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A Fox's Hostility

Page 30

by Brandon Varnell

  Lilian rolled until she was right in front of Kevin, on her stomach, her two tails sticking up in the air.

  “One more time!” Lilian declared, raising a hand, her index finger pointing into the air. “Let’s go one more round! I’ll totally beat you this time!”

  “You really like being beaten by me, huh?”

  “That’s not it at all.” Lilian pushed herself onto her hands and knees and slowly crawled forward, until she was straddling his waist. “I will beat you!”

  “I’m sure you will.” Kevin wore an indulgent grin, enjoying the feel of his mate’s thighs.

  Lilian narrowed her eyes, her forehead practically pressed against his as she mock glared at him. “I will.”

  Viridian green eyes entranced Kevin. From so close, he could see his own reflection in her eyes, which gleamed with the brilliance of emeralds but were also vast and deep, like the forests up in Flagstaff. Kevin placed his hands on the small of Lilian’s back, gently pulling her closer. He could feel a pair of hands in his hair. The delicate fingers threading through his hair sent a shiver down his spine.




  “Iris…” Kevin and Lilian said at the same time—before realizing what they’d just said and turning their heads.

  Iris sat not even a foot from them. She was crouching on the ground like some kind of gargoyle, staring at the pair of them.

  In most circumstances, this would have been the point where Kevin started shouting and Lilian tried to placate them. However, the look on Iris’s face was such that Kevin knew now wasn’t time for a comedy routine.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Iris said simply. “A major problem.”


  Kevin, Lilian, and Iris burst through the doors to Monstrang’s command station. No one paid attention to them. The reason for that soon became apparent. The large TV that had been set up a while ago hung from the wall, its screen displaying the image of a large oni with a crown of thorns on his head.

  “To all you shitty humans out there, know this: We have taken your children hos-hos—prisoner. This is yer punishment for the way you’ve been treatin’ us. Our demand is simple: Do away with the Yōkai Identification Act. If you don’t, then you can watch yer children die.”

  The image shifted and shook, as if someone was holding the camera, and then it panned to reveal many familiar faces—the students of his school. Their frightened gazes made Kevin’s heart beat a thousand miles per second. His eyes widened in horror. His throat constricted, refusing to let the scream that wanted to gurgle forth emerge.

  The camera shifted back to the oni.

  “If ya don’t c-com-co—if ya don’t listen to what we say, then I’ll kill yer children one by one!”

  “That’s enough of that,” Kotohime said, shutting off the TV before it could continue. “There’s no need to show the rest of this.”

  “This is a disastrous situation we’ve found ourselves in, isn’t it?” Kiara asked, her one arm crossed and her expression stern. “Damn kids. They could ruin everything those peaceful protestors have worked towards.”

  “They might have already ruined everything,” Monstrang grunted. “With this act, they have just validated everything the news has been saying about us. If humanity had not feared us before, then they will now.”

  “What are we going to do about this?” asked Kevin. “Surely, we’re not just going to sit here and let this happen?”

  “Of course not, boya.” Kiara grinned at him. “We’re definitely not going to let this happen.”

  “However, there is a problem,” Kotohime added. “This isn’t an isolated incident.”

  “So, wait,” Lilian started, her eyes widening. “This isn’t happening at just our school?”

  “That’s correct,” Kotohime answered. “This isn’t just happening at your school, but at schools all over the United States.”

  “W-what?” Kevin whispered in a hoarse voice as he, Lilian, and Iris went wide eyed.

  Monstrang sighed. “Mack, explain it to them.”

  The usagi looked unsure. “You sure that’s a good idea, boss? They’re just kids.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Kevin and Lilian bristled at being called “just kids.” Mack turned to face them, either not seeing, or, more than likely, ignoring the anger radiating from them.

