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Supers - Ex Heroes 5

Page 16

by Jamie Hawke

  “Don’t hold back, ladies,” she said as she stood, stripping completely. “This could be the last day of our lives. Gotta make it count. And on that note…” She glanced over at me, then pulled a chair close to bend over and brace herself on. “I want to watch them, so…”

  Her tails moved out of the way so I could see her pussy from behind. I stepped up, ready and full of anticipation. I took my cock and ran it along her ass, down to her opening, but she turned back and said, “No, other hole. Might as well try it.”

  Her tails ran over me, caressing me, and then moved up and out of the way to expose her cute little, pink asshole. I hesitated, but then moved my cock up, playing with the hole, and started to insert it.

  “You’re hurting her,” Laurel said, and Charm laughed.

  “In a good way, Laurel.” Charm shook her head. “I want this. Keep going.”

  I wasn’t sure, but at a nod from Laurel, I continued. The head didn’t go in easily, but once I got it in, the rest of my cock slid in easily enough. Charm yelped and Laurel looked at me with a mixture of anger and lust, while Harp moved around to her front and started kissing her breasts. Her hand moved down to spread Laurel’s lips. Soon she was fingering her. Laurel closed her eyes, enjoying it, and then pulled up Harp and kissed her, the two caressing each other.

  Charm was moving her ass up and down, loving it finally, seemingly no longer in pain. I couldn’t get enough of how tight her ass was. I slapped it lightly, then bent over to grab her breasts while I kept going.

  In front of us, Laurel took Harp to the floor and was kissing her stomach, moving down, burying her face between her legs. Harp’s eyes met mine, and she licked her lips.

  “I think they’re ready for you,” Charm said, slowly stopping and pulling my cock out of her ass. She indicated the kitchen back room and said, “Might want to wash it off first, though.”

  With a laugh, I moved to do just that, watching them as I went, totally turned on by Charm kneeling behind Laurel and starting to finger her from behind while she kissed the woman’s back.

  Sure enough, there was a bathroom next to the main kitchen, so I used soap and water to clean my cock, dried it off, and walked back out there, ready to do this. My cock had started to fall slightly, but as soon as I saw Charm fingering herself and the scene otherwise still as I’d left it, only with Harp reaching climax two seconds later, my soldier returned to full attention.

  I took a step toward them, then another, almost unable to believe this was going to happen. I’d just knelt, Harp’s hand reaching out to caress my thighs, moving inward, when—

  “Oh, shit.” Laurel lifted her face from Harp’s mound.

  “I hope not,” Charm said, chuckling. “Not that…” Laurel glanced around, then ran over and turned on the screen on the wall. It was an old style one, the type that floated but didn’t have any projections.

  “Sex makes you crave old cartoon reruns?” I asked when a goofy cartoon dog came on. A glance down at Harp’s hand, now falling away from my thigh, left me in a very confused state.

  Laurel frowned at me, flipped to the next channel, then stepped aside. “I sensed it from a couple in a nearby apartment complex. Fear. Then more people, and…”

  “Hot damn.” I stood and walked over to the screen to get a better look. “It’s started.”

  The news was showing large military battles in the outer atmosphere. Explosions, ships taking hits, a couple already starting to fall. No, not already—done falling, I realized when they cut to a scene of a large craft crashing through the Eiffel Tower, destroying it, others already hitting the nearby city.

  “Put your cock away,” Laurel said, glancing down at it with a smile. “As nice as it is, and as much as I look forward to seeing how that thing works, we have a war on our hands.”

  “Damn,” I said. “You needed to add all that?”

  She smiled sweetly, shrugged, and turned to dress. Harp sat up too, glanced down, and then reached out to give it a nice pat, as if saying sorry, before turning to get dressed.

  Charm smiled like ‘hey, at least she touched it,’ a thought that made me chuckle. For a second I considered hurrying and finishing myself off, because I couldn’t imagine the blue balls this was going to lead to, but one more look at the screen changed that, causing me to go limp almost instantly. The last thing I could think about was cumming when I saw what had now appeared on the screen.

