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Heart in a Box

Page 13

by Syra Bond

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he said smirking. ‘It’s always fun here.’

  I didn’t know what to say. I felt terrible - as if I’d been caught out in the middle of a terrible crime.

  ‘It’s fine,’ he said. ‘I don’t mind - not at all. You do what you want. No one else will see - unless you want them to, of course?’

  I smiled at him. For a second I thought of putting my hand back where it was, straight away, just like that, so that he could watch me. I thought he could get onto his knees between my legs and stare at my cunt while I felt myself. He could lick me too if he wanted, or spank me, or tie me up and thrash me with his belt, or stuff a drink bottle into my anus. Oh yes, he could bend me forward over the table, tie my wrists with napkins and thrust the neck of a bottle into my anus. I could feel it now, stuffing me full. I could feel myself squirming on it. I felt my hand moving down. It was almost under my control - doing what I wanted - then something stopped me and I held back.

  ‘Please, miss. It’s fine. I don’t mind at all.’

  I allowed my hand to stray back between my legs. It was odd with him standing so close, just watching, but at the same time it felt so right, and so exciting.

  I ran my fingers across the smooth material of my dress. I pressed them against the top of my crack - my clitoris was still hungry for attention. I probed down between the fleshy cleft and into the opening at its centre. The dress material made the shallow valley of my slit even more exciting - smoothing it out, enhancing its nakedness, tingling my flesh with the softest touch.

  The young man watched me carefully, his eyes following the movements of my fingers, tracing the indentation they made of my slit, tracking the shallow groove the material picked out as it was pressed down against it. I increased the pressure on the material and lifted it slightly, revealing just the slightest glimpse of the flesh at the tops of my open thighs. His watching eyes filled me with excitement.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ he said. ‘Listen to the conversation. I will watch you all the time. I will hear what you hear, I will watch what you do, and I will be ready when you are.’

  I did as he said. I listened to the two sisters, all the time feeling my cunt, pressing my fingers around my clitoris, watching the young man watching me, waiting until I would ask him to make my building pleasure complete.

  ‘I’m embarrassed to meet you here like this,’ said Vanya. ‘It must be awful for you.’

  ‘I don’t mind. I know what it’s like.’

  ‘You’re very kind, but it’s worse than even you think. You don’t know half of what he makes me do. He told me to meet you here today. Can you believe it? He said he wanted to know that I was sitting below the bedroom talking to you while he thrashed one of his girls. That’s him now. Can you hear? Every one of those rhythmic smacks is him bringing his belt down across her upturned bottom. That’s all he thinks of - thrashing girls, tying them up, stuffing their mouths - and always with me nearby. Sometimes I think I can’t stand anymore.’

  ‘Oh, Vanya, it must be so terrible for you.’

  ‘It is, Jana. I have to wait here today until he comes down and tells me he’s finished. He will bring her with him as well. She’ll be hanging onto his arm as usual I expect, probably barely dressed. They’ll sit down here and he’ll then go on to tell me exactly what he’s been doing. Jana! Can you imagine it?’

  ‘I know what he’s like. I really do.’

  ‘I don’t think so, Jana. You couldn’t.’

  ‘I do, I promise you I do. He probably never told you,’ said Jana. ‘He was giving me a lift home from college once. I was in the first year netball team. Look, I’ve still got the muscles!’ She flexed her biceps in embarrassed fun. ‘He said it wasn’t out of his way. I didn’t have time to shower or change - I was really sweaty! And my skirt and vest were still wet. It was a really hot day. Did he ever tell you?’


  ‘Well he drove me behind a factory somewhere. I was pretty excited - he was older than me, your husband, all that kind of stuff.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘He was very nice really to start with - considerate. He asked me if I wanted to kiss and I said yes. It was good. Then he said my clothes were very sweaty and I should take them off. I wasn’t so sure about that but he was very convincing. He said it would freshen me up, that we could hang the clothes out of the window and they would dry and feel nicer when I put them on again. Well, I wasn’t sure but I did anyway. I sat beside him in the car completely naked. I didn’t really know what to do. I remember I pressed my hands together and pushed them between my legs. We kissed again. It was strange feeling his hands on my naked body. I can still feel it now. Wow! It was really exciting! Sorry, sorry, Vanya. I shouldn’t have said that. But it was!’

