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Moondust And Madness

Page 26

by Taylor, Janelle

  An unfamiliar voice on the monitor startled Jana as it informed her, “Commander Saar said to return to his quarters immediately.”

  Jana hurried down the passageway in confusion. She paused before his door, wishing it were the only barrier separating them. Please, God, let me reach him before it’s too late. She took several deep breaths. The door swished open before her hand made contact with the call button. Varian seized her arm and nearly yanked her inside. She asked hastily, “Is something wrong, Varian? I couldn’t get in. Who was that on the security monitor?”

  Before responding to her questions, his mouth covered hers in a feverish kiss and his arms hugged her so tightly she could hardly breathe. When their lips parted, he replied sternly, “I told you not to leave my quarters without my permission. Did you talk to anyone besides Tris?”

  At his contact and behavior, Jana’s head was spinning. She murmured, “No one. I had a headache, so I went to see Tris for medication. I promise I didn’t say or do anything wrong. When I returned, your door wouldn’t open.”

  “Security control was testing it. I had no idea you were locked out until my return. I had to track you. The voice on the monitor was a new lieutenant we picked up on Therraccus. She was on leave during my voyage to your world. I don’t want you returning to the gold room, for any reason. I told you, Jana, unless you have my permission to leave this suite, remain here at all times. That includes no visits to Tristan or Kara or anyone unless I clear them. Do you understand me this time?”

  “Am I being punished for an offense, or is there another reason?”

  He hesitated, then answered tenderly, “Just do as you’re told, Jana. I’m picking up the rest of my crew as we head for base on Rigel, and they don’t know you. It’s a precaution against any nasty problems. Despite our relationship, you are one of my captives, and it does look strange for you to have free run of my ship. I would like to prevent any jokes or gossip about us. Please, don’t question or defy me; just do as I ask.”

  Jana realized something was troubling him, so she smiled and nodded. “I’m sorry about disobeying, Varian. It won’t happen again. I do forget my place at times.”

  Hours later, they shared a cozy dinner. While Jana bathed, Varian completed a report on his security breach and how he planned to handle it. When he entered his bedroom, Jana was leaving the bathroom to get into bed. Varian gently grasped her arm as she was passing him. He smiled as he lifted her gown over her head and let it drop to the floor. “You won’t need that tonight, moonbeam. I’ve been on a slow burn for you all day.”

  A pink glow of passion brightened Jana’s face and upper chest. Boldly she removed his shirt, then nestled against his chest. “I seem to stay on a burn for you, Rogue Saar. I’m going to miss you terribly,” she vowed softly, then surged upward to fasten her lips to his as she tried to mask her show of emotion.

  Neither spoke again as they sank to his bed. They stimulated their desires until they came together in a union of smoldering bliss. When Jana lay on her back calming her breath, Varian rested on his side and left elbow with his right leg over her thigh; his knee was insinuated intimately between her legs and his fingertips brushed over her naked flesh. His gaze was locked on Jana’s face. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t. Finally, he bent forward and kissed her with a tenderness and longing which surprised her. Slumber was ignored for another hour as he made sweet love to her.

  After meeting Avatar Barasha Vaux, ruler of the ultramodern planet of Lynrac, Jana was escorted to a private salon. She was relieved to be out of the limelight. She had been embarrassed by the sensuous black silk jumpsuit which she was wearing. The waist was sashed snugly. Dramatic dolman sleeves accented the sultry top with its V-neck bodice. The black displayed a larger and more dramatic “V” which bared most of her shoulders and back, with an exquisite and sturdy spider’s web of lace holding the two sides in place. She felt like a provocative black widow! Jana stood by the glass window gazing out at the imposing city before her. The blend of glass and metal inspired a feeling of loneliness. Her troubled mind began to drift over the last ten days and so many planets. Only two more stops and four days until her auction on Rigel…

  “You must be Jana Greyson,” a thickly accented voice hinted from behind her. When she jumped and whirled, the elegantly attired man clasped her hand in greeting and apologized for startling her. “Forgive the intrusion. I was told to wait here for Avatar Vaux. I am Jurad Tabriz, and this is my son Taemin. We have heard much about a goddess from Earth; we are honored and delighted to meet you. I fear the accounts of your beauty did not do you justice. Is that not true, my son?”

