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Hot SEALs: Revealing Love

Page 6

by Maryann Jordan

Cecil leaned forward, his eyes boring into Sabrina’s. “Yes, I understand you want to have your own business?”

  Shrugging, Sabrina giggled. “I work for a small interior design business, but hope to branch out on my own. Of course, I just like making pretty things…I don’t really understand the business end.” Inwardly cringing at her words, she hoped she was making herself sound gullible without making him suspicious.

  “Excellent. That’s wonderful. I’m sure your grandfather would love to assist you. I also know that you’ll be receiving money from a trust soon. Something set up by your grandfather before he passed?”

  “That’s true. She’s been wondering how best to invest the money in a way that would make her grandfather proud,” Arlene answered.

  “I’m sure I can help you,” he said.

  “You?” she said, adopting a wide-eyed, hopeful expression.

  “Well, it will be your grandfather’s help and I will just be the conduit that reveals his desires.”

  “And your fees?” she asked again.

  “Ah, I see you are a shrewd business woman.”

  She beamed encouragingly, hoping he would continue.

  “I will hold meetings with you and your grandmother, along with John’s presence, and advise you on financial matters. Then, when you are satisfied that John’s instructions have been revealed, I ask for a small remuneration. Just to cover my expenses, of course. I would never try to make money off of helping others.”

  So that’s his angle, Sabrina thought. Wonder how many other rich, elderly women he’s fleeced? And now trying it with Nonnie. And me? Hell, no!

  “I think that sounds completely fascinating, Mr. Nastelli,” Sabrina said in her best conciliatory voice. “I’d love to be included as well.”

  She caught the quick flash of excitement in Cecil’s eyes before it was immediately replaced with practiced indifference.

  “I think that could be arranged. Do you have investments you are interested in?”

  “I don’t know anything about investments,” she answered noncommittally.

  Leaning back in his seat, crossing his legs and sipping congenially on his tea, Cecil looked every bit the lord of the manor. “Then I see a very profitable arrangement with Arlene’s lovely family and friends.”

  Jude, parked outside Arlene’s home in case something went wrong, listened to the conversation as he recorded it. His jaw was tight with anger, feeling his teeth would crack from his grimace. Oh, you’re gonna find out just how profitable we are, asshole.

  * * *

  “Oh my God!” Sabrina screamed as she entered Jude’s apartment later.

  Anxiously awaiting her return, Jude looked up from his computer. He had listened to the meeting but wanted her opinion of what she had seen. He had been in contact with Bart and Luke, looking at the preliminary information on Nastelli and it was not positive.

  Setting his laptop to the side, he watched as Sabrina tossed her keys and purse on the counter before blowing into the room, plopping down on the sofa next to him. He then watched as she jerked her hairpin out allowing the fancy twist of her silky, auburn hair to fall down around her shoulders. The corner of his mouth quirked up as she continued to rant as she kicked off her pumps and unfastened the top two buttons on her demure dress. Throwing her peach-tipped toes up on the coffee table, she leaned back heavily. She’s gorgeous when she’s pissed!

  Dragging his eyes back to her flushed face, he said, “I take it The Great Mr. Nastelli meeting did not go well.”

  Rolling her eyes at the same time an unladylike snort emanated from her was the response.

  He scooted over to her and said, “Turn.” Watching with pleasure as she immediately acquiesced, he slid his hands over her shoulders and down her back in a massaging motion, feeling some of the tension slide from her. “So, tell me about him.”

  “You know, I had no idea what he was going to be like. But I hated the oily, slick way he spoke to Nonnie. It was slow, patient, and utterly condescending.”

  “I heard what he was saying but was dying to be able to watch everything.”

  “He did pull out a notebook when he started asking Nonnie about what were granddad’s favorite months and then dates. Asking when granddad liked to do business transactions so that he can know when best to reach granddad.” She ran her hand through her hair before adding, “Good grief, if he’s such a great medium and can talk to granddad, then he should already know that information!”

  Jude laughed, pulling her close. “Glad you can keep your humor, babe.”