  ‘It’s okay. I know he can be very exciting. It’s okay. Just tell it as it happened. I won’t mind what you say. Just tell me.’

  ‘Well, we kissed some more - I told you that - and it felt really good, right somehow. Then he started to feel between my legs. No one had ever done that before so it was a bit weird, but it felt good. He pressed his finger into the cleft at the top of my cunt. I didn’t know how to respond really. I opened my legs when he asked me and I moaned a bit because I couldn’t stop myself, but it was all so new. I was more nervous than anything else.’

  ‘I suppose he said he wanted to thrash you, or spank you?’

  ‘Well he didn’t say much, and he certainly didn’t ask me, no. He sort of changed once he’d felt my cunt. He slipped his finger inside and pushed it up and down. He wasn’t so nice any more - he felt crueller.’

  ‘What did he do?’

  ‘He took me by surprise. Everything changed. He dragged me out of the car. It had been raining and everything was wet. The next thing I knew I was bent over the hood, completely naked. He didn’t give me any time to think. He bound my wrists with my knickers - you know, those blue ones we used to wear for games. He pulled them so tight, then he pressed me face forward against the cold wet metal of the hood. He pulled my ankles out and bound each of them to the ends of the front bumper of the car. He pulled my wrists together and found some rope to tie them with, then he wound that into the roof rack. I was so stretched out I could hardly breathe. Do you remember that roof rack?’

  ‘Yes, yes. Go on.’

  ‘I know there were some people watching, several men at least and a woman I think - workers in one of the factories. He took his belt off and strapped me across the bottom. I cried like anything - sobbed and sobbed, but he took no notice. He wouldn’t stop. It went on for ages. I even think some of the men that were watching came over and took part. I can’t remember properly. I know there were different shadows behind me. All I can really remember was sobbing like anything and feeling the never ending pain across my bottom. It was terrible - so fierce, so forceful, so biting. Vanya, it hurt so much!’

  Jana slumped back in her chair. It was as if reliving the ordeal had brought it back too close. She wiped tears from her eyes. Vanya leant across the table and held her hand.

  I realised I was still feeling my cunt, and that the young waiter was still watching, but now he was on his knees between my legs, his face only inches away from my slit, staring at my fingers as they felt the wet flesh and pressed against the tingling base of my hard and beating clitoris.

  I listened to the thrashing going on in the room above the courtyard. The tempo was increasing; the slapping of leather against skin was becoming more intense - louder, faster, harder. The young man’s face got closer to my cunt. The sister’s voices became more filled with purpose.

  ‘He got up on the hood of the car. He told me he would like to stuff my mouth with my panties but that he just couldn’t resist putting his cock in there. He said I should never tell you. Yes, I remember now! He said I should never tell you about this, and that I should never tell you he
had put his cock in my mouth. Well I never did, but it never happened anyway. He got it out. He held it in front of my face - it was really big, it looked heavy, I couldn’t imagine how it would go in. But it didn’t. I tasted it against my lips as he pressed it against them. I felt it beating and throbbing. I saw the veins sticking out along its length as I stared down towards its base but, as he forced my mouth wide with it, there was a sudden commotion. I’m not sure what it was - perhaps an argument with the other men that had come over, something disturbed him anyway. The next thing I knew I was being untied, lifted off the hood and put in the back of his car still naked and shaking like a leaf. He threw my clothes in after me and I got dressed as he drove me home. He reminded me not to say anything to you as I got out. He never spoke to me about it afterwards and I have never mentioned it until now.’

  Vanya sat back in her chair and smiled.

  ‘That was a shame for him, don’t you think? That he should have been frustrated like that?’