  People crying. Emergency crews moving the injured and dead. Blood. A leg sticking out from a collapsed building. And already, a super was emerging from some rubble in another city.

  “Quickly now.” I ran for my clothes, tossing Charm hers on the way. “We’ve wasted too much time already.”

  “Where is that?” Harp’s machine asked, as she finished attaching it.

  The screen showed Muerta, turning to the camera with her half-mask and glowing gold eyes, and the city appeared behind her. One building stuck out more than the rest, and I saw it clearly for a moment before the attack came, knocking out the television signal.

  “Red Square,” I replied. I’d always wanted to go see those colored domes of Saint Basil’s in person, and had no doubt that’s where Muerta had been. “How fast can we get there?”

  Andromida entered, a hint of a smile to her lips at the sight of us. “Time to move.”

  We were almost dressed, but she was right. “How fast?”

  “We leave now, less than an hour.”

  “Shit.” I finished dressing, helped Charm with her top. “How many will die before we make it?”

  “Too many.” Andromida waved for us to follow her. “The answer is always too many.”


  Our time in France together, as brief as it was, would always be special. It had been the time that brought us all closer together as a team. Aegriss and I finally connected, and what had almost gone down with Laurel and Harp was still blowing my mind. The team was growing fast, and I knew that when we next had some down time, it was going to be insane.

  But for now, we were tearing across the continent, sliding between ships falling from the sky, dodging shots, and doing our best to stay undetected. While we would’ve loved to stay and join in every fight, our target here was Muerta and the supers she’d brought with her. The human military wouldn’t be able to stand a chance, whereas we would.

  After we’d dealt with them would come the issue of whatever alien forces they’d brought along, but that seemed too complicated to deal with at the moment. First the supervillains, try to let the Earth forces do what they could, then find the aliens.

  “Need a fast-pass?” Sam said. Her ship showed up on our display, moving in fast.

  “How much older must your ship be?” Twitch shot back. “Surely it’s not faster than ours.”

  “Let’s find out.” Sam’s ship shot ahead, leaving us all impressed. “Now, I’m going to latch on, and want Andromida to latch at the same time.”

  “What?” Andromida’s face went light-blue.

  “Never heard of leap-frog?” Sam laughed. “We’re going to slingshot each other, back and forth. You’ll see.”

  Judging by the others’ faces, none of us really understood, but Andromida said she was open to trying. Just like that, she and Sam started using their powers to go one after the other, our ship then hers, in a way that made me feel nauseous as hell.

  “Good enough,” Sam said, her voice catching as she sounded like she was going to gag. Good, at least I wasn’t the only one. A glance at the map showed we’d passed into Russian air space.

  “Where is Muerta now?” I asked. Twitch was scanning the system, using her screens for assistance.

  “She’s just… waiting.”

  “Fuck. Red Square, still?”

  Twitch frowned, looking at her screens. “That’s the place.”

  “So she’s setting a trap.” Andromida turned in her chair to face us. “I’m fine with that.”

  Charm laughed. “As long as we get to fight her, I could care le
ss what sort of bullshit ambush she thinks will work. We’ll obliterate her.”

  “Obliterate?” Laurel smiled. “I’m glad we’re all so confident, but… do we know anything about her and the type of supers she might have on her side?”

  We all looked at each other. I made eye contact with Andromida.

  “We believe Muerta is, or was, working with a supervillain called Asterisk, but we’re really not sure, and I doubt she’s here anyway.”

  “Asterisk?” Laurel laughed. “What, her superpower is she alters the meaning of words, or qualifies them?”

  Andromida didn’t laugh, or even look amused, and when she turned to Laurel, the elf-like woman took a step back. Then glared at me for thinking she looked like an elf.

  “The supervillain known as Asterisk,” Andromida explained, “took her name because of her ability to adapt others’ powers around her. Like a mirror that warps a reflection, a curved mirror, in a sense. She takes whatever powers you have and manipulates them, using your powers against you in twisted ways. Usually she stays back and lets her minions do the dirty work, but… I’m thinking there’s something going on here, something bigger than we all realize.”

