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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

Page 24

by L. L. Ash

  “Some. Does he mean to say that all of your brothers have had the same mate like a wife since…forever?”

  “They have. When we say that we love, we truly mean it, and our love doesn’t waver. If there’s one thing you can count on from me, it is that. That and I will always lust after you like a teenage pup.”

  I grinned at him and he smiled back at me, pressing a kiss to my lips again.

  “So no, none will come between us. I don’t want to share you but I will not begrudge a dalliance or two either. I’m no hypocrite.”

  “Do you...look forward to having more mates?”

  “I look forward to the blood, if that’s what you mean. And the children. I do look forward to many children.”

  “I admit the thought is foreign to me. In just weeks I became a slave, then a mate, and in time I’ll be feeling this pregnancy. It’s all kind of...surreal.”

  “Of course it is. But it’s not going to float away. The only thing that could tear me away from you is death, and in case you didn’t notice, me and it qre not exactly on talking terms. I’ll live for many hundreds of years yet and I expect you at my side for every glorious one.”

  “So you’ll many queens? How many mates do you expect to take?”

  “I expect somewhere around four or five. Same as my father. But as for queens, there will only be one. The other mates will be ‘Mistress’.”

  My jaw dropped.

  Their system made absolutely no sense.

  “I get that you only love one person and everything...but how do you treat the women so poorly? I mean, seriously. If I’m your loved mate, then basically you’ll ignore the rest? You’ll visit them once in a while until they turn, then what?”

  “They get a comfortable life, with everything they could imagine. They get the choice of eternal life or mortality. They get the choice to take on a lover if they choose. They are not prisoners by any means. I will take care of them, provide a safe and abundant home for them, and they will find their own sources of interest.”

  “But you expect differently from me?”

  “How many different ways must I explain it?” he asked, patient but exasperated.

  “Sorry. I’ll shut up about it.”

  I paused but one last thing was on my mind and I had to ask before the conversation was over.

  “Ok. One more thing. Why did you have me kiss him? Your hand on my back… It felt like you were urging me to kiss him. Why?”

  “I thought you would enjoy it. Didn’t you? He was attractive enough, wasn’t he?”

  “But don’t you want me to be with no one else?”

  “My God. Ok. You want specific? I’ll get specific. Do what you want with the slaves. I’m neither jealous or afraid to lose you to one of them. But your pussy is mine. No cock will enter except for mine. Is that clear enough, Lily?”

  I gulped.

  “Clear. I just want to know what your expectations are.”

  “I don’t imagine you’ll need the slaves though, with how much I lust for you.”

  “What about when you’re gone, traveling and whatever?”

  “You’ll be with me.”

  “I will?”

  “You expect me to go without you for days, even weeks? You must be mad.”

  He scoffed and stood, helping me up before leading me out of the room.

  “I think maybe you’d survive. Somehow.”

  “My girl. Sometimes I feel you don’t know me at all. If I didn’t have you around I’d go crazy with lust and longing. It’s the way with mates. Worse when a man finds himself so deplorably in love.”

  He looked down at me and winked. My heart stuttered.

  We found ourselves inside his office where he locked the door behind us.

  “I seem to remember some happy time spent with you perched on a table,” he murmured, moving closer. “Would you like me to remind you how it went?”

  Shivers shot up my spine at the thought.

  “Do you need a reminder, mate?” he breathed against my neck.

  I was breathless, speechless, I barely got myself to nod before he was unburdening me of my clothes.

  Knocking pulled my out of my light slumber. I was curled up naked in Calix’s arms and I hadn’t ever felt so comfortable as I did in his arms after crazy-hot sex.

  “What?” Calix called lazily through the door.

  “Your brother, sir. Prince Heron has arrived.”

  “Fuck...” Calix cursed under his breath. “Thank you, Thomas.”

  That quickly, our stolen moments of peace were gone.

  “I dread the moment I see him.” Calix said. “Every time I’ve talked to him I’m reminded of Andy and her death. It brings up terrible memories.”

  “That’s exactly what makes you the best one to talk to him. Be there for him. He just lost everything.”

  “I know. And I will do what I can to ease his suffering.”

  Calix managed to scoot around me enough to stand and get his pants and underwear back on, followed by his shirt.

  “I’ll be with you,” I told him, putting my own clothes back on.

  “It’s a shame,” he sighed, watching me.

  “What is?” I hopped on one foot, putting my skinny jeans over one leg then the other.

  “To cover up your beauty.”

  I looked at him and he winked again. My heart fluttered. I liked this flirty Calix. We would be pretty close if it weren’t for the asshole Calix and the angry Calix.

  Taking his hand, my mate led me to the huge living room that Calix called the receiving room. Inside were Leon and his family, including a little brunette that I hadn’t met before, and Bion with his mate. Nearby was a dark haired man, not quite as dark as Calix, Bion and Ariston, but close. His face was rounder and not as angular, but he was still built like the others.

  “Heron,” Calix approached, letting go of my hand to take his brother into his arms.

  “I’ve no need of your pity, Calix,” Heron said quietly. “I’ll get used to it eventually.”

