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1415: Henry V's Year of Glory

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by Mortimer, Ian

  PROME: Chris Given-Wilson (ed.), Parliamentary Rolls of Medieval England (CD ROM ed., Woodbridge, 2005).

  T. B. Pugh, Henry V and the Southampton Plot of 1415, Southampton Record Series (1988)

  T. B. Pugh, ‘The Southampton Plot of 1415’, in R. A. Griffiths and J. W. Sherborne (eds), Kings and Nobles in the Later Middle Ages: a Tribute to Charles Ross (Gloucester, 1986), pp. 62–89

  Carole Rawcliffe, Medicine and Society in Later Medieval England (1999)

  Henry Thomas Riley (ed.), Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde … chronica et annales, Rolls Series, 28 (1866)

  Henry Thomas Riley (ed.), Memorials of London and London Life in the XIIIth, XIVth and XVth Centuries (1888)

  Henry Thomas Riley (ed.), Thomae Walsingham Quondam Monachi S. Albani Historia Anglicana (2 vols, 1863–4)

  Clifford J. Rogers, ‘Henry V’s Military Strategy in 1415’, in Villalon and Kagay (eds), The Hundred Years War, pp. 399–428

  Paul Roubiczek and Joseph Kalmer, Warrior of God: the Life and Death of John Hus (1947)

  Owen Ruffhead (ed.), Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to the End of the Last Parliament in Eight Volumes, vol. 1 (1763)

  Thomas Rymer (ed.), Foedera, conventiones, literae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica (20 vols, 1704–35)

  S&I: Anne Curry (ed.), The Battle of Agincourt: Sources and Interpretations (Woodbridge, 2000)

  V J. Scattergood and J. W. Sherborne, English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages (1983)

  J. Simmons, ‘Mr Rowse’s Masterpiece’, National and English Review (January 1951), pp. 44–5

  Lucy Toulmin Smith (ed.), Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land made by Henry Earl of Derby … in the Years 1390–1 and 1392–3, Camden Society, New Series 52 (1894)

  Matthew Spinka, John Hus at the Council of Constance (New York, 1965)

  Matthew Spinka (ed.), The Letters of John Hus (Manchester, 1972)

  A. E. Stamp, ‘Richard II and the Death of the Duke of Gloucester’, EHR, 38 (1923), pp. 249–51

  A. E. Stamp, ‘Richard II and the Death of the Duke of Gloucester’, EHR, 47 (1932), p. 453.

  Jenny Stratford, ‘The Royal Library in England Before the Reign of Edward IV’, in Nicholas John Rogers (ed.), England in the Fifteenth Century: Proceedings of the 1992 Harlaxton Symposium (Stamford, 1994), pp. 187–197

  Jenny Stratford (ed.), The Lancastrian Court: Proceedings of the 2001 Harlaxton Symposium (Donington, 2003)

  Paul Strohm, England’s Empty Throne: Usurpation and the Language of Legitimation 1399–1422 (1998)

  P. and F. Strong, ‘The Last Will and Codicils of Henry V’, EHR, 96, pp. 79–102

  James Tait, ‘Did Richard II Murder the Duke of Gloucester?’, in T. F. Tout and James Tait (eds), Historical Essays by Members of the Owens College Manchester (1902)

  Frank Taylor, ‘The Chronicle of John Strecche for the Reign of Henry V, 1414–1422’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester, 16 (1932), pp. 137–87

  Frank Taylor and John S. Roskell (eds), Gesta Henrici Quinti: the Deeds of Henry the Fifth (Oxford, 1975)

  Testamenta Vetusta: Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas (ed.), Testamenta Vetusta: Illustrations from Wills of Manners, Customs, etc. from the Reign of Henry the Second to the Accession of Elizabeth I, vol. 1 (1826)

  TNA: The National Archives, Kew

  TTGME: Ian Mortimer, The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England (2008) Alexandre Tuetey (ed.), Journal de Nicolas de Baye, Greffier du Parlement de Paris 1400–1417, vol. 2 (Paris, 1888)

  J. A. Twemlow (ed.), Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters vol. 6: 1404–1415 (1904)

  Anthony Tuck, ‘The Earl of Arundel’s Expedition to France, 1411’, in Dodd and Biggs (eds), Rebellion and Survival, pp. 228–39