  The twenty-five-year-old Taemin smiled appreciatively and agreed. “You are right, Father. Never have I seen a more exquisite female. She is one to inspire lovely dreams,” he stated in a rich and caressing voice.

  Jana didn’t know what to say or how to respond to such compliments. From her studies, she recognized the names of the rulers of the Pyropean Federation. Jana was charmed by their polite and genial manners. She smiled and replied graciously, “It is I who am honored and delighted to meet you, Supreme Ruler Jurad and Prince Taemin. I have been studying the histories and customs of these new worlds, but there is still much to learn. I ask your pardon if I have not properly greeted men of your station.”

  Jurad appeared charmed by her manner, and invited her to sit with them. The older man, about fifty, displayed immense prowess and confidence. His aura alleged he was a man who made a loyal friend or a fierce enemy. Despite his amiable expression and cordial behavior, Jana sensed he was a man who masked his thoughts from others. The ruler was tall with a physique of oak-like hardness and strength. His gray eyes were penetrating, but impervious. His shoulder-grazing hair was as blond as the Sahara sands and his flesh was as golden as honey. He had a rugged, attractive mien which strangely called to mind an ancient Viking lord.

  The same was true of his son, except for an added dash of virility and looks. Taemin’s eyes were a deeper, more intense gray. His hair was. a darker blond and his flesh was a coppery hue. His garments were made of a material which resembled khaki and were heavily trimmed with leather. Strapped to his narrow waist was a holster with a laser gun and a jewel-encrusted dagger. His demeanor bespoke courage, daring, and danger; the average male who dared to challenge such a power was a fool. This forceful man was no ordinary member of royalty; he was capable of defending not only himself but his entire planet. Jana couldn’t help but be impressed by him.

  “How can your captor sell such a rare beauty? What madness controls him? I must check on the legality of attending a Maffei auction and placing a bid for you. In our world, we do not practice such barbaric customs of capturing, selling, and enslaving our mates. If it is possible to obtain you as Taemin’s mate, would this be agreeable to you? I do not wish to offend you by purchasing you as I do other treasures, but it must be done this way. If the transaction occurs, you will become his bride. Once you have accepted your role at his side and proven your royalty to us, you will be allowed the freedom to come and go as you wish, in our world and with your security guards. Do you concur, my son?”

  The prince’s gaze slowly traveled over Jana. Despite the desire which danced in his charcoal-gray eyes, his visual inspection was not lecherous or offensive, for Taemin knew how to control his expressions. A winning smile teased at his lips as he replied, “I have met no woman who is more worthy to become my wife than this woman who has both beauty and intelligence, a woman of superb breeding and great courage. I would like nothing more than to have her at my side as soon as possible, as I have yearned for her since her pictures crossed my hands. Even so, I had not believed she could be real until this moment. I shall be very gentle and patient, my ray of sunlight. I know you have endured many changes and terrors in your life since your capture. If the Maffei Council allows me to purchase you, I will carry you home with me to Cenza. There, you will be granted a month to acquaint yourself with my people and our c
ustoms, then we will marry. Do you object to me or such plans?” he inquired.

  Jana’s cheeks burned beneath the fires in his gaze and voice. They were actually consulting her about her feelings and fate? Her astonishment was evident. “Become your wife? How is that possible? You’re a prince, and I’m a—a slave, a prisoner.”

  Jurad smiled and said, “Only in the eyes and laws of the Maffeians. Were there another way to win you for my son, we would do so. You are far too special for them. You were destined to love and rule at Prince Taemin’s side. Surely the fates guided us to this meeting, for our ship lost power for an entire night; if not, we would be on our way home and our paths would never have crossed,” the older man lied convincingly. At last, revenge was at hand. Jana would be payment for his past loss of Princess Shara for his son could claim a bride who would bring anguish to a bitter adversary. From Canissia’s reports, Varian loved and desired this ravishing creature. If they could persuade the Supreme Council of this galaxy to make truce through the gift or sale of Jana to Taemin, Galen Saar’s firstborn son would be in torment and his grandfather Tirol would share that anguish. Perfect retribution!

