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Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series

Page 38

by Maia Starr

I looked down at his cock. It was laying on his belly. I swallowed hard. It was big, bigger than any I had ever been with before.

  “Take it slow,” he whispered as though he knew what I was thinking.

  I lifted my body up, and he grabbed his cock in his hand. I put the tip inside of me. I moaned. It felt incredibly good. I slowly slid down. I moaned, and he growled like a beast.

  His hands move to my hips. He put his thumb on my clitoris. I jumped up a little. “Oh god. Yes, yes,” I moaned.

  I slid further and further down his cock until he was all the way inside of me. We were both moaning loudly and looking at each other. It took me a moment before I could move as I was just enjoying the sensation of having him inside of me.

  Then I started to move. I felt in control, and that felt good when I had been feeling like his captive the whole time. Now I was in command. This was my decision.

  My hips moved back and forth. He growled and put his hands on my breasts. He pinched my nipples with his fingers as I rode him. I moved my hips in a circle. We were in an intense bond of lust and desire.

  Then I put my hands on his abdomen, feeling his hard scales. I lifted myself up and slid up his cock, then down again. I did this over and over again, bouncing on his massive cock. He growled, like a beast. I moaned loudly. I was going to cum.

  Then he put his thumb on my clitoris again, and it was just enough to send me over the edge.

  “I’m going to release, Rai. I’m going to release,” I said over and over again.

  “Yes, I want to feel you, human,” he groaned.

  Then the pulsing inside of me blasted into a big explosion. “I’m cumming!” My entire body felt like fire was going through me. I felt it in my legs, in my arms. It was all over me. I didn’t know what this sensation was. I had never felt it before. It was so warm and pleasurable.

  Then I heard Rai growling louder and louder. Then he began to whisper. “Fuck. I’m going to cum. I am releasing,” he said as he grabbed onto my hips and controlled my movement. I felt too weak to move. I was still enjoying and succumbing to my orgasm. Then he tensed up, and I felt his sticky juices flow inside of me.

  I laid down on his stomach. My cheek pressed against his chest. We were quiet. I did not want to admit that it was the best sex of my life. The strange creature was half-man, half-dragon, and I knew I should not be doing these things with him. But that made it even more exciting.

  Now I would find out. Would he keep his promise to me? Would he take me home to Willow Springs? Would I ever see my twin sister Helen again?

  Chapter 9

  General Rai Razook

  I felt extreme euphoria. I had heard of this, but nothing could have prepared me for what it was like. I felt extreme joy running through my entire body. I felt like the world was a great and happy place and everyone around would be just as happy as I was. I felt super, as though I now had some sort of superpowers. I felt stronger. I thought faster. I felt happier. This all happened as soon as I started kissing and touching Hannah. But it reached extremes once I started having sex with her. I could barely control it. It felt so good. The feeling of this euphoria ran over my body like someone had thrown water on me. It was hard to describe.

  I laid in the human bed with the small human female lying on my belly. I was gentle, touching only her hips or the side of her body, careful not to touch her back. I wished I could take that pain away from her. I felt bonded to her. I would hurt anything that tried to hurt her. Then I remembered: Lieutenant Qon was after her.

  “I think we should turn the candle off if we are to get some rest. I could see the candlelight in the window from far away. That is how I found you,” I said.

  She lifted her head and looked at me. Her chin rested on my chest. Her brown eyes looked sad. “Now that you got what you wanted, you will hold to your promise?” she asked.

  “Yes. I will hold to my promise. Let us get a few hours of rest, and then I will take you back to the fleet. We will make our way south, to the area where I found you. I will take you home,” I said.

  She smiled at me and then got up from the bed. I watched her walk across the room, naked and beautiful. She blew softly on the candle. The light went out. Then she walked back to me and took her position back on top of my body. She placed her belly against mine. I was surprised that she still wanted to lay on me.

  I needed to tell her about Qon, and the danger that she was in. But I thought it would be better to tell her after she got some rest. Telling her something like that would make her heart race, and she would not be able to sleep. She would sleep in fear, and I did not want that. So I did not tell her. I lifted my arm and looked at my armband. I set a timer for five hours, to get some rest. We both fell asleep.

  I woke up to the alarm quietly beeping on my arm. Hannah stirred awake.

  “Is it time already?” she said in a very sleepy way.

  “Yes, we have to get moving. It is very important,” I said.

  “Okay,” she said as she got up from my belly. I watched her naked body move across the room and start to put on the clothes. I got up and began to clothe myself as well.

  “There is something I need to tell you,” I said.

  “Please don't tell me that you're not taking me home,” she said.

  “No, nothing like that. But it is about you,” I said.

  “What is it?” she said putting on the long sleeve shirt slowly.

  “Remember my lieutenant? His name is Lieutenant Qon,” I said.

  She froze. A flicker of fear crossed her face. “I did meet him.”