  Nicholas Upton, De Studio Militari (1654)

  M. G. A. Vale, English Gascony 1399–1453 (Oxford, 1970)

  Richard Vaughan, John the Fearless: the Growth of Burgundian Power (1966)

  Andrew L. J. Villalon and Donald J. Kagay (eds), The Hundred Years War (Leiden, 2004)

  J. Webb (ed.), ‘A Translation of a French Metrical History’, Archaeologia, 20 (1824), pp. 13–239

  Ralph Willett, ‘Memoir on British Naval Architecture’, Archaeologia, 11, pp. 154–99

  C. M. Woolgar, The Senses in Medieval England (2006)

  James Hamilton Wylie, A History of England under Henry the Fourth (4 vols, 1884–98)

  James Hamilton Wylie and William Templeton Waugh, The Reign of Henry the Fifth (Cambridge, 3 vols, 1914–29)


  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  Abbeville 391, 392, 400–2, 405–6

  Abergavenny 242, 315, 513

  Abergavenny, Lord see Beauchamp, Richard

  Aberystwyth 27–8, 37, 39, 67–9

  Acclane, John 301

  Acheux 417, 419

  Adimari, Alamanno (1362–1422), called ‘the cardinal of Pisa’ (1411) 185

  Agincourt, battle of 2, 60, 352, 425–58, 464–5, 471, 474–5, 494, 501, 504, 508, 510, 514–6, 521–3, 526, 530–2, 536; as an ‘unplanned’ battle 525; enhances English standing abroad 548; implications for John the Fearless 456–7, 462–3, 494; Mass for the casualties of 483, 492; negotiations prior to combat 434–5, 600; news of, reaches London 445, 459; numbers of soldiers at 380, 420–3, 550, 564–6, 593, 596, 597; numbers of casualties 450–1, 455, 458–9, 601; prisoners, killing of 447–53, 458, 519, 536, 601; prisoners, treatment of after the battle 455–6, 471–2, 490–1, 498, 530, 542; treatment of soldiers after the battle 457, 461–2, 475–6, 484, 499, 514, 534; victory as a vindication of Henry’s decisions 457, 462, 470, 475–6, 514, 543, 544, 546–9

  Agincourt, Isambard d’ 444, 448, 458

  Ailly, Pierre d’ (d. 1420), called ‘the cardinal of Cambrai’ (1411) 157, 185, 223

  Aire 456

  Albano, cardinal bishop of see Orsini

  Albany, duke of see Stewart, Robert

  Albret, Charles d’ (d. 1415), constable of France 414; at Agincourt 428–9, 455, 458, 494; attacks the English after landing 345; attends the royal council 215; challenges Henry to do battle 413; commands 1,500 men at Honfleur 327; commands army north of the Somme 399, 401–2, 405–6, 410; difficulties organising the defence of France 168–9; during siege of Harfleur 345, 359–61; place in the French battle plans 400, 415, 428; seals treaty with Thomas of Lancaster 31; writes to the duke of Brabant 412

  Alderford 256

  Alderman, Nicholas 505

  Aldgate see London

  Alençon, duke of see John of Alençon

  Alenton, Lord d’ 98

  Alexander V (d. 1410), pope (Pisa, 1409) 49, 58

  Alfonso V (1396–1458), king of Aragon (1416) 466

  Aliceholt 221

  alien priories 61, 71, 99, 137, 198

  Allmand, Christopher, historian 519, 520, 522

  Alnwick, William, hermit in Westminster Abbey 36, 123

  Amanieu de Madaillan, Guillaume, lord of Lesparre and Rauzan 207

  Amberly 589

  Amiens 9, 215, 344, 405–6, 423, 447

  Amiens, bailiff of 367

  Ancona 517

  Ancre 416–18

  Ancre, River 417

  Andever, David 202

  Andreu, Jean, secretary of the king of France 147–8, 166

  Angennes, Reginald d’ 484

  Angle, Sir Guiscard d’ 371

  Angoulême, count of see John

  Anjou, county of 18, 40, 117, 277

  Anjou, duke of see Louis

  Anne of Bohemia (1366–1394), queen of England (1382) 35

  Anquetonville, Raoul d’ (d. 1413), assassin 8, 365

  anthems 135; We praise you, O Lord 461; Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord 480; Gloria Laus et Honor 126; Te De
um Laudamus