  Jana blushed and lowered her lashes. She stammered, “I don’t—don’t know what to—to say. This is so—so unexpected and…baffling.”

  The prince quickly said, “Then say what is in your heart, my radiant gem.” Taemin’s strong hand caressed her flaming cheek with surprising gentleness. What intelligent creature trapped by cruel fate would refuse marriage to a handsome and wealthy ruler?

  The door opened and Varian entered with Nigel. He halted and glared at the scene. He stepped forward, seized Jana’s wrist, and yanked her away from the prince. “How dare you touch my property,” he snarled. Varian’s gaze swept over the prince, then his father. “What are you two doing here?” Varian demanded harshly.

  Jana perceived dangerous emotional currents. It was clear these three men were bitter enemies. She shuddered apprehensively. Jana couldn’t believe Varian’s rudeness to such illustrious rulers, unless somehow they were fakes. She listened for clues to her lover’s incredible behavior.

  Supreme Ruler Jurad Tabriz stated, “The rulers of our world do not find it necessary to explain our comings and goings to even a high-ranking officer of the Maffei Alliance Force. Do you forget there is a lady present?”

  At Jurad’s criticism, Varian tensed. He dared not show any sign of weakness. “You forget yourself, Jurad. Today, you are in my domain and under my jurisdiction. I asked what brings you here?”

  The ruler laughed. “You are mistaken. I travel with the permission and protection of your Supreme Council. There is a truce between our galaxies, remember? I came here on business which does not concern you.” He glanced at Jana and smiled. “Or didn’t until moments ago. Are your auctions open to any man with the proper finances to back his bid? I am greatly impressed with this creature, and I wish to purchase her. Name your price, any amount.”

  Varian was staggered by Jurad’s offer. “Forget it. I wouldn’t sell Jana to you if you crawled on your hands and knees and begged me. Leave my captive out of our private war.”

  Jurad replied in a scolding tone, “I do not view such a matchless gem as a prize of war. She would not settle our conflict. Once I was denied the woman of my heart and humiliated before the eyes of all who shared our Universe, but this radiant creature would not endure punishment as retribution for Saarian crimes against me. Nor would she serve as a replacement for my lost love. I seek Jana’s hand to join it with Taemin’s in marriage. She must not be caught in this battle between us as Shara was.”

  “Do you offer me a challenge or a compromise, Jurad? One day your misguided faith in Ryker may defeat you.” Varian asked.

  Taemin spoke up. “If you seek a challenge, seller of female flesh, then look to me, not my father. I am the one who desires Jana as my wife, future queen of Cenza and supreme ruleress of the Pyropean Federation. I demand to acquire her. Our federation will look kindly upon your favorable response.” Blazing gray eyes challenged fiery blue ones.

  “You demand?” Varian scoffed, then laughed. “You’re wasting your time; the Maffeian law states that the buyer must be Maffeian, single, and financially secure.”

  “Wouldn’t the Council make a concession in this particular case?” Jurad injected. “Surely you and Kadim Tirol owe us this much?”

  “One day, you’ll thank Kahala Shara never shared your bed and life. Forget your interest in Jana.”

  Jurad inquired to shame Varian, “I cannot fathom your cruelty in placing such a jewel on an auction block. Why do you punish her this way? It is common knowledge you will not keep her, though you have selfishly used her. What has she done to earn your spite?”

  “Your ownership would be far more degrading to her than an auction. I would slay her before allowing either of you to have her,” Varian taunted. Why hadn’t he been warned of their presence? These men might torture Jana for vengeance against him. Why was Jurad so damn blind and stubborn where the Trilonis were concerned? Varian hungered to locate the evidence to end their bitter conflict, that diary which Ryker had mentioned at their recent meeting. Did Ryker have the diary, or had Shara destroyed it before her death?

