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A Hero to Dance With Me

Page 7

by Marteeka Karland

  “Honestly, I don’t think she’ll care as long as we’re both happy. The only reason she’d be displeased about an elopement would be that she wouldn’t get to be there to cry over us.”

  With another little laugh, Elle swatted his chest. “Your mother loves you. You should be thankful.”

  “Oh, believe me, I am,” he said, going all serious. “I know that, if it hadn’t been for her, you’d have turned your back on me and never thought twice about it. She guilted you into coming home with her that night knowing that if she put us together we’d somehow work it out.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “Which is why I’m willing to give her time to prepare if she wants. Do you think two or three months after the baby is born will be long enough?”

  “More than. But it will give you time to heal and to get used to being a mom and everything. You’re due…when? End of June? We can get married in August.”

  “Mark it on the calendar. And don’t you dare be late, Steve Carver.”

  “Not on your life.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Preparations for the wedding were going smoothly. Steve’s chest had puffed out just a little when he and Jezelle announced to the family they were getting married but planned to wait until after the baby was born. Steve’s father had pursed his lips, but, as he’d known she would, Vivian simply clapped her hands with glee.

  “Oh, good! There will be time to plan a proper wedding. Every woman deserves a beautiful wedding day.”

  “We’d have done it sooner if I weren’t so far along,” Jezelle had offered by way of explanation.

  “Nonsense, dear.” Vivian had waved the explanation away. “There’s no rush. Love will wait and you only get one wedding day. Besides, I’ll get to hold the baby through the service.” Her smile lit up the whole room. In that moment, Steve knew he’d finally done the right thing by Jezelle. They would be married. Not because she was pregnant with his child, but because they both wanted to be. And they’d get married at Jezelle’s pleasure. If she was content to wait, then so was he. Looking at the mirroring smiles on his woman’s face and his mother’s…yeah. All was right with his world.

  Getting the marriage license was simple enough. Steve was glad to get it out of the way early. He had the sneaking suspicion his little wildcat was going to change her mind. Not about the getting married part, but about the after the baby was born part. Whenever they talked about the big day, she’d get a “look” on her face and always rub her belly as if soothing the child. In fact, Steve was certain she was soothing herself. If she changed her mind and wanted to wed him before their child was born, he was all for it. He wasn’t going to suggest it, however. He didn’t want her to think he was pushing her into it because of the baby. It really made no difference to him because she was marrying him one way or another. She was his.

  For now, he wanted her to focus on herself and the baby. The little bugger still hadn’t spread his legs to determine his sex, but Steve was sure it was a boy. Though he already loved the child, the thought of having a girl gave him hives. Not because of the endless tea parties or her painting his toenails when he wasn’t looking. He’d have to kill any little boy who looked at her. Somehow, he was sure neither Elle nor his mother would approve of him torturing kindergarteners.

  His ringing cell pulled him out of his musings. A surge of satisfaction rolled through him when he saw Jezelle’s smiling face on the screen, indicating she was the caller. Yeah, she loved him.

  “Hi, ba--”

  “Where the fuck are you?” Uh oh. Jezelle never swore like that unless in a really really foul mood.

  Racking his brain, trying to remember if he was supposed to be someplace important he answered, “Where should I be?”

  “At the fucking hospital!” Her voice was nearly a screech now, as she gave a sharp cry. Was labor? No. It was too early. She still had four weeks to go according to the doctor.

  He heard a nurse in the background. “Just take a few deep breaths, Ms. Temple. The sooner you’re able to get control of the pain, the sooner we can give you the epidural.”

  Holy Christ! She was in labor!

  “Here,” Jezelle’s voice again. “Tell him what’s going on. All I know is the asshole should be here now!”

  “Is this Mr. Carver?” The female voice was calm, even cheerful sounding.

  “What’s going on? Is Jezelle all right? The baby?”

  “Everything is fine, Mr. Carver.”

  In the background he heard Elle scream, “No it’s not! There’s a little alien about to burst through my bellybutton and splatter my insides all over the fucking room! I want morphine!”

  Steve swallowed. This was it. This was really it. “Isn’t she too early?”

  “She’s at thirty-six weeks. Though we generally like to get them a little farther along, she’s technically full term. We’re not expecting any trouble.” There was a hesitation in the nurse’s voice. “Though you might want to bring along your marriage license if you have one. She’s kind of fixating on that.”

  Despite being worried, anxious, and excited, Steve chuckled. “I figured as much. Just had a feeling. Tell her I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  There was a pause while the nurse imparted the news while giving Elle back her phone. Steve knew better than to wait around. He’d long since put the marriage license in the glove compartment of his truck, anticipating needing it on short notice.

  “What do you mean it will take you ten minutes? What part of get here now did you not understand?”

  “Relax, baby, I’ll be there before they get your epidural started.”

  “You better be! And don’t tell me to relax, dammit!”

  He winced. “Poor choice of words. I’ll be there before you know it.”