  Anthony of Burgundy (1384–1415), duke of Brabant (1406) 9, 78, 88, 116, 412, 416, 417, 419, 423, 426, 430, 443–4, 447–9, 453, 455, 458, 460, 463, 601

  Anthony the gunner 67

  Antioch, patriarch of see Maroux

  Antwerp 417

  apothecaries 50

  Appuldurcombe 71

  Aquitaine; duchy of 40, 117–8, 182, 188, 192, 208, 280; see also Gascony; duke of (English title) see Henry V; duke of (French title) see Louis, dauphin of France

  Aragon 86, 103, 106, 289; king of see Ferdinand; kingdom of 81, 465

  archers, English 390, 515; arraying of 189, 201, 287; at Agincourt 427, 431–442, 444, 451, 452, 454, 456, 536; at Saint-Cloud (1411) 16, 174, 335, 422, 436, 568; attacking Harfleur 345, 348, 379; Cheshire 135, 324, 606; clerical 201; cost of 27, 79, 95, 234; defending Calais 64, 80, 156; defending English coast 70, 79, 94–5, 156, 170; defending Harfleur 389; defending Scottish Marches 79, 104, 156, 170, 192; defending Wales 79, 96, 156, 192; in Edward III’s army see Edward III; number on Agincourt campaign 216, 324, 390, 421–2, 424, 560–6; on march to Agincourt 390, 407–8, 411, 420; organisation of 331, 422, 427; rate of shooting 216; recruitment of 247, 250; serving in lords’ companies 159, 172–3, 212, 224, 320, 379, 388; status of 422; treatment after Agincourt 461, 484, 544

  archers, French 215, 217, 328, 344, 347, 351, 355, 399, 400, 402, 417, 421, 422, 565; crossbowmen 123, 217, 328, 344, 347, 402, 405, 417, 422, 429, 430, 437, 449, 451, 565, 599

  archery 135, 217; arrows 216, 217, 218, 300, 301, 325, 362, 440, 441, 445, 451, 497, 536, 585; crossbows 23, 222, 329, 345, 348, 352, 402, 405, 422, 439, 449; longbows 41, 135, 173, 217, 287, 300, 301, 325, 422, 436, 457, 525

  Ardres 459

  Argilly 350, 376

  Armagnac, count of see Bernard

  Armagnac, Jehanne d’, lady of Lesparre and Rauzan 207, 208, 512

  Armagnacs 12, 14–18, 30–1, 53–4, 102, 107, 130, 168, 182, 280, 347, 368, 381, 388, 430, 446, 457, 462–3, 475, 485, 490, 507, 565

  armour 40–1, 48, 88, 92, 95, 115, 118, 147, 189, 215, 217, 255, 287, 297, 300, 333, 387, 388, 405, 410, 417, 427, 432, 434, 438–41, 443, 445, 451, 453–6, 458, 480, 497, 543

  Arques 396, 397, 398, 402, 597

  Airaines 405

  Arras 53, 568; bishop of see Porée, Martin; Peace of 53, 78, 102, 106, 116, 292, 305, 351, 535; Arras work see tapestries

  arrows see archers and archery

  Arthur (1393–1458), count of Richemont, later duke of Brittany (1457) 400, 412, 415, 423, 427–8, 430, 446, 453, 459, 460, 491, 501, 530, 599

  Arthur, legendary king of Britain 35, 36, 445

  Artois 396, 413, 464

  Arundel Castle 395, 396

  Arundel, earl of see Fitzalan

  Arundel, Joan (d. 1419), countess of Hereford (1361) 502

  Arundel, Sir John (d. 1379), Lord Maltravers (1377) 214, 316

  Arundel, Sir John, sheriff of Devon 492

  Arundel, Sir Richard (d. 1419), chamber knight 93, 192

  Arundel, Thomas (d. 1413), bishop of Ely (1373–88), archbishop of York (1388–96), archbishop of Canterbury (1396–7, 1399–1414), chancellor (1386–9, 1391–6, 1407–10, 1412–3) 13, 403, 570