  “You’ve experienced a great tragedy, Heron. You need to mourn.”

  “Like you did?” he shot back sharply.

  “No. Like I did not. I lived in suffering for many years because I refused to mourn. I felt pain instead of moving on.”

  “It seems you have though, moved on.”

  Haron looked over Calix’s shoulder toward me.

  “I have. My mate, Lily.” Calix took my arm and led me forward to meet his brother.

  “A pleasure,” he said, taking my hand and bowing over it before kissing it like some kind of knight.

  “The pleasure is mine,” I told him, then sandwiched his hand with my other one. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Heron gulped and I watched his eyes get watery as he stood there, mouth glued shut while he stared at my hands, still wrapped around his.

  “Thank you,” he finally managed to say as he cleared his throat and shook off the emotions. “I’d rather not talk about it anymore, if you’re satisfied with that. I’ve had enough time to mingle with the thoughts on the trip here. China is far away, you know.”

  “Of course,” Calix agreed. “Are you hungry, brother?”

  “Famished,” he agreed and we led him to where the feeders waited to serve their master.

  Chapter Seventeen

  By the end of the morning, something equivalent to the wee hours of the night to us humans, we were all anxious to hear the results of the now five hour session the royal sisters were in. About an hour ago the sisters pulled in Leon’s mother for advice and the four of them have been talking in Calix’s office since. The rest of us hovered in the receiving room, some pacing, some sitting and some just standing anxiously.

  After they shared their verdict, the Drakos would have a new king and queen. Obviously Ariston was out of the running due to the fact that he was so young he wasn’t even a full vampire yet, and Leon had no ambitions to be king. Haron was too distraught to even consider it, so
the choice was down to Calix and Bion. Both with new mates and with their first children on the way. Leon, being the second to youngest of the remaining brothers was the one with the largest family but he wanted nothing to do with the crown.

  I fidgeted and finally got up, unable to tolerate the brooding emanating from Calix while we waited. The man sat there, unmoving for hours as he watched the door to the room, waiting for the verdict. Eventually I found my way to the older woman to whom I was never properly introduced. She looked up when she saw me coming and smiled.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” she said warmly, her dark blue eyes focused on me as she smiled. “You’re Calix’s mate, are ya not?”

  “I am.” I nodded with my own smile. “Lily.”

  “Betha.” the woman reached out and took my hand. “I’m glad to meet you. I’ve seen you but haven’t yet had a moment to introduce myself.”

  “Well we have plenty of time now.” I grinned, perching on a chair next to her. “Everyone’s on edge. I can’t stand it.”

  She nodded soberly.

  “The picking of a king only happens every few millennia. It’s quite the occasion and hasn’t exactly been given the spectacle it deserves. But it is also a sober occasion. So many have died.”

  “Did you know any of them?” I asked.

  “Not many, to be honest. I knew Leo’s father a bit but we’d only met once when Leon and I were mated. He made a big deal out of every mate his sons took.”

  “I see.” I sighed. “I’m still learning all of this stuff. I only met Calix a couple months ago, so I’m learning.”

  “And did you know him before you were mated?” she asked conversationally.

  “No. Not really. He kind of saved my life from another vampire then took me back here. That’s when I found out he intended to...own me. It just so happened that I was able to be a mate for him. It wasn’t exactly planned.”

  “Oh, as deplorable as it is, that’s how it generally happens. The poor men don’t know if the woman will be sticking around until they get their feelings involved with them. After McKara, Leon was just looking for someone to have his babies.”

  “I was told that you...will remain human,” I said, hoping I wasn’t crossing any lines. “May I ask why you choose mortality instead of vampirism?”

  She shrugged.

  “I don’t mind, sweetie. There is no great love between Leon and myself. That is no surprise to anyone. He is pleasant with me and I appreciate how he cares for me, but I have not garnered more than appreciation from him. He has given me freedom to find my own love and I have.”

  “You have?” I asked, blown away.

  She nodded.

  “He is a slave back home in Ireland. He cannot be granted immortality so I chose to remain human with him. We will grow old together and we will die together. I cannot think of anything more pleasant then that.”

  “What about Leon? He seemed sad that you didn’t want to turn.”

  “He has given me my choice. And I don’t think he is sad so much as disappointed. We have spent many years together and he will be disappointed to lose me, but he will also find another after I am gone and she will give him babies and he will give her his affection instead of me.”

  “So you don’t love him?”

  “Oh, in my own way I suppose I do. The man is charismatic and charming. He is hard not to love.”

  “I can see that.” I giggled and she smiled maternally at me.

  “You seem to feel affection for your own mate,” she put out there, prodding without trying to be rude.

  “I do. I love him.”

  “And does he love you in return?”

  “He says he does, and I believe him.”

  “Then you are blessed, child.” She nodded firmly. “Only one mate gets to be loved and you are the lucky one.”

  “Maybe you don’t know this but...has Leon always loved McKara? Did he once love Maia and decide he loved McKara more?”

  “As far as I know, he has always had the same way with Maia. She and him tolerate each other.” Betha giggled. “How they can row!”

  “Might I join you?” a deep, feminine voice interrupted us.