  Turning, she melted into his embrace, burying her face into his chest. The feel of his arms around her brought not only comfort…but peace. Finally. Looking up into his strong face, she could not help but run her fingers through his curls, giving them a little tug. “I loved the military look on you, but I have to confess…I love your hair.”

  “Is that the only thing you love about me, babe?” he asked, his voice already rough with need, his blue eyes meeting hers as his fingers slid through her tresses. The reddish-brown colors glistened in the light.

  “Um mm,” she purred. “I love everything.”

  “I’m more than willing to take your mind off of Nastelli,” he replied, drawing her up from the couch and touching his forehead to hers. “More than willing.” This time, he punctuated his words with his hips pressing his erection into her stomach.

  No longer able to contain the smile, she lifted up on her toes as her hand drifted down to palm his crotch. “You got it, sailor-boy.”

  With one quick swoop, she was in his arms as he stalked toward the bedroom. And for the rest of the night, he worked to erase the case from her mind.

  * * *

  The evening lights cast a shimmery glow over the water, while the dark warehouses cast shadows on the wharf. Without the daytime hustle and bustle of the workers, the area appeared serene. The setting sun had engulfed the horizon with brilliant colors that now gave way to the dark blues of the impending night. The few men gathered hardly noticed. At least Cecil was not paying attention to the scenery.

  “I’m getting it. I told you that what I’m working on will give me the money to pay him back.” Sweat trickled down his back, soaking his shirt.

  “It had better. Mr. Krustas is not in the habit of providing charity.”

  “I know, I know. I have to play this right. I can’t rush this,” Cecil growled, hating the intimidation tactics.

  “Mr. Krustas isn’t interested in what you do. Or how you do it. Only that you pay him back what you borrowed…with interest.”

  Grimacing, Cecil nodded before turning on his expensive shoes and walking away. Frustration mixed with a hint of fear flowed off of him. As he walked away, staring up at the warehouses, another plan flitted through his mind before slowly taking root. One involving the lovely granddaughter. Slowing his steps, he allowed the alternate plan to form in his mind. It would be too risky…unless there’s no other way. Yes, yes. That’s what I’ll do. Stick with my plan, unless…

  After he was gone, the two men looked at each other. The shorter, bulky man asked, “You think he’s gonna be a problem. You think he can pull it off?”

  “He’s done it before but may be taking risks now.” Shaking his head, he smirked. “Doesn’t matter to me, one way or the other. He either pays what he owes or he goes away. Dumb fuck.” Smiling, he turned and walked back into the warehouse, his footsteps echoing in the dark, cavernous space.

  Chapter 7

  Sitting in Nonnie’s living room again, Sabrina worked hard to hide her disgust. Cecil and Arlene sat next to each other in matching wing-backed chairs, with Sabrina and Ruth opposite them on a plush sofa.

  Alice walked in, setting the tea service on the coffee table before looking to her mistress to see what she should do.

  “Thank you, Alice,” Arlene spoke. “I can serve the tea.”

  Nodding politely, Alice moved silently from the room, casting a slight disparaging glance toward Cecil. Sabrina leaned f
orward, reaching for the teapot. “I’ll serve, Nonnie,” she said, gaining a smile from her grandmother and while noticing that Cecil looked over in acknowledgment. I’m doing this for Nonnie, not you, you prick! Schooling her expression, she focused on pouring the tea.

  “I’ve been feeling John so close lately,” Cecil said, as Arlene smiled widely. “I think he will soon be able to tell us what he wants you to do.”

  Sabrina watched the man with veiled contempt, forcing a simplistic smile on her face once more. He was wearing a different silk suit, the handkerchief perfectly folded in his front pocket and his tie in place with a gold collar bar. From his hair, once again impeccably slicked back, to his highly polished leather shoes, he looked to the casual observer to be a man with expensive taste and the money to indulge his desires. Jerk!

  Cecil turned his attention to Sabrina, saying smoothly, “With you coming into your trust in a few weeks, do you still want to use the money to finance your new design business.”

  Sabrina, eyes wide in innocence, breathed, “Oh yes, I’d like to be my own boss.”