  Assent, Roger, forester of Cank Forest 128

  astrolabes 29, 46, 86, 118, 270, 274–5, 280

  astrology 29, 32, 86, 269, 274–5, 297, 353

  Athelstan (d. 939), king of England (924) 258

  Athies 412, 415

  Aubigny 413, 417, 418

  Auncell, Nicholas, royal messenger 96

  Austria 80; duke of see Frederick

  Authie, River 419

  Auxerre 17

  Avignon 49, 76

  Avre River 408

  Axholme Priory (Charterhouse) 101

  Azincourt see Agincourt

  Bacqueville, seigneur de see Martel, Guillaume

  Badby, John (d. 1410), heretic 37, 342

  Bagot, Sir William (d. 1407) 553

  Bailleul-en-Vimeu 403

  Balyngham Castle 233

  Bamburgh Castle 192

  Bangor, bishop of see Nicolls, Benedict

  Bar, duke of see Edward of Bar

  Bar, Robert of see Robert of Bar

  Barbazan, seigneur de 494

  barber, royal 158

  Bardolph, Sir William (d. 1423), lieutenant of Calais 391, 392

  barges see ships

  Bari, cardinal of see Maramaldo

  Basel 157, 167

  Basin, Thomas (1412–1491), chronicler, bishop of Lisieux (1447) 448

  Baskerville, John, of Herefordshire 189

  Basset, Peter, chronicler 446

  Bath and Wells, bishop of see Bubwith

  Bath, Order of the see Order of the Bath

  Baugé, battle of (1421) 518

  Bavaria, duke of see Ludwig

  Bayonne, ships of see ships

  Beauchamp, Isabel (1400–39), Lady Beauchamp of Abergavenny (1411) 576

  Beauchamp, Philip 333

  Beauchamp, Richard (1382–1439), earl of Warwick (1401), captain of Calais (1414) 29, 64–6, 113, 149, 161–2, 183, 226, 242, 296, 383–4, 391, 403, 483, 552, 572, 573, 583, 592

  Beauchamp, Richard (c. 1397–1422), Lord Beauchamp of Abergavenny (1411), later earl of Worcester (1421) 93, 242, 315, 513, 576

  Beauchamp, Sir Walter (d. 1430), Speaker of the House of Commons 488

  Beauchamp, Sir William 243

  Beauchamp, Thomas 333

  Beaufort 117, 118

  Beaufort, Henry (d. 1447), bishop of Lincoln (1398–1404), bishop of Winchester (1404), chancellor (1403–5, 1413–17), later Cardinal (1426) 148, 214, 241, 287, 322, 339, 390, 445, 517–8, 546, 557, 587, 592; allowance paid to him for attending council meetings 165; ambassador in discussions with France 260–2, 264–6, 268, 275–7; chancellor of the University of Oxford 25, 570; character of 33; commissioned to array the clergy 200–1; commissioned to investigate Southampton 63; commissioned to oversee crown jewels 200; commissioned to remedy reform of St Werbergh’s, Chester 258; hears news of Agincourt 460; lends money to the king 226; named in Henry’s will 296, 298; named in Lord Scrope’s will 254; negotiates with envoys from the Teutonic Knights 236, 241, 249, 252–3, 258–9, 279; opposition to Thomas of Lancaster and Archbishop Arundel 13, 30; royal councillor 79, 145, 147, 149, 151, 156, 195–6, 282, 462, 486–7; seeking loans 120–1, 243; speeches in parliament 41, 169, 467–9, 473; support for Prince Henry against his father 13, 15; trustee of royal estates 243, 291, 298

  Beaufort, Henry (1401–1418), earl of Somerset (1410) 291, 590

  Beaufort, Joan (d. 1440), countess of Westmorland (1396) 178, 499

  Beaufort, John (d. 1410), earl of Somerset (1397), marquis of Dorset (1397–9) 30, 291

  Beaufort, Thomas (d. 1426), earl of Dorset (1412), chancellor (1410–11), later duke of Exeter (1416) 259, 316, 591; ambassador in discussions with France 68, 78, 98, 130–1, 260, 573, 575; campaigning in France in 1412 16; campaigning in Gascony in 1414 39, 155, 207; character of 33; constable of the army 340, 346; Knight of the Garter 161, 580; lieutenant of Harfleur 371, 372, 383, 390, 394, 487, 603; named in Henry’s will 296, 298; named in Lord Scrope’s will 254; negotiator at siege of Harfleur 363; owed money by Henry 91; paid for his services in Gascony; raising ships for Henry 122, 146, 200; returns to England 492; royal councillor 79, 147, 149, 152, 195, 557; trustee of royal estates 138, 243, 291, 298