  “You think she’ll show, then?” I asked.

  Andromida’s eyes glazed over, staring off into the distance, barely muttering, “I fucking hope so.”

  “Coming in hot,” A.I. Lamb said, and then we were seeing images of Moscow on the screen next to the map, and more devastation.

  “Prepare to be ambushed,” Shimmer shouted as we flew in, and then her eyes went bright white as she put extra effort into the illusion of the ship.

  “We’re jumping,” Twitch said.

  “The hell we are,” Charm replied, and I was inclined to agree.

  “Trust me.” Twitch motioned for the door, leading the way. “They’ll attack the ship first, so we won’t be able to land. We go, with Shimmer blocking us while I adjust gravity just enough to not let us get hurt. Harp can fly, so Harp, you do whatever you can to subvert their efforts, but don’t draw too much attention to yourself. The rest of you provide covering fire as needed, and Andromida, you can go to town.”

  “I’m so glad I have your permission,” Andromida shot back.

  “Am I going to be okay in paladin mode?” I really didn’t want to change my skills at the moment.

  “Should be,” Twitch replied, and then was at the ramp, hand on the switch to open it. “Everyone clear?” No reply. “Good. Lamb, you have the ship.”

  “Roger that,” A.I. Lamb replied, and then the ramp was lowering, all of us bracing to leap out of a perfectly good spaceship without anything but Twitch’s promise that she’d make it work. So far that had always been enough, so I took it.

  The first thought I had as I shot out and into the air was how damn cold it was. I’d always heard this about Russia, but it wasn’t real until the bite of that cold hit my cheeks, the wind seemingly going through shield and clothes, even flesh, to chill my bones. All of us were plummeting, shouting or laughing, Gale cheering, as the ground raced up to meet us.

  With a thrust like we’d been pushed back, the descent slowed and all of us changed trajectory slightly, coming in hot on a street just off of the square. Several people were watching the skies and the fighting above in panic. Upon seeing us appearing in the sky above them they screamed and ran, likely not knowing what to make of our arrival.

  “Ready yourselves!” Twitch shouted to us, and then there was another thrust, one that caused me to nearly lose my lunch, and we came to a stop, floating down the last bit.

  “Fucking intense,” Shimmer said, also looking queasy.

  All of us on the ground now and stable, we charged toward where Twitch’s screen indicated Muerta’s last position had been. With Aegriss’ help, she was able to hack into the Russian security system and pulled up more footage. The first sight to catch my eyes were the decorations—a large Christmas tree, lights strung along roofs and railings, confetti scattered everywhere. I could almost here the sounds of carolers like in the old movies, thought was pretty sure it was in my mind.

  Then came what we were looking for, as if in afterthought, now that it had become such a norm. Evil supervillains attacking innocents and tearing down buildings, then pulling back into the darkness and out of sight.

  “That was only minutes ago,” Twitch said, leading us out into the square.

  “And I’ll go back to the earlier point about it being a trap,” Shimmer said, slowing now, throwing illusions around us in case anyone was watching.

  “But what’s the best way to get them to fight us?” Andromida countered. “Let them see us approaching, so they charge out in force.”

  When Shimmer looked at me, I nodded. “She’s right. We’re here for a fight, let’s god-damn fight.”

  Shimmer sighed, letting the illusions vanish. We took another step, then froze at the sight of a massive light coming down at us. Shit, they didn’t want to fight. They simply wanted to obliterate us.

  “Together!” We put up our shields while Twitch did what she could to amplify them and Andromida pulled metal up in a defensive position. But then there was a blast and some sort of shock wave, followed by a ship going past and a figure floating down, the beam of light gone. The figure wore dark armor, the fabric of her cloak fluttering about her. In one hand she held a glowing sword, in the other a BFG about the size of the one Shimmer held.

  “Sam!” Charm shouted, and clapped Laurel on the shoulder. “That’s her.”

  “I gathered.” Laurel rubbed her shoulder but smiled.