  “What you see here are the actions of a massive gang of yōkai that span across the entire United States of America. We don’t know much about them, though not for lacking of trying. All we know is that they are large, powerful, and that they hate humans with a passion. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that 35% of the crimes perpetrated against humans are caused by this group.”

  “Ho—” Kevin swallowed, as if doing so would wet his dry throat “—how many schools have been taken hostage?”

  “So far over five hundred of these videos have been posted on places like Y00btube, Twister, and Friendbook. We can assume from the number of videos that, at the very least, five hundred schools have been taken hostage.”

  “And therein lies the rub,” Kiara muttered, her darkened face showing clear signs of displeasure. “There are too many schools for us to reach. At most, we have maybe one or two hundred yōkai that know how to fight. With how the world works now, most yōkai haven’t fought in centuries. They’re practically human in how powerless they are.”

  “How would we even get to those other schools?” Lilian asked. “You said it yourself, didn’t you? This isn’t just happening in Arizona. This is happening all over the United States.”

  “The organization I belong to isn’t just in Arizona,” Monstrang said in his gruff voice. “Our group spans the entire United States, and we’ve got—or we had—people who worked in all walks of life.”

  “Monstrang-dono is one of the Four Saints,” Kotohime added for good measure. “The Four Saints are the four most powerful yōkai living in the United States. They run an organization called the Saints Corporation, which used to specialize in delivering cover-up stories via newspaper branches located within every state. That’s how we’ve been able to counteract some of the bad will that humans feel toward yōkai.”

  Kevin looked at Monstrang in a completely new light. He’d known that his boss was a yōkai, and from Kotohime’s deferential treatment and the added suffix, he knew that Monstrang was a yōkai of some importance. However, even he had not expected his boss—the man who spent most of his days whiling away time in a small office—would be one of the most powerful yōkai in the United States.

  “The Saints Corporation has been dedicated to protecting the secrets of yōkai.” Monstrang crossed his arms. “For nearly two centuries, we’ve used our company to keep our existence a secret. Everyone who works for us is highly trained in their chosen field of expertise and also combat.”

  “I was their combat instructor.” Kiara gave Kevin a feral grin. “In case you were wondering.”

  “Knowing this is great and all, but it still doesn’t explain what you plan on doing,” Kevin interjected. “How are we going to rescue those people?”

  “We?” Mack asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Of course!” Lilian stepped forward. “You didn’t think we’d let you leave us out of this. Our friends are at Desert Cactus High School. There’s no way we could possibly let this go.”

  “Look, kids, I get that you’ve been through some hard times—”

  “Don’t call us kids!” Kevin and Lilian shouted at the same time.

  “—but you’re still way too young to take part in an operation like this.”

  “You clearly don’t understand who you’re talking to,” Kevin exclaimed, Lilian nodding several times.

  “We’ve fought yōkai on many occasions,” the redhead added. “In fact, Beloved, Iris, and I fought against members of the Shénshèng Clan just this summer! We’re strong!”

  “They bring up a g
ood point,” Kotohime said, much to Mack’s shock. “Kevin-sama, Lilian-sama, and Iris-sama have all gone through many hardships, and they’ve all grown quite strong.” She looked back at Monstrang. “We are already short-staffed. We lack the numbers necessary to travel to every high school in Arizona. Much as I do not wish to put them in danger, we really could use their help.”

  “But they’re just kids!” Mack argued.

  “Kids who can kick your sorry butt anytime we like!” Lilian said heatedly. “Don’t underestimate Beloved and me just because we’re younger than you!”

  “What am I? Chopped liver?” asked Iris.

  “While I don’t like sending people so young into danger, I do agree with Kotohime,” Kiara added. “I can’t say anything for Lilian or her sister, but I can at least guarantee that Kevin is strong enough to go up against yōkai and win.”

  “But he’s not gonna be facing off against just any yōkai,” Mack stated with urgency in his voice. “That guy at Desert Cactus High School is an oni! They’re physically the most powerful yōkai around!”

