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Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series

Page 20

by Maia Starr

  “Excellent; I will see you then. My house is on the east side of the village. Third street from the fence line; it is a red and white house.”

  “I look forward to it,” I said.

  She walked away with a bounce in her step. I should've been happy to, but I only felt remorse. But I was going to have to do what I had to do in order to survive.

  I spent the rest of the day with the engineers and the human Richard working on the plan to electrify the fence. It was a good plan. But it didn't come fast enough.

  In the evening, a siren pierced the air.

  “The Clenok are here!” Lieutenant Reqan said as he crashed through my door.

  “How many!” I shouted as I jumped out of bed.

  “We don't know yet. It does not look like a big army, but it could just be the first wave,” he said.

  “Get scouts into the air to find out! We need to get everyone else on the fence,” I said.

  “On it,” he said. I shifted into dragon form and flew out the window over the base camp.

  “To the gates! Commander Zai, take your team to the east side of the fence. Commander Aio, take your teams to the west side of the fence. The rest of you, with me to the gates,” I shouted orders over the base camp as chaos exploded. Veruka were shifting everywhere and gathering their artillery. They flew to their post.

  I flew to the gates. I landed on the guard post. I looked around for Sheila. I could not see her.

  “You, the one called Casper. Where is Sergeant Adams?” I asked.

  “She is on the west side of the fence. The majority of the cyborgs are coming at us from the west and the east.” he said.

  I looked out over the forest outside the village. I could see the lights of the cyborg eyes and the machinery. There weren't a lot of them, but they were spread out and surrounding the village in a horseshoe pattern. The cyborgs coming directly at the gate where I stood were very few. Probably only twenty.

  “General. We have scouts in the air, and one has reported back. There are about one hundred cyborgs; it seems to be a small band and not an entire army. But they are converging on the west and east sides more than here at the gate,” Lieutenant Reqan said.

  “Shit.” I knew that Sheila was on the west side. I needed to get to her. But Chrissy, who could not take care of herself and had offered to save my life without even realizing it simply because she offered herself to me, was on the east side. She could not protect herself. She was not a soldier like Sheila was. But Sheila was brave and courageous: too brave. I could see her putting herself in a dangerous situation. I did not want to lose her. I couldn't. But I had to make a decision, a very complicated decision. I could go help Chrissy and save my life, or I could go to Sheila, because it is what my heart wanted.

  “Orders, sir?” Lieutenant Reqan said.

  “Double up the team is on the east and west fences. Start an air raid on these cyborgs now, before they even reach the fence line!” I shouted into my armband communication. I got confirmation from the commanders that they understood.

  “Lieutenant, you are going to head the defense here on the front of the gate. You have thirty weredragons at your call, and the humans. Fire at will,” I said to him. He nodded in agreement. Then I lifted my armband and spoke into it to all teams, “Attack! Attack!”

  Then I turned my back to the fence.

  “Wait, where are you going?” a lieutenant asked.

  “I am going to go help the sides under heavier attack,” I said and flew away to help the human female that I decided I needed to go to with urgency.

  Chapter 8

  Sergeant Sheila Adams

  “Get on the fence, all of you. Lock and load! Prepare the Uzi!” I shouted, running along the top of the west side of the fence line. I could see the Clenok cyborgs going through the forest about a mile from us. They would be on us in no time at all. We had to attack first to take out as many as we could before they reached us. I could see about fifty of them headed toward us, but that could just be the first wave of attack, and there could be a massive army behind them.

  “Look! The dragons!” a guard shouted as he pointed in the area behind me. I turn towards the village to see the weredragon army flying toward us. There was about eighty of them as they landed on top of the fence stretching across it where we were. I looked for Azlo but could not see him. But I could hear his voice. Where was he? I could hear him shouting orders. He was ordering his weredragons. Then I realized his voice was coming over a radio communication that they had on their arm.

  "What's happening?” I asked one of the weredragons that had landed near me.

  “We are under attack densely on the west and east, with a few going toward the gate. Our scouts have counted only a band of one hundred cyborgs, not a large army in our view so far. It must be a stray band of Clenok.”

  “That is good news,” I said.

  Then I heard Azlo's voice shout, “Attack! Attack!”

  With that order, a loud buzzing sound came from overhead. I looked up to see several airships fly directly over us and toured the cyborg army. They were blasting laser blasts at the cyborgs.

  “Hold here! Hold your fire here!” the weredragon next to me shouted to the team on the fence. “Humans, hold your fire!” he shouted.

  I was impressed. They were organized. They knew what they were doing. They were going to attack from the protection of the airships first. Any straggling cyborgs that got through the barrage and came toward the fence line would then meet these dragons head on. It was a good defense.