  “Well, he has left my fleet. He left without orders. None of my soldiers can get a hold of him,” I said.

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “I have reason to believe that he left in order to come after us: to come after you. I believe he wants you for himself,” I said.

  “Shit. He scares me, Rai. I don't want him near me. What is wrong with you aliens that think you can just claim women? We are not property,” she said as she angrily laced up her boots.

  “Yes, I am starting to see that is the way of the human females on Earth,” I said putting on my boots.

  “So what now?” she asked.

  “We go outside. I am going to shift into weredragon form and fly us back to the scout ship. It shouldn't take too long. Then we will fly the ship to the fleet. Hopefully, we can do all that without any interruptions. Once we are with the fleet, we can go far south back to your home. We will be out of his range.”

  “Then let's get a move on,” she said.

  “Not so fast. How is your back?”

  “Actually… It feels one hundred percent better. Thank you,” she said. Then she smiled.

  "Was that a smile, human female? Are you actually grateful for something I did for you?” I teased.

  “Don't press your luck, alien,” she said sticking a finger in my chest. Then she walked out of the room. I laughed. She was still feisty. Just the way I liked her. I followed her out the door. The sun was barely coming up over the Earth.

  “Step back. I am going to shift,” I said. She stepped away but looked at we care.

  In a quick flash, I shifted into weredragon form. I looked at her, and her eyes were big. She was impressed. I think she liked seeing the Dragon, even if she wasn't going to admit it.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I am going to carry you so let me know if it is painful on your back,” I said. She cocked her head to the side as though she was surprised that I was concerned. What did I need to do to prove to her that I cared for her? I scooped her up into my arms with her legs over one arm and her back on the other. She put her arms around my neck. I smiled looking into her brown eyes.

  Then I flew into the air, keeping low. I did not want to fly too high. Anyone could see us if we were above the trees: Qon, humans, cyborgs.

  I felt Hannah squeezing me tight. I knew that I thought bonded to her, it was part of the process o
f having sex with a human female. I didn't know if the same thing happened to her that happened to me. A part of me hoped that it did. I did not want to let her go. I was not ready to take her home and leave her there. Of course I would hold my promise and take her wherever she wanted to go, including home, but maybe she could convince her human colony to speak with us; then I could stay with her. I was already processing all of this.

  “There it is. There is my ship,” I said as I flew lower toward the clearing of my parked ship.

  I landed in the wooded area, setting Hannah down on her feet.

  “It looks good,” I said looking at the ship as I walked around it. “Wait. What is this?” I said as I got to the rear of the ship. The back panel was open.

  “I did that,” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see Qon. He had his arm around Hannah's neck with a knife against her belly. Her eyes were wide with fear.

  “Qon! Let the human go!” I shouted. I was in a rage. I had to restrain myself from charging at him because then he could hurt her. But it was what I wanted to do. All I could see was red. How dare he do this. He was my subordinate.

  “You think you can have everything, don't you? You think you can order me around? I was the one that was supposed to make general before we left Tivoso. But it never happened. We have been on Earth for months, and I am still a lieutenant. Then I get a signed to work under you; I hate you. You are pathetic. You rule with your heart instead of your strength. Then you found this human, and you claim her for yourself? You cannot do that either. You are not the king! I wanted this human, and now I am going to have her,” he said.

  “It is too late. I have already laid with the human. She has bonded with me,” I said.

  "You think that's what I want? You think I want to lay with her to prevent myself from getting the blackness plague? That is not what I want. I want her because she is yours. You took my dignity from me by making me follow your orders, and now I will take something from you,” he said.

  Shit. This was not good. He wasn't trying to use her to vaccinate himself against the plague. He wanted her to spite me, and I knew there wouldn't be much I could say that would talk him out of it. I took a step toward him. He lifted the knife higher.

  “Don't do it. I will hurt her. I will gut her right here in front of you just to see your face,” he said. I put my hands up.

  “That's better. Now turn around and lay on the ground,” he said. I turned around with my hands up. I felt the wind against my back.

  I got up quickly. I looked around but could not see them anymore. I flew straight up into the air above the trees. I looked for him, but I could not see him. Not even a blur. Then out of nowhere, a small scout ship flew overhead. It flew so fast by me that I could barely see it. It was just a blur. I would not be able to catch up with it using my wings. I flew back down to my ship. I went to the rear panel and looked at the damage. I saw that he had disconnected the voran. I quickly ran inside the ship and pulled out a box of tools. I ran back out and made quick work of the disconnection. It should do for now, but it wouldn't hold for long. I closed the panel and ran into the ship.

  I was relieved when the ship turned on. I flew straight up and in the direction that they had flown. I punched it hard. I had to go fast to catch up to that speed.

  I radioed in. “I found Qon. Tag my coordinates. I'm going after him,” I said into the radio.

