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Season of the Witch

Page 32

by David L. Golemon

  The captain grabbed his head as a riptide of pain shot through from his temples to the back of his skull. He bent at the waist as his crew watched in terror. Asmodius was standing only feet away.

  ‘Prepare your vessel to leave these waters.’

  The captain tried desperately to fight through the pain of Asmodius probing through his mind. He shook his head trying to say that the ship was no longer seaworthy. Asmodius hit him of another burst of searing, mind probing pain.

  ‘Start the engines and steer south. We will acquire another vessel. Do it or die!”

  The pain let up just as Asmodius commanded the giant engines to start. The captain felt the vibration as the ship shook because of its damaged spaces and the rumbling of the engines.

  The large container ship would make a last run for the open sea.

  The black and white Plymouth Fury burst onto the rocky area lining the beach as the rain slowed to a more regular pattern and even the wind was dying down. The Fury bottomed out and tore the transmission free of the body and the car grounded to a halt. Sokol grabbed Elsbeth and forced the old woman from the car. Her eyes were closed in pain as sometime during the wild ride from Cambridge her body was starting to shut down. She knew her loss of strength wasn’t natural. She knew then that her strength and that of Asmodius were somehow linked. The storm she saw was losing power as she was. The loss of his followers may also be affecting Asmodius just as the loss of hers was bringing her low. But she also knew that even with the loss of strength with Asmodius, she now didn’t have Matchstick to counter the Grey’s advantage.

  “Come on bitch, I have a debt to settle! He saw Elsbeth was having a hard time breathing and since he didn’t want to lose his prime hostage, he removed the tape covering her mouth. He figure if she tried to use her chants and incantations on him, he would just let her fall into the raging sea. Then Sokol and the two men with him carried and dragged Elsbeth toward the ship that was trying to force its way off the rocks. Waves almost knocked the four people from their feet as they fought their way toward the tearing sounds of the container ship. “The bastard’s trying to leave without us!” Sokol shouted.

  “Hold it right there!”

  Sokol and the other three stopped and turned. The rain obscured him momentarily, but they were soon able to make out the short man, and he had a gun aimed right at them.

  “You killed the only thing in the world that ever loved me for who and what I am.”

  “I haven’t killed anyone,” Sokol said slowly raising his hands. “Her kind is responsible, not me,” Sokol said through the dying storm. The Russian looked at his two companions and then gestured for them to release Elsbeth. She fell to her knees in the surf. “There, she’s the one you want.” Sokol started backing away just as his two men started to the same.

  Jenks was torn between who he wanted to shoot to shoot first. His aim went from a struggling Elsbeth Barlow to the three men retreating.

  The sound of a blaring horn got the Master Chief’s attention. He ignored it as he heard a car screeching to a halt somewhere above him on the road. He ignore the three men as they turned and ran in the direction of the container ship that fought to get off the rocks.

  Jenks took two steps forward and placed the pistol a foot away from the old woman’s head, he started to squeeze the trigger as Elsbeth was still trying to draw breath. With her head sagging Jenks aimed for the center of her wet, silver hair. He fired.

  The bullet hit the Master Chief in the area just above his left thumb. Barely grazing it but was enough to send his shot wild as the gun flew free of his hand.

  It was Everett and Ryan who got to him first.

  * * *

  Jack slapped Tram on the back as the Vietnamese lieutenant ejected the only 7.76 round from the M-14.

  “Thank God. Jenks is still on his feet. Mister Everett has him in custody.” Mendenhall turned to Tram, Henri and Jack with a worried Anya with her head down on the hood of the car praying. “Damn good shot buddy. Glad we kept you around.”

  * * *

  When the others arrived, Jenks was still fighting to get at Elsbeth. Carl shook the smaller man who looked at his old trainee with murder in his eyes as Jason assisted Elsbeth out of the cold surf. He was leading her to the rocks on the shoreline.