  Steve knew better than to hang up before she did, so he kept the phone to his ear even as he drove the short distance to the hospital. Central Baptist Hospital was one of the best places in the state for babies. They did their best to make the experience of giving birth as pleasant as possible. Unfortunately, they’d never met anyone quite Jezelle. She didn’t quit berating him the entire way there, relaying the entire story of their rocky meeting for anyone and everyone in the room. And the hallway. And the entire floor. By the time Steve ran through the door—walking just wasn’t even an option—she’d managed to tell everyone what a sorry, no-good, rotten scoundrel he was. Not that he gave a damn--he was still grinning like a loon.

  Breathing hard, he asked with a cheery smile, “Did I miss anything?”


  “Imma beat the living shit outta you when I get outta this bed, mister,” Elle said through gritted teeth. “Where the hell have you been? And don’t give me any bullshit about not knowing. You’re supposed to know these things without me telling you! Aren’t you the father of my child?” She started to cry then. “Don’t you care about me at all?”

  “Aw, baby, you know I--”

  “Then stop acting like an ass and get over here and hold my fucking hand!” The tears dried instantly.

  He winced as a clergyman stuck his head in the door, opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and slowly backed out again. Oh, well. Steve supposed even the Chosen had their limits. Apparently a pint-sized, dark-skinned dancer in the grip of what looked to be a very hard labor currently spanking the big bad SEAL was this one’s. Steve couldn’t blame him. Not many would brave those waters. But he was a SEAL. And this was his woman. Not only would he brave them, he’d secretly take out his phone, record her rantings, and hold them over her head later. Like any other self-respecting husband would do.

  “Steve Carver.” His mother entered with her most stern expression. “Were you late to your own child’s birth?”

  “Uh, no, Mama. I made it just in time. “

  “I had to wait on him for over three hours!” Jezelle cried. “I waited and waited and he never showed up! Vivian, I had to call him to get him over here!”

>   “Right.” Steve rolled his eyes, winking at his mother. “Like I’m supposed to just magically know the baby was coming four weeks early.”

  “She’s absolutely right, Steve,” his mother said, looking down her nose at him. “What kind of man doesn’t know when his woman goes into labor early? You should be ashamed.”

  “Damned straight,” Elle sniffled. She still looked like she could happily throttle him, but at least she didn’t look murderous anymore. For now. Leave it to his mother to fix things yet again.

  “Are you still in pain, Miss Temple?” The nurse checked the monitor, then lay a washcloth on Elle’s forehead. “Sometimes the epidural doesn’t take evenly. Do you hurt on one side more than the other?”

  “No. My legs feel like they have on a big fuzzy set of sweatpants and I can’t move them though. I’m cold.”

  “Any ringing in your ears? Does your head feel funny?”

  “No.” She gripped Steve’s hand like a vise. If she wasn’t in pain, she was probably terrified. “I just need…” She trailed off, her gaze going to Steve’s. He smiled at her, squeezing her hand. “…a-a blanket,” she finished.

  “Of course.” The nurse smiled. “I’ll be right back.” She looked at Steve and Vivian. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let any of us know.”

  Jezelle was quiet for long moments. Steve simply held her hand, kissing her knuckles tenderly. There were questions, things he wanted to ask, but he didn’t dare break the silence lest she lose her mind again. At any other time, he’d have enjoyed goading her, but he knew she was a combination of hormones, pain, and anxiety right now.

  “Steve,” she said in a quiet voice. He had to lean in to hear her speak. He stroked her hair tenderly, watching for signs it irritated her more than soothed her.

  “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t want my baby to come into the world without her parents being married.” She looked up at him, her eyes swimming and wide with anxiety. “Can we get married now?”

  He almost laughed out loud. Thankfully, he’d known this was coming. Granted, this wasn’t the best place or time, but he couldn’t give two shits. What his woman wanted, his woman got.

  “I’ve got the marriage license right here,” he said, patting his jacket pocket. “I had a feeling you might want it that way.”

  She gave him a watery smile. “You’re such a good man.”

  “I thought I was a no-good scoundrel?” he teased, brushing a tear away from her cheek tenderly.

  Her eyes widened. “Who said that?” She tried to sit up, but he kept her down with one hand on her shoulder.

  Steve winked at his mother. “Just this nasty rumor going around. Do you seriously want me to get the staff minister? I’m sure he’d be happy to do whatever you want.”

  Elle nodded vigorously. “Please.” Her eyes widened as the monitor spiked. Her head snapped to the side, obviously trying to get a glimpse of the machine. “Oh, God,” she whispered.

  With a strained cry, she sat up partially in the bed, straining for all she was worth. Steve’s eyes widened. Oh, hell no.

  “I’ll get the nurse,” Vivian said. “You stay here, Steve. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Steve, I need to marry you nooowwwwww!”

  “Oh, dear,” the nurse said as she hurried into the room. She soothed Jezelle as best she could before checking her. “Okay, you need to do your best to relax. Don’t push. One of the other nurses is getting the doctor and I think your mother-in-law is getting the minister. Everything will be all right. Just don’t push again until the doctor gets here.”

  “How the hell am I not supposed to puuuuuuuuush!” Elle screamed as another strong contraction hit her despite the epidural.