  ‘What do you mean? I was pretty frustrated myself. Oh, Vanya, I’m sorry, but I was.’

  ‘Yes, I can tell. Perhaps there’s a way of getting rid of the frustration for both of you. It’s terrible that both of you are unfulfilled, don’t you think?’

  She smiled at Jana.


  ‘Perhaps we should help him bring things to a conclusion at last. I hate to think of him not getting what he wanted. And things would feel better for you as well?’

  ‘Maybe? Yes, maybe?’

  ‘And I think I know how we could help him.’

  She took Jana’s hand.

  ‘How?’ asked Jana, as Vanya pulled them close together across the table.

  I couldn’t hear what they were saying - I could only stare at them - complicit creatures hatching a plan.

  Suddenly, I was awakened to everything else that was going on - it was as if I had been asleep, in a trance or somehow transported to another planet. The first thing I sensed was the sound of slapping - leather against skin. It came back into my mind like a train approaching out of a tunnel - it hit me with the same blast of air and rush of sound. My head rolled from side to side with the shock of it. I could not hear her any more. I could picture him behind her though, she must be tied - and tightly too - and gagged. She could not be standing such a beating in silence without being gagged, and he would not be able to strike her so rhythmically if she was not held in place, unable to move, or squirm out of his range. I held my breath in expectation of the crescendo of his effort - the final stroke that would send her into unconsciousness, that would make his semen flow, that would cut the last stripe into her already red laced bottom.

  Then I looked down and saw the young man between my knees. His face was pressed between the tops of my thighs, his mouth against the flesh of my cunt, his nose penetrating the crack, his tongue deep inside the opening. He was sucking and slurping at me, biting at my clitoris and at the flesh that surrounded it. I was pushing myself at him - giving him as much as possible, opening myself up to his feeding as much as I possibly could.

  I felt the slurping frenzy of his hunger in my cunt. I heard the whirling passion of the beating in my head. I saw the conspiracy of the women and felt the waves of excited anticipation their intrigue brought with it. I was completely satiated. I felt myself in the grip of a constant orgasm, but I could not tell whether it was coming or passing, building to something more, or subsiding and leaving me used and depleted.

  I could not choose any one thing over another - I was inundated with it all, drowned and wallowing beneath the frothing confusion that surrounded me like a churning whirlpool.

  The next thing I knew the beating stopped suddenly - as if the strap had broken, or the woman had collapsed under the strain of her suffering, it was abruptly concluded. I imagined her licking his cock, sucking up the copious semen as it flowed over her hungry tongue. I imagined him throwing her clothes over her and ordering her to dress and go. I imagined her lifting her bottom so that the final few drips of semen could dribble over her burning skin and ameliorate some of the unrelenting heat and pain that she knew would last for days.

  With the young man still slurping at my cunt, I saw the man and woman appear in the courtyard. She was tall and slender - truly beautiful. She hung onto his arm as he walked towards the two seated women. She had not done up her skirt properly and I could see the top of her left thigh and a hint of her panties between the edges of the open pleat. He wore faded jeans and had not properly buckled up his black leather belt. I knew that was what he must have been beating the woman with - she could not take her eyes from it. It was as if it was her master and she was watching for its further orders.

  ‘Hello, ladies. Have you had a good concert? Did I leave the window open wide enough? I hope you didn’t miss anything. My friend has been very eager to please. Look, her wrists are red from the binding I used to keep her from squirming, and her ankles too, where I had to tie her to the bed legs to stop her moving out of my range. She will not speak. Her mouth is too sore from the gag - it was large and has strained her. And it took a long time before it was over. She has had to suffer a lot for my pleasure.’

  Vanya nodded graciously.

  ‘Perhaps you are still not satisfied, my dear? Perhaps you hanker after some unfulfilled pleasure?’

  ‘I feel like that,’ said Jana. ‘Unsatisfied. As though once something was started but never finished.’