  They seemed to have everything under control, and I was very grateful that they had showed up now that they had shown their loyalty to us. I had no suspicions anymore. Then I remembered the virus.

  “Captain, did your scouts see a keddle?”

  “There was not a report of one, but to my understanding, all bands of cyborgs do not stray from their keddle too far. There must be one nearby if the cyborgs are here, but I don't know where,” he said.

  I turned and ran for the spiral staircase that led down to the ground. I had to get the virus. It was in the bank vault. I needed to have it on me in case there was a way to get to a keddle. I had to get it. It was more important now than anything.

  I ran across the field toward the west side of the village. I made it to the bank and quickly unlocked the door, leaving it open. I ran into the vault and put in the combination. It was so dark, it was hard to see. We were a village that lived in darkness at night except for a few candles here and there. It was our way of staying hidden. So because of this, I had to feel the round combination knob with my hand trying to get it right. Finally, it clicked. I spun the large metal bars around until the door opened. Then I heard a strange buzzing sound.

  I turned around and was completely shocked by what I saw. What looked like a small drone flew down into the doorway. It had a cyborg attached to it. The claws of the drone opened, and the cyborg dropped, landing on its feet. Then it turned on, coming alive. Its eyes glowed a bright red.

  “Shit,” I said as I pulled my pistol from the holster on my back. I am to end shot. One bullet after another ricocheted off of the metal body. I stepped backward, shooting until I was out of ammo.

  “Motherfucker,” I said as it took steps toward me. Its head was turned toward me, but it did not have a gun aimed at me. I thought it was strange considering I had already shot at it and it did have a large gun in its mechanical hands. Then it's had turned directly straight and looked at the opened bank vault. It was staring directly at the keddle panel. Unbelievable. I stepped aside, slowly stepping away from its path from the opening to the vault. If it went inside, then I could close the door and lock it in. But then I suddenly saw a blur in the darkness. I felt a rush of wind. Azlo appeared behind the cyborg and grabbed its head and twisted it off, popping it off easily. He shouted as he reached into the back of the cyborg and pulled out the wire guts. The cyborg’s eyes went from red to black as the cyborg turned off. Azlo threw the head on the ground
and looked at me.

  “You like danger, don't you?” he said with a smile.

  “Oh God, Azlo,” I said running to him, into his arms. He wrapped his warm arms around me. He let out a sigh of relief.

  “How did you know where to find me?” I asked.

  “I went to the fence on the west side, and my captain told me you ran down the stairs into the village without explanation. I knew that you must be coming to the bank for the virus, so I flew here immediately. But I didn't know that you had company over,” he said playfully as he looked at the cyborg.

  “I don't believe it. This cyborg was dropped from the air by a drone. I have never seen anything like it. How did it even get in here?” I said.

  “It must have been after the keddle. You know the machines recycle their pieces. We blew up a recycling and repair facility before. It must have come for this panel. Maybe when we turned it on, it sent out a signal of distress,” he said.

  “Oh my God, you are right. Shit. This invasion is all my fault. I didn't even think about it,” I said feeling guilty over my mistake.

  “No, it is not your fault. You could not have known,” he said. Then he lifted his armband and pressed a button. “I need a team of ten dragons to my coordinates: zero-point-eight at zero-point-twenty; it is a building. Cyborgs are potentially dropping down into the village from drones. Be warned that the attack on the fence could be a diversion. Everyone have eyes on the skies looking for drones; shoot at will,” he said.

  “Yes, that is a good idea,” I said impressed by his fast thinking.

  “Close the vault door,” he said.

  “Okay, I'm going to get the virus first,” I said as I ran in and unplugged the drive from the panel and put it in my pocket. Then I locked the vault.

  “Let's get outside and hide in a position that we can effectively shoot at any cyborgs that come to this building. They don't know that we have now turned it into a trap,” he said.

  “Good thinking. But I am out of ammo. I have more in the closet here,” I said moving toward the wall.

  “No time. There could be more drones on us at any second. Here, take one of mine,” he said handing me a blaster gun. I looked at it strangely.

  “It works the same as yours, just pull the trigger,” he said. “Let’s get outside,” he said.

  “General, we are here,” dragons flying over us said as we stepped out of the building.

  He looked at me and said, “Hold on.” Without even asking me, he picked me up with one arm and flew into the air. I wrapped one arm around his back.

  “Follow me. Cyborgs might be dropped by drones onto this building. Let's get into position on a neighboring roof,” he said.

  “Roger that,” the dragon said. Then we all flew to a building and he sat me down on the roof. I looked at him. Being that close to his body had made me feel turned on, or maybe it was the adrenaline. I did not know.

  We crouched well along the wall on the roof. I looked at the gun in my hand. It did look the same. I am not at the sky waiting to see any other drops.