  Jenksy, Jenksy, stop it damn it!” carl was screaming at him. “She didn’t kill Virginia!” Everett forced Jenks’ head around to face the slowly moving container ship. “That bastard out there did it with the hep of the man you just let run away!” When Jenks didn’t respond he felt something in his head. When he looked up the pain and anger were gone from his eyes. The Master Chief turned and saw in the distance the silver haired woman looking at him. He felt her thoughts in his head. He blinked and then his eyes looked at Carl.


  “That’s right, you crazy ass bastard.”

  “It was a Grey?”

  “It was that Grey son of a bitch all along Jenksy. She’s been trying to bake that bastard’s cookies for a very long time.”

  “Oh, God. Is she alright?” Jenks asked turned to see Elsbeth being held up by Ryan.

  “Well explain later Jenks. Right now, we have to figure how we’re going to stop a thirty-two-thousand-ton ship from getting out of reach,” Jack said.

  “Send in your navy,” Henri said.

  “They’re too far out and bedsides Asmodius would have an opportunity and strengthening power to sink anything that gets close. It’ll be too late by the time the navy gets here.”

  “Right now, he’s weak on power you say, same as the old lady?” Jenks asked as Anya wrapped his wounded thumb with a wet section of her shirt.

  “That’s the theory,” Carl said.

  “I can sink that ship and drown all aboard, even that Grey son of a bitch.”

  How?” Jack asked

  Jenks pointed out to sea about a thousand yards. They looked through the diminishing rainfall. As the closest wave fell it exposed another ship. It was a natural gas container ship. It was easily recognizable with its ‘bubble’ domes containing gas.

  “Master Chief, that would possibly take out half of Boston if it’s set off too close,” Jack said.

  “Besides, how in the hell would we get out there?” Mendenhall said. “If you’ve noticed that’s why they anchored it so far out.”

  Suddenly they heard water rushing as if from a runaway waterfall. They looked at the spot the noise was coming from. A Boston Whaler fishing boat bobbed to the surface where it had been sent to the bottom by the rocks of the shoreline. They were all amazed as it rose from the sea with water falling free from the numerous holes created in its hull when it struck the rocks during the worst of the hurricane. The boat was hanging thirty feet in midair as everyone turned and saw Ryan supporting Elsbeth Barlow and with Matchstick’s help while sitting on Charlie’s shoulders she was holding her arms out and slowly raising them into the air alone with the boat. Matchstick was mimicking her every move.

  “I’ll be damned,” Jenks said.

  “Talented indeed,” Henri quipped. “I would like to offer that woman work in another field of endeavor.”

  Most turned to look at Henri and his obvious reference to theft.

  They all ducked when the boat flew over their heads and slammed back into the water. Leaking but still floating. They turned back and saw Ryan and Matchstick raise their thumbs at the group. Charlie tried to do the same but nearly bobbled Matchstick into the sea.

  “Toad you drive. Colonel you assist,” Jenks said angrily. Let’s go and blow us up an alien asshole!”

  “I want to go too,” Will said.

  Jenks reached into his pocket and put a stub of cigar in his mouth but didn’t try to light because it was too wet.

  “Forget it Army man, these guys are expendable, but the nerds back at base needs men like you to watch over ‘em.” Jenks winked and turned and ran for the boat as did Jack and Carl.

  As long as Will Mendenhall had known the Master Chie
f, the comment was the first near complimentary thing Jenks had ever said to him. That was when Will knew the Master Chief was going to do something really stupid.

  * * *

  Jack was bailing water with a bucket above deck and Carl below working the pumps. The water was still coming in far fast than they could get it out. Jenks fought with the throttles sending the twin outboards to and the past the redline. The Boston whaler climbed and then shot over the high waves as it sped toward the gas container ship. The Master Chief aimed right for the boarding ladder on the starboard side.

  “Okay Toad, get us here and skipper this thing.”

  Everett poked his head up and started arguing immediately on why it was to be Jenks who would ram the container ship and not him.

  “And what if you have engine trouble Toad, you gonna’ fix it? That things been anchored through a damn hurricane—do you think there may be a little damage to her hull plates and pumps?”