  “That sounds…admirable, but my dear, it takes years for a new business to take off and during that time, your money is just drifting away.”

  “You know, I think he’s right,” Arlene said, smiling indulgently at her granddaughter before turning to Cecil. “Is there something else she can do with her money?”

  “I’m so glad you asked,” Cecil purred. “I know several ventures to invest your money in. The profits will be astronomical and then you’d have all that extra money for your business.”

  “What does John say about this?” Arlene interjected.

  “As I have talked about this with your dear, passed husband, he is definitely in favor of Sabrina investing the money from the trust. As you know, he firmly believed in investing and was well known for his smart financial acuity.”

  Sabrina watched as Cecil discreetly rubbed the teacup where his fingers handled the delicate china. He’s smudging fingerprints, she realized, trying to remember everything Jude had told her to watch for. Grateful for the audio equipment that Jude’s friend, Jon, had lent to them, she still wished for the visual surveillance that Bart would be bringing soon.

  “Oh, yes,” Arlene beamed more, looking at Sabrina. “I think you should heed Cecil’s advice.”

  Trying not to explode in anger, Sabrina asked smoothly, “Would you be inclined to share any of granddad’s investments advice? I’d very much like to improve my fortune.”

  “Absolutely,” Cecil agreed, his predatory eyes alight with greed.

  “How marvelous!” Arlene said, clapping her hands in glee. “John would be so happy.”

  “Oh, he is,” Cecil assured, leaning back in his chair crossing his legs, a smug expression on his face.

  “Will you be able to help Ruth as well?” Sabrina asked, wanting to get proof that he was trying to fleece the governor’s mother as well.

  “Absolutely,” Cecil replied, turning to Mrs. Sewell. “Ruth and I have met a few times and I know that her husband used to take John’s financial advice when he was living.”

  “Oh, my. Now that is impressive, isn’t it, Sabrina?” Ruth commented, the look of glee on her face matching Arlene’s.

  “Yes,” she agreed, forcing herself to play along when she wanted to scream to her grandmother that she knew he was a phony.

  “I’m having a few friends over who are interested in Cecil’s ability to gain information from their departed loved ones,” Arlene said. “Would you two like to come?”

  “Absolutely,” Sabrina replied, keeping her expression wide-eyed and naïve.

  As the tea party ended and Ruth was leaving, Cecil pushed himself up from his chair. Sabrina’s eyes moved to the polished wooden arms. Bingo! He’s left his prints!

  * * *

  Jude settled in for another phone conference with the Saints. This time, he felt more comfortable in the presence of Jack’s other employees as he couched his enthusiasm and methodically went over his report.

  “You’re doing great,” Jack commented, “and I’ve got to tell you that I spoke to Governor Sewell this morning.”

  “How’d he take the news?” Jude asked.

  “Hell, he wanted to head to Virginia Beach right now to bring his mom back to the Governor’s mansion to live,” Bart answered.

  “As well as wanting to absolutely kick Nastelli’s ass,” added Cam, a large, smiling, Hispanic man who Bart mentioned recently had come back from a mission in Mexico.

  Jack quickly took the conference back in hand, saying, “I’ve convinced the Governor to not say anything to his mother and to let us continue with our investigation.”

  Jude realized what was going unsaid. The governor is counting on me to prove this guy’s a swindler! Recognizing the challenge, he also recognized the opportunity. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Bart’s driving out tomorrow morning and will outfit you with the equipment you’ll need to record what goes on at his grandmother’s event. He knows to stay in the background; we don’t want Nastelli to get wind that anything is not what it seems. I’ll let Luke fill you in on the information he’s pulled up for you.”

  The camera panned around to Luke sitting at his bank of computers, a tall cup of coffee next to him. The dark haired man looked up, nodded his greeting, and said, “I’ve been digging into this guy and I have to admit that he’s good at covering his tracks, but not nearly as good as me.” Luke could not hold back the smile as the others chuckled, each knowing he refused to fail at finding out whatever he was looking for.