  But then more forms appeared—a group of supers flew through the air with bursts of red and yellow, one with blue, shooting out behind them. The first wave of enemies, no doubt.

  “So it has begun?” Sam asked, coming in for a landing nearby.

  “It would appear so.” Twitch pointed to the cathedral, where a lone figure stood. All we could see from where we were was a silhouette, but I had no doubt it was Muerta. A quick pulling of security footage by Twitch confirmed this, showing Muerta’s glaring face, her lips moving as her voice echoed out from all directions.

  “Let’s see how you do against Mateso Six.” Muerta smiled in her wicked way.

  “That’s supposed to mean something?” Sam asked, voicing my exact question.

  “It does to me,” Gale said, and Twitch was nodding at her side, looking up at the incoming villains with concern.

  “All of us from the Oram system,” Laurel said. “We’ve been in pursuit of them. The Citadel has, that is. The Tortured is another name for them. They’re supers who once served the Citadel but betrayed us in the Gallivant Wars, went over to the enemy for more power… they got it, but at the price of their souls and sanity.”

  “I thought they were all dead,” Gale said.

  “That was the story,” Laurel replied. “Until about a week ago, when rumors of their return started surfacing.”

  “How about we fuck them up, then discuss how badass they are?” Charm breathed in to bring the glow to her hands. “I don’t give a shit how tortured they are, they’re about to die.”

  “This is the Charm I missed,” Harp’s machine said, and she spread out her wings, ready to pounce.

  Here it was. The nine of us… and wow, that hurt my head to realize we’d grown to nine already. In a good way. Oh, plus Sam. So yeah, the ten of us versus the six of them. That didn’t sound so bad, except for their legend. And the fact that Muerta was there watching, and possibly had help from some other mysterious super named Asterisk, along with who knew what sort of army to back them up.

  But we stood our ground, ready.


  The Tortured were incoming, fast. I couldn’t help analyzing them to see what we were up against. It seemed they had a good variety, going from the huge guy with a massive glowing axe, one with green arrows of light already shooting out at us from thin air, another with a huge shield that was glowing as if it was pulling light into it, and the other three
having some forms of elemental attacks, it seemed. Oh, and one of those three had some sort of weird tractor beam skill.

  While our shields easily blocked their first round of projectiles, the closer they got the more formidable they seemed. They wore various shades of gold and red with streaks of black, and had long flowing hair. I had expected tattered, scarred, and worse considering their reputation, but already I could tell that was far from the truth.

  “Since we haven’t discussed this, I’m going to just go ahead and ask.” I turned to Sam. “You can fight, right?”

  She laughed, hit a section of her armor at the side of her neck, and a full helmet and mask unfurled, covering all but her eyes. “See the space ninja getup? Means yes.”

  I chuckled and turned, ready for the battle.

  The huge guy with the axe came straight for me, which was good because I was going to go straight for him. My team could handle projectiles with either counter-powers or shields, but a hit from someone like this could get right through the shield. Could crush any of them.

  While the ladies squared off with the others, I met this motherfucker in my fully-decked-out paladin armor upgrade, sending blasts at him as I charged forward. He swung his axe, blocking the blasts. He seemed to be only wearing pants and a fur cape, but as one blast made it through and vanished on his chest, I realized he had to be using a shield of some sorts. That, or his powers involved impervious skin, which could pose a real problem.

  We met in a clash of power as I selected my blade of light from what I had available. His axe swung but I was damn fast, ducking under and catching him with my blade in the ribs. But just as I’d been worried would happen, the blade of light rebounded, causing me to fall off balance and leave him without a scratch.

  Spinning back to him, I narrowly avoided the axe coming at me again. It hit the ground and sent rocks flying in a blast. I turned with my arm up to shield my face, but at the last second saw the flying debris glow gold. Muerta was joining in after all, even if only from a distance! The glowing rocks exploded, hitting my shield and sending me sprawling. Down to twenty percent. This time the villain came at me with a stomp-kick. I rolled, but when it connected an energy blast followed that tore through my outer shield and left me wanting to vomit.


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