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More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12)

Page 17

by Lisa Oliver

  Red patches appeared on Baum’s cheeks. “Yeah. Thanks. But anyway, while all this was going on, Bevan must have been here, and then he was killed, and you called the council about that. They insisted I hung around, and around, and around some more. They put me up in an apartment suite in the council offices, and I knew I couldn’t leave. Men and women were turning up at all sorts of odd hours, asking me random questions and then disappearing again without saying anything.”

  Karl found himself feeling sorry for the beta enforcer. “You must have been really worried, about your pack and your alpha. Did you have family at the pack?”

  “No one blood related.” Baum sighed. “But the thing is, pack is supposed to be family, you know. At least that’s what my dad used to tell me. He and Mom were lone wolves, but I always wanted to belong somewhere. When I joined the Blue Moon pack, I thought I was family.” He held up the file. “Now, I find out it was all a whole pack of lies.” He tossed the file on the desk. “The council did say I could give this to you.” Baum wouldn’t meet Karl’s gaze, tilting his neck to one side. “I told them I would be applying to be a part of your new pack, if you’ll still have me.”

  Karl didn’t answer right away. He was too busy looking through the file. Pages and pages of documents – messed up deals, lost money. It seemed Bevan was determined to be a businessman, making his pack the biggest and most prosperous. There were deals going back fifty years, with Bevan’s signature on all of them. Karl looked at the date of the oldest document in the pile. It was dated a week after Karl started his own company.

  The bank statements made depressing reading. The only money of any substance was coming in from Karl’s account. I was paying for my uncle’s pride. And Karl knew that was what it was. Bevan had always been jealous of his older alpha brother, but after Karl’s father died, that jealousy transferred to Karl and seemed to deepen over the years. Glancing at the date of the latest bust Bevan had invested in, just a year before, the losses the pack sustained tipped into the millions. Now, Bevan’s need to control Karl through marriage made sense.

  He looked up, to see Tanner and Baum watching him closely, and slammed the file shut, before shredding it with his claws and throwing the scraps in the bin. “It’s always sex or money, isn’t it? Bevan’s been trying to better me for fifty years, and when he couldn’t do it, he tried to marry me off so he could control me, my wealth and my prospective offspring. One of the last things he babbled, after he tried telling me my father was still alive, was that if you were still breathing, but couldn’t be with me, mate, then I could jack off in a cup to create more offspring who could take over the pack. He was prepared… shit, he was prepared to see you burn… just like my father… for money. Fuck!”

  Black spots danced in front of Karl’s eyes, his head felt light and woozy. But Tanner was there in the time it took him to inhale, his scent calming, his presence strong and steady. Karl knew he should feel embarrassed, especially with another wolf still in the room, but he clung to Tanner like a child. “He wanted you to burn… I saw when my father… he wanted…”

  “Bevan’s dead.” Tanner’s voice never failed to thrill Karl – it’s rich tones so deep and sure. “He’s dead. You killed him. We have a real estate agent to see, and you wanted lunch. I’m sure Baum would like some too, and as he’ll be our new enforcer, it’s your duty as alpha to feed us both. You can afford it.”

  Taking one last long sniff of Tanner’s neck, Karl sat back, running his hand over his hair. “I can. I can do this. We can do this. The past will stay where it’s meant to – in the past.” Standing up, Karl straightened his jacket and then held out his hand. “Welcome to the Corban pack, Baum. You’re now our head enforcer.”

  Baum looked at the outstretched hand warily. “Don’t you need to…?” He pointed to the back of his neck.

  Walking around the desk, Karl took Baum’s hand and pulled him to his feet. “Our pack is different,” he said, meeting Baum’s eyes. “We live among humans, and we don’t shy away from that. We’ll have human customs. But don’t worry. Some things will still be the same. We’ll still run in our fur. I still demand your loyalty and honesty at all times. If you even wink at my mate, I’ll cut your balls off and make you eat them… so, you see, some things will be the same as with other packs. But if a man holds out his hand in greeting, or to seal a deal, you take it, you shake it firmly without being overbearing about it, and you look that man in the eye.”

  “I can’t do that with you,” Baum murmured, tilting his neck which was flushed bright red.

  “Okay, not with me.” Karl slid his hand over Baum’s shoulder and rested it on his exposed nape. He could feel the wolf’s spirit settle immediately. “You are now pack. You are now family. You let me down, I’ll pull out your entrails and strangle them around your neck. Do you accept?”

  Karl felt a click, in the base of his neck along with Baum’s whispered, “Yes”. As he looked across at Tanner, he could tell his mate had felt it too. Our first pack link? He asked Tanner silently.

  His big mate nodded; his smile soft. There’ll be many others. Out loud, Tanner said, “And now lunch. Tina won’t be able to hold Roger and Dennis out of this office much longer. Baum, as our enforcer, you’re welcome to live with us. My mate’s current house is huge, and I’m sure the one we’re going to look at is just as big.”

  “Thank you.” Baum stepped away from Karl’s hand and managed to meet his eyes just for a second. “You have no idea how much I needed that, this, you guys.”

