over my nipples, pinching them to make them stand on end. I'm still pissed because I can't see a damn thing and I usually love to watch his face as he plays with my body, but it's almost better when I can't see him because everything is unexpected.

  A moan slides out over my lips as I feel his mouth on me suddenly, his lips closed to one of my breasts, tongue sneaking out to circle the peak slow and lazy while his hand massages the other. I grab at his face, pulling it up to mine and his mouth surges against me as his hands grope my breasts again, pushing me harder against the wall. I groan as his hips buck strong against me, his rigid dick pleading for me through his jeans.

  "Let's fuck," I breathe out the words, begging against his mouth, but he pulls away suddenly, leaving me frustrated. "I'm tired of this fucking game now," I call out into the room and I hear him chuckling softly. It's been a while since the power went out and it's starting to get hot in my apartment, which irritates me slightly, but mostly I'm just pissed because I want a good, hard fuck and he wants to play naked hide and seek...or whatever the fuck this is.

  "You better come find me then..." His voice is playful, and it pisses me off. He's loving this, getting me all hot and bothered and then disappearing. He's such a fucking tease anyway, but tonight beats anything he's ever pulled. I suddenly wonder where that stupid flashlight is.

  "Where are you, Lex?" I step away from the wall a bit.

  "I dunno...but wherever I am...I'm buck ass naked."

  I almost groan when he says it. I know what that body looks like, and even in the dark I can see it in my mind. I flood hot between my thighs in anticipation of just getting my hands on him.

  "Are you hard?" But I already know that he is, I just want to get a little pleasure out of this teasing-talk that he's started. I step further out into the room, reaching down to unbutton my jeans, tugging the zipper down slow.

  He moans a little before answering, "I'm fucking rock solid for you." And I feel my cheeks flush, not sure if it's from the absence of A/C or from the burning deep in my stomach, aching with lust for him.

  My voice wavers a bit, "Where are you?"

  "Over here..."

  But his voice is somewhere else now, and I stop suddenly. He's really got me going now.

  "You better come find won't be able to walk tomorrow when I'm done with you."

  My breath hitches in my throat. It's so fucking hot in my apartment now, I'm sure it's been almost an hour since the electricity shut off, and there's no way in hell I can cool off now being so turned on like this. I moan a little in frustration, tugging my jeans down my hips and stepping out of them when they pool at my feet, walking further into the room, straining my ears for any indication to where he might be.

  "Sure is taking you a long time to find me, baby. I'm getting kinda
lonely, playing with my dick and shit." He laughs a little when he says it, and I try to picture him in my mind, fingers tight around his shaft, licking his lips as he strokes it slow and steady, just waiting for me.

  "Lex, stop fucking teasing me!" I'm panting a little now as I pace in the room, pussy soaked and aching, screaming at me to hurry and find him so he can fuck me just the way I like it.

  "Oh this isn't teasing. Teasing would be sliding this big dick inside you, fucking you good and hard...and pulling out right before you cum. And just leaving you there in the dark, all hot and shit, not even letting you get off..." His voice is moving as he talks, and I know he's circling in the room, keeping me guessing, making me wait. I try to follow his voice, but everytime I get near, he's somewhere else. I fucking hate him right now, but I love it because I know we'll both be so turned on by the time I touch him, he'll take me right there, wherever I'm standing.

  "Fuck, Lex..." I'm starting to sweat, my skin barely starting to feel damp, and I run a hand down my neck, swallowing hard.

  "Are you naked?"

  I pause for a moment and quickly hook my thumbs into the waistband of my thong, pushing it down to the floor. "I am now."

  He laughs softly. "Good. Damn, I can fucking picture you in my mind. You wanna fuck me, don't you?"

  "You know I do."

  "Tell me you want to...I wanna hear you say it."

  I pause for a moment, trying to catch my breath, still trying to follow his voice, my hands sweating and trembling slightly, seeking him out. God, if I could just get my hands on him...

  "Say it." His voice has escaped me again, and I sigh loud, moaning in frustration, my palm slapping into the wall where I ended up in my desperate search for him.

  "God dammit Lex!"

  He chuckles softly. "Say it. Say you wanna fuck me."

  "I wanna fuck you," I answer him immediately, choking out the words.

  "How bad?" His voice is low and thick. He's teasing the shit out of me, on purpose.