  Beaulieu 198, 304, 496; abbot of 66

  Beaune 409

  Bedford, duke of see John of Lancaster

  Benedict IX, pope (1032–44, 1045, 1047–8) 51

  Benedict XIII (c. 1328–1423), pope (Avignon, 1394), previously known as Pedro de Luna 10, 49, 91, 92, 108, 140, 141, 186, 225, 237, 284, 351, 465, 466, 478, 496, 505, 517

  Benefeld, Peter 183, 235–6, 241–2, 249, 252–3, 258–9, 261, 279, 283, 495

  Benet, George, cordwainer of London 172

  Benet, John 222

  Benham, Robert 405

, Lord see Beauchamp, Richard

  Berkeley, Sir John (1351–1428) of Beverstone 63

  Berkeley, Thomas (1353–1417), Lord Berkeley (1361) 156, 242

  Berkhamsted Castle 179, 260

  Berkshire 253

  Berle, Jean du 274

  Bernard of Armagnac (1360–1418), count of Armagnac (1391, constable of France (1415) 11, 31, 494, 495, 506, 508

  Berry, duke of see John

  Berwick on Tweed 38, 79, 169, 229, 247, 490, 503; Castle 60, 79, 179, 194, 543

  Bethencourt 410, 412

  Béthune, River 396

  Beverley 53, 72, 255

  Beville, John 193

  Biefville, seigneur de la 392

  Bilney, John 495

  Bishop’s Waltham 283, 291, 590

  Black Death, the 101

  Black Rod 407, 489

  Blanche of Lancaster (1392–1409), daughter of Henry IV 235

  Blanche of Lancaster (d. 1368), duchess of Lancaster (1362) 241, 483

  Blanchetaque 385, 392, 397–402, 406, 408, 418, 437, 531, 535, 599

  Blangy-sur-Ternoise 419–21

  Blase, Thomas, steward of Lord Scrope 461–2

  Blaye 183

  Bliton, John, clerk of Lord Scrope 253, 462

  Blois 18

  Blount, John 597

  Bocquiaux, seigneur de 494

  Bodmin, friars of 288

  Bohemia 52, 57, 59, 62, 186, 189, 208–9, 218, 223, 229, 271, 381–2

  Bohun, Humphrey (1342–1373), earl of Hereford (1361) 304

  Bohun, Joan (d. 1419), dowager countess of Hereford 296, 499, 538

  Bohun, Mary (c. 1369–1394), countess of Derby (1381) 25, 30, 538–9

  Boisgilon, Philippe de (d. 1418), bishop of Chartres (1415) 504

  Boisratier, Guillaume (d. 1421?), archbishop of Bourges (1409), chancellor of the duke of Berry 52, 68, 148, 215, 244, 259–60, 262–6, 268, 277–8, 300, 585, 589

  Bokeland, Richard 354

  Bolingbroke 130

  Bolingbroke, Henry of see Henry IV

  Bolton, William, king’s messenger 96, 160

  bonfires 175, 253, 256, 427, 428

  Bonnières 419

  books 25, 118, 273, 280, 288, 358, 527; About the Church by Jan Hus 219, 227; Book of the Chase by Gaston Phoebus 554; Brut (chronicle) 89, 132, 133, 181, 432; Chronica Maiora by Thomas Walsingham 132, 204, 307; Chronicque de la Traïson et Mort de Richart Deux Roy Dengleterre 554; Codex Justinianus 109, 213; De Regimine Principum by Giles of Rome 541; for Sheen Priory 137; Gesta Henrici Quinti 154, 314, 326, 337, 345–6, 362, 375, 386, 394, 397–8, 404–5, 410–12, 414–15, 420–1, 424, 429, 435, 438, 449, 453, 479, 482–3, 560, 562–5, 606; Iliad by Homer 97; Incendium Amoris by Richard Rolle 254; Judice me Deus by Richard Rolle 254; Justification… by Petit see separate entry; Liber Metricus by Thomas Elmham 131; Lantern of Light by John Grime 110, 111, 334, 340; Revelations of St Bridget 151, 254; theological 66


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