  Tanner chuckled as Karl took his arm. “You won’t be saying that when it’s dinner time and you realize neither one of us can cook. I hope you like takeout.”

  “I can cook,” Baum said eagerly. “Nothing fancy, but I make a mean steak, and stews, and roasts, and I can fry a wonderful bacon and egg breakfast.”

  Karl sighed a happy sigh as he opened his office door for what would probably be the last time. Tina was already setting up the outer office and there was a huge package against the wall which was probably Dennis’s new desk. “We’re out of here, Tina. Take care of things for me,” he said as they walked past. With his mate by his side, and his enforcer at his heels, Karl was ready to leave.

  Lady luck hasn’t left me after all. If anything, she’s doubled my blessings. Thank you.


  The skies were overcast although the air was still warm, as Tanner stood by his friend’s graveside. The new headstone, in a bright polished granite stood out starkly against the weathering of the others around it. Someone, most likely Mabel, had planted small pots of colored flowers around the edges, and the huge wreath Karl ordered from them both almost blocked out the names.

  Julie and Alfie. Together in death as they were in life.

  “I often despaired of ever finding what you two shared,” Tanner murmured into the breeze. “Love, acceptance, someone to share your laughter and your tears. What you share is so special, so wonderful and you included me into your family without a second’s thought. You have no idea how grateful I am to have known you both.”

  He glanced over to the parking lot. Karl and Baum were standing, waiting outside of the car, chatting to Mabel and a few of her friends.

  “I found him, Aunt Julie.” Tanner touched the stone with the tip of his fingers. “I found my one and only, and he does treat me just like your Alfie did you. He’s always wanting to spoil me and take me out for meals, but now we have Baum, and no, I know your wicked mind would immediately run to threesomes, but it isn’t like that. Baum needed us. He’s like us. And he can cook. Not as good as you, but he serves up good honest meals. You’d have loved him, him and Karl both. They’re very good to me and treat me like I’m someone special.”

  Tears prickled at the corners of Tanner’s eyes and he looked up to the clouds – a mass of gray and white puffs. “I never told you, but you were the first people who ever saw me as someone to care for. You opened your home and your hearts to me… and for someone like me… I miss you both,
so very much.”

  Inhaling deeply, Tanner looked down towards the stone, and stroked it more firmly this time. “I just wanted you to know that I thank you, and for you to know I have someone else watching out for me now. He can’t cook, and he doesn’t give warm bouncy hugs like you used to Aunty, and even though he hasn’t said the words, I know he loves me with all that he is. And I love him too. I’ll tell him soon… Hopefully, wherever you are now, you can see me, see us…”

  “They already know, darlin’.” Karl came up beside him, resting his hand over where Tanner was touching the stone. “The Fates bring people into our lives for a reason, and this wonderful couple came along to show you how special you are, opening your heart to possibilities so that by the time I came along, you could believe how much I love you without a shadow of a doubt.”

  “I do know it. I can feel it.” Tanner twined his fingers with Karl’s. “I love you too.” Then Tanner chuckled and pointed over to where Baum was surrounded by three older ladies who almost had him pinned to the bonnet of the car. “Do you think we should go and rescue him? I’m sure I can see panic in his eyes.”

  “If you’re done here, we can go. If you want to stay a bit longer…” Karl shrugged, his look sheepish. “I wasn’t trying to hurry you. I just felt your upset and needed to be close to you.”

  “I’ve said all I’ve needed to say.” Tanner stroked over the cool granite one last time. “If we ever share our home with kids, then I’d like to think we could name them Julie and Alfie, but I’ll carry these sweet people in my heart for the rest of my life. I don’t need to be here to do that.”

  “You think we’ll have kids?” Karl didn’t sound shocked, only curious. Tanner found his arm taken, his elbow covered with Karl’s hand which seemed to be Karl’s favorite way of walking with him.

  “I don’t see why not.” The two men wended their way through the graveyard. “Maybe not immediately, with the new house renovations you insisted on doing…”

  “I wanted a pool and Baum needed his own apartment space, so he can come and go without having to go through the main living areas.” Karl could still be stubborn about some things.

  “And we’ve got those three new pack members coming at the end of the week, that the council sent along. Plus, the vampires who want to see about setting up a coven here.” Tanner gave his mate a fond look. “You know, most alphas just worry about their pack. You’re organizing things for every type of paranormal who might be remotely interested in San Diego.”

  “It’s a great city.” Karl didn’t say Tanner was wrong. “I don’t see any harm in promoting it to interested parties who might want to invest in the area.”

  “Hmm.” Tanner squeezed Karl’s hand. “One can only wonder just how big our pack will be in a couple of years’ time. Not that I’m complaining. I’m just saying, it might pay to put off kids for a few years yet. I have a feeling my mate is suffering withdrawal symptoms from not working anymore and feels the need to become a paranormal leader of note in this area.”

  “Maybe.” Karl grinned. “Investing in the youth homeless center was a good idea, especially if young shifters come through. And you can’t say you don’t enjoy volunteering there.”