  I turned and saw Maia herself standing there.

  “Ah, we were just talking about you, Maia,” Betha said to her with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “Oh? And shall I be enlightened as to how you discussed me?” she asked, sitting like a majestic queen on the chair beside me.

  “Young Lily has questions of mates. I think she is still insecure in her position with Calix.”

  I blushed. Was I so incredibly easy to read?

  “Do not fret, girl.” Maia waved her hand. “Every woman is insecure at first. McKara was a jealous one until she was finally convinced that Leon loved her more than me. Which was fine on my part. The man is tiresome.”

  “He is sweet,” Betha countered, giving her a fake scowl.

  Maia grinned.

  “Oh, sure he is. But not every woman wants a sweet man. Sweet and fiery. I’d prefer a Greek man, powerful and simmering.”

  She hummed to herself as if thinking of a particularly tasty morsel.

  “We’ve both left our men at home,” Betha whispered to me. “I see I am not the only one missing her man.”

  “Not in the least.” Maia’s eyes flashed with humor.

  “You’re not like I imagined,” I told both the women.

  By the looks of confusion on their faces I realized that they may not have understood that as a compliment.

  “I guess I thought… I don’t know. You’re both so nice. I’m glad I got to talk to you.”

  “Your assumptions that we are cold bitches are a good assumptions, Lily. It will serve you well. While some of us are well adjusted and remain close to our humanity, some such as Alexandra have lost theirs, and she didn’t have any qualms about it.”

  “Watch yourself around her,” Betha added with serious eyes. “And don’t find yourself alone with her if you can help it.”

  Their warnings sent off warning bells in my head, shooting fear through me. Would someone from Calix’s family really hurt me?

  “Fear not. She will likely do nothing. But it is better to avoid the possibility altogether.”

  I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to speak just as the door opened.

  Every head turned and all voices silenced.

  “We have come to a decision,” Nyx said in a solemn voice.

  “Though it was not unanimous,” Alexandra added with a glare toward Nyx.

  Leon and Breanna’s mother slipped around the three sisters and found a seat as they made the announcement.

  “Our new king shall be...” Breanna started but paused, looking toward Nyx.

  “Calix,” Nyx said, grinning.

  The room remained silent instead of bursting into applause like I thought it would. Every eye turned to Calix as he remained seated, still brooding like he had been earlier.

  “This is bullshit!” Bion burst up out of his chair. “Did he bribe you, Breanna?”

  Breanna looked horrified.

  “That you would even suggest such a thing, Bion...” she cried out, pressing her hand against her chest.

  “Calix would never try such a maneuver,” Leon called, standing too. “And Moreover, Breanna would never accept a bribe!”

  “Our sisters have spoken,” Haron stood beside Leon, standing against Bion.

  “It should be me! I am supposed to be the king!” Bion growled, pointing at his brothers in succession.

  I watched Calix in his chair, legs crossed at the knee and elbows propped on the arms of the chair with one finger pressed against his lips in thought. His eyes were narrowed as he listened.

  “Do you accept this calling?” Nyx asked after another moment as Bion steamed.

  “It should be me!” he shouted again but nobody was listening anymore. Their eyes were back on my mate.

  Calix took another moment before unfolding his legs and lifting himself out of the ch

  “Would you fight me, brother?” Calix asked Bion. “Fight until death for leadership of our people?”

  Bion clenched his jaw and I saw his mate stand beside him, stroking his arm.

  “Well, shall we, brother?” Calix bit the words out.

  Bion growled, exposing his teeth before moving like a flash out of the room, leaving his poor mate to follow at a trot behind him.

  Calix turned to his sisters and bowed his head.

  “I humbly accept the calling.”

  “May the Gods bless you, and may your judgement be exact,” Nyx said with affection, stepping forward to place her hands on Calix’s black hair.

  His other sisters stepped forward and the three of them blessed him in an old language before they knelt before him, pressing their hands on the ground in front of them and their foreheads to their hands.

  I looked around the room and saw everyone moving from their chairs, doing the same. As I slid off my chair, I barely got to my knees before Calix was in front of me, gripping my arm and lifting me to my feet. He stood there, holding me next to him as he was being bowed to. As his family promised devotion to him as their leader.

  “Your faith in me is humbling,” Calix said after a moment more. “Please, right yourselves and sit.”

  Everyone stood, men helping their mates to their feet and the younger ones watching with wide eyes. I saw Maggie sitting beside Ariston toward the back and her expression was surprised.

  Ariston moved his arm and slung it around the back of her shoulders, pulling her toward him while Chrys sat next to Maggie with similar wide eyes of awe.

  “I’ll dispense with any speeches. You don’t want to hear one as much as I don’t want to give one. But there is one order of business I bring up with my brothers while we are assembled. The rest of you are dismissed.”

  Betha immediately herded the kids together and they left the room followed by Maia and Leon’s mother.

  “Should I leave?” I whispered to Calix but he shook his head.

  “I want you to stay.”

  I just nodded before motioning to my brother and sister to leave.

  “I’m staying with you,” Maggie said loudly to Ariston, who was trying to urge her out the door.


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