  “Yeah, I know all that Jenksy, but I’m a far better swimmer than you and you know you’re going to have to jump off that damn thing before it hits!”

  “Yeah, and that’s why you’ll be there to pick me up smartass.”

  Everett kicked a bucket overboard as Jenks powered down the engines.

  “You got something to say King Grunt?” Jenks asked Jack who stood rooted watching the container ship getting up its second steam and running faster. Collins just shook his head knowing that either man would have a hard time keeping the gas carrier on course in this weather. Jack knew his limitations.

  Both men almost fell over when the bow of the Boston Whaler slammed into the hull of the carrier near the boarding ramp. The name painted in white was ‘Ivy League.’ It was out of Charleston.

  “Jenks, what if there’s a watch on board?”

  The Master Chief looked at the Colonel and then pulled a nine-millimeter from his pocket. He chambered a round.

  “Then I guess their watch is ended. I hope they know how to swim.”

  “Don’t worry Jenksy, we’ll pick ‘em up,” Carl said as he idles the twin motors.

  “Good luck Master Chief,” Jack said as Jenks reached for the rope railing.

  “Luck’s for pussies, Colonel.” Jenks swung easily onto the flimsy steps leading to the main deck.

  Carl throttled the twin Johnson’s until the boat was fifty feet from the carrier. The both he and Jack flinched when they heard two gunshots from above them. Then suddenly five men came flying over the side of the gas carrier. They hit the water and Carl slid the Boston Whaler over and Collins started to fish the crew out.

  “Who is that crazy bastard?” one of the men asked Jack.

  “Some escaped lunatic.”

  “He threatened to shoot my left nut off if we didn’t jump.”

  “Then I take it you still have your nuts intact?”

  The man exchanged looks with his crewmates knowing that not only had they been pirated by a nutcase; they had also been rescued by his buddies.

  “Now grab a bucket and start baling!” Jack ordered with gun in hand.

  * * *

  When the Boston Whaler was a hundred yards off, they saw the gas carrier vessel ‘Ivy League’ get up to full power as black smoke poured from her twin funnels. Jenks had the giant moving. In the distance and riding low and slow was the container ship and Jenks main target for the largest civilian sea assault since pirates roamed the Caribbean three centuries before.

  * * *

  Sokol and his men were pinned to the bulkhead with no visible restraints. The frightened captain and crew watched as first one, and then the second man was eviscerated by Asmodius. The knife he used came from the galley and the captain saw that instead of using magic on the men the Grey had decided to do it the old-fashioned way. It was sickening to all who was forced to watch the punishment for failure.

  Dmitri Sokol tried with all of his remaining strength to power his way off the bulkhead, but it was a if a giant magnet held him in place and his skin made of steel. Every time his hand and wrist would pull away, it would snap back.

  The second man watched as his own entrails fell from his stomach to splatter onto the steel deck. The man was in shock and didn’t feel the Grey angrily step on them as if stepping on trash. The man gurgled out blood and Asmodius reached up and simply slice a fourteen-inch gap in the man’s neck from one ear to the other. Sokol felt his gorge rise.

  “Elsbeth Barlow is no longer a threat to you!” Sokol pleaded. The Green is helpless without her. You’re free of them!” spittle flew from the Russian’s lips as he begged.

  Asmodius stepped up to Sokol. The yellow eyes penetrated the man’s worthless soul as he saw his fate in those eyes.

  “She’ll die soon, I swear!” Sokol started to cry. “Asmodius, Master, please!”

  Asmodius placed his grey face right next to Sokol’s and it hissed in his own words and not in the Russian’s mind. “She’s…already…dead!” Asmodius smiled. “So…what…do…I need…you for?”

  The knife plunged deep into Sokol’s stomach and he felt the blade twist as the Grey’s final act of pleasure was to gut the man who thought he was dealing with a true God. The Grey smiled and tilted his head as if fascinated by the evisceration as Sokol’s entrails slowly slid from his body. His eyes remained opened as his heart and lungs were the only organs remaining in his body. Asmodius turned away, intending to leave the Russian that was as an example to the remaining crew and followers.