  How could Varian speak so horribly? A defensive stance was one thing; this vicious attack was another. “Please, Commander,” Jana said, hoping to soothe him.

  “Silence, Earthling!” he thundered, determined to conceal his love for her before these two foes. “Nigel, escort her to my quarters. If she shows any defiance, lock her in the arena until my return.”

  “Yes, Commander,” Nigel responded, then took Jana’s arm.

  Jana was shocked by his hatefulness to the Pyropean leaders. When she tried to say good-bye politely, Varian jerked her to his chest. “You endanger yourself, alien. Speak only with permission.”

  Bravely she replied, “As you wish, sir.”

  Jurad shouted, “Cease this brutality at once, Commander Saar. If my offer for her is so antagonizing, then I withdraw it. Do not punish an innocent woman for your hatred of me.”

  “I do as I please, Jurad. Do not interfere in my affairs.” Varian shoved Jana away from him. “Get her out of here, Nigel.”

  Nigel took Jana to the ship. He refused to talk until they were alone. “Listen to me very carefully, Jana Greyson. There are critical matters here which you do not understand and I cannot explain. Jurad’s offer for you was part of a deception to get at Varian; they’ve been fierce opponents for years. Don’t be fooled by his charming words. Please forget what just happened.”

  “Who are Shara and Ryker? What happened between Varian and Jurad?”

  “Don’t ever.mention those names to Varian! I’m warning you as a friend, Jana, let this matter slide. It has to do with things from the past, dark and deadly affairs. If you press Varian, I’d hate to guess his reaction. This conflict brings out the worst in Varian. If you care about Varian and staying with him, forget it.”

  “Was Jurad lying about marriage with Taemin? Do Maffei owners ever marry the mates they purchase?” Jana insisted on one particular answer.

  Jana saw Nigel stiffen at her loaded questions. “Our law does not permit such a marriage,” came his crushing reply. “Listen to me, Jana, Jurad and Taemin were deceiving you. The prince wouldn’t marry you. They would torture you, slay you, then return your body to Varian.”

  “Is it possible for an alien to marry a Pyropean?” she pressed.

  Nigel sighed loudly, knowing his answer would mislead her. “Yes, Jana. They do not practice the capture of charls. Taemin could marry you.”

  “Then how do you know he was lying?” she challenged.

  “I can’t explain,” he said, refusing to end her confusion.

  “Can a Maffeian captive earn freedom?” she demanded.

  “It’s practically unheard of, but possible under certain conditions. As far as I know, there have been only three cases in my lifetime. Unique service or exceptional courage supplied all thr
ee occasions.”

  Jana asked one last question, “Is there any way I can earn my freedom?”

  “Not before we reach Star Fleet base and hold our final auction on Rigel,” Nigel answered reluctantly. “Someday we hope these charl laws will change, but change requires time. It will come too late for you. I’m sorry, but you wanted the truth.”

  Jana felt anguish knife her chest. She stood up, hesitated, then turned and queried, “Varian is going to auction me on Rigel, isn’t he?”

  Nigel lowered his head. As far as he knew, Varian’s hands were bound by duty and the past. When he finally looked up, he said, “I’m sorry, Jana. He has no choice.”

  “You’re wrong, Nigel, he does have a choice, and he’s made it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Varian returned after midnight, he stretched out on his office sofa and dozed fitfully until nine o’clock. Without moving from his cramped position, he detected from the feel of his ship that she was orbiting the planet Mailiorca. Damn the secrets of this mission which denied him from being able to explain his past and present actions as far as his love was concerned! Jana had been through too much. He would be damn lucky if he didn’t destroy her tender feelings before they reached his base. There, he doubtlessly would devastate her when he carried out an auction which must look real. Kahala help him, for Jana had to believe and unsuspectingly aid this mandatory mock sale. But if something went wrong, she could be lost to him forever.


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