  “Come in… Again… we can't hear…” was all I got back. Shit. We were too far out of range from each other.

  Then I saw the small ship in the sky. I went after it. Now I was on its tail. Suddenly the ship turned and fired some shots at me. I flipped my ship, rotating it in the air. I couldn't shoot back at it. Hannah was in there. I would put her in danger. I could only do evasive maneuvers and stay with the ship.

  Both ships were flying very fast. Then I saw the side of the ship clearly. There was only one thing I could do: I could shoot at the fuel and cause a leak. Then he would have to land; he would have no choice. “I'm coming to get you,” I said.

  I made maneuvers, going left and right, trying to get in the right range. I couldn't mess this up. Hannah's life was on the line. I had to do it just right. I fired, but he fired at the same time. I was so concentrated on making my shot that I did not have enough time to move my ship out of the way. I was hit. He was hit: right in the fuel line.

  We both started going down fast. I pulled up, trying to make a crash landing instead of a crash. I couldn't see Qon any longer. “Dammit. What have I done? Hannah…”

  Bam! My spaceship crashed in the woods. It finally came to a complete stop. It was on fire. I jumped out and looked around. I grabbed my gun in my hands. Then I heard another crash.

  “No! Hannah!” I shouted. I ran in the direction of the noise. I had no way of knowing if Hannah was alive or not. I would not be able to live with myself if anything happened to her. I was bonded to her now. I needed her. I wanted her. I wanted to make her mine forever. If she did not survive the crash then I hoped that Qon did, because I was going to make him pay for it.

  I was going to make him pay for taking her from me. I would do it long and slow, making sure that he suffered the way he would make me suffer if she were dead. I ran hard and fast. Branches from the trees were scraping at my face and arms. I didn't care. I needed to get there.

  I stopped and looked around. I didn't know which way to go. But I could smell the vapors of fuel and burning. Was it my ship? Or was it their ship? Finally, I got a good bearing and ran in that direction.

  Please, please be alive, Hannah. I love you

  Chapter 10

  Hannah Maven

  This was not happening. This was not happening. Lieutenant Qon had a knife held to my belly. I was a pawn in his game. I was his vengeance for some hate that he held for General Razook.

  General Razook looked at him with such rage. I thought he was going to explode any second. But I didn't want him to. I could feel the sharp dagger against my belly. One sudden move and this alien with slice me open. If General Razook charged at him, then he would cut me. I didn't know what to do. I was at a loss.

  Now I sat next to the scary alien, trembling. I was in another scout ship, just like the one I had been in with General Razook. Qon was flying the ship, and he was flying it fast. But what was terrifying was that he was mumbling under his breath.

  “I am going to take you… I am going to do things to you… You are going to suffer, human…” He said these things over and over as though he was talking to himself. Could aliens be crazy? I felt like this alien would belong in a mental institution if human.

  “Would it not be better to get vengeance against General Razook by fighting him and winning?” I said trying to change his mind. If his mind was that crazy and weak, perhaps it could be persuaded.

  “You dare speak to me, human!” he shouted at me. His voice echoed through the spaceship. Clearly, he was not to be reckoned with. What was I going to do? Where was he taking me? At some point, he was going to land this ship. I needed to figure out a way to defend myself. But how? He was three times my size. He was also a dragon. How was I supposed to fight such a thing? I had knocked out General Razook with a blow to the head. Maybe I could do the same thing. I looked around the spaceship, but there was nothing that I could use. There was nothing loose; everything was made to be strapped to the walls because we were in a flying machine. I was sure there were probably some weapons somewhere hidden behind some cabinet in a wall, but I did not know how to access them. Maybe I could get his knife away from him?

  These are the thoughts that were going through my head over and over as I listened to him mumble to himself about all the awful and sadistic things he was going to do to me. It was making me extremely anxious. I wished that I could not hear I am at all because the anxiety with making it a thousand times worse than if I didn't hear it.

  “What the fuck?” he said loudly. Then he moved the ship to the left and to the right quickly. I realize that he was trying to look
over his shoulder. I looked at the monitors on the console. There was something on the radar coming after us. What is it Rai? I hoped so. It had seemed like Qon had disabled his ship when we were in the forest. But I didn't know how badly or what he had done to the ship. Maybe General Razook was able to fix it and come after me. Only a day ago I was trying to get away from him, and now I wanted to be with him. Something happened to me when we were together. I now felt bonded to him. It was the best sex I have ever had, and he showed me a different side: a caring side. Now comparing him to this lunatic beside me, I knew just how important it was that he had treated me with such care, tenderness, and perhaps even love. I wanted him now more than ever.

  "Come on, Razook. Come and get me. Let's see what you got. I will show you that I am a better soldier than you. I will show you that I should've been the general. See how you take this fire,” he said as he suddenly turned the ship. Boom! Boom! Bullets shot from the ship.


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