  “Nastelli doesn’t have a birth certificate on record so we assume that’s not his real name, but I don’t know what it is at this point. I compared the data from his modus operandi in Virginia Beach—rich widows, husbands deceased within the last five years, claiming to be a medium, and then getting them to invest in his phony companies. What I’ve found is there have been a lot of elderly people getting flimflammed in the past years and it’s a growing field for con artists. From his physical description, I have possibly matched him to frauds from North Carolina to New York. If it’s him, he’s gone by Cyril Rosendi, Jorge Carlotta, and a few other that I think are him. So far, I have Rosendi with one arrest years ago, scamming elderly couples into paying for their funeral expenses with a phony company. The other names come up from victims making statements to the police after they’ve been scammed. Since then, he’s been out of the system. Right now, it looks like he’s probably made hundreds of thousands of dollars taking lots of grandma’s pensions.”

  “There’s more,” Jack warned.

  “It appears that if he’s who we think he is, then he’s got ties to Russian mafia in the eastern states. There’s no proof, but we need to find a link. Don’t know what his involvement is, but nonetheless it makes him more dangerous.”

  Jude sucked in a breath, his hand running over his hair in his usual frustrated motion. “Not happy about Sabrina doing this.”

  “Neither are we, so don’t do anything else until Bart gets there with the video surveillance equipment. I’m talking to Jon at GAPS this afternoon to make sure you have his backup as well.”

  Jude nodded as he watched the mafia report download onto his computer. Looking up, he said, “Okay. Tell me what you need so that we can nail this guy.”

  * * *

  Sabrina hugged Bart as he walked into her apartment, glad to see her cousin once more. Right behind her was Jude, waiting for her to release Bart before he could step in to welcome him as well.

  “Good to see you, man. Come on in.”

  Sabrina moved to the kitchen to grab a few beers and headed back to the living room, not wanting to miss any of their planning conversation.

  “How’re you doin’?” Bart asked. The dark circles under Sabrina’s eyes were evident, but her expression as she looked at Jude was just as telling.

  “We’re great,” she smiled, sitting next to Jude on the sofa. “I confess that this mess with Non
nie wakes me up at night. I just get so mad—”

  “Down tiger,” Jude whispered, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, grinning at Bart. “You two have the Taggart temper, although it must come from your grandfather’s side of the family, ‘cause Arlene sure doesn’t have it.”

  Bart laughed, eyeing the pair across from him. “Yeah, I was talking to my dad last night and he was pissed as hell about what Nonnie’s doing.”

  “But it’s not her fault, Bart,” Sabrina protested. “She’s just so lonely without granddad and falling prey to this…this…charlatan!”

  “Now that’s a term I haven’t heard,” Jude laughed.

  Sabrina shot the two men a fierce glare, saying, “Well, I’m trying to be polite!”

  “Fuckin’ asshole is what I’d call him,” Bart replied.

  “Yeah, me too,” muttered Sabrina, settling back against Jude as she allowed his body to ease her distress.

  Jude leaned forward and plucked a plastic bag off the coffee table. Smiling he handed it to Bart. “Got prints for you.”

  “Hot damn!” Bart exclaimed, looking at Jude for an explanation.

  “He was very careful to wipe his prints off of his teacup, but Sabrina noticed he pushed himself up from his chair when he stood. And the chair had wooden arms. Since she knew Arlene’s housekeeper probably polishes the furniture all the time, she figured there would only be his prints on the chair. She contacted me and I told her how to use tape to lift them.”

  “Perfect,” Bart said. “This’ll give us the proof to at least tie this guy into the other scams that Luke thinks is him. I’ll get this to Monty and his FBI contacts.” Turning back to the pair, he said, “Tell me about this meeting Nonnie’s got going?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon she’s having a small gathering of people interested in what Nastelli has to say about investing the way John thinks is good. The governor’s mother is coming, plus two other wealthy widows from what I can tell. Sabrina will be there as well and I’ll be outside listening and watching.”

  “He’s gonna do a séance?” Bart asked incredulously.

  “Don’t know how he’s gonna do it, but supposedly the time is right for John to speak to him. My guess is that he’s gonna suggest investments in phony companies or ones where he can get hold of their money.”


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