  “Can you give her another dose of the medicine in the epidural?” Steve asked quietly, letting her grip his hand as hard as she needed to. Sweat beaded her upper lip and forehead. Steve used a wet cloth to dab at the moisture.

  “No. Dr. Watson likes his patients to feel the urge to push in order to ease the birthing process. It will be easier if her body tells her what to do instead of a monitor.”

  Steve kissed her hand, trying to take his cues from her as to what she wanted him to do. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her more distress.

  When Dr. Watson entered, he smiled. “Jane says you’re ready to have this baby, Miss Temple.”

  “I need the minister first,” she bit out between breaths. “I’ve got to marry Steve before the baby gets here.” Her eyes were large, wild looking. She was obviously beginning to panic.

  The doctor checked her then said, “Well, unless he gets here quickly, you’ll have to do it afterward. Your baby’s crowning.”

  “Nooooooo! Make it stop!” Elle turned wide eyes to Steve, pleading with him. “Steve, please help me!”

  “Baby, it’ll be okay. I swear to you, everything will be fine. Just do what the doctor tells you and get the baby here. Everything else will take care of itself.”

  Instantly, her demeanor and expression changed. “I said get the goddamned minister! Now!”

  “Yes, dear,” he replied, glancing at the doc. “I’ll be right--”

  “Don’t you dare leave me!” she yelled.

  “But how am I supposed--”

  “I don’t care! Just get him! But if you let go of my hand--”

  “There, there, dear.” Thankfully, Vivian entered the room, chaplain in tow. Steve had never been so glad to see his mother. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was trying to compensate for his own anxiety with humor, but seeing Elle so out of sorts was starting to affect him. The last thing he needed to happen was to get kicked out of the delivery room for yelling at someone. Jezelle would never forgive him, and his brothers would never let him live it down.

  “I can honestly say I’ve never performed a marriage at a delivery before.” The minister chuckled. “First time for everything.”

  “Whatever you intend to do, you’d better hurry,” Dr. Watson commented. “This baby will be here in a matter of minutes.”

  The minister turned to Steve. “Do you have a ring?”

  Steve smiled and pulled a small red box from his pants pocket. Thank goodness he’d remembered to bring it when he’d snagged the marriage license. Jezelle hadn’t let go of his hand. Hadn’t even loosened her grip.


  “Right breast pocket,” Steve said. Since Jezelle had a death grip on his left hand, Vivian had to extract the marriage license for him. Steve looked down at Jezelle’s anxious face and couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Just hold on a couple more minutes, baby.”

  She nodded tightly, her face pinched as the pain began to build again. Steve just wanted this over with. He hated seeing her suffer, even if it was to bring their child into the world.

  “Are there any vows you’d like to make to each other?” The chaplain was courteous, but Steve nearly snapped, “Get on with it!” Thankfully, Vivian answered for them.

  “We can do all that later. Right now, I think they’d just like to make it official. The baby is almost here.”

  “Very well,” he said. “Do you, Steve, take Jezelle as your wife?”

  Swallowing a sudden lump in his throat, Steve coughed into his hand once before answering, “I do.”

  “And Jezelle, do yo --”

  “Yes! I do! Could you please--”

  “Then by the power vested in me…”

  Before he could get the words out, Steve kissed Jezelle softly on the lips while he placed his ring on her finger. The fit was snug, but he could fix that later. Right now, he just needed Jezelle at ease enough to have the baby.

  “It’s done, baby,” Steve whispered next to her ear. “Now let’s see my boy.”

  With a scream of determination through clenched teeth, Jezelle halfway sat up in the bed and pushed with all her might. Several seconds later, Dr. Watson grinned. “That’s it, Elle. You’re doing great. I’ve cleaned ou
t the mouth and nose. One more big push oughta do it. Push!”

  She did. Steve was pretty sure the bones in his hand would be pulverized, but he didn’t care. If she needed, he provided. The nurse counted the seconds as Jezelle pushed. Ten seconds seemed like forever, but finally the doctor patted her knee.

  “All done. Give me a minute here.” There was movement below Jezelle as the doctor did, well, doctor stuff to the baby. Steve wanted to be there to see the baby, but Jezelle still had a death grip on his hand.

  “Is she all right? Is she breathing?”

  Just as she asked the question, the shrill cry of a baby split the air followed by Dr. Watson’s chuckle. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Carver.” He smiled as he handed Jezelle her child. “It’s a girl.”

  Jezelle laughed. And cried. Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The doc pronounced the child healthy and in possession of all her fingers and toes. Vivian just smiled as she patted the minister on the shoulder, thanking him for his services as she had him sign the marriage license before escorting him out.

  When Jezelle finally let Steve’s hand go, he collapsed into a nearby chair, feeling as shell-shocked as he’d ever felt in his life. A girl. He had a daughter. And she was absolutely gorgeous. Just like her mother.

  Jezelle smiled at him as she held their daughter. “I love you so much, Steve! Thank you for everything.”

  “Thank you for that dance,” he said softly.

  Then they both let themselves be absorbed in their new daughter. Life just didn’t get much better than this.




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