  “So?” asked Kevin. “Physical power means nothing if you can’t use it properly. Besides, everyone has a weakness, including an oni. If we can find his, then defeating him will be easy.”

  “Don’t take the prospect of fighting an oni so lightly,” Kotohime warned him. “You may indeed be skilled, but going into a battle with your head full of such arrogance could easily lead to your downfall, and I’d hate it if you died.”

  “Sorry.” Kevin bowed his head contritely.

  “It is all right.” Kotohime ruffled his hair. “You are still young, and your growth is impressive. It’s only natural you’d get a big head.”

  “U-ugh, that was a low blow.”


  “Boss, you can’t seriously be thinking of sending a bunch of kids into battle,” Mack said.

  “It might not make much difference in the grand scheme of things, but every set of extra hands helps,” Kotohime argued.

  “Whatever choice we make, we need to make it soon.” Kiara rubbed the stump that existed in place of her arm. “The Sons and Daughters of Humanity haven’t made a move yet because they know what will happen if they do, but they won’t remain silent forever. If we want to avoid a bloodbath, then we need to make a decision now.”

  Kevin looked at his boss. Monstrang was scrutinizing him, his gaze like hardened diamonds. His small, black pupils studied everything with a reptilian intellect that Kevin had never seen from the man before.

  “Boss—no, Monstrang, let Lilian and me rescue the students of Desert Cactus High School. Both the humans and the yōkai.”

  Monstrang looked at Kevin, who maintained eye contact as best he could. He couldn’t back down from this. His friends were in trouble.

  “Very well,” Monstraing rumbled. “I’ll let you join in this operation.”

  Mack looked frustrated by this turn of events, but Kevin allowed the tension in his shoulders to relax. Truth be told, he didn’t want to do this, but he wanted even less to sit around and do nothing when he knew his friends were in danger. He wanted to save them.

  Alex, Andrew, Lindsay… and Eric, too, I guess… hold on for just a little while longer. I’m coming.


  Kevin was surprised when, upon gathering all of his equipment and preparing to head out, he, Lilian, and Iris were intercepted by Kiara.

  “I know you guys want to head out soon, but before you leave, I want you to change into these.”

  The outfits that she held out to them were gray, one-piece bodysuits. Kevin took the one Kiara held out for him and rubbed the fabric, feeling the rough texture of leather between his fingers. Beside him, Lilian also grabbed a suit that Kiara offered, her nose only wrinkling slightly.

  “That isn’t leather, in case you’re curious,” Kiara interrupted his observations.

  “It isn’t?” Kevin asked.

  “Nope. It’s a new material called spider fibers. It’s a completely man-made—well, I guess I should say yōkai-made—material. It’s much sturdier than leather, and it will offer the same amount of protection from blunt force trauma as a Kevlar vest, but it’s a lot lighter and easier to move in than a bulky vest, and it offers full-body protection. It is also capable of protecting you from yōkai techniques, to a certain extent. The suits have been interwoven with threads from a jorōgumo.”

  Jorōgumo were a type of spider yōkai. He’d never met one in person, but supposedly they had the upper body of a person and the lower half of an arachnid. Their threads were also capable of absorbing youki, though the amount they could absorb was dependent on how old the jorōgumo the threads came from was. Yōkai grew more powerful with age, after all.

  “How come I don’t get one?” asked a petulant Iris.

  “Because you’re not going on this mission.”


  “She’s right,” Lilian said. “Without being able to use even the most basic of kitsune techniques, you’re pretty much defenseless.”

  “But that’s—”

  “Completely true,” Kevin cut her off. “I know you don’t like being sidelined when your sister’s going into danger, but if you went with us, Lilian and I would be in more danger because we’d have to protect you.”

  Iris opened her mouth, but Lilian spoke up again, leaving the Void Kitsune little room to cut in. “You also aren’t that good at hand-to-hand combat yet. I’m no expert either, but I at least have my kitsune techniques to supplement my lack of martial arts skills.”