  “I do, I do enjoy it. Spending time around young people – their positivity and strength are real mood boosters. Not that I need that when I have you.” Tanner stopped just before they hit the parking lot, turning so Karl could see his face. “Are you happy? Your life has changed so much these past few months.”

  “It has changed a whole lot, for the better.” Karl took his hand, putting it over his heart. Tanner could feel the steady thump, and the reassuring presence of a contented alpha wolf behind it. “This beats for you. It used to have another purpose, propelling me around so I could make lots of money and woo pretty women I had no intention of settling down with, but now it beats only for you. Hear it? It goes, Tanner, Tanner, Tanner.”

  “Are you making a mockery when I’m trying to have a moment?” Tanner teased gently. He loved how Karl always wanted to inject fun into their moments together.

  “No,” Karl purred, stepping closer. He slid Tanner’s hand lower down his body. “If I was making a mockery, I might tease you and say this beats only for you as well.” Tanner recognized the edge of Karl’s belt buckle and the bulge below. “Because that’s true too.”

  “We’re in a graveyard parking lot, with people waiting on us,” Tanner murmured, although he didn’t pull away. Instead, he curled his fingers slightly, and pressed down on the cloth covered lump.

  “Aw, now you’re not being fair,” Karl groaned and pressed in before moving out away from Tanner’s fingers. “What happened to our beautiful moment?”

  “We’ll have hundreds of them, thousands, millions.” Tanner smiled. “Every moment with you is a beautiful moment… Except,” he added as Karl beamed, “except when you leave your damn wet towels on the floor for me to step on. You have a heated towel rail with six rungs on it, and a huge laundry hamper in the bathroom. How hard is it to deposit your towels somewhere not the floor?”

  “Oh no.” Karl staggered back dramatically clutching his heart. “The romance is gone already.” Turning on his heel, he grinned at the ladies who’d given up on Baum long enough to see what Karl was yelling about. “He’s wounded me ladies. Wounded. Me. He complains about my towels on the floor, when I only leave them there so I can ogle his fine butt when he picks them up for me.”

  “You are an idiot,” Tanner murmured as he moved past, slapping Karl’s very fine butt as he did so. “Just for that, I’m having your ass tonight.”

  “Oh, my gods.” Karl mock swooned loudly. “Did you hear that ladies? Tanner’s going to…”

  Tanner moved fast, his hand over Karl’s mouth before another word came out. “Don’t you dare,” he warned with the hint of a growl. “Your audience are nice respectable older ladies who don’t need to hear what we do in the bedroom.”

  Karl licked the palm covering his mouth, his chuckle evident in his eyes. They’re no older than I am. Love you.

  Love you too. Now behave. But Tanner was chuckling as he removed his hand and they wandered over to have one last afternoon tea with Aunt Julie’s friends. Nothing was going to bring Aunt Julie back, but Tanner knew he’d carry her and Alfie in his heart for a long time to come. In the meantime, he had a future to look forward to – a future with an alpha who was proving to be more than a handful in more ways than one. Tanner couldn’t be happier, and he hoped, wherever his aunt Julie was, that she was with her beloved Alfie and that she was happy too.

  “Mabel,” he smiled at the older woman. “Have you been teasing our friend Baum about his dating habits again?”

  “As if I would…”

  The End

  You know how tempted I am about starting new series, and these two guys and the promise of a new pack definitely tempted me in that direction, especially with Baum joining my loved-up couple. But no, I am being firm, lol. You have all been really patient with me, waiting for new books in the Arrowtown, Magic Users of Greenford, Balance, The Gods Made Me Do It and the Northern States Pack series, not to mention the new books I have promised from the men in the Bound and Bonded series. So, this is just a story about Karl and Tanner… for now.

  My muse has been running amuck lately. This has not been a good year for any of us and creativity takes a hit when things are not going well. But I do love my stories, my men, and writing in general, so I’m not giving up. I just pray 2021 will be better for all of us.

  If you did enjoy this story, can you please leave a review from your place of purchase. They cost you nothing and they truly make a difference to me. I love reading your comments, and just knowing I could make you smile even if it’s just for a little while means the world to me.

  Hug the ones you love and stay safe everyone,

  Lisa xxx

  About the Author

  Lisa Oliver lives in the wilds of New Zealand, sharing her home with her two Rotty dogs,
Zeus and Hades. They can often be found, sleeping around her office chair as she taps out the stories she loves. With over sixty paranormal MM (and MMM) titles to her name so far, she shows no signs of slowing down.

  When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate.

  Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers (I really do, lol). You can catch up with her on any of the social media links below.

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  Other Books By Lisa/Lee Oliver

  Please note, I have now marked the books that contain mpreg and MMM for those of you who don’t like to read those type of stories. Hope that helps 

  Cloverleah Pack

  Book 1 – The Reluctant Wolf – Kane and Shawn

  Book 2 – The Runaway Cat – Griff and Diablo

  Book 3 – When No Doesn’t Cut It – Damien and Scott

  Book 3.5 – Never Go Back – Scott and Damien’s Trip and a free story about Malacai and Elijah

  Book 4 – Calming the Enforcer – Troy and Anton


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