  “Master, we have company!” The captain called out loudly.

  Asmodius turned to the radar screen and looked. The navigator felt the alien’s excited breathing over his shoulder, and he closed his eyes and his body shuddered.

  The blip was coming from them at four o’clock and coming fast, far faster than the damaged container ship could run. Asmodius threw the bloody knife away and roared in anger as the captain and crew hurriedly moved out of the way as the giant alien made for the bridge wing.

  “Go, go, tell the rest of the crew to abandon ship!”

  His men needn’t be told twice as they vacated their stations and fled the bridge. Once outside in the weakening storm, they jumped even knowing some couldn’t survive the fall. That death was far more desirable than what Asmodius would have for them. The captain was the last man to jump and he prayed that Asmodius would meet his just end.

  * * *

  Jenks stood at the large bridge windows of the Ivy League as his absconded ship plowed through the rough seas toward the slinking target dead ahead. The Master Chief had the bow aimed right amidships of the giant.

  He felt a familiar pressure start in his head as if Elsbeth was once more inside. But after a moment he knew it wasn’t the woman. He felt the Grey and Jenks smiled knowing he had the alien’s attention. He closed his eyes and concentrated. For most people who ever met Jenks they thought him a brutish little man with not one mannerism that worthy of a civilized man. But deep down inside that rough exterior, an exterior that only Virginia Pollock was ever able to breach with any success, was a man who was steeped in fellowship for those he respected. He had come to respect and admire the men and women of Department 5656 and now he would show them how much.

  “Remember the woman you murdered in Las Vegas?” Jenks opened his eyes as he wanted to see the far-off Grey on his high perch on the container ship’s bridge wing and wanted the bastard to know the words came from him. “I loved that woman. I LOVED HER!” he screamed wanting the world to know and at the same regretting that he had never told her to her face. Tears flowed down his gruff face as he managed to light a cigar. He puffed it to life as he saw his reflection in the window as the sun started to breach the skies in the east. Jenks remembered Virginia’s face and he smiled.

  * * *

  “Carl, Jenks isn’t slowing! We’ll never catch him!” Jack yelled as the two ships were near to merging as one.

  “Damn it!” Everett said as he spun the Boston Whaler to port so sharply, he almost lost two of the bailing crewmen.
/>   “Hey man, if that ship collides with the Ivy League, we’ll have an explosion that’ll burn us to a crisp and anything else within a mile if he doesn’t swing us around!” one of the men said to Jack in near panic.

  “Ivy League, Ivy League, come in, this is Toad, over!” Carl yelled into the radio on the flying bridge of the boat. “Come on Jenks, answer damn it!”

  “Hey Toad boy,” Jenks finally responded.

  “Jenks slow down and I’ll come alongside.”

  “Nah, can’t do that Carl. All that Grey son of a bitch would do is use that big brain of his and swing this big ass baby right out of the way. Nah, I’ll ride her to the end. Look, it’s what I wanna’ do. I’ve never been as good and as brave as you, son. I can’t handle the loss as well as you did. I think I’ll punch out and see what’s out there. Maybe Ginny’s waiting. One thing working with you assholes has taught me Toad, is that any damn thing is possible”

  “Jenksy damn it, come on!”

  Nothing but static was the return answer.

  * * *

  Jenks stood at the side window as he felt Asmodius delve deeper into his mind. At first it was difficult keeping his hands off the throttle and the helm, but as he thought of Virginia it became far easier. He watched as the Boston Whaler slowly turned away.

  “Good for you Toad.”

  * * *

  Asmodius saw the gas container ship coming closer by the second. It fully suspected that its power would be enough to slow and turn the ship. But as he started to awaken to reality it grabbed the railing on the bridge wing and cursed the man that withstood its commands. With one final push it held out both hands and arms and slammed them down upon the railing. The bow of the Ivy League dug deep into the sea just as the sun broached the black storm clouds in the east. Asmodius then watched as the giant bow shook off seawater as it once more broached the surface, coming on after only losing two knots of speed. Asmodius roared in anger.


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