  I groan low in my chest, aching so badly between my thighs I almost want to reach down and touch myself. "Fuck, Lex...I can't wait much longer. I need it. I want you to fuck me all night, pound my pussy until I fucking beg you to stop, and you better give me everything you've got. I better not walk right for days..." And I hear him groan at my response.

  "Get on the couch." That's all he says.

  I almost sprint across the room, my knees shaking with expectancy, my breathing already a bit labored, still sweating from the heat in my apartment. I sink down into the plush fabric and wait, heart thumping out of my chest. I'm sure he can hear it across the room.

  “Where the fuck are you?" My tone is impatient, your my thick with irritation, and as soon as I say the words I feel his hands sink into the back of the couch on either side of my shoulders, and I gasp.

  "Right here." I feel his breath across my face as he whispers, and I swallow hard. I feel his knees sink into the cushions on either side of my thighs and my hand rushes out to grip him eagerly, both of us moaning in unison. He's so thick and hard in my palm and I moan again just imagining how he's going to feel inside of me, slamming into me over and over, pounding me into a frenzied state until I'm pleading, begging him to stop because I can't take anymore.

  "Stroke it, baby...c'mon." His voice is thin and breathy against my ear; he's impatient because I've just been holding him, lost in my fantasy.

  But I release him, sliding out from under his body to lay out flat on the couch. He growls low in his chest, positioning himself over me once again, cursing when he sinks his weight down against me and he feels that I've already opened my legs for him. I want this. I fucking want it bad.

  He sits back onto his knees, running his hands under my ass to lift my hips, setting me against his thighs, and I wait. I wait and tremble because I can't see a fucking thing and I'm expecting him to touch me or taste me any second now.

  But he waits.

  I squirm shifting your hips in his hands, whining a bit, and he laughs. "I wish I could fucking see you right now...all spread out for me like this."

  And I reach blindly for his shoulders, but right as I start to respond, he drives into me with one quick thrust, pushing my shoulders again the arm of the couch, my back rubbing rough against the fabric of the cushions, and I scream, one arm gripping the edge of the sofa, the other palm pressed overhead against the arm of the couch for leverage as he pounds into me again.

  He fucks me hard and deep, and I swear he's going to split me in half, but I love it, I fucking need it, and I groan loud, gritting my teeth, and I'm sure my back will be burnt tomorrow from the friction of the fabric underneath me.

  "Is this what you wanted?" He grinds out the words from deep in his gut, his breathing labored as he works me relentlessly, his dick throbbing inside me, the skin of my bare ass slapping against his thighs, and I moan loud, almost screaming again.


  "You fucking love this don't you? You'd let me work your shit all night, huh? Til you couldn't even feel it anymore?" He's pumping faster now, gripping my hips so hard I know the evidence will be clear in the morning, but I don't even care. I can't even speak, I just nod and moan as he plunges into me, rubbing my back raw against the couch cushions without mercy.

  It's taking over me fast as he fucks me harder and harder, faster and faster, shoving deep into me, hitting my spot as I start to cum, but he doesn't let up. I scream as he unexpectedly takes a hand between my legs and rolls his thumb over my clit aggressively and I cum violently all over his dick, body writhing on the couch, hands clutching his forearms as he grips my hips tighter and slams into me with everything he has, the skin of my back now tender and throbbing.

  "Fuck!" He throws his head back and he's grunting from deep in his gut as he finally explodes inside of me, sending a second dull wave of pleasure over my body as his thumb continues to work my clit until my pussy sucks him dry and he collapses over me, his legs trembling from working me so brutally.

  My body pulses, throbbing from head to toe as he lays against me, our chests pressed together and slick with sweat. I feel it gathering in the dip of his lower back as I reach my fingers there, hands trembling against his skin, and he still hasn't moved, hasn't spoken a word, and the air is thick with silence and stillness again, only interrupted by the patterns of our breathing as we both come down from our high.

  He finally lifts his head and puts his face into my neck, kissing me, letting his tongue sneak out to taste the salt on my skin, but I still can't move much. My lips find his in the dark and I kiss him quickly, still breathing into his mouth a bit, and the lights come on without warning. We both squint our eyes, laughing, and he squeezes me around my waist as I look around the room to see our clothes strewn about.

  And that damn flashlight is on the floor, right by the couch...




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