  “All right, all right! I get it!” Iris sighed, her shoulders slumping dejectedly. “You guys are mean, tag-teaming me like that.”

  “We’re just concerned about your safety,” Kevin said.

  “That’s right.” Lilian nodded imperiously. “I’d feel a lot safer if you weren’t in any danger.”

  “How do you think I feel?” Iris asked dryly but without heat. “But I understand where you’re coming from, I guess.” She looked down at her hands, her eyes dimming. “I wouldn’t be of much help the way I am right now.”

  “Yep, you wouldn’t be,” Lilian agreed.

  “You’re supposed to be sympathetic to my plight!”

  “Go and put your new uniforms on,” Kiara told them. “We’re leaving in fifteen minutes, so hurry up.”

  “Right!” Kevin and Lilian said together.


  Wearing a suit felt weird. Unlike her regular clothes, which only covered enough to not be immodest, this covered her entire body from head to toe. It was also rather formfitting, clinging to her body like bubble wrap. It was kind of uncomfortable, if she was being honest, especially around her crotch. It felt like the fabric was clinging to her privates.

  Thank Inari she was wearing underwear, otherwise she might have gotten a rash.

  At least they had the good sense to make a hole for my tails.

  She looked behind her and down. A metal ring in the suit allowed her tails their freedom, and they waved happily behind her like a pair of hands. Since the suit had threads of a jorōgumo woven into them, it was very good forethought on the part of whoever made this, as she wouldn’t be able to use her kitsune techniques if her tails were also wrapped up.


  “I don’t like this outfit,” Lilian declared to Kevin, who’d just finished putting on a pair of dark boots. “It’s too constricting.”

  “You just say that because you have no modesty,” Kevin shot back.

  “Not true.” Kevin paused in zipping up his boots to stare at her. Lilian squirmed. “Okay, not completely true. I like my freedom, and this suit feels suffocating.”

  “I suppose I can understand that.”

  “Besides, Luffy doesn’t wear a suit.”

  “Luffy is also made of rubber,” Kevin pointed out. “He doesn’t need a suit. You do.”

  “I still don’t like it.” Lilian crossed her arms under her chest.

  “That’s too bad. I think you look
good in it.”

  Lilian perked up. “R-really?”

  “Yep.” Kevin finished the last strap on his boot and stood up. “In fact, I think the way that outfit clings to you is kinda sexy.”

  Lilian’s eyes went wide. Her overactive imagination quickly went to work, creating a scenario similar to the ones she’d already dreamed about many times:


  That single word, nothing but a simple name, her name, made the hairs on Lilian’s tails bristle. The way he said her name, like she was the only thing that mattered to him, set her soul ablaze and caused heat to pool in her loins. Her panties were already soaked through.


  He stood before her, his ash-gray bodysuit clinging to his muscular physique, showing off his hardened pectoral muscles and six-pack abs. His arms were also on display, and while not thick, they were ripped. She could see the way his muscles flexed as he moved. Even his thighs and calves seemed to ripple with each movement.

  “You look so sexy in that outfit.” Kevin pulled her close. Lilian gasped when his heat seared her body even through their suits. However, that did not stop her from rubbing herself against him. “It makes me want to rip it off and have my way with you until the sun goes down.”

  Lilian was breathing heavily by this point. They hadn’t done anything yet, but just thinking about what was to come was making her go crazy!

  “Then let’s not wait any longer. I’m all yours.”

  “As I am yours.”

  Kevin pushed Lilian onto the bed and liberally ripped the bodysuit off, his lust and passion for her overriding his common sense. He then situated himself between her legs, lined himself up, and pushed himself into her.

  “Oh, Beloved!”


  “Lilian? Lilian?”


  “Kevin to Lilian? Come in Lilian.”


  “You’re not listening to me, are you?”


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