  “There,” Azlo whispered. A drone was coming over the treetop. It looked like the same one from before; perhaps it was.

  “I'll aim for the drone, you aim for the cyborg,” I whispered to him.

  “Wait until it is closer, that way it can't fly off,” he whispered.

  “Roger that,” the team said. We waited. As soon as it was a couple of yards in front of us, we started firing. My aim was to take down that drone so that it could not get more cyborgs. I shot at it multiple times, and with the laser gun, it brought it down. It was much better than my own gun. The lasers penetrated through the machine’s metal. I watched as the cyborg dropped from its clutches and the dragon team shot at the cyborg. The drone fell to the ground.

  There were whoops and hollers as everyone celebrated.

  “General, we have defeated the cyborgs on the west end on the east. There are a few stragglers here in there, no more than five,” Lieutenant Reqan reported over the armband.

  “Good work; and the gates?”

  "Those cyborgs have been completely wiped out,” he reported.

  “Good work. Stay in position. We will hold these positions until the morning,” he ordered.

  Then he looked at me. “We won.”

  I smiled. I put the gun down, and I hugged him tightly.

  “Thank you. I am so glad that you are here. My people would not have survived tonight if it wasn't for you and your army. Thank you so much,” I said looking up into his blue eyes.

  “You are welcome, Sergeant,” he said with a thick husky voice.

  “Sheila; call me Sheila,” I said smiling at him. At this moment, I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone in my life, even my fiancé. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. I wanted to indulge in a victory kiss. I deserved it.

  A couple of hours later, the cyborgs were defeated, and the scouts had reported there were no more within a range of one hundred miles. This was good, but the teams still stayed on the fence and watched the skies just in case.

  I was exhausted. It had been a long day and night. It was a lot to deal with, even with an alien weredragon at your side, protecting you.

  “I’m taking you home,” he said as he scooped me up into his arms. I did not protest. I leaned against his strong chest as he took flight. I was amazed by the rush I felt as he carried me like I was nothing. He flew the short distance to my house, and I wanted more, but I wouldn’t dare ask.

  “This is it. This is my home,” I said.

  “I know. You need your rest,” he said.

  “And you? Do you not need rest as well?” I asked.

  “Eventually, but a good battle makes me fill with adrenaline, and I have a lot of energy at the moment,” he said.

  “I know what you can do with that energy,” I said as I kissed him. He smiled.

  “Come inside,” I said.

  “I thought you would never ask,” he said following me into my home. “I should shift out of—”

  “No!” I blurted out.

  He lifted his brow at me.

  “Please stay just the way you are,” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him in.

  “If that is your order, Sergeant,” he playfully teased me as he put an inch between us.

  “It is, Soldier. Now, take me,” I ordered.

  “Yes, Sergeant,” he said as he picked me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me inside my living room. I hungrily allowed my hands to move through his silver hair and over his shoulders as I kissed his lips, his neck, his chest, and lips again. My lips could not decide where to land.

  “Take off your clothes,” I whispered hungrily.

  “Yes, but you do the same,” he said. He picked me up, and I unwrapped my legs from his waist. My feet landed on the floor. He took a step away from me and unbuckled his heavy belt and took off his boots. I propped my leg up on the chair and unlaced my combat boot, then the other. We watched each other as we slowly revealed our bodies to each other. He pulled off his trousers and revealed his thick long cock to me. It was straight and glittered like the rest of him. I bit my lower lip as I looked at it. His entire body was a thing of sculpted beauty. I could not take my eyes off his muscular thighs, and six-pack ripped abs. He was chiseled.

  “You have fallen behind. I am naked, and you have only taken off of your boots,” he said.

  “Patience,” I said smiling. I pulled down my jeans but left my panties on. I pulled off my sweater and undershirt, but left my bra on.

  “I can hardly take it anymore,” he said.

  I laughed at his impatience. Surely a weredragon general had his share of females from galaxies across the universe. I did not think that I was anything special to him, so his frustration at having to wait was amusing to me.

  “Which do I take off first? Top or bottom?” I asked.

  “Top. No, bottom… no top,” he said like an excited child at the candy shop.

lright, top,” I said as I reached around back and unhooked my bra. I slowly pulled it forward, finally revealing my breasts to him.

  “Fuck. You are beautiful,” he said. He took a step toward me.

  “Stop,” I said.

  He stopped. His jaw clenched. He did not like waiting; that was obvious. I grabbed the waistline of my panties and pushed them down over my hips, slowly revealing my wet center to him. He gasped as I did so. I pushed my panties, letting them fall to my ankles. I stepped out of them.

  “You can order me to stop again, but I am not going to,” he said as he quickly moved to me. He moved so fast that I did not see him. I only knew that in a flash, I was in his arms and on my bed in the other room.


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