  ‘Yes, Jana has been telling me a story, my dear. A story about the past, when she was younger and was promised some satisfaction by a man but never received it. Perhaps you had a similar experience?’

  The man raised his eyebrows and looked from one sister to the other.

  ‘Perhaps? Yes, perhaps.’

  ‘Yes, Jana, has been telling me the story in detail. It sounds such a shame to leave things like that, don’t you think, even though it was some years ago.’

  ‘Yes, it is.’

  ‘Then perhaps we can bring it to a conclusion at last - right here, right now.’

  The man looked uncertain, suspicious, but Vanya smiled and Jana reached out her hand to him.

  ‘Yes, that would be very nice,’ he said.

  ‘Perhaps your friend would help us?’

  He nodded to her. She let go of his arm and stepped forward.

  Jana started taking of her clothing - her shirt first, then her bra, then her skirt. She stood in her panties and shoes as Vanya explained.

  ‘Here, perhaps your friend will bind her. I think that’s how she said it was. Yes, here, bind this scarf tightly around my sister’s wrists. Good. Good. Now my sister will lie across this table, it’s not like the hood of a car but it will serve the purpose. Do you remember now? Is it all coming back now?’

  Jana leant forward, pressing her perfectly formed breasts against the smooth shiny top of the aluminium table. She bent at the hips, her bottom held up, her thighs taut and straight.

  ‘Yes, I’m sure that will do, don’t you think, my dear? Yes, I thought you would agree. Now perhaps your friend would help you bring out your cock. That is what we want isn’t it, that is what you disappointed my younger sister with all those years ago. That is what you promised and never gave, isn’t it?’

  The man smiled as the woman encircled his hips with her hands and removed the belt from his jeans. She undid the button at the top and pulled down the zip. She grabbed his cock and brought it out in her hand - it was hard and throbbing, heavy and swollen with heat and excitement.

  ‘Perhaps you will enjoy bringing the belt down across my sister’s buttocks as you offer her what she has been waiting for all this time. Perhaps at last you will satisfy her with the pleasure and pain that has been withheld for far too long?

  He took the belt in his hand as Vanya pulled Jana’s panties down to her ankles.

  ‘Now at last y
ou will make it happen.’

  The woman held the shaft of his cock tightly in her hand as she moved its end towards Jana’s waiting lips. The man pulled the belt back and held it high, ready for the moment when it would be right to bring it down across Jana’s waiting, exposed bottom.

  Jana opened her mouth some more. I saw the flash of her teeth - they were white, beautiful. She opened her mouth wider. Her canine teeth were long and pointed. She turned back to her sister and smiled. Their tips glinted like diamonds in the morning sun.

  ‘The problem is,’ said Vanya. ‘Things have changed over the years since you abandoned my sister. She is no longer the innocent girl you knew then. Look she has grown some new teeth as well. Her appetite is different these days, but she is no less hungry. And now she feeds until she has been completely nourished. These days she never lets go until she had taken her fill.’

  Jana opened her mouth as wide as it would go. The woman fed the man’s cock into it. Jana clasped her teeth around its shaft and bit down hard.

  I rose up as my body was seized with a cramping paroxysm of overwhelming pleasure. I didn’t know where it was coming from, where it would lead to. I thought I heard the belt being brought down but only once or maybe twice. I heard a scream but it was quickly stifled, and I heard slurping and greedy feeding but I couldn’t tell whether it was coming from Jana’s feasting or the hungry feeding of the young waiter as he buried his face deeper into the soft open flesh of my wet and dissipated cunt.

  The young waiter brought me a drink and placed it in front of me on a paper napkin. I was shaking all over. I looked at my hands - I couldn’t keep them still. I had hardly realised he had gone! My lips were dry, my mouth was gaping. My legs were still spread wide, my dress pulled up exposing my cunt. The insides of my thighs were wet with my own moisture and the young man’s spit. For a moment I did nothing, then suddenly, as if caught by a cramp, I pulled my dress hem down and drew my legs together. My face flushed red. The